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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Small DPC Photography Groups
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 211, (reverse)
07/09/2005 07:38:14 PM · #76
This is a great idea.

Any chance of creating a small group like that in French? Not that I want to do segregation, I, personnaly, don't really have any problems understanding and getting my ideas throught in English.

The idea is for my wife, she's getting more and more active on the site, she enjoys it a lot and she's geting better very fast, she found a new hobby (thanks to DPChallenge). The problem is that she does not speak English, she tries hard to translate the comments she gets but most of the time I have to do it for her. Having a small group for exchanging ideas and tricks in French would really benefits her.

If anybody is interrested, let me know. maybe we can start a new thread.


07/09/2005 07:49:19 PM · #77
Well, I know some things I'd be interested in order of usefullness is Portrait, post-processing, natural lighting, B&W photography and possibly landscape stuff. I'm so all over the map with my stuff any help I can get (or give for that matter) would be good. :-)

Or really anything that Sher's involved in. ;-D

Message edited by author 2005-07-09 19:51:27.
07/09/2005 07:52:40 PM · #78
OK, this has gone FAR FAR beyond what I originally had in mind ;-)

Not that I'm complaining.

I'm wondering if the best way to tackle this would simply be to break up the groups into subtopics (action, studio, exposure, basics/theory, etc.) and post threads in "Tips & Tricks". The sheer number of people who have responded will make it difficult to simply organize into groups of 5-6.

Here are the topics we have asked for thus far:
(a) Basics/Theory
(b) Breaking the Rules
(c) Landscape/Scenic
(d) Underwater
(e) Architecture
(f) Natural Light
(g) Lighting
(h) Candid
(i) Portrait
(j) Studio
(k) Action
(l) Post-Processing/Photoshop
(m) Exposure
(n) B&W Photography

Here are the people who have offered to mentor:
bear_music........C, E, F, L
skiprow...........F, H, K, L

Here are the people who have asked for mentorship:
pidge.............A, C, D, H, L
rjkstesch.........A, I
kpriest...........C, E, F
Bebe..............L, H, G, C
colyla............L, G, A
cpanaioti.........A, B
amber.............L, M, N, wants to be in Sher9204's group
Gibun.............wants bear_music's group
lentil............H, F
jenesis...........I, L, F, N
suprada...........A, C, F, L, M, N
Jewellian.........wants bear_music's group

Clearly, we have a lot of interested people, and not enough mentors. Anyone else care to step up to the plate? Any more ideas on how we can organize this and make it a viable idea?

Message edited by author 2005-07-09 22:02:26.
07/09/2005 07:53:20 PM · #79
Count me in...I'd love to learn more about landscape photography from Robert or other knowledgeable people here. Though I'm game to learn anything.
07/09/2005 08:05:51 PM · #80
I'm very very interested. I dont think I've taken enough photos to be a mentor...so that puts me in a learning group...I would love to learn about the categories...(a)(c)(f)(l)(m)(n)
I hope its possible for me to join you guys.

07/09/2005 08:07:27 PM · #81
I posted that I would be willing to lead a group for candid...but if you can find someone more qualified, then please do.
07/09/2005 08:18:05 PM · #82
I'm interested in L M and N if I'm not too late;)

07/09/2005 08:19:34 PM · #83
Originally posted by aboutimage:

OK, this has gone FAR FAR beyond what I originally had in mind ;-)

Not that I'm complaining.

I'm wondering if the best way to tackle this would simply be to break up the groups into subtopics (action, studio, exposure, basics/theory, etc.) and post threads in "Tips & Tricks". The sheer number of people who have responded will make it difficult to simply organize into groups of 5-6.

That sounds like a good idea
07/09/2005 08:26:22 PM · #84
still think each member who can mentor may think about inviteing a cicle of students, 4-6, he she can manage. These members can be anywhere and the mentor can guide and instruct. Really still think it is a great idea.
07/09/2005 08:28:19 PM · #85
I think the problem of getting mentors is getting people on the site with formal training. Lots of people take very nice shots, I can once in a while, but the last time I had "formal training" was in high school.

On the other hand, I'd be just as happy to be in a small group of people who love to take the same kind of shots that I do. In that environment, I'd be happy to share any techniques and tricks I've learned, as I would expect others to do.

