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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Serious Lack of Tunage...
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07/01/2005 01:49:03 AM · #1
Ok, I've got a serious tunage deficiency going on at the moment, and I can't decide what to listen to. So, the first person with a suggestion of something that I have on hand...WINS !!!woohooooo........
07/01/2005 01:52:34 AM · #2
I suggest some Trace Adkins... probably "Rough and Ready" or "Chrome" since those are two really good songs.

If you're feeling mellow though, I've been in a Boston mood lately... and "A Man I'll Never Be" still makes me cry after all these years. ;)
07/01/2005 01:53:47 AM · #3
I saw an 8 track of Barry Manilow - but I can't remember where I saw it...
07/01/2005 02:00:20 AM · #4
Originally posted by taterbug:

Ok, I've got a serious tunage deficiency going on at the moment, and I can't decide what to listen to. So, the first person with a suggestion of something that I have on hand...WINS !!!woohooooo........
07/01/2005 02:01:25 AM · #5
Janice Joplin
07/01/2005 02:02:52 AM · #6
No Mandy around here :-P Do have an 8 track player though...hehehe

Don't have any Trace Adkins, but...Boston is definitely do-able !!!
I just started 'Don't Look Back'. (excellant choice, by the way)

soooo, Laurie wins round 1. Yayyyy Laurie :-)
got about 25 min. or so if anyone wants to try for round 2 !

07/01/2005 02:06:13 AM · #7
Sorry, no Status Quo, and no Janice on cd, only vinyl (and my only working turntable is in the backroom)
...but, I'm about halfway through 'It's Easy', great choice Laurie !
07/01/2005 02:08:33 AM · #8
The Beatles - Revolution
07/01/2005 02:11:54 AM · #9
Elton John - Greatest Hits

Or if you want something more current how about the latest Gwen Stefani CD
07/01/2005 02:14:47 AM · #10
Miles Davis or Quincy Jones

Dave Brubeck - Take Five

Dan Fogelberg

Message edited by author 2005-07-01 02:19:27.
07/01/2005 02:19:20 AM · #11
I'm burning a CD now with Boston, Ambrosia, Styx, Fleetwood Mac, REO Speedwagon, and the Little River Band. Good stuff, good memories with those songs. :o)
07/01/2005 02:19:38 AM · #12
If you like Steve Miller and Homer Simpson, you'll like this... (770k MP3)
07/01/2005 02:25:04 AM · #13
Great suggestions folks but...
have lots of Beatles, but not Revolution(I know, what's wrong with me?)
have some Elton, but not greatest hits
I should have Miles Davis, but I don't, I might have to do something about that,
Laurie, you're on a roll, that sounds like a great cd, you're in my era....hehehe don't know if that's good or bad ;-)
ken, that sounds like something I should check out :-)

07/01/2005 02:26:14 AM · #14
I grew up with sisters and brothers who were all older than me... the youngest was 14 when I was born (in 1969) so I was raised on all kinds of good music. ;)
07/01/2005 02:28:23 AM · #15
Originally posted by taterbug:

ken, that sounds like something I should check out :-)

Barry Manilow or Homer Simpson?

If you get a warning about the "pilsekirts" virus when you click that MP3 link, just hit IGNORE, OK, OK, CANCEL, HELP, PLEASE STOP, YES, REFORMAT, and then Reboot. Should be fine. Trust me.

07/01/2005 02:33:58 AM · #16
How about some Journey or maybe Kiss, I was listening to Meatloaf, SoundGarden, Bush and The Doors Tonight(my mix cd)
07/01/2005 02:36:29 AM · #17
Originally posted by kpriest:

Should be fine. Trust me.


and 'the check's in the mail', and 'I won't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'

07/01/2005 02:43:30 AM · #18
Mystical Princess wins round 2. Yay!!!

Just put in Journey 'Departure' (their last good album IMO)

good choice :-)
07/01/2005 02:54:26 AM · #19
Beck's Loser
07/01/2005 02:59:35 AM · #20
and the sun shines on the bay...

07/01/2005 07:11:56 AM · #21
The Eels
Jack Johnson
Collective Soul
Foo Fighters
dada.. the worlds best unknown band..

I also scan the Itunes site for comp cds, great place to learn about new music since all radio suxs. God Bless XM and Sirius radio.

07/01/2005 08:57:26 AM · #22
If you're feeling down there is nothing better to get you in a good mood than Always look at the bright side of life by Eric Idle/Monty Python. If that doesn't cheer you up, then I can't help.

If, as the OP suggest, the problem is rather a lack of good tunes then the matter gets more complicated, as I don't know what kind of music you groove to. There are only two kinds of music in the world: (1) music I like and (2) music I don't like.
So here are a few example of the good kind:

Tom Waits. All his stuff is good, but I esp like his early stuff. Check out Nighthawks at the Diner or Heartattack and Wine to name just two. Or the [Early Years[/b] albums (two volumes). Rain Dogs is a masterpiece. Tom Waits has good tunes and really good lyrics, but can be bit pessimistic and broken hearted.

If you want to listen to something you've probably never heard before then the finnish 22 pistepirrko do very good simple and unpretentious rock and roll, and started 10 years ahead of the White Stripes (which you could check out as well).

If you want tunes you can seriously sink your teeth into I second Miles Davies and all things funky and jazzy. Esp Acid-jazz.
Enough for now.

Message edited by author 2005-07-01 08:58:23.
07/01/2005 09:13:30 AM · #23
I'd recommend using an MP3 player that has a plug-in for AudioScrobbler (personally, I recommend musikCube) and soon you'll have all sorts of cool recommendations -- automatically. "Audioscrobbler builds a profile of your musical taste using a plugin for your media player ... The system automatically matches you to people with a similar music taste, and generates personalised recommendations. ... Audioscrobbler is designed to be as transparent as possible. This means that once you have installed an Audioscrobbler plugin, you don't have to do anything. Audioscrobbler will never irritate you by asking you to rate songs, asking you what mood you are in or anything else like that. All it cares about is which songs you play."

Every AS user has a "homepage" that shows your favorite tracks, favorite artists, etc. Pretty interesting if you're in to that sort of thing. You can also mark certain users as "friends" or "neighbors", and create/join public/private groups, and then get group-based stats. For example, I just created a public DPChallenge group. Everyone can now join that group and your listening habits will impact the weekly "DPChallenge" group charts (generated once there are at least 10 members in the group).

Message edited by author 2005-07-01 09:28:47.
07/01/2005 09:31:32 AM · #24
i like my tunage with a little mayo and some dill. mm mm good.
07/01/2005 09:34:37 AM · #25
Thanks for getting the music flowin early. I just use Yahoo - my own Yahoo station plays stuff I like from country to rap, jazz to oldies.
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