Author | Thread |
08/24/2005 02:32:58 PM · #1 |
In light of the mood of the forums today, I thought I'd compile a list for everyone. Feel free to add at your leisure.
1. Panty hose...especially uncomfortable panty hose that twist and creep. Ick.
2. Underwire bras. Obviously a man invented such torturous devices.
3. Folks who drive 10+ miles UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane. What is up with that???
4. ATM fees...I'm considering switching banks so that I don't have to pay to get my own money anymore.
5. Whiners...those who can't find anything better to do (such as tackling the problem and finding a solution) than to whine and bitch and gripe and complain about the state of affairs in their love lives, their work places, their internet worlds, and the voices in their heads. To borrow my sweet and dear bud sher's signature...JUST PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND DEAL WITH IT!!!
I feel a lot better now. Anyone else? Please list what ticks you off or offends you. Have fun! :)
08/24/2005 02:34:51 PM · #2 |
I hate waiting in line...lalallalalala |
08/24/2005 02:36:48 PM · #3 |
1.pscs2 and how SLOOOOOOW it is
2. my BiL
3. mozzie bites
thats about it im feeling pretty dandy actually. There was too much to read in the other thread so i gave up - maybe if i read more i'd be more ticked off heh. |
08/24/2005 02:38:22 PM · #4 |
I hate panty hose, undewire bra wearin folks who drive slow in the fast lane only to have to pay fees at the ATM. ;)
I'm right there with ya laurie, well except for the bra and panty hose items, no dealings with those except I much prefer them on my floor than on my wife ;)
08/24/2005 02:39:22 PM · #5 |
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 14:54:16. |
08/24/2005 02:39:41 PM · #6 |
Here are mine:
1. Howdy Doody. I hate how it makes fun of red-headed freckled children with flappy wooden jaws. I demand a removal of this show from the air, and monetary compensation for red-headed freckled children everywhere.
2. That Squirrel Peanut Butter was bought out by Skippy and no longer features that peanut on top. I loved that peanut. Best peanut in the world. My brothers and I would fight over that peanut.. ahhh... memories.
Screw you Skippy!
3. ATM fees piss me off too.
4. Canon. Stop bringing out pathetic "upgrades" and swamping the market and making everyone think you're hot stuff... actually.. you know what.. sorry Canon, it's not your fault. I see the error of my ways.. it's actually the stupid sheep that buy your upgrades without question and then sit and proclaim how smart and superior they are when any one can plainly see they have no photographic talent whatsoever..
5. Pentax. Start supporting your loyal subjects and bring out a pro body please :)
6. The little pooping jelly-bean reindeer I have on my desk. I see the way you look at me. STOP IT. I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE BROWN JELLY BEANS.. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!
That's about it. for now. I'll leave the voters alone until after they aren't voting on my photo anymore ;)
08/24/2005 02:39:41 PM · #7 |
I'd hate pantyhose if I hadn't stopped wearing them in the tenth grade and refused to do so ever again. I like underwires though, my boobies appreciate being held up. :)
1. Poor customer service. Like when you go to the customer service desk and ask a question and the answer is just "I don't know" with no other follow through.
2. When people think spelling doesn't matter.
3. The lights in my office today. My eyes are burning!
4. Drinking glasses. I only like plastic cups.
5. Rampant world prejudice against tall people. And I finally found pants that were long enough and NOW you people decide capris are fashionable.
5a. How I'm guaranteed to sit behind the first person to recline their seat on an airplane. |
08/24/2005 02:40:55 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by Artyste: it's actually the stupid sheep that buy your upgrades without question and then sit and proclaim how smart and superior they are when any one can plainly see they have no photographic talent whatsoever..
Why you gotta call me out like that, man? |
08/24/2005 02:41:50 PM · #9 |
my profile pretty much sums it up for me.
08/24/2005 02:41:54 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by mk: Originally posted by Artyste: it's actually the stupid sheep that buy your upgrades without question and then sit and proclaim how smart and superior they are when any one can plainly see they have no photographic talent whatsoever..
Why you gotta call me out like that, man? |
lol. But.. you *have* photographic talent... and.. you don't sit and proclaim how smart and superior you are.
08/24/2005 02:44:54 PM · #11 |
My adult neighbors that thought it was cute to steal a bunch of construction markers and put them all over our street, and then never put them back.
Panty Hose (but not for comfort reasons).
Tailgators behind you when you are stuck behind someone going 10mph under the speed limit.
Gas prices.
Having to work for a living.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 14:56:45.
08/24/2005 02:47:12 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by laurielblack: 3. Folks who drive 10+ miles UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane. What is up with that??? |
What about those that drive the speed limit and impede the flow of traffic :P
Originally posted by laurielblack: 4. ATM fees...I'm considering switching banks so that I don't have to pay to get my own money anymore. |
You get charged to take money out and then they charge a business money to get change for those $20 bills :P
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 14:48:49.
08/24/2005 02:48:31 PM · #13 |
So I'm sitting here reading this really long thread. Not this thread of course. There are only a few postings so far. Anyway, it's moving along pretty well, but I need something to fill in the blank time between clicking the refresh button, so I take a piece of paper and start giving myself paper cuts between my fingers. I have this bottle of tabasco on my desk, so I decide to rub some tobasco into the cuts, and it started to really sting. I hate it when that happens. ;) |
08/24/2005 02:50:22 PM · #14 |
Political Correctness
Most taxes and fees
Pessimists |
08/24/2005 03:07:28 PM · #15 |
The thing that ticks me off the most anymore is:
Everything is in plasic blister packages and you almost need a jackhammer or something to get them open. Sometimes, scissors won't even begin to cut the packages open. It is so hard to open the package that you amost break the item getting it out of the package!
