Author | Thread |
08/16/2005 06:36:13 PM · #1 |
Ok I'm bitching here. But this is getting crazy, and I was thinking this.
If a gas station buys gas from say EXON on Monday and they get it for $2.35 per gallon, and say they buy 5,000 gallons. Why does the freekin price of that gas go up on Tuesday. Its the same freekin gas the bought on Monday. I'm sure they don't have to pay EXON any more for the gas they already purchsed. So they shouldnt raise the prices until they run out of the gas they paid $2.35 for. Basically they are making alot of money off gas they purchased days earler. Unless they need to be refuled every day. Which I doubt.
Any way I'm just pissed at this, and it does not look like it will get any better.
Too bad our "great" President dosen't know anyone in the oil business.
08/16/2005 06:43:20 PM · #2 |
Well we pay $6.87 a gallon here if I've got my conversions right
99p a litre of unleaded
but we've only got a wee country
08/16/2005 06:43:45 PM · #3 |
I've thought the same thing, but wouldn't it work in reverse also? Not that it happens backwards very often! ;^)
I've also heard that in many cases the prices are dictated by the corporate office - has nothing to do with the cost of gas in storage.
Bites for sure!
08/16/2005 06:56:04 PM · #4 |
It was $2.39 last Tuesday, then 2.44 by Friday and yesterday it went up to $ for those of you who agree prices are getting out of hand enjoy this...
08/16/2005 06:57:48 PM · #5 |
Try $2.75 a gallon. And I'm in the suburbs. Can't imagine what its like in the city. Any city.
d |
08/16/2005 07:03:30 PM · #6 |
Isn't California over $3.00 now?
A lot of it depends on local (county) taxes applied per gallon. Huge difference out here when you cross certain county lines.
08/16/2005 07:08:26 PM · #7 |
I've been riding my mountain bike to work all summer. It's only a mile each way. |
08/16/2005 07:08:47 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by OneSweetSin: It was $2.39 last Tuesday, then 2.44 by Friday and yesterday it went up to $ for those of you who agree prices are getting out of hand enjoy this...
// |
$2.68 here in maryland. Regular. I heard a guy that drives a fuel delievery truck say people are crazy for buying premium, because if they are filling the regular tank, and they have left over fuel they just put it in the mid-grade and premium tanks. He said it was all the same. LOL
Message edited by author 2005-08-16 19:10:05.
08/16/2005 07:13:48 PM · #9 |
Originally posted by conceptgraphics: I've been riding my mountain bike to work all summer. It's only a mile each way. |
I may try this myself. I live about 3 miles from work. I paid $2.53 per gallon to fill up two days ago. |
08/16/2005 07:35:12 PM · #10 |
Gas is at an all time high here -- $2.56 per gallon regular octane.
It seems like when things happen, they are SOOOO quick to bump prices JUST when the hurrican was coming, they bumped the price because the hurricane MIGHT destroy an oil refinery. When we got into a war, they bumped the prices JUST INCASE a terrorist bombs one of those oil wells...but then when something passes, they never drop the prices back down.
Seriously...I'm fed up with these prices, something needs to be done!!!
08/16/2005 07:45:38 PM · #11 |
$2.71 for Regular and $2.97 for Super Unleaded. I also live in the suburbs and it sucks that you have to drive everywhere. It's to the point where I have to actually think twice if I want to take a long trip.
The cost of living in New York (Long Island) is out of control. Median Price for a house $400,000. Average salary, $37,500. Average price of rent for a 1 bedroom aprtment (780 sq. ft.) $1300.00.
My wife and I are seriously considering moving out of New York. I hope things get better soon..... |
08/16/2005 07:49:51 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by glad2badad: Isn't California over $3.00 now? |
It's a huge state with lots of variation throughout the state and even more in just the San Francisco Bay Area. For example take a look at There is a 52 cents per gallon difference in price between the lowest and highest regular gas price and they are only about 4 miles apart.
The closest gas station to me is $2.99 for regular. The next closest gas station is $2.69. They are only a mile apart. |
08/16/2005 07:53:15 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by deapee: It seems like when things happen, they are SOOOO quick to bump prices JUST INCASE |
Tell them or their supplier to get better at the futures market. |
08/16/2005 07:59:58 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by TechnoShroom: Originally posted by deapee: It seems like when things happen, they are SOOOO quick to bump prices JUST INCASE |
Tell them or their supplier to get better at the futures market. |
Well, I have no problem with them bumping prices just forgot the last part...
"...but then when something passes, they never drop the prices back down."
That is where my issue lies.