In such an environment, I'd love to see a "Freeman Patterson" group. I know there's a number of people on the site who like his work as much as me, and who have gone through some of his books and "self-training".

So can we add a group of "Freeman Patterson style creative photography"? Perhaps we can get Ursula to serve as mentor there, since her work in that area is outstanding. But in any case, I think we can go through his exercises together, with or without a "mentor".
07/09/2005 08:34:37 PM · #86
i'll be glad to mentor in anything you think i might be suited to by looking at my portfolio. i'm happy to help anywhere i can, though.
07/09/2005 08:41:12 PM · #87
I wanna be in Sher's gang:))
07/09/2005 08:43:38 PM · #88
If it eases things, I'll step out and be a lurker.
07/09/2005 08:52:26 PM · #89
I'm very interested in joining as a learner. I'm especially interested in basics and portraits. Thanks
07/09/2005 08:57:19 PM · #90
Originally posted by BradP:

If it eases things, I'll step out and be a lurker.

No need for that. We have 14 topics, and 7 mentors. We certainly don't have 14*6=84 students, we have more like half that. So we're probably ready to go. After dinner I'll post some possible starter groups with mentors and members, and we can see how everyone likes it.
07/09/2005 09:07:06 PM · #91
WOW... that would be excellent... IM IN..!! im in desparate need of help just learning apeature and speed, and how to use my camera properly......
this is GREAT for someone like me where the closest course for me to do is over a 2 hour drive away, so i've had to reley on website's like this to learn.......
Excellent idea 'aboutimage'...
07/09/2005 09:09:00 PM · #92
count me in, that is if someone can put up with me :) I cant afford any courses and when i read to learn i simply dont get it. I would love this
07/09/2005 09:10:21 PM · #93
Originally posted by BradP:

If it eases things, I'll step out and be a lurker.

Brad, I've seen some of the work and tips you give to people when they request help to improve a photo and some of the stuff you pull out amazes me. I think you'd be a good mentor for the photoshop topic as well as some of the others. Honestly, I think you have alot to offer.
07/09/2005 09:10:40 PM · #94
Oh, and candids and PP! Please! It would be great to work with LaurielBlack

You can remove underwater from the topics. I don't think there are to many people who will be interested in that.


Message edited by author 2005-07-09 21:12:26.
07/09/2005 09:12:25 PM · #95
i would love to learn natural lighting and candids
07/09/2005 09:14:10 PM · #96
I just got home from work and found this thread. If I'm not too late I would love to join. I need help with pretty much everything so I'd be happy wherever you placed me. I do love landscape photography and I'm trying to learn how to take a good portrait so either of those would be great if they're still available.
- Laura
07/09/2005 09:59:59 PM · #97
Originally posted by jenesis:

Honestly, I think you have alot to offer.
(Oh I could make a comment here, but will refrain) ;)

Thanks Jennifer,
Actually I don't know what I am doing most of the time, and just waste spend more time at it, clicking until I fix it.
Another problem with mentoring something like this that it would require everyone to have the same editor, plug-ins & actions.

I think I'll just lurk, jump in on a help me thread when I can.
I'm not sure I would have the time to do something like this, and will be taking a break from DPC for a while anyway.

Message edited by author 2005-07-09 22:02:09.
07/09/2005 10:01:03 PM · #98
if you need anyone on the mentoring side for

(f) Natural Light
(h) Candid (including Street Candids)
(k) Action (including blurry taxis, dogs, children)
(l) Post-Processing/Photoshop

feel free to add me to the list.
07/09/2005 10:14:42 PM · #99
OK, we have quite a few mentors who've left things open regarding what they will teach. Is it OK for me to "plunk" you somewhere good or would you like to go back (to my HUGE post) and pick one? This is what I have so far:
(F) Natural Light, bear_music
(H) Candid, laurielblack
(K) Action, skiprow
(L) Post-Processing, aboutimage

banmorn, deapee, DigitalQuixote, and sher9204 have also offered their services as mentors. Out of the 10 topics still open, where would mentors best be placed?

Message edited by author 2005-07-09 22:15:42.
07/09/2005 10:21:29 PM · #100
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