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Showing posts 1 - 25 of 35, (reverse)
08/01/2005 12:10:22 AM · #1
Well, here we are!! First, HUGE congrats to the ribbon winners!

Second, I gotta get it off my chest.. MY FIRST TOP TEN!! (OK, I'm a little excited)...

Thanks to everyone who voted me there, and congratulations to everyone else!

Now for the question: Do top 10 entries ALL need to be validated? Or only the top 3? If YES, what do I do now?

Message edited by author 2005-08-01 00:11:29.
08/01/2005 12:11:39 AM · #2
AHHHHHHHHHH fourth place...soooooooooooo close!

08/01/2005 12:12:14 AM · #3
Just the top 5...you will get a little red notification in the 'update button' area -- you'll know it when you see it.
08/01/2005 12:17:53 AM · #4
After seeing this image: place in the top 10. I wish I had entered this: , instead of this:

They were taken at the same place on the same day.
08/01/2005 12:21:52 AM · #5
Highest score so far, but disappointed. Felt it was much stronger than 40th. Oh well off to the next one.
08/01/2005 12:22:06 AM · #6
I Didn't do well, But what disturbs me more is not a single comment... Congrats to all who did well.

Message edited by author 2005-08-01 00:22:31.
08/01/2005 12:22:49 AM · #7

Woody wishes the thank everyone for their kind words, and offers of condolences. He'd like everyone to know that he's recovering well, and has made new friends out of the remains of his brothers by sticking them in potatoes, and drawing faces on them. Not that a ribbon wouldn't have helped ease his suffering all the more, but he realizes that humans have biases.. just look at his brothers.
08/01/2005 12:26:17 AM · #8
Originally posted by deapee:

AHHHHHHHHHH fourth place...soooooooooooo close!

Haha yeah, close but no cigar. :-)

Beat ya by like .013
08/01/2005 01:09:28 AM · #9
Most of the comments I received were concerned about the color of the Buddha. In fact, they are the actual color. I've changed it to reflect the comments.


Is this better? Let me know. Thanks.
08/01/2005 05:10:31 AM · #10
Originally posted by rikki11:

Most of the comments I received were concerned about the color of the Buddha. In fact, they are the actual color. I've changed it to reflect the comments.


Is this better? Let me know. Thanks.

Photos of artwork don´t go down well with voters and they get dq´d most of the times, wonder why yours got through?
The lighting is good and it´s not a bad photo but the "artwork" notion got in the way I think.
08/01/2005 05:23:31 AM · #11
Originally posted by aboutimage:

MY FIRST TOP TEN!! (OK, I'm a little excited)...

Congratulations, me too :)

08/01/2005 06:50:22 AM · #12

I thought this one would do a little better than it did. It was as low as 5.4 with 80 votes at one point and I was in shock. Those first night/day voters are really something. Nice comeback...I'd have to say. I know what people liked but didn't get too much solid info from the negative comments(...at least nothing that made sense to me).

Anyway...Top 20, not bad.

Message edited by author 2005-08-01 07:03:17.
08/01/2005 07:18:35 AM · #13
Weird... I took a shot extremely similar to the other one above at Brighton Beach, Victoria on Saturday.

08/01/2005 07:37:15 AM · #14
Originally posted by neophyte:

I Didn't do well, But what disturbs me more is not a single comment... Congrats to all who did well.

I'll leave you one.

08/01/2005 09:14:07 AM · #15
Beach huts... I was on the UK South coast during the challenge week and took loads of beach hut shots... in the end choosing to go for the shot of the pier into the sea

Maybe I should have entered this:

08/01/2005 09:35:13 AM · #16
Originally posted by Britannica:

Originally posted by neophyte:

I Didn't do well, But what disturbs me more is not a single comment... Congrats to all who did well.

I'll leave you one.


Thanks David, As far as scores go, I think you're right. there was no real impact for the veiwer with this photo and in reviewing it it was a bit drab.
08/01/2005 10:06:27 AM · #17
Pixel - I love the black and white with the single guys' legs for a completely different reason. I think the colored ones have one kind of impact, whereas yours has a humorous take on it with great leading lines and contrast. Really a nice image.
08/01/2005 10:52:54 AM · #18
Originally posted by Xilebo:

Originally posted by rikki11:

Most of the comments I received were concerned about the color of the Buddha. In fact, they are the actual color. I've changed it to reflect the comments.


Is this better? Let me know. Thanks.

Photos of artwork don´t go down well with voters and they get dq´d most of the times, wonder why yours got through?
The lighting is good and it´s not a bad photo but the "artwork" notion got in the way I think.

How is this different from " Woodies"? Just a thought. Look at the entries closely, I'm not the only one that has "artwork".

Message edited by author 2005-08-01 10:58:12.
08/01/2005 12:57:50 PM · #19
Wow, just realized there were NO DQs on this one. Nicely done guys!
08/01/2005 05:59:33 PM · #20
Congratulations to the winners - all excellent photos!

I would really like some opinions on the shots I didn't enter. I wasn't sure which one was best so any views would give me an idea of what I should be looking for in future. The other shots have not been photoshopped.

1. entered pic

2. original

3. black/white

4. alternative choice

5. alternative choice

Thoughts - good and bad?

08/01/2005 07:02:29 PM · #21
No-one willing to help?
Pretty please?
Please with brass knobs on?
08/01/2005 07:14:12 PM · #22
Pixelstate, I liked the one you entered and scored it high, but if the choice were mine, I would definitely have gone with the black and white.
08/01/2005 07:25:09 PM · #23
I like your alternate shot Pixelstate...but that is just me. I also like broccoli, so it's a toss-up.
08/01/2005 07:29:49 PM · #24
well, this was my entry, scoring 5.624

would this one have done better, worse, or about the same? any opinions would be appreciated.

Message edited by author 2005-08-02 03:09:32.
08/01/2005 08:09:14 PM · #25
I'll jump on the second-guessing and Monday morning quaterbacking bandwagon...

My entry...

wasn't well received.

How would this have done?

Let me know now that I can't change anything ;)
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