08/16/2005 08:15:11 PM · #15 |
i dont even know what i pay for gas, gotta have it so i dont even look. but i only fill my car up twice a month, its great living close to work :)
08/16/2005 08:44:29 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: Originally posted by conceptgraphics: I've been riding my mountain bike to work all summer. It's only a mile each way. |
I may try this myself. I live about 3 miles from work. I paid $2.53 per gallon to fill up two days ago. |
You got a job? |
08/16/2005 08:55:22 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by OneSweetSin: It was $2.39 last Tuesday, then 2.44 by Friday and yesterday it went up to $ for those of you who agree prices are getting out of hand enjoy this...
// |
Just went past the gas went up again's now $2.56 a gallon here
I hope that baby of mine gets out of the NICU this week it's getting to where I can't afford the drive to see him.
Message edited by author 2005-08-16 20:56:27. |
08/16/2005 10:51:28 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by deapee: Gas is at an all time high here -- $2.56 per gallon regular octane.
It seems like when things happen, they are SOOOO quick to bump prices JUST when the hurrican was coming, they bumped the price because the hurricane MIGHT destroy an oil refinery. When we got into a war, they bumped the prices JUST INCASE a terrorist bombs one of those oil wells...but then when something passes, they never drop the prices back down.
Seriously...I'm fed up with these prices, something needs to be done!!! |
Unfortunately, I think that the world economy has linked itself irrevocably (until more thoughtfully environmental solutions become mainstream - which I desperately hope is very soon) to natural resources - including oil. Unfortunately, the path that the USA has taken in the last 6 years has been to consume more and more oil-based products - thanks to our illustrious leader - causing the world market to pump up its prices. After all, it's become a price based on demand economy - again thanks in large part to the USA (not solely because of democrats or republicans - just capitalism itself). The USA doesn't rule the world (yet - and hopefully won't despite Bush's agenda), so perhaps there is hope still available for those of us who think that we can find better worldwide solutions to our needs other than those that continue to fuel the conglomerates currently ruling the world economy.
And yes, to those of you questioning my own personal habits, I currently drive a hybrid car (despite the economic hardships placed on this choice by the USA's current government and its refusal to endorse the Kyoto Protocol) and ride my bike to work in town whenever possible. IMHO, it's sad that the (current-soon to change I hope) most powerful economy in the world refuses to acknowledge the FACTS that world scientists have come to accept.
Anyway... I'll get off my soapbox now.
Message edited by author 2005-08-16 22:54:30.
08/16/2005 10:55:04 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by Travis99: ... if they are filling the regular tank, and they have left over fuel they just put it in the mid-grade and premium tanks. He said it was all the same. LOL
Travis |
Why don't you inform the FTC and your local DA. Or do you support corporate fraud? |
08/16/2005 11:07:54 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by Tallbloke: Well we pay $6.87 a gallon here if I've got my conversions right
99p a litre of unleaded
but we've only got a wee country
Steve |
If we had any brains we would do the same. Tax it to 5 or 6 dollars a gallon. Use the money to fund all of the highway funding (while reducing income taxes) and the higher cost would encourage conservation and reduce the flow of dollars going to the terrorist feifdoms of the middle east. Maybe we could actually stop funding both sides of the war on terror.
But alas, we have a president from oil rich Texas who holds hands with Saudi princes, so that won't be happening any time soon. |
08/17/2005 07:43:26 AM · #21 |
The sad part is, I've recently tried to buy a horse and buggy but found out I am not allowed to have a horse and buggy as my daily driver. Apparently horses count as pets now instead of transportation (or food in some countries) and I cannot lodge it in my place.
08/17/2005 07:56:30 AM · #22 |
A lot of times the gas station you get your gas at doesn't even own the pumps. The big fuel companies do. They just lease the space from the store owner. The owner leases it to them because they come in to buy a drink or smokes and make money that way.
Message edited by author 2005-08-17 07:56:48. |
08/17/2005 07:58:26 AM · #23 |
I listened to a neat report this morning that tried to explain why the heck people get so bothered about gas prices and don't react nearly so harshly when the housing market skyrockets or when the price of milk steadily increases. It was interesting, because I've never understood the big fuss... |
08/17/2005 07:58:55 AM · #24 |
Originally posted by photodude:
Tax it to 5 or 6 dollars a gallon. Use the money to fund all of the highway funding (while reducing income taxes) and the higher cost would encourage conservation and reduce the flow of dollars going to the terrorist feifdoms of the middle east. |
Seriously...if gas was $6.00 per gallon, I could not afford to do anything. The problem with the rising gas prices is that the only people that struggle from it are the middle class...and it becomes harder and harder for us to survive.
What used to cost $18.00 per week, is now costing me $47.00 -- what you propose is that it will cost $108.00.
Jump on the bandwagon though -- the rich are getting richer, and the middle class is struggling harder and harder to make ends meet.
08/17/2005 08:00:32 AM · #25 |
If demand is high, price is high. If you want cheaper gas, buy a smaller car, and use it less.
Message edited by author 2005-08-17 08:08:06.
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