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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> time capsule scores
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 204, (reverse)
08/10/2005 01:20:18 PM · #101
Originally posted by scuds:

I should go back to the US and get some "writting classes" my english is starting to suck big time!

If you want to learn "English," go to England.

Just joking. :)
08/10/2005 01:22:55 PM · #102
Originally posted by Zed Pobre:

That's your perogative, I suppose, but you've just inspired me to vote down every image with only a date, and no obvious connection to the picture. What, you picked a year I don't know much about? Tough.

Are you really doing this??? I just received a 7, a 8, and then a 1. Since my average is 5.4 at present I don't think it is a bad pic. I KNOW some people vote 1 but a comment would let us know why.

So are you voting 1 for date only pics?
08/10/2005 01:29:43 PM · #103
Originally posted by rgo:

Originally posted by scuds:

I should go back to the US and get some "writting classes" my english is starting to suck big time!

If you want to learn "English," go to England.

Just joking. :)


I thought of that Robert, but the buses and the subway are way too dangerous (tongue on cheek thingie)! :-p
The british police even killed a Brazilian guy, thinkin' he was a terrorist (tongue and cheek again)
08/10/2005 01:39:48 PM · #104
Votes: 112
Views: 167
Avg Vote: 6.8451
Comments: 14
Favorites: 2
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 1:38 pm

I must have a good thumbnail - not manky I mean.

Message edited by author 2005-08-10 13:41:40.
08/10/2005 01:46:23 PM · #105
I know what you mean about the comment~! my photo is really low currently, and i've only got two comments :'( lol, and it actually fits the challenge. I'm not complaining, cause i've been voting today, and i've been giving out 10's to anyone i thought deserved it, but ya, i'm wondering how people are voting
08/10/2005 02:17:08 PM · #106
Originally posted by Alienyst:

Votes: 112
Views: 167
Avg Vote: 6.8451
Comments: 14
Favorites: 2
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 1:38 pm

I must have a good thumbnail - not manky I mean.

Wow! That's ribbon territory. Good luck.
I haven't entered a challenge in about 3 mos. I'm hanging in there. should be middle of the pack.

Votes: 86
Views: 105
Avg Vote: 5.1163
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
08/10/2005 02:25:49 PM · #107
Votes: 96
Views: 120
Avg Vote: 6.7104
Comments: 6
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 02:23 pm

WOO HOO!!! I'm pleased with my score. I generally suck also, this kinda feels nice, but we all have a long row to hoe so its not over yet.
08/10/2005 02:33:51 PM · #108
Originally posted by kiropractic:

Votes: 96
Views: 120
Avg Vote: 6.7104
Comments: 6
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 02:23 pm

WOO HOO!!! I'm pleased with my score. I generally suck also, this kinda feels nice, but we all have a long row to hoe so its not over yet.

You usually know where you stand after about 24hrs. You should be very pleased with that score. I hope to be up there someday.
08/10/2005 02:52:19 PM · #109
First the current score:

Votes: 85
Views: 113
Avg Vote: 5.3882
Comments: 4

Then the rant ;)

You people amaze me! A group who's title contains nothing but the year is going to vote down everyone that has more than the year??!!#$%#@#%

Another group is going to retaliate because they have more than the year and will vote down anyone who's title contains only the year!!??@#@$%$^

I thought we were grown-ups?

Ok ok since I've been provoked, let me go and give a 1 to all of those wonderful shots that I've sofar given 7,8,9,10 LOL!!!

Hello people! What has this bickering come to? We are from different backgrounds and from all over the world, isn't that fantastic? If we are playing Trivial Pursuit I can understand the issue but we cannot be expected to know every little bit of history and how things were in for example 1953 in rural America or 1944 in Iceland (independence year)

Go back people and be fair, the challenge description said put the year in your title, it didn't say exlusively and nothing else..

Message edited by author 2005-08-10 14:54:33.
08/10/2005 02:57:04 PM · #110
Originally posted by Xilebo:

First the current score:

Votes: 85
Views: 113
Avg Vote: 5.3882
Comments: 4

Then the rant ;)

You people amaze me! A group who's title contains nothing but the year is going to vote down everyone that has more than the year??!!#$%#@#%

Another group is going to retaliate because they have more than the year and will vote down anyone who's title contains only the year!!??@#@$%$^

I thought we were grown-ups?

Ok ok since I've been provoked, let me go and give a 1 to all of those wonderful shots that I've sofar given 7,8,9,10 LOL!!!

Go back people and be fair, the challenge description said put the year in your title, it didn't say exlusively and nothing else..

Sounds good, but then I am going to give 10's to all the ones I voted 1,2,3,4! ;)
08/10/2005 02:57:35 PM · #111
Votes: 85
Views: 107
Avg Vote: 4.2588
Comments: 1

Hey it's my first one so I'll take anything, would like more comments though.

I agree with the crazey "title" fights. Low grading a shot based on a title you do not agree with doesn't make sense.
08/10/2005 03:03:53 PM · #112
Votes: 148
Views: 196
Avg Vote: 7.2145
Comments: 22
Favorites: 6
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 2:58 pm
08/10/2005 03:08:30 PM · #113
Originally posted by Alienyst:

Votes: 148
Views: 196
Avg Vote: 7.2145
Comments: 22
Favorites: 6
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 2:58 pm

Looks like you're heading for ribbon!! Nice :)

Message edited by author 2005-08-10 15:08:57.
08/10/2005 03:16:15 PM · #114
Originally posted by naldslc:

Originally posted by Falc:

Originally posted by aguapreta:

Originally posted by bear_music:

Your title should be the year that you are trying to capture for future generations.

