Author | Thread |
06/29/2005 05:26:28 PM · #76 |
Ok...I've chilled out, so...never mind. ;^)
Message edited by author 2005-06-29 21:49:53.
06/29/2005 05:26:43 PM · #77 |
But what if you can't buy this brand new, it was just kept in good condition? |
06/29/2005 05:28:23 PM · #78 |
Originally posted by tmorninglory96: But what if you can't buy this brand new, it was just kept in good condition? |
For this challenge I would consider it obsolete.
06/29/2005 05:31:58 PM · #79 |
too bad most people don't see it that way. I had someone say they couldn't give me a better score unless it was proven that my subject was obsolete. Maybe they still use this item where they live, but this particular one hasn't been used for years and years!!! Hope I didn't give too much away!! Naw! |
06/29/2005 05:36:24 PM · #80 |
Originally posted by papagei: It is not broken, but just not used any more by those who used to use such things...can't be more specific without giving it away. Obsolete and broken are not the same thing, but this challenge encompasses both.
Now the Leading Lines I was disappointed in. In far too many, the lines were the subject and not what theyr were supposed to be - "leading" the eye to the subject! |
Okay, I am confused here. You want to be all encompassing in the Obsolete Challenge, yet limiting in the leading lines challenge?
No where in the description of leading lines does it state that the lines should lead to a subject. Lines can also lead a viewer into or through the image. These would also be called leading lines.
If you are going to complain, please be consistent.
d, who is SOOOO glad she passed on this one. :)
06/29/2005 06:09:36 PM · #81 |
Originally posted by tmorninglory96: too bad most people don't see it that way. I had someone say they couldn't give me a better score unless it was proven that my subject was obsolete. Maybe they still use this item where they live, but this particular one hasn't been used for years and years!!! Hope I didn't give too much away!! Naw! |
I had to do a rethink when I reread the challenge definition. Originally I was applying a strict definition of the word obsolete.
Good luck.
06/29/2005 06:15:36 PM · #82 |
Well, this was my first ever entry in a challenge. So far, my photo is averaging a 4.3. Considering the fact that I have not a real good idea of what I am doing, the votes are higher than I expected. It is fun, though, and am looking for circles now. |
06/29/2005 06:17:47 PM · #83 |
Originally posted by apprentice: Well, this was my first ever entry in a challenge. So far, my photo is averaging a 4.3. Considering the fact that I have not a real good idea of what I am doing, the votes are higher than I expected. It is fun, though, and am looking for circles now. |
That's the right attitude!
There's nothing more you can do for the old one anyway. Just use what you've learned so far to make the next one better.
Message edited by author 2005-06-29 18:18:16. |
06/29/2005 06:25:09 PM · #84 |
I am of the opinion that I am either way too generous in my scoring, or my photos really suck........... I have finally reached the apex...... this is the VERY LAST competition I am entering.
I will stay in the shadows and learn........obviously I need to learn lots. |
06/29/2005 06:25:13 PM · #85 |
I can't believe how narrow-minded people are on this site when it comes to these challenges. Just because my entry is in a 'landscape' i have had a couple of 'bagheads' ask what it has to do with the challenge..... maybe if they took the 'bag' off their heads they might actually see what is in the photo, and read it and appreciate the photo for what it is and not critise people for at least having a go, just because a photo may not be your taste doesn't mean it's not good for the challange..... my photo actually fits the challenge on every level, unlike other entry's i have put in... it's so annoying.... i will thank the other voters though for their great comments... i enjoy your point of view and critic's.
and it still amazes me how my entry's can go from high 6's to the mid 4's after these so called critics have come in and tryed to 'read' how i have perceived my thoughts... gee if more people actually took the time to look at the photos, we may actually get something going here, not just browse it and rate it low because the subject is not taking up the whole space, we'll leave that up to the macro challenge.
Message edited by author 2005-06-29 18:29:05.
