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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> DPC Mentorship - Gig/Concert
Showing posts 151 - 175 of 266, (reverse)
07/28/2005 04:08:28 AM · #151
Good news and bad news

First the bad news, I got this email last night:

Hi Darren
Bad news I had a accident with the 70-210 lens as a
result , the front element
as been badly damaged, sorry about this as it was a cracking lens

If however you are still interested buying the 28-70 lens please let me

...and the good news, I've just won this:


07/28/2005 03:09:06 PM · #152
Originally posted by colda:

Good news and bad news

First the bad news, I got this email last night:

Hi Darren
Bad news I had a accident with the 70-210 lens as a
result , the front element
as been badly damaged, sorry about this as it was a cracking lens

If however you are still interested buying the 28-70 lens please let me

...and the good news, I've just won this:



Trying not to sware! Why didn't I see that. That is just up the road for me

welcome to the group singe!
07/29/2005 03:17:26 PM · #153
Just some last min questions for you bob. The big night is tomorrow night, I didn't manage to get a 50mm so I am going to use what I have. I figure if I can learn to do some good photos on what I have, when I get the new lenses my photos will be great and I will find the transition easy. I usually have my cam set on Manual, but I think for the night I am going to go for apature priority since my aps on my lenses are so high.I am just going to set it at the lowest ap it will go. I am a bit concerned about this bucause I am so used to having it in M. I am confident in my composition I am keeping everything in mind that you have been telling us, ya know about different angles and trying to get on stage. I am really nervous cause I have put lots of pressure on myself, I went for the best venue in town with the best acts and I am just a bit concerened that if I don't give them photos that they can use I won't be let back in for free.

I thought that I had some questions but I guess I don't really.
Maybe I was just seeking some last min advice. I am so worried about noise. I am totally confident in everything except my ISOs that and sometimes my cam dosen't even fire in low light situations, unless I use the exposue lock, but when I do that I loose auto focus.

Thanks a bunch.

07/31/2005 09:44:31 AM · #154
Well I did it. I am not very happy about it. I had my iso on 1600 and I think that I could have got away with 800. LOADS and loads of noise! They are awful. I am doing the best that I can with them and I will post them up when I get them edited.

I was excited at the time cause they looked awesome in my LCD but when I got home and put them into the computer I nearly cried. haha. I think I have a few that will turn out okay once I edit them.

EDIT: Here are a few of my favs you can see the rest


Message edited by author 2005-07-31 15:54:20.
08/02/2005 05:35:16 PM · #155
I think that I am the only one still posting haha..nah just wanted to say I got my press pass for the big event I am doing on the 7th today..a way cool wrist band that says staff to get into the venue and a laminated card to get me into the front of the stage and the hospitality area whatever that is.
08/02/2005 05:47:46 PM · #156
Nice one!
I'm still working on my photos from Womad, but will get back to this group in the next few days.
BTW, I love my camera...
after I took photos of the very last band, I was enjoying a cup of hot sticky red wine which I spilt ALL over my camera and lap. I kid you not, the entire contents of almost a full cup hit a bullseye on my camera with 12-24mm Sigma attached.
I took the battery straight out and let the camera dry in the boot of the car... everything seemed to work okay the next day, it really is built like a tank.
08/02/2005 06:04:42 PM · #157
haha I love the way that it was not a glass of red wine, but a cup, I bet it was one of those see through plastic cups you get..
08/03/2005 10:28:47 PM · #158
Just got done with some pictures I took today at Warped Tour. The band is The Receiving End Of Sirens, and the I used my HP Photosmart 735.

There are more pictures here.

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.


(Edited to fix link.)

Message edited by author 2005-08-03 22:30:36.
08/04/2005 03:08:53 PM · #159
Originally posted by singe:


It looks like I'm a bit behind in the group, so I'll try to put everything I should in here.


Well, I've got a 300D that I would prefer to use, but I only use it at the Velvet Underground (I'll explain when I get to venues), so it would be best to say that right now, I'm shooting with my HP Photosmart 735. However, I recently (yesterday) purchased a Canon Powershot A85 off of eBay, and that will become my primary camera for concert photography due to its full manual mode.


