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07/16/2005 06:18:27 PM · #1 |
I know this has nothing to do with DPC but I have to tell someone! I collected my Harry Potter Half Blood Prince book from Waterstones in glasgow city centre last night at midnight, drove home and read the first 5 chapters... then I've spent some of the day catching up to read the end and boy does the end suck in a sad sobbing way..... those poor kids that love Harry Potter are going to need their parents so much.... sob! How could JK DO that!!!
Just thought I'd mention this here, seeing as my sign in name relates to it..... off to console myself now.
07/16/2005 06:23:47 PM · #2 |
So I now see I have to read my book quicker, I got it this morning cause it was just crazy last night. Went out last night and I figured I would hit Chapters at about 1:30, looked safe until I walked in and there was at least a lineup of 150 people (well teens).
Been busy all day but it sounds like I should start reading before someone give the ending away.... ;-)
Ok... page 1....
Message edited by author 2005-07-16 18:24:07. |
07/16/2005 06:26:37 PM · #3 |
Got mine in Glasgow at 9am this morning. Only on page 230
DON'T give the game away.
Loving it. |
07/16/2005 06:26:51 PM · #4 |
Originally posted by Moose101: So I now see I have to read my book quicker, I got it this morning cause it was just crazy last night. Went out last night and I figured I would hit Chapters at about 1:30, looked safe until I walked in and there was at least a lineup of 150 people (well teens).
Been busy all day but it sounds like I should start reading before someone give the ending away.... ;-)
Ok... page 1.... |
yeah I would if I were you, coz there's already people on the net saying what's happened! total spoilers everywhere! keep your hankies with you though (",)
07/16/2005 06:27:54 PM · #5 |
Originally posted by kevrobertson: Got mine in Glasgow at 9am this morning. Only on page 230
DON'T give the game away.
Loving it. |
Don't worry I won't... I would hate someone to do that to me, but you need to hurry, coz I need someone else to dicsuss it with lol
07/16/2005 06:31:30 PM · #6 |
Message edited by author 2005-07-16 18:32:06.
07/16/2005 06:32:30 PM · #7 |
well i can do up to page 230.
I bought 3 books this morning.
1 for mself and the wife and 1 each for m two kids.
They are both on about page 400 but we have to talk about it in secret as my wife has started the books from number one this morning as she hadn't read them in oer a year. She is already half way through book 3. It's SOOOOOO good.
Can't see me sleeping much tonight. |
07/16/2005 06:38:29 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by kevrobertson: well i can do up to page 230.
I bought 3 books this morning.
1 for mself and the wife and 1 each for m two kids.
They are both on about page 400 but we have to talk about it in secret as my wife has started the books from number one this morning as she hadn't read them in oer a year. She is already half way through book 3. It's SOOOOOO good.
Can't see me sleeping much tonight. |
sounds good (",) I slept late this morning too and my boyfriend and I went to largs for the day, although I was desperate to get back and read (",) am beginning to wish I hadn't bothered though. was too busy weeping like a baby by the end of it...
07/16/2005 06:41:01 PM · #9 |
Hello, my name is Katherine and I'm a Harry Potter ATHBP addict (not the dress up kind, that's silly) *quickly wipes off the lightning bolt from the forehead
My little brother and I have locked ourselves in my house (which I should mention is a ranch FAR AWAY from anyone giving anything away, hehe) to read the book. Reading for me then going back and listening and following a long for him (Jim Dale does such a great job!) so I'll probably finish sometime tomorrow since I'm going through it twice so I can stay with my little brother. There is nothing like sharing it with little kids who share J.K. Rowling's imagination! I'm so excited, it's getting soooo good! Hehe.
