Author | Thread |
07/14/2005 03:47:32 PM · #51 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster: Good God, you have a really huge break here, I had a look at the event here: //
Is there any way you can beg, borrow or steal a 70-200mm F2.8?
I contact councils and newspapers all the time for events such as this one, and it's usually like knocking your head against the wall. You really want to grab this opportunity.
IMO, you must get a decent website together ASAP... a DPC portfolio is just not professional enough. I'll have a think about how you can do this quickly and cheaply. Have a think about what you would put in your portfolio... limit it to about 15 photos at the most. Are there more photos that you haven't uploaded? What I don't understand is why the newspaper aren't pushing their own photographer? Although the stage will be well lit, I'd still be very nervous with your current equipment, the D70 is very noisy at high ISOs, and you don't have fast glass. You may be lucky if the lighting is very bright, but sometimes I struggle at ISO1600/3200 keeping the shutter speeds down to 1/125. And this is during daylight. Midday is actually quite a tough time to shoot, as the outdoor stage will be covered very well in the eventuality of rain, and the lights won't show up as well as they do when it's dark... in fact you can get your shutter speeds faster at night when the lights are brighter. Are you in the market for a new lens right now?
Well done on getting a good break though,
Edit... forgot to mention that £150 for 1/2 day is usually a good rate, not cheap not expensive. That's why I was surprised when I saw this is what the top pros get paid. |
Jesus! I just looked at a 70-200mm f2.8...I want one but I think I would have to rob a bank first! Don't know any photographers here so I couldn't borrow one..I only have about 75£ left on my jessops card so I think that a new lens is out of the question at the is a shame though cause I have a decent cam just no decent lenses.
I have absoloutely stacks of pics I haven't uploaded to DPC!!
I am thinking about photographing my father in law's band they hang out in a practice hall 2 times a week, and they know loads of musicians. I have a digi light that I might get some gells for cause I think the lighting there is pretty bland.
I am no stranger to web design so putting together a sight isn't the problem, it is just time and well is about 10£ a month for a domain name at are great by the way if anyone is looking for a webhost.
I have never shot any pics with an ISO above 200 because the amount of noise this camera is unbelieveable. think I am going to have to think a bit in advance about how I going to overcome the obsticals of very basic equipment. |
07/14/2005 04:01:15 PM · #52 |
Anni, have you thought about hiring a 70-200 f2.8 VR for the day?
Also am I missing something regarding the D70 and noise issues? Mine stays at 400 or 640 (only going down to 200 when there is too much light - I like to keep tight control of the dof so I tend to use wide apertures), go up to 800 without thinking and use 1600 (and 3200 - the Ken Rockwell way) when needed.
I hardly ever use NeatImage (unless at over 800) and I don't feel like I have a problem with noise.
07/14/2005 04:06:23 PM · #53 |
The DRebel has pretty serious noise issues at 800 and definitely at 1600. |
07/14/2005 04:17:50 PM · #54 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:
Once upon a time it was a very nice bit of kit, a professional tool going for $1300. Good quality glass, and it looks the business as well. Shame that it's weaknesses were shooting in low-light and a total lack of manual settings. At least it has spot-metering, which I'm assuming you've been using? |
Yep, I've been using it. Things get really grainy and messy, but it works.
And as you asked, I got a few others of the band, but they were in the back with so little light on them barely anything came out... :-(
Annnnd yep. My camera was the king of the land in it's day. I used to impress people by saying "You can see the picture on the screen before it's even developed!" Good times... |
07/14/2005 04:24:05 PM · #55 |
You've got me wondering about the noise issue now, so I grabbed the camera bumped it up to ISO 1600 and took a shot
Straight from camera
100% crop
Shot was taken with a 50mm @ f4 handheld and using built in flash
Is there seriously a noise issue here?