The Masquerade (//www.masq.com)
The Roxy Theatre
The Velvet Underground
Philips Arena
The Arena At Gwinnett Center
Earthlink Live
Hi-Fi Buys Ampitheatre

Now, you're probably wondering why I don't take my Rebel with me anywhere but the VU. The reason is that I go to concerts primarily for the music. The photography is more of a sidethought at shows - a sidethought that I enjoy immensely. At any venue other than the VU, I'd be moshing and I'd be afraid the Rebel would be hurt. A smaller camera, though, I can fit in my pocket and snap pictures in the pit.

Now, I haven't been to a show in a while, but I've got several coming up:

8/3 - Warped Tour
8/5 - Finch
8/10 - blindside / Showbread
8/19 - System Of A Down / The Mars Volta
8/23 - Green Day / Jimmy Eat World
8/25 - Acceptance / The Receiving End Of Sirens / Cartel

And that's only August. That's about average for every month. Music is my passion, so I go to lots of shows.

Anyway, you can see some of my shots (with my Rebel) in my portfolio, and there are more here.

I'll get back to you after Warped, I'm leaving for Texas tomorrow and won't be back before the 3rd. Hope I didn't miss anything. Thanks again to BobsterLobster for inviting me to the group. :)


Hi Brad, welcome to the group, sorry I haven't been around as you joined!
It's great that you've got lots of big name gigs coming up, but for this mentoring group I'd like you to spend time at ONE local small venue of your choosing! I'm very adamant in this thread that I want people to build their skills slowly and patiently. I don't want to mentor people in how to grab p&s shots of their favourite bands! These mentoring groups are in their early stages... but my teaching style can sometimes be a bit 'tough love'! I want you guys to all be amazing, and going off to your favourite bands is not the best way to start out. (feel free to take photos of them, just remember I'm not going to encourage you on that one)
So, find ONE local venue (as said before, blah blah blah) with decent lighting, befriend the venue promoter and photograph the local nobody bands regularly. You may be surprised at how good some of them are. Use your DSLR... just make sure your insurance covers it. Home insurance usually does the trick, add accidental damage cover and don't worry about it any more.
I love the Velvet Underground shots, but I really dislike thumbnails that don't show the entire shot! Anyway, let me know which local small venue you're going to concentrate on.
08/04/2005 03:09:19 PM · #160
Originally posted by singe:

Just got done with some pictures I took today at Warped Tour. The band is The Receiving End Of Sirens, and the I used my HP Photosmart 735.

There are more pictures here.

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.


(Edited to fix link.)

Great job Brad..The only thing that I would say is that a few of them seem slightly over exposed. Mainy the first 2 you posted...You composition is good as well. I am in no way an expert or anything it is just my humble opinion. I am not sure if my ISP isn't working or the link is broken, the link to the rest of the pics is not working for me. I will try again in a little while

08/04/2005 03:09:57 PM · #161
Originally posted by colda:

Good news and bad news

First the bad news, I got this email last night:

Hi Darren
Bad news I had a accident with the 70-210 lens as a
result , the front element
as been badly damaged, sorry about this as it was a cracking lens

If however you are still interested buying the 28-70 lens please let me

...and the good news, I've just won this:



Wahay, nice one! I can't find one ANYWHERE near that cheap for the Minolta mount :-(
08/04/2005 03:16:26 PM · #162
Originally posted by Anni:

Great job Brad..The only thing that I would say is that a few of them seem slightly over exposed. Mainy the first 2 you posted...You composition is good as well. I am in no way an expert or anything it is just my humble opinion. I am not sure if my ISP isn't working or the link is broken, the link to the rest of the pics is not working for me. I will try again in a little while

Thank you. The pictures are overexposed because the camera I used has no manual control. (My A85 still hasn't come...) I also bumped the contrast a bit on all of them. As for the link, it works for me, so trying it later might work.
08/04/2005 03:34:59 PM · #163
Originally posted by singe:

Thank you. The pictures are overexposed because the camera I used has no manual control. (My A85 still hasn't come...) I also bumped the contrast a bit on all of them. As for the link, it works for me, so trying it later might work.