07/16/2005 06:51:58 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by NightShy: Hello, my name is Katherine and I'm a Harry Potter ATHBP addict (not the dress up kind, that's silly) *quickly wipes off the lightning bolt from the forehead
My little brother and I have locked ourselves in my house (which I should mention is a ranch FAR AWAY from anyone giving anything away, hehe) to read the book. Reading for me then going back and listening and following a long for him (Jim Dale does such a great job!) so I'll probably finish sometime tomorrow since I'm going through it twice so I can stay with my little brother. There is nothing like sharing it with little kids who share J.K. Rowling's imagination! I'm so excited, it's getting soooo good! Hehe. |
yeah it's nice to share it with someone, I'm not allowed to say anything about the book until my other half has read it and he's not even finished the last one! You won't be sorry in reading this book, but you will be sad, get the hankies ready! (",)
07/16/2005 07:07:53 PM · #11 |
Taken a couple hours ago, he was pretty tired from running around town last night looking for a short line. Finally just went early this morning. :)
07/16/2005 07:11:02 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by NightShy:
Taken a couple hours ago, he was pretty tired from running around town last night looking for a short line. Finally just went early this morning. :) |
yours is a different cover to mine, harry and dumbledore are on the front with their wands out and fire all around them, on the back is a bowl with green water and a boat.... I took the kids version as I find the adult covers pretty boring (",) the british covers I gather are different from other countries....
07/16/2005 07:18:48 PM · #13 |
not a great pic as it's taken with my samsung phone lol but I hope you can make out the different cover.....
07/16/2005 07:40:11 PM · #14 |
Oh yeah, your brittish one is really cool! Way more detail! The one we have is the good ol' American version.
07/16/2005 07:48:53 PM · #15 |
Originally posted by NightShy: Taken a couple hours ago, he was pretty tired from running around town last night looking for a short line. Finally just went early this morning. :) |
It's funny - my girlfriend and I were at Border's last night just browsing while other people were waiting for the book release. When we left around 11:15 there must have been 100+ people in the store. We then drove to the local grocery store to get a couple things and noticed they would be selling it too.. except nobody was there! I suppose Border's provided a more fun environment, but many of those people could have avoided the lines!
07/16/2005 07:52:37 PM · #16 |
My girlfriend got the adult edition (as in, different dustjacket design). It's the UK version. I bought HP1 the day it was released in Australia, before all the super-hype started. My vacation starts this week, so I'll be able to read HP6 at leisure. :-) |
07/16/2005 08:09:37 PM · #17 |
For those of you that are done...please mail it to me. I'm too broke to buy a copy. |
07/16/2005 08:38:06 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by NathanW: For those of you that are done...please mail it to me. I'm too broke to buy a copy. |
You could try what my daughter did. She went to the library to put a hold on the book so that she would be one of the first to get it, and the library just gave her one. They said they had a couple extra and she happen to be at the right place at the right time. Needless to say, she is on cloud nine right now. As a matter a fact, I don't see her anywhere nearby, and I don't see the book sitting on the desk. So I bet I know what she's up to right now. |
07/16/2005 10:52:11 PM · #19 |
I just finished mine and WOW. What a story. Darker? Hmmmm. I wondered from the beginning of the book if her writings mature that much on its own or if her publisher has had other authors help her develop a more mature story.
Either way, I tore through it even with a photoshoot today (thank goodness for a 2.5 hour nap for the rest of the family). Its amazing how interested I can become in the characters. Its still difficult to believe. Whatta ending. I wish she'd ended with the one romantic storyline more open and confronted but I guess we'll see what happens.
How many more years do I have to wait for #7?????
07/16/2005 10:58:48 PM · #20 |
BTW, does anyone think that there may yet be one more twist with the "Half-Blood Prince" or have the readers seen his true colors with the end of book 6?
I was hoping that perhaps the spell used wasn't the curse uttered; that somehow the expected outcome would be salvaged.
Given this turn I think Harry's course in regards to this person is set in stone and unless someone else deals with the Half-Blood Prince I think Harry must seal his fate but I've already wondered if the pleading mentioned wasn't due to an already foregone conclusion based on a particular drink and one person's willingness to sacrifice in order to help another keep "his" cover.
07/16/2005 10:58:50 PM · #21 |
I havn't even read any of the books.. i hear they're really amazing but i guess it's not my type of book. |
07/16/2005 10:59:41 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by ReallyColorBlind: Originally posted by NathanW: For those of you that are done...please mail it to me. I'm too broke to buy a copy. |
You could try what my daughter did. ... |
I live out in the middle of nowhere and doubt they've even purchased one copy yet, let alone enough to just give one away. Oh well, I'll survive. |
07/16/2005 11:05:05 PM · #23 |
07/16/2005 11:16:45 PM · #24 |
Sheesh, I don't even know, but it's been in control of my life for the last...oh...12 hours.
07/16/2005 11:26:47 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by nborton: what is harry potter? |
Who not what. |
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