07/14/2005 04:44:22 PM · #56 |
Originally posted by colda:
Shot was taken with a 50mm @ f4 handheld and using built in flash
Is there seriously a noise issue here? |
Doesn't look noisy.. what was your shutter speed @F4 ? |
07/14/2005 04:47:31 PM · #57 |
Originally posted by gaurawa: Originally posted by colda:
Shot was taken with a 50mm @ f4 handheld and using built in flash
Is there seriously a noise issue here? |
Doesn't look noisy.. what was your shutter speed @F4 ? |
1/30s (+.3 exp comp for what it's worth)
07/14/2005 05:17:41 PM · #58 |
Originally posted by colda: You've got me wondering about the noise issue now, so I grabbed the camera bumped it up to ISO 1600 and took a shot
Straight from camera
100% crop
Shot was taken with a 50mm @ f4 handheld and using built in flash
Is there seriously a noise issue here? |
Noise will show up more in the darker areas. Sometimes you'll need to underexpose when shooting in low light and push the exposure afterwards. Also, your shots can look very low key (mostly dark) and noise will show up badly in those conditions. Let's see a 100% crop of a dark area! |
07/14/2005 05:32:25 PM · #59 |
Originally posted by Anni: I am now wondering if Gig photography is the right thing for me. My husband and I are not keen on the bars and pubs around here filled with northern chav scum. (red necks if you are american). I also have a two year old son so I can not get out to pubs and clubs on a regular basis. I know I wouldn't be there to hang out with the punters but I would still feel uncomfortable going to these venues by myself. I am only 5'3 and would have very expensive equipment as well.
As for being in the pit at this pop in the park thing.I know I am not ready for it. I know there is no way to even prepare for it. I have experience of what limits I can push my cam to and what it can do, but never with special lighting in a fast paced environment being elbowed by the pros.
I say all this, yet I am excited by all the possibilites that it can god my 2 loves music and photography could I even ask for anything more...oh yeah you get paid for it as well!!??
anyway don't want to bring the mood down I am just a bit nervous. |
Hi Anni, have you thought about starting off finding some venues which play jazz or blues near you? As you build up confidence you might feel more bold in approaching some of the 'rockier' places?
I feel you may have been a bit harsh in your appraisal of the local clientele(!), unless you're talking about some particularly rowdy venues. People at gigs just generally want a good time and are different to the 'chavs' that go to nightclubs.
I have been caught up in some rowdy moments at some rock gigs due to over-enthusiasm but I usually just hop up on the stage and escape round the side.
If you let bouncers or band members know that you are feeling a little anxious, most men are more than eager to look out for small vulnerable females (in a chivalrous way I should add!).
As far as photographers' pits go, most photographers are VERY courteous and considerate, even when under huge amounts of pressure. In fact, at the big gigs and festivals a huge amount of photographers are women under 5'3 (they seem to be taking over the photographic planet), and strangely a large amount of them seem to be Chinese/Japanese.
I suspect that the major problem here may lie with your fears and anxieties, and I can empathise with this... about a year ago I was still scared of pointing my camera at strangers and scared of drawing attention to myself. Now, when I hold my camera the shot is the most important thing and my other anxieties fade away. I don't do this in an arrogant obnoxious way though, it just comes from natural confidence.
How much would it be to hire a 70-200mm lens? Or perhaps you could buy a Sigma 70-200mm?
Alternatively, you could say that your portfolio is currently being put together by your website designer, and you're waiting for them to finish the job. Then hope you get some good shots to pass on to the promoters. This really is your call though. If the gig shots aren't as good as they might be, you could redeem yourself by grabbing loads of audience and general ambience shots, as I'd imagine these would be of as much use if not more to the council as shots of the performers.
So take loads of candid audience shots, shots of the audience at the barrier from the pit, and shots of the audience as the sun sets and away from the stage in general.
Feel free to take photos of father-in-law's band, but I'd really like us to concentrate on live photography. Are you able to get a baby-sitter every couple of weeks? Do try and find a nice gentle venue with jazz or similar. Alternatively, see if any classical musicians might be interested. Check out local universities or colleges, or local festivals. Or you could look at Theatre photography, which holds a lot of similar challenges.