06/29/2005 06:35:12 PM · #86 |
Originally posted by RayEthier: I am of the opinion that I am either way too generous in my scoring, or my photos really suck........... I have finally reached the apex...... this is the VERY LAST competition I am entering.
I will stay in the shadows and learn........obviously I need to learn lots. |
Ray, I hope you aren't serious. I learn from every competition, and you wouldn't know it , because my scores are not going up, yet. To me, it's worth entering, even if I score poorly, just to get the feedback. And don't forget photography should make you happy. If you enjoy it, that's what counts. |
06/29/2005 06:54:21 PM · #87 |
I think the difficulty in this challenge is that an item can be obsolete to one person and still being in use by somebody else.
I for one live way out in open country, we don't have cv, still burning a coalstove and a woodstove in winter, we got cooking gaz just a few years ago (used bottled gaz until then) and we use very 'oldfashioned-obsolete?- tools' around our little farm. We often use our oil lamps in stead of electric light and still walk on wooden shoes (I'm Dutch) around the house.
Not too long ago I used to cut the grass with a scyth and we make our own sauerkraut and wine. When making apple sauce I use a very old half mechanic tool to peel the apples.
I've read this thread and many other threads in the different challenges and what bothers me the most is the repeating negative attitude towards the submissions. The ' I'll vote low if they don't....etc. etc.', 'You'll get hammered if you...etc. etc.', 'the voters won't like it if you...etc. etc., 'this is the way I vote..basta', are thrown around so very easily.
What's the matter with you all. (well, exceptions excluded)
Photographers are crying out for constructive comments, then why don't each of you vote your 20% with good comments, in stead of thinking you're an hero if you vote all entries, but forgetting the main purpose: commenting, so that all can learn from each other when reading the comments after the challenge is done.
Ok, I'm done venting and I'm going to start voting/commenting my 20% the best way I know. Yes, I'll do my best and that's all I can do because, like the majority here, I'm just an amateur in photography, but my study for teacher in Textile Art in my young days, gives me a little insight to composition and such, so at least I have something to vote for.
Message edited by author 2005-06-29 19:03:27.
06/29/2005 07:01:53 PM · #88 |
Personally, I think it's amazing how fanatical people are getting over the rules for the obsolete challenge. Here is what it says, "Take a picture of something that has outlived its usefulness. It could be old technology, broken, discarded, outgrown, forgotten - anything. Exception: people (alive or dead) are not to be the main subject." The key phrase is "TAKE A PICTURE OF SOMETHING THAT HAS OUTLIVED ITS USEFULNESS." I'm seeing too many people that are hung up on "it's got to be broken! and 'it needs to be discarded!'" Those adjectives are just there to help us formulate ideas...they aren't specific guidelines or rules.
I'm also amazed at how people associate "size" with "main subject." Is it just me or can a smaller element of a picture still be considered the main subject??? I have a person in my obsolete entry...but the person is not the main subject. However, the comments I am getting make me think that people either 1) don't read the rules very carefully, and/or 2) they only associate "main subject" with size...not content.
06/29/2005 07:03:31 PM · #89 |
Originally posted by Jutilda: Papa- how do you know how I rated THIS challenge ? Or are you talking of Metal? I thought you couldn't see the person voting until it was over
Judy |
Your name is listed as commenter unless you check off to hide it during voting - in your prefs.
I was so happy to get your comments because I really like this photo. You seem to see what I saw when I took it - and still see now. That means a lot - that I actually communicated what I wanted to! So thanks again :)
06/29/2005 07:10:10 PM · #90 |
I don't mind comments telling me my photo is bad, and what could be corrected...but I have one on this challenge that talks bad about the photo "FOR" meeting the challenge. Saying oh yeah..everyone knows that the subject is obsolete...and what was your purpose taking a picture of it! I mean give me a freakin break!!!!! I'd rather you just say the picture sucks and move on..but knock the photo for actually meeting the challenge is just wrong!
