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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Small DPC Photography Groups
Showing posts 126 - 150 of 211, (reverse)
07/09/2005 11:53:06 PM · #126
My starting wish list though I could add more :)

(a) Basics/Theory
(f) Natural Light
(g) Lighting
(h) Candid
(L) Post=Processing
(m) Exposure

Just let me know where I fit in to learn
07/09/2005 11:59:39 PM · #127

First, before anyone screams: Only a few people gave specifics on where they'd like to be, so I guessed on the rest. The objective here it to learn and stretch your abilities, but not jam anything down anyone's throat. If I placed you somewhere completely incompatible with your capabilities (or you think you may know more than the mentor), let me know.

Note: We just got a second mentor for Basics/Theory, which means that group should be able to handle a couple 2-3 more students.

(#) Title: mentor, student, student, student, etc.

(a) Basics/Theory: deapee & Olyuzi, pidge, rjkstesch, jpochard, puzzled, cpanaioti

(c) Landscape/Scenery: gi_joe05, tcrock41, nshapiro, dartompkins, Geo_Griffin

(e) Architecture: banmorn, kpriest, rjpat, Ironworker, singe

(f) Natural Light: bear_music, gibun, Jewellian, suprada, ShutterPug, chesire

(h) Candid: laurielblack, lentil, BAMartin, LKMote, pixieland

(i) Portrait: sher9204, amber, jenesis, stdavidson, debitipton, smilebig4me1x

(k) Action: skiprow, lkmote, BradP, Keegbow, Khataan, ladyhawk22

(l) Post-Processing: aboutimage, bebe, colyla, JayWalk, janruss, roadrunner, Olyuzi

(m) Exposure: Digital Quixote, cpickett, tjbell05, suemack, Britannica, sheapod

Once again, if I screwed up royally or missed anyone, please let me know. Once everyone's happy, we'll break off into our respective groups and start learning!

Message edited by author 2005-07-10 00:27:52.
07/10/2005 12:04:34 AM · #128
would also love to learn black and white
07/10/2005 12:15:46 AM · #129
Just a thought, What about an Australian group due to our location this would give us potential to meet up from time to time to share ideas.....Great idea either way
07/10/2005 12:19:05 AM · #130
No B&W? I think Sher offered to do that too?
07/10/2005 12:20:09 AM · #131
That sounds pretty cool to me, exposure is an area I need to work on and couldn't have chosen a better mentor!
07/10/2005 12:20:46 AM · #132
Originally posted by BradP:

Not sure I have a whole heck of a lot to contribute though.

You have got to be kidding Brad! You have so much that you have already contributed, I am sure you would make a great mentor! In fact - if you don't mentor a group, I may bug you to mentor me aside from the rest. I'll start emailing you every pic I take for your input. lol

I see I was placed into the Natural Lighting group which is fine with me - though I also need a lot in the basics/theory if there is room.

Message edited by author 2005-07-10 00:27:46.
07/10/2005 12:22:47 AM · #133
Originally posted by amber:

No B&W? I think Sher offered to do that too?

Trust me, it's something I want to do, too. It's my main topic of interest, and I'd love to get some mentoring on the subject. My only worry is that it may be a bit too much to saddle one person with two mentoring groups this early on. Maybe after the dust settles and people figure out how to run their groups, some of the mentors might want to branch out?
07/10/2005 12:24:03 AM · #134
If it's not too late to join, I would love to be included as both mentor and student. As mentor, I would be interested in helping with basics. As student, I would love to learn post processing, and if I could get in with AboutImage that would make me very happy.
07/10/2005 12:25:50 AM · #135
I should mention, that if anyone else wants the post processing position, feel free to take it off my hands. I know there are some really amazing PS people in here, and I'd be more than happy to tack myself on as a student in any one of the other topics.
07/10/2005 12:28:14 AM · #136
Oh, I'm so excited!
*jumps up and down*
07/10/2005 12:28:39 AM · #137
Originally posted by Olyuzi:

If it's not too late to join, I would love to be included as both mentor and student. As mentor, I would be interested in helping with basics. As student, I would love to learn post processing, and if I could get in with AboutImage that would make me very happy.

