Author | Thread |
08/24/2005 03:35:33 PM · #251 |
Originally posted by notonline: Originally posted by Jaimeson: Is this post still going on? Can't we all just get along? |
lol it has just dawned on me that my profile views have increased dramatically and as far as I could research this is/was the fastest growing thread. As stated above "move over chit rabbington." LOL |
10 pages...can i get 11? haha
Looks like I made 11. hahaha
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 15:36:02.
08/24/2005 03:36:38 PM · #252 |
Originally posted by Jaimeson: Originally posted by notonline: Originally posted by Jaimeson: Is this post still going on? Can't we all just get along? |
lol it has just dawned on me that my profile views have increased dramatically and as far as I could research this is/was the fastest growing thread. As stated above "move over chit rabbington." LOL |
10 pages...can i get 11? haha |
LOL Your 11 on the top of my screen.
08/24/2005 03:36:45 PM · #253 |
Taterbug, this is all your fault. ;-) But seriously, I hope you're doing a little better since this morning and managed to get some sleep. |
08/24/2005 03:38:19 PM · #254 |
Originally posted by NathanW: Originally posted by notonline: with democratic voting makes it a democrazy |
In a democracy, every citizen has a vote. In the USA not every citzen has a vote.
If we look at just the Presidential Election it's not the people that are voting for the president it's the 538 Electoral College voters that choose the president (only 270 are needed to pick a president). |
There are many forms of Democracy, principal among them being the broad categories "direct democracy" and "indirect democracy"; the United States is a "Federal Republic" organized on certain principles of "indirect democracy".
Federal Republic
A federal republic is a state which is both a federation and a republic. A federation is a state composed of a number of self-governing regions (often themselves referred to as 'states') united by a central, federal government. In a federation, unlike in a unitary state, the self-governing status of autonomous regions is constitutionally entrenched and cannot be revoked by a unilateral decision of the central government. Usage of the term republic is inconsistent but, as a minimum, it means a state that does not have a monarch as head of state.
Indirect Democracy
Indirect democracy is a broad term describing a means of governance by the people through elected representatives.
The most common system found in today's democratic states is the representative democracy. The people elect government officials who then make decisions on their behalf. Essentially, a representative democracy is a form of indirect democracy in which representatives are democratically selected, and usually difficult to recall.
A doctrine often known as Edmund Burke's Principle states that representatives should act upon their own conscience in the affairs of a representative democracy. This is