All the best,
Bob |
07/14/2005 06:07:54 PM · #60 |
Originally posted by colda: You've got me wondering about the noise issue now, so I grabbed the camera bumped it up to ISO 1600 and took a shot
Straight from camera
100% crop
Shot was taken with a 50mm @ f4 handheld and using built in flash
Is there seriously a noise issue here? |
I think that it is just me cause I am a perfectionist when it comes to my photos..if there is even just the smallest bit of noise off in the shadows I get annoyed. I find that the noise reduction greatly reduces the quality and crispness of the photos. Perhaps Ishould study more on reducing noise. I was using a Cannon P&S before I got my Nikkon so I really got my noise complex then...
Colda, Not even really sure how to go about hiring a lens for the day. Would e cool if I could... I have my 70-300mm but the apature starts at 4. Going google it now to see if there are any places around here to get one. I priced on on the jessops site to buy brand new and it was £1499.99 ($3000).
It isn't I am concerned about the place being rocky! By all menas I would LOVE that...I am all for it! Most of the rough people tend to stick to the more clubby places with techno music, but you can just as easily find them in piano bars. Ther are a few small festivals comming up around here and Brampton so I think I will try some of those.. I know some peeps who preform every year at the Brampton Live Gig.
Other than that I am going to keep checking the paper for gigs and things. Find out who the promoters are here and try to work my way into the circle. Build up the ol' portfolio. Anyway going to learn all I can from you in the next few weeks and hopefully my pics will be good enough from this festival to take me a little further.
07/14/2005 08:02:40 PM · #61 |
Some photos taken today at my brother's practice. Yes or no?
I do know what you mean about the lighting problem, just thought this would be good practice. Going to the real concerts probably friday or saturday. Thanks again, Bob! :)
07/14/2005 11:53:51 PM · #62 |
07/15/2005 12:00:04 AM · #63 |
so I have the sigma 28-105mm 2.8 (i dont htink that it's fixed but cant find the exact range right now... kinda sleepy), not the crazy non existent one I posted earlier. My bad. I'll edit it so it's correct.
I have to say that I havent had much time to read thru this thread yet but I am looking forward to doing so over the weekend. Hope I'm not missing anything just yet.
peace |
07/15/2005 12:42:08 AM · #64 |
okay, i managed to read thru 1/3 of the thread & have uploaded some pix from small gigs at CBGBs & Don Hills in NYC.
If I remember correctly, I used the sigma 28-105mm for all these pix. Will also upload some more 2morrow.
Okay, so some problems I ran into is that I had to use a high iso yielding lots of noise which inevitable led to loads of post processing which I dont like. Sharp images were hard to get with a lower f stop. Would love to figure this stuff out b4 the next gig.
Message edited by author 2005-07-15 11:09:43.
07/15/2005 01:41:25 AM · #65 |
07/15/2005 05:11:28 AM · #66 |
Hey rooster & Nightshy think your pics are great. Now you got a bit of practice Night I am sure you will get some great ones at the real thing. Your compo is awesome in the B&W.
Rooster ya have some great shots of the guitar player!
Colda, I think now there is no issue. Was playing around with the ol nikkon last night with iso set at 1600. There is no issue here, but we'll see when I use it in low light what happens. Think i will go for what bob is saying and go for low exposure and bump it up when I convert the raw.
Going tomorrow afternoon to some colour dome thing to parctice in special lighting cases. The paper says they will have live music, we'll see if I can get a few shots of the band as well.
07/15/2005 06:26:43 AM · #67 |
I have got my self a new job this week, hurrah. I am going to the pub this evening to celebrate. And the link to this thread is............
That the pub I am going to regularly has bands and singers perform, so I will research what is coming up. It has recently been refurbished so I will have to see what the lighting is like.
Glad to see how well this is progressing and people seem to have some good leads.
07/15/2005 07:33:31 AM · #68 |
Originally posted by Fleximus: I have got my self a new job this week, hurrah. I am going to the pub this evening to celebrate. And the link to this thread is............
That the pub I am going to regularly has bands and singers perform, so I will research what is coming up. It has recently been refurbished so I will have to see what the lighting is like.