A significant majority of the entries did just that. Very refreshing; check the date, look at the picture, vote. A welcome change from the usual diet. EXCEPT.... There's a LOT of pictures that either reference no date at all, or load the title down with explanations. Maybe I'm just cranky tonight, but that irritated the heck out of me. I did EXACTLY what I was told to do; my title is "the year", period. That's what they asked for, that's what most of us gave 'em. It wasn't so hard to do...

But for those who say "DQ 'em!", well, we can't do that; "not meeting the challenge" is not grounds for DQ; it's up to the voters to decide...


You hit it dead on Robert. Anything more than just a date is getting voted down from me.

Oh don't be so ANAL - just vote on the quality of the image.

I have to agree, I also understand that I don't want to read an entire encyclopedia entry before voting on the picture.

That being said, even if the shot has a lengthy title I will not and would not vote it down. We all have to all try and keep in mind that we vote on the photo, NOT THE TITLE. So what if the title sucks? Aren't we all trying to become better photographers? This isn't a website dedicated to authors! ;-)

To quote myself again: We all have to all try and keep in mind that we vote on the photo, NOT THE TITLE. So what if the title sucks? Aren't we all trying to become better photographers? This isn't a website dedicated to authors! ;-)
08/10/2005 03:44:40 PM · #115
I joined this site to learn about digital photography, and to realize my attempts are low balled due to titles that annoy is disheartening. Sure there are idiosyncrasies with any group of people and us newbie̢۪s are going to get some bruises along the way. So if you̢۪re new to DP, as I am, just take it in stride and pay attention to those constructive comments.
08/10/2005 03:59:46 PM · #116
Originally posted by rjhodder:

I joined this site to learn about digital photography, and to realize my attempts are low balled due to titles that annoy is disheartening. Sure there are idiosyncrasies with any group of people and us newbie̢۪s are going to get some bruises along the way. So if you̢۪re new to DP, as I am, just take it in stride and pay attention to those constructive comments.

So you want to call us names because WE choose to vote a certain way?

Message edited by author 2005-08-10 16:00:02.
08/10/2005 04:08:28 PM · #117
lol, ok, i'm starting to relax... slowly going up, but i want more comments, lol
08/10/2005 04:15:11 PM · #118
Originally posted by Telephoto:

lol, ok, i'm starting to relax... slowly going up, but i want more comments, lol

I already have 7 comments. I am going to vote tonight and give everyone a 10
08/10/2005 04:30:10 PM · #119
Originally posted by rex:

Originally posted by Telephoto:

lol, ok, i'm starting to relax... slowly going up, but i want more comments, lol

I already have 7 comments. I am going to vote tonight and give everyone a 10

I don't speak up much in these types of threads... but I gotta say that just outside of Chit Rabbington you have to be right up there on the "likes to start s**t o'meter"!
08/10/2005 04:46:08 PM · #120
I noticed that some mentioned they got a 1 or 10 score. All I see is the avg. Excuse me for being ignorant, but where can I see the individual scores? Or can I? Thanks.

Also, I've received some great comments, yet my score is 4.7. Hmmm??!
08/10/2005 04:47:53 PM · #121
Votes: 187
Views: 226
Avg Vote: 7.4853
Comments: 31
Favorites: 11
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 4:38 pm

08/10/2005 04:54:09 PM · #122
Originally posted by lepidus:

I noticed that some mentioned they got a 1 or 10 score. All I see is the avg. Excuse me for being ignorant, but where can I see the individual scores? Or can I? Thanks.

Also, I've received some great comments, yet my score is 4.7. Hmmm??!

This knowing a vote is achieved by constantly hitting the update button so that you get the next vote count and the average. For example:
100 votes
Average of 5.1111

101 votes
Average of 5.1125

Multiply 100 x 5.1111 to get 511.11
multiply 101 x 5.1125 to get 516.3625
Subtract the first from the second:
516.3625-511.1100 = 5.2525 means the 101st vote was probably a 5 or a 6. With real numbers it works out better. My example is probably not the best but the math technique is right.

Message edited by author 2005-08-10 17:00:19.
08/10/2005 04:55:45 PM · #123
Originally posted by Alienyst:

Votes: 187
Views: 226
Avg Vote: 7.4853
Comments: 31
Favorites: 11
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 4:38 pm

You had 40 votes in the past 1 1/2 hours and 2X the number of votes as my entry. You're killing it....

Votes: 98
Views: 145
Avg Vote: 6.7347
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 04:50 pm
08/10/2005 04:57:37 PM · #124
Originally posted by jrtodd:

Originally posted by Alienyst:

Votes: 187
Views: 226
Avg Vote: 7.4853
Comments: 31
Favorites: 11
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 4:38 pm

You had 40 votes in the past 1 1/2 hours and 2X the number of votes as my entry. You're killing it....

To be honest I didn't even enter the challenge. I just love these threads though. I'm so mean I know. But these threads are ridiculous. Just wait until the week is over, then you will know your score. As it is now, it is ever changing. It can go up...it can go down. Go out and shoot some pics and stop hanging on a thread.

Message edited by author 2005-08-10 17:04:38.
08/10/2005 05:14:51 PM · #125
Originally posted by Alienyst:

Originally posted by jrtodd:

Originally posted by Alienyst:

Votes: 187
Views: 226
Avg Vote: 7.4853
Comments: 31
Favorites: 11
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/10/05 4:38 pm

You had 40 votes in the past 1 1/2 hours and 2X the number of votes as my entry. You're killing it....

To be honest I didn't even enter the challenge. I just love these threads though. I'm so mean I know. But these threads are ridiculous. Just wait until the week is over, then you will know your score. As it is now, it is ever changing. It can go up...it can go down. Go out and shoot some pics and stop hanging on a thread.

And I was thinking you were just adding a 1 to everything. Love it!
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