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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Has anyone tried Google Earth?
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06/28/2005 02:19:27 PM · #1
Here is the link. Google Earth. Try it, it's free and gives great satellite resolution. Take a look at Mt. St. Helen's.
06/28/2005 02:24:25 PM · #2
I heard some areas are low res to prevent terrorists from using the images.
06/28/2005 02:39:52 PM · #3
Yeah, the top of the White House is blocked out.
06/28/2005 02:44:17 PM · #4
Is that the same as this?


Just click satelite.

Message edited by author 2005-06-28 14:46:46.
06/28/2005 02:53:55 PM · #5
06/28/2005 03:05:26 PM · #6
Terraserver doesn't require an install.
06/28/2005 03:10:06 PM · #7
oops, hit quote on eddy instead of edit on mine above...

meant to type that terraserver used to be good, seems to be junk now...

i have a killer headache, must be a weather front coming thru soon

Message edited by author 2005-06-28 15:36:51.
06/28/2005 03:21:32 PM · #8
Originally posted by Tom2898:

Yeah, the top of the White House is blocked out.

Yeah, because nobody knows what the top of the White House looks like... ;)
06/28/2005 03:29:43 PM · #9
This was "KeyHole" before Google bought it. I downloaded it then and had a lot of fun with it. I discovered that the image of the high school that my son attends was captured as a small corporate jet was flying over it on approach to the local airport -- it shows up in baseball diamond :)

It's a pretty cool program for sure. I'd like to see more coverage though.

06/28/2005 03:46:41 PM · #10
Looks like they do some resampling in the aerial imagery in the National Map too. //nmviewogc.cr.usgs.gov

06/28/2005 03:50:07 PM · #11
You can flyby and zoom with terrain mapping. Nice for a free program. Here is a screen print of Mt. St.Helen's

06/28/2005 03:58:26 PM · #12
Coming soon - Pictometry Selected by Microsoft to Provide Unique Aerial Images for MSN Virtual Earth - //www.pictometry.com/pressrelease/msft.asp

Pictometry imagery is pretty cool, the organization I work for is getting it for our county.

Other sites to check out for aerial or satellite imagery:
Aerials Express

Message edited by author 2005-06-28 16:08:58.
07/13/2005 10:20:25 AM · #13
Need a little help running Google_Earth...

I downloaded and installed the program and checked the "Launch Program" box immediately from the install. Ran great, lots of fun. But when I come back later, there isn't an icon or shortcut from which to restart the program. Going to the googleEarth website I only see the Download option which I've already done. And I'm on a PC in the breakroom at work on which the SEARCH options etc. have been disabled... any suggestions on how to get this program running again without re-downloading?
07/13/2005 11:49:59 AM · #14
Originally posted by 4N4M:

Need a little help running Google_Earth...

I downloaded and installed the program and checked the "Launch Program" box immediately from the install. Ran great, lots of fun. But when I come back later, there isn't an icon or shortcut from which to restart the program. Going to the googleEarth website I only see the Download option which I've already done. And I'm on a PC in the breakroom at work on which the SEARCH options etc. have been disabled... any suggestions on how to get this program running again without re-downloading?

If your using winXP right click on your desktop and click new.
It will bring up a box that says browse. Browse for google earth on your hard drive. It loaded mine here: "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth Plus\GoogleEarth.exe" and should of loaded yours the same unless you specified differently. Then just follow instructions for making a new Icon.

Message edited by author 2005-07-13 11:51:04.
07/13/2005 11:56:59 AM · #15
Let's keep all the discussion in one place:
07/13/2005 11:57:30 AM · #16
Thanks Scott. It would work if the powers that be didn't also have the right-click function inhibited :l) With all the folks I work with, it's understandable. I'll check with the web boss when I run into him and get him to create a shortcut for me so that I can 'browse' the earth like a spirit from the heavens... that google-earth is a trip! Thanks again, Ray
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