You mean the canon a85?? I got a lens converter and wide angle lens for an a75..I was going to sell it on ebay to get a few extra pennies, but you can have it if you want.
08/04/2005 05:23:24 PM · #164
Originally posted by Anni:

You mean the canon a85?? I got a lens converter and wide angle lens for an a75..I was going to sell it on ebay to get a few extra pennies, but you can have it if you want.

...you mean for free? I'd really appreciate that! :) Would it work on the A85 as well?
08/04/2005 05:29:56 PM · #165
Originally posted by Anni:

Well I did it. I am not very happy about it. I had my iso on 1600 and I think that I could have got away with 800. LOADS and loads of noise! They are awful. I am doing the best that I can with them and I will post them up when I get them edited.

I was excited at the time cause they looked awesome in my LCD but when I got home and put them into the computer I nearly cried. haha. I think I have a few that will turn out okay once I edit them.

EDIT: Here are a few of my favs you can see the rest


Phew, that's quite a lot, there are some great shots in there... well done! Can we try to keep the number of photos in this thread down to about a half dozen of your absolute best from any one shot?
Quite a lot of them are overexposed... or you've only converted one colour channel (red?) to b&w. Did you try just keeping a constant manual exposure (as suggested), or did you use your camera's metering?
I like pwweb9.jpg, I'm sure they would be pleased to use this image on their website. Shame it's overexposed, and the noise is AWFUL! Did you try NeatImage on it? If so, can you describe how you used it? Also, it's a shame you had to crop it... ideally you'd have the extra space to the right of the frame, if there was any detail in it you could dodge/burn it out.
pwweb3.jpg is overexposed, the composition is unbalanced and I agree with theSaj that the headstock obscures the face. If ANYTHING obscures any of the faces (specifically the eyes) throw it away.
Jade 2, Planet of Women would be a cracking photo if the guitarist behind her was either more to the right and seperated from her (ideally they would look at each other and share a 'moment', or if she obscured him a bit more. I would have moved about to make this happen. Well done for putting her on the edge of the frame! :-)
The Freedom II... too cluttered no clear pof, and the singer who seems to be the main focus is looking the wrong way taking the viewer's eye out of the frame. Shots of 2 or more musicians need to be handled very carefully.
pwweb8.jpg... Nice shot, I'd have included a little more elbow. Your classic singing composition, you should aim to have one of these per show, then look for more imaginative shots. Shame it's overexposed. I'd also use Photoshop to remove some of the yellow. Again, did you use NeatImage for this one?
pwweb6.jpg... Superb shot full of character. The grain really works for you here. If you're including most of the arms and hands though, make sure you include ALL of them! (the right elbow doesn't matter so much here, but I miss her left hand)
Planet of Women II... same criticism as The Freedom II
planetwomenweb.jpg... Nice shot but I don't think you caught any special moment here. The guitar on the left really spoils the composition. Without the guitar and properly exposed this would be a competetent if unimaginative shot.
Planet of Women III... not sure what you were trying to achieve here. Your main subject's eyes are bang in the middle of the frame... not usually my favourite place for pof. The shot doesn't really give me much sense of atmosphere.
Planet of Women I... (hope I'm not being unrelentingly harsh!) This looks like it was taken with a p&s by any audience member. Always ask yourself what you are bringing to a shoot that nobody else would get.
planetwomenweb4.jpg... I can't work out if NeatImage has given this an odd blur. Nonetheless, I like the effect, it's just a shame about the noise levels in the background. Again, I'm missing her left hand!
Peter I, The Freedom... I'm, not sure if I like the smoke effect or not! I think it's because I'm confused about whether it's actually coming from his mouth or if it's the background. There's a rogue headstock in the bottom left I'd have cropped out. Remember, simplicity is everything!
Dave, The Freedom... Nice shot, but shame it's overexposed. It doesn't really convey much energy... he looks a bit gormless here!
Scott III, The Freedom... Nice shot, one of my favourites. Les Paul with Marshall amp in background and atmosphereric shadow across face. Classic. The tilted composition works well here. I am missing the bottom of the Les Paul though. Sometimes you can cut the guitar off and your composition will work, it's down to intuition but I don't think it works here.