If it isn't in a plastic blister package then it's wrapped in some sort of plastic that won't rip off until you cut it somehow and then you take the item out of the box and it's wrapped up in more plastic that is hard to get off.
A couple of weekends ago I left most of my memory chips at home and had to buy a new one at the local Wal-Mart in Salida - it was almost impossible to get the darned thing open. My husband had to cut it open with his pocket knife and almost cut his finger off in the process!
Also, I'm with you on the pantyhose, Laurie. They are dreadful. Thigh highs are much more comfortable. Usually, I wear a longer dress - mid calf - and wear knee highs and then you feel as comfy as wearing pyjamas!
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 15:07:42. |
08/24/2005 03:16:20 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by Artyste:
.. you don't sit and proclaim how smart and superior you are. |
Clearly you do not know me.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 15:16:30. |
08/24/2005 03:16:41 PM · #17 |
Expressholes - those people who bring more than the X items into the X itmes or less aisle at the grocery store and then give you that look. Why do they think they are special? When I am in a particularly good mood I will make an exaggerated point to scrutinize them and if they make any semblance of discomfort or if it gets their attention I just say "I was just looking for what makes you so special." I use this for the next category too...
Parkingholes - people who illegally park, park in a no parking lane or fire lane, double park in the narrowest part of the street and get out of their cars like the laws don't apply to them.
Speedlimitholes - those people that feel it is their job to regulate the speed you drive and get irate when you pass them and then honk their horns or turn on their high beams.
Highbeamholes - those moronic people who drive with their high beams on day or not and make no attempt to dim them when you approach or you are in front of them.
Blinkerholes - those moronic people who drive down the road with their blinkers on. They are real big blinkerholes when they have the left one on and then turn right or vice versa.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 15:20:03. |
08/24/2005 03:16:53 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by mk: Originally posted by Artyste:
.. you don't sit and proclaim how smart and superior you are. |
Clearly you do not know me. |
lol.. well, maybe not. I've never seen you do this, however :)
08/24/2005 03:21:07 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by Sammie: The thing that ticks me off the most anymore is:
Oh what really gets me is a box of choclate comes with so much packaging and protective layers and plastic wrap that you cant open, and get a lightblub, a LIGHTBLUB made of GLASS comes in a flimsy pice of folded cardboard.
What is That??? |
08/24/2005 03:22:08 PM · #20 |
definately pantyhose....made it a rule long ago to never wear them again!
Childrens toys- everything is wire tied and taped to the box. what do they think its gonna do? get up and climb outta the box or something? You almost have to have a degree just to get the daym thing out then after you spend 30 minutes getting the toy out the kid wants to play with the box instead of the $30 toy u just gave blood and sweat getting out!
Super slow check out people- theres this woman at a local grocery store(only one in town too) who goes so slow i swear one of these days she actually going to go back in time! this is no lie: takes her 10 minutes to ring 3 items up! but her gossip runs a mile a minute! if shes working i always put my ice cream back because i had a carton melt all over me before i ever got checked out and the manager had the nerve to try to make me pay for it! how is it my fault the one person in front of me had 15 items, needless to say i try to never go there unless i cant help forgetting to pick up my kids snack while at walmart the next town down( which happens to be 45 minuts away)
08/24/2005 03:22:45 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by Alienyst: Expressholes - those people who bring more than the X items into the X itmes or less aisle at the grocery store and then give you that look. Why do they think they are special? When I am in a particularly good mood I will make an exaggerated point to scrutinize them and if they make any semblance of discomfort or if it gets their attention I just say "I was just looking for what makes you so special." I use this for the next category too...
Parkingholes - people who illegally park, park in a no parking lane or fire lane, double park in the narrowest part of the street and get out of their cars like the laws don't apply to them.
Speedlimitholes - those people that feel it is their job to regulate the speed you drive and get irate when you pass them and then honk their horns or turn on their high beams.
Highbeamholes - those moronic people who drive with their high beams on day or not and make no attempt to dim them when you approach or you are in front of them.
Blinkerholes - those moronic people who drive down the road with their blinkers on. They are real big blinkerholes when they have the left one on and then turn right or vice versa. |
I second that! haha
08/24/2005 03:24:00 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by Alienyst: Expressholes - those people who bring more than the X items into the X itmes or less aisle at the grocery store and then give you that look. Why do they think they are special? When I am in a particularly good mood I will make an exaggerated point to scrutinize them and if they make any semblance of discomfort or if it gets their attention I just say "I was just looking for what makes you so special." I use this for the next category too... |
I like counting aloud the items they have. If they come back with "Wow, you can count" then I would just say "I guess you can't" :P |
08/24/2005 03:26:04 PM · #23 |
oh and peoples inability to tell cows from bulls lol. |
08/24/2005 03:26:40 PM · #24 |
1. Discovering that clicking the Update button only serves to LOWER your score...
2. Thinking that you're being quite clever with your challenge entry and then realizing that 20% of the other photogs thought the same thing...
3. Killing 25% or more of all forum threads you respond to...
4. Comparing yourself to the absolutely phenomenal talent that is here on this site...
5. Spilling your milk...
08/24/2005 03:26:43 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by mesmeraj: oh and peoples inability to tell cows from bulls lol. |
.... damn city folk
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