Glad to see how well this is progressing and people seem to have some good leads. |
Nice one, what's the job? |
07/15/2005 07:35:51 AM · #69 |
Originally posted by Anni: Colda, I think now there is no issue. Was playing around with the ol nikkon last night with iso set at 1600. There is no issue here, but we'll see when I use it in low light what happens. Think i will go for what bob is saying and go for low exposure and bump it up when I convert the raw.
Going tomorrow afternoon to some colour dome thing to parctice in special lighting cases. The paper says they will have live music, we'll see if I can get a few shots of the band as well.
Anni |
Anni... if you can, divide today's shooting into segments, and try different ISOs so you can look back and make an informed decision about the one that works best for you. Try not to go slower than 1/125s. Also practice lots of reportage shots. Good luck! |
07/15/2005 07:37:39 AM · #70 |
Rooster and Nightshy, I'll comment on your pics when I have a chunk of time this evening! |
07/15/2005 07:38:05 AM · #71 |
The job title is Commercial Analyst and it is based in Epsom, Surrey. Now I am earning more money hopefully I will be able to save for a new lens.
07/15/2005 07:42:40 AM · #72 |
Nice one mate!
Other news... I just got hold of a Photographer's pass for Womad in Reading ( // )
I personally find this makes for much better photography than Glastonbury, but the bands are less famous. Robert Plant is playing though.
Unfortunately I don't get unlimited access to the pit, I have to request a pass for each gig I'm interested in, so I may not get into the more popular ones.
Also, I've not yet found anyone who is interested in using my photos... apparently Guardian Unlimited only have a budget once a year for a photographer, and that's at Glastonbury, and I used it up! I'm trying to persuade them to use my pics for free at the moment, as the exposure is really good for me but you wouldn't believe how hard it is to give your photos away.
At least I'll have access to the press compound, so I should find it easy emailing all the picture editors across the land as soon as I have any good shots. |
07/15/2005 11:58:24 AM · #73 |
awesome bob! I love robert plant! Hope you get in with a good publication soon! Seems that would make things a lot easier. I am sure that if you do what you teach us (keep perserving) that no doubt you will be where you want to be soon..
I am going to try loads of shots tomorrow. Lighting is my biggest fear. Gunna try and push the iso and everything to limits. Flash and no flash.I am just going to go nuts!
While I was looking in the paper you guys I saw there is loads and loads of differnt live music at churches. And those events are usually not promoted by promoters so I am sure they would say it was okay to come along with your camera.
A |
07/16/2005 03:23:33 PM · #74 |
Is everyone busy out shooting this weekend?? Well I have been busy today I went to this color dome thing today and it was really challenging. It was this HUGE plastic tent pumped full of air. It had all these different colored corridors and rooms and was like a big maze and at the end of it was this big clear bubble with these guys playing freaky instruments they made themselves. I kept my iso at around 1600 in the dark bits and I was going crazy on my shutter speed and appature cause when the sun shined the colours got brighter. The place where the musicians were playing was clear and the floor was white so it was bright i think that I had my appature at 11+ at one point. I compo suffered a bit cause I brought my 2 year old with me and I had planned to leave him in his pushchair (stroller) while I shot, but they weren't allowed so I had one hand holding him and of course he wanted to go nuts and run through all these lit up corridors and one hand on my cam trying to controll all the settings.
Talked to some peeps as well. Seems when you are out and about everyone thinks that you are cool cause you have a camera and they are all waving at you even when you are not trying to take a picture of them...any way the peeps I talked to were the Creator of this massive tent thinggy and an artist that works for the company and said they would like it if I sent them some photographs of the days events. So might have some work published out of it. Also a photographer there from the BBC said to send some of my stuff there way. Not too exctied about that though cause everyone sends pics to them and all they would do with it is put it on the website.
So hope you have all had great shoots this weekend..I look forward to seeing!
Going to put mine up as soon as I finish editing. |
07/16/2005 04:05:29 PM · #75 |
Well here are a few photos from the days events....
AnniThe Days Events
Can't Help but think they are very noisy! Damn and I really tried too!
Message edited by author 2005-07-16 16:10:16. |
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