Phew, anyway good work and well done for finding a venue and getting stuck in.
I'll try to find time to do a tutorial on NeatImage soon, but it would help if you could answer the questions I posed you in this post!
Good luck for your big gig this weekend
08/04/2005 05:38:29 PM · #166
Originally posted by singe:

Just got done with some pictures I took today at Warped Tour. The band is The Receiving End Of Sirens, and the I used my HP Photosmart 735.

There are more pictures here.

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.


(Edited to fix link.)

I like HPIM0476.JPG and HPIM0451.JPG.
It would have been better in HPIM0476.JPG if you'd moved to your right so the microphone wasn't in his face. However, at least his eyes are visible. Again (please read all my previous posts!) I'm missing part of his hand. Please don't chop off hands!
HPIM0451.JPG needs the heads at the bottom of the shot cropped out.
What I like about these two shots are that you've caught particularly good expressions from the performer. That's what good gig photography is about.
HPIM0453.JPG needs to be thrown away... the microphone obscures one of the eyes. Always try to stand at the side to avoid the mic. If you spend any time in a photographer's pit at a gig, you'll see that photographers tend to avoid the middle for this reason.
Avoid 2 performers at extreme sides of your shot (take note Anni!) unless they're looking at each other with real chemistry. Otherwise the viewer doesn't know where to focus.
Also, make sure that any lines/ textures in your background become part of your composition. Otherwise it looks like any p&s shot.
08/04/2005 05:41:44 PM · #167
Phew, it's been a REALLY busy week, thanks for your patience!
I might ask for someone to co-mentor this group with me... does anyone have any preferences for a DPCer to invite into this role?
If you haven't decided on your venue, please do it soon... I would like this thread to inspire you all to go out there into the world and start making concert photography HAPPEN! The rewards are well worth the hard work.
08/04/2005 05:55:19 PM · #168
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

I like HPIM0476.JPG and HPIM0451.JPG.
It would have been better in HPIM0476.JPG if you'd moved to your right so the microphone wasn't in his face. However, at least his eyes are visible. Again (please read all my previous posts!) I'm missing part of his hand. Please don't chop off hands!
HPIM0451.JPG needs the heads at the bottom of the shot cropped out.
What I like about these two shots are that you've caught particularly good expressions from the performer. That's what good gig photography is about.
HPIM0453.JPG needs to be thrown away... the microphone obscures one of the eyes. Always try to stand at the side to avoid the mic. If you spend any time in a photographer's pit at a gig, you'll see that photographers tend to avoid the middle for this reason.
Avoid 2 performers at extreme sides of your shot (take note Anni!) unless they're looking at each other with real chemistry. Otherwise the viewer doesn't know where to focus.
Also, make sure that any lines/ textures in your background become part of your composition. Otherwise it looks like any p&s shot.

Thanks for the informative comments!
08/04/2005 05:58:27 PM · #169
Don't forget to answer my other questions...
08/04/2005 06:01:39 PM · #170
Bob, I just noticed that post of yours.

The venue I'm concentrating on is the Masquerade. And I'm not sure about insurance - I'll ask my dad about that one. Thanks for the idea.
08/04/2005 06:12:08 PM · #171

The way I shot was on shutterspeed priority, at first I tried apature priority but the shutterspeed was going too slow. I had the shutterspeed on 1/30 as suggested in previous posts with my ISO on 1600. I used spot metering as well. Usually taking a reading from the face or the arms. I tried neat image. I opend the image created a noise profile then previewed a portion of the image while I adjusted the settings then I applied the filter. Most of the noise reduction was done with photoshop. I admit the over exposure was not the fault of the settings on the camera. All the images were shot in raw and I bumpped up the exposure duing conversion. I did this because the noise was seriously throwing me off so I admit i really overworked the Post processing.
08/04/2005 06:29:55 PM · #172
Originally posted by Anni:


The way I shot was on shutterspeed priority, at first I tried apature priority but the shutterspeed was going too slow. I had the shutterspeed on 1/30 as suggested in previous posts with my ISO on 1600. I used spot metering as well. Usually taking a reading from the face or the arms. I tried neat image. I opend the image created a noise profile then previewed a portion of the image while I adjusted the settings then I applied the filter. Most of the noise reduction was done with photoshop. I admit the over exposure was not the fault of the settings on the camera. All the images were shot in raw and I bumpped up the exposure duing conversion. I did this because the noise was seriously throwing me off so I admit i really overworked the Post processing.