06/29/2005 07:14:03 PM · #91 |
I think people need to thtink a bit harder on this challenge than most. Some things are not obsolete as in you can't buy them anymore - just obsolete to the situation photographed.
For example, a window obviously isnt obsolete all encompassing - we all (i should hope!) use our windows every day. But if it is clearly in an abandoned house, with no glass, the window is clearly obsolete in the situation photographed.
"something that has outlived its usefullness". Not something you cant buy anymore. There is a big difference.
A babies booties that belonged to grandad have out lived thier usefulness, but that doesnt mean you can't drive to wall mart and buy a pair.
An egg shell has outlived its usefullness once you crack the egg, doesn't mean that all eggs are forever obsolete.
Now i might be ranting because my picture falls into the "obsolete in photographed situation" catagory (and i have been on a rollarcoaster from low 6 to high 4's all day) - but thats what the challenge asked us to photograph.
Really look at the picture when you vote and consider the whole image, not just one object.
06/29/2005 07:14:58 PM · #92 |
Originally posted by Truegsht: I don't mind comments telling me my photo is bad, and what could be corrected...but I have one on this challenge that talks bad about the photo "FOR" meeting the challenge. Saying oh yeah..everyone knows that the subject is obsolete...and what was your purpose taking a picture of it! I mean give me a freakin break!!!!! I'd rather you just say the picture sucks and move on..but knock the photo for actually meeting the challenge is just wrong! |
I didn't leave the comment but I think I know what they may have ment. Sometimes people tend to go out and take a photo of something that meets the challenge, but forget to go out and take a really nice art worthy photo that meets the challenge.
06/29/2005 07:17:34 PM · #93 |
In the interest of lightening things up...
Could someone tell me how a dead person could have outlived his/her usefulness?
=o |
06/29/2005 07:19:49 PM · #94 |
no..they said the subject was obsolete and everyone knew it..but then asked why would I photograph such a thing because everyone already knew it was obsolete. The whole comment made no sense at all to me...and was a little rude to make a statement in the way that they did. I'm not going to quote them in the forums...but what they said was..IMO...STUPID!
06/29/2005 07:20:32 PM · #95 |
Originally posted by dahkota: Originally posted by papagei: It is not broken, but just not used any more by those who used to use such things...can't be more specific without giving it away. Obsolete and broken are not the same thing, but this challenge encompasses both.
Now the Leading Lines I was disappointed in. In far too many, the lines were the subject and not what theyr were supposed to be - "leading" the eye to the subject! |
Okay, I am confused here. You want to be all encompassing in the Obsolete Challenge, yet limiting in the leading lines challenge?
No where in the description of leading lines does it state that the lines should lead to a subject. Lines can also lead a viewer into or through the image. These would also be called leading lines.
If you are going to complain, please be consistent.
d, who is SOOOO glad she passed on this one. :) |
For Obsolete, I am going by what was posted as a description of the challenge, by DPCHallenge.
For Leading Lines, I took my definition of this compositional technique from here:
and it states:
Another compositional technique to create energy and movement in a photograph is the use of leading lines. Whether they are graceful curves or dynamic diagonals, all lines should lead the viewer's eye to the focal point.
I think I am consistent.
06/29/2005 07:22:59 PM · #96 |
I think that the voter needs to be staight and inform (Comment) that they believe the photo does not comply, why and then penalize with a 1.
I did that and had feedback. The item in question was in fact a very outdate ancient well kept ******* and I could go back and revote the photo. Its really simple.
Most know they are out of the challenge scope and accept it.
In fact I would rather have someone comment and tell me this sucks, before they leave it and I think its ok. You need to be cruel to be kind sometimes. |
06/29/2005 07:27:47 PM · #97 |
Why are so many people against celebrating the variety and diversity of creative expression the challenges elicit?
This is not an audition, where we all play the same piece, and whoever plays it best gets to be in the band.
This is supposed to be a site where we expand both our creative and technical skills in the medium of photography, through a mechanism of mutual feedback.