Gotcha covered. Revisit my [edited] THE LIST - FIRST DRAFT.
07/10/2005 12:30:00 AM · #138
allright, I must sleep for now it's 12:30 here and I have church in the morning. I will get with my group tomarow. I am excited I think this is going to be the next big step for dpc.

again, if anyone wants to join in on landscapes it's never to late just pm me. I have some great ideas, and can't wait to hear yours.

and as always, photography should be fun so if you get in a group and your not having fun it's never too late to get out
07/10/2005 12:36:43 AM · #139
Originally posted by pidge:

Oh, I'm so excited!
*jumps up and down*

DOUBLE TRIPLE QUADRUPLE that.... me too!!!!!!

about image... you have placed me fine, are we going to be able to rotate later, to learn other's as well?.. ohhhhh i can't wait.. this is going to be fun... more time spent on the computer, well actually just thought about that, it will end up being LESS time, as instead of playing and stuffing up and playing again, it will just be one play, show the teacher and find the answer and play again... can't wait... must mention too, i am off for four days as of tomorrow ( monday ) will try and get in to look when i can..if not, i will catch up with this thread on thursday...
Thanks so much AboutImage... BRIALLIANT idea.......
07/10/2005 12:38:39 AM · #140
Thank you very much for including me. I did see my name added to the list. :)
If you could give me some idea about how to mentor it would be appreciated. I've done tons of reading since getting involved with DPC and have ate, breathed and slept photography...just don't know how to mentor. Never really been in that role.

Originally posted by aboutimage:

Originally posted by Olyuzi:

If it's not too late to join, I would love to be included as both mentor and student. As mentor, I would be interested in helping with basics. As student, I would love to learn post processing, and if I could get in with AboutImage that would make me very happy.

Gotcha covered. Revisit my [edited] THE LIST - FIRST DRAFT.
07/10/2005 12:39:36 AM · #141
Originally posted by aboutimage:

Originally posted by amber:

No B&W? I think Sher offered to do that too?

Trust me, it's something I want to do, too. It's my main topic of interest, and I'd love to get some mentoring on the subject. My only worry is that it may be a bit too much to saddle one person with two mentoring groups this early on. Maybe after the dust settles and people figure out how to run their groups, some of the mentors might want to branch out?

OK David;) Sorry to be a pain, but as an expat over here away from friends and family I have little opps for portraiture, can I tag onto the post processing group instead, till the B&W comes along?
07/10/2005 12:47:04 AM · #142
are there still openings? I'm interested in H

Message edited by author 2005-07-10 00:49:37.
07/10/2005 12:49:48 AM · #143
Originally posted by di53:

are there still openings?

If there isn't, and you wanna' jump into "action", my spot is open.
07/10/2005 12:53:38 AM · #144
i'll let my hubby know that your spot is open...
07/10/2005 12:56:00 AM · #145
di53, you are now part of "Candid".

Others, there is an opening in "Action". Sorry to see you on the sidelines, Brad. Is there somewhere else you'd rather be?

NOTE: I'VE MOVED THE LIST TO MY PROFILE. It's just too long to keep reposting here. Click here to view the list
07/10/2005 12:58:53 AM · #146
thank you!
07/10/2005 01:05:28 AM · #147
Originally posted by aboutimage:

Sorry to see you on the sidelines, Brad. Is there somewhere else you'd rather be?

Thailand or Iceland would work....
LOL - Thanks!
07/10/2005 01:05:54 AM · #148
Thanks for including me in Post-Processing. That's perfect for me. I've got a lot to learn.
07/10/2005 01:08:36 AM · #149
This may be a totally lame question, but now what? Do we PM our mentor or will we do forum posts or is this being thought out and I'm jumping the gun?

apologies in advance if I've jumped the gun or asked a dumb question

07/10/2005 01:08:43 AM · #150
Originally posted by BradP:

Originally posted by aboutimage:

Sorry to see you on the sidelines, Brad. Is there somewhere else you'd rather be?

Thailand or Iceland would work....
LOL - Thanks!

Don't you want to go to Disneyland...oops thats MichaelJ
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