Yikes, I thought the photos looked soft! 1/125 should really be your minimum, unless you're using flash. Then you can use 1/30s and reduce your ISO to 800... but if you were using flash here then it needs to be more powerful to freeze the action. I don't think your lenses are good (fast) enough yet to get away without flash. I don't think your band would have minded (but always ask!). Apologies if you did use flash!
At least try my method of finding a constant exposure throughout a gig using manual... just keep checking your histograms. You may find it doesn't work for you but I've found through experience it's the best way. It's all to easy to get wild under or over exposures using camera metering and metering for face tones tends to stay fairly constant during a gig. How did you do noise reduction in PS?
Sometimes I get really bad noise even after NeatImage... I create a duplicate layer in Photoshop... turn all the darker shades to black then create a layer mask to bring back detail in the performers, it usually works a treat. I'll cover this in future.

Message edited by author 2005-08-04 18:30:57.
08/05/2005 10:13:00 AM · #173
no, I didn't use flash. Although, I know no one would have minded if I did, I tried a few crowd shots with the flash.I hate flash. I just hate the way it looks all together, unless it is used to fill in shadows. I think it looks so harsh and unatural. Probably because I have no idea how to use it. I have tried using it before in portraits using white paper, but I just can't get the hang of it. I just used the reduce noise filter in photoshop. Big lesson learned from this shoot, about shuterspeeds and ISOs..Sunday should be a lot easier on me though think I am deff going to go for a manual setup throughout each preformance. And I can even get away with ISO as low as 200, the weather should be nice. The perfomances end at 6 so I don't have to worry about low light here, just backlighting and stuff from stage lighting. I am deff goin to work alot harder on my compos as well. I as going to ask to get on the stage and I know I could deff have done during the first band, it is just working up the courage to ask. I had some really great shots from this shoot from laying on the floor underneath the stage, but the noise was so bad in those I just had to chuck them.. I will also be a bit more aware of what i put in the shot. I learned that mic stands are the devil, but I wasn't paying attention to any other obsructions, like head stocks. Don't worry about being harsh at all. You won't hurt my feelings. I didn't join this group for someone to sit there and tell me I take wonderful photos and let me carry on making mistakes. I joined to learn.
08/05/2005 11:31:59 AM · #174
Great stuff... when you get on stage this weekend, try to get as many shots as possible with performers AND audience in the frame together. These will sell!
When you go to your local venue next, PLEASE try some bounced flash. It can look great! I've gone on at great length about this, so I'll leave it at that. With the best lenses in the world, most people will still need flash in small venues without huge lighting rigs. Flash is a great discipline, as much of your work as a gig photographer can come from quick set-up impromptu band shoots... you need to feel comfortable with bounced flash for these. Take loads of portraits of friends in really low light conditions and practice bouncing flash. It's also a great skill for wedding photography. If you can master this technique, you can start earning money.
I was considering coming up to join you for your festival (it's not TOO far), but I'm taking photos at the Leeds Mela instead this Sunday. Given Leeds' involvement in London events, I think this is an important one to cover.
Good luck with all your bands this weekend everyone (especially Anni!),
08/05/2005 05:53:00 PM · #175
no bouncing for me yet. I only have onboard...
Now I really have a lot to buy haha a 70-200mm f2.8 a 50mm 1.8 and aflashgun...which is most important?? The 70-200mm is sooo way out of the question though. I was going to rent one, but we had a major emergency this month and the credit card took a big hit.

Also at the local venue I am not sure where I would bounce all the walls are like yellowish brick, with some of the old plaster on painted black..The celing is really high and is painted black. and just about every other surface is black.

I have only one gig card to take with me this weekend, I have one 128 and a 64 as well and I was thinking of using the smaller cards set on jpg for my crowd and reportage shots. and still shooting in raw for the bands. This guves me some sence on security, because I can change everything with RAW if I make a mistake.

I can feel myself getting more confident though..thanks a bunch for everything.

Message edited by author 2005-08-05 18:02:09.
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