To me, applying ultra-strict/literalistic interpretations to the challenge topics -- especially in the face of explicit wording contravening that interpretation-- seems to run counter to that basic purpose of the site.
I pretty much assume that every photo meets the challenge in some way -- I then judge how effectively this was accomplished. But I will tend to reward an original, perhaps oblique tie-in to the topic, for the extra thought and/or inspiration which went into presenting me a unique and thought-provoking image, and not just another three pears* in a bowl, whereas it seems a lot of people apply a penalty for those same quality.
I'm certainly not saying people can't/shouldn't give low votes, I just don't think the lack of an in-your-face presentation of a literal interpretation of the topic should (by itself) cause it to be trashed in the voting.
*(No offense -- I actually appreciate a well-done still-life too!) |
06/29/2005 07:31:49 PM · #98 |
I've said in other forums that people are so hung up with semantics. "outliving it's usefulness" can pertain to a roll of toilet paper for goodness sakes, people. Ease up and enjoy looking at other people's creativity (or lack thereof as the case may be). If the photograph is interesting, well shot, or whatever, then go with it. Quit overanalyzing it and making it fit into what YOU think something means. Geez.
I had a young photographer comment that she didn't get it and I dropped her a quick note and (wasn't mad or defensive) explained how it meant "obsolete" to me. AUGHHHHHHHH
I think we could have a challenge entitled "GREEN" and people would argue that chartreuse and olive are not green, but variations on it. Maybe it's the nature of creative people. But I just wish "meeting the challenge" wasn't such a controversial issue. Judy |
06/29/2005 07:36:04 PM · #99 |
Originally posted by mesmeraj: I think people need to thtink a bit harder on this challenge than most. Some things are not obsolete as in you can't buy them anymore - just obsolete to the situation photographed.
For example, a window obviously isnt obsolete all encompassing - we all (i should hope!) use our windows every day. But if it is clearly in an abandoned house, with no glass, the window is clearly obsolete in the situation photographed.
"something that has outlived its usefullness". Not something you cant buy anymore. There is a big difference.
A babies booties that belonged to grandad have out lived thier usefulness, but that doesnt mean you can't drive to wall mart and buy a pair.
An egg shell has outlived its usefullness once you crack the egg, doesn't mean that all eggs are forever obsolete.
Now i might be ranting because my picture falls into the "obsolete in photographed situation" catagory (and i have been on a rollarcoaster from low 6 to high 4's all day) - but thats what the challenge asked us to photograph.
Really look at the picture when you vote and consider the whole image, not just one object. |
you know... i sit here today and am wondering why on earth we all stay.... i mean i have heard so often on this site after a challenge has started ' i didn't enter this one because i knew i'd get hammered' or ' i knew this one would be too hard with the voters'.. E.T.C we've all read what we say. Every single time there is a challenge posted immediatley someone starts a thread wanting it explained....are some of us really that stupid... the challange requierments are generally only a few words long, if these people are having trouble with understanding what is required before the voting starts, gee what happens after voting starts.... YES all this stuff... gosh.. i think i'll stop with the challenges and just enjoy the other aspects of the site that i do enjoy as i have made some wonderful friends here.....
i often here the professional photographers from this site say they get such low marks... well guy's that is because you are the 'true artist's'.. and the majority of the amatures here have no idea about a fantastic artistic piece of work, and tend to give you low marks for it...which i think is so wrong, i stated that i was going to give up the challenges... i think these so called 'ameatures' should give up voting for a while and leave it to the people that actually care about all different tastes, and then lets see how the voting goes.....
Message edited by author 2005-06-29 19:48:45.
06/29/2005 07:44:15 PM · #100 |
Originally posted by Jutilda: I've said in other forums that people are so hung up with semantics. "outliving it's usefulness" can pertain to a roll of toilet paper for goodness sakes, people. |
Although in this era of re-use and recycling, you'll find many uses for finished toilet-paper rolls ... ask any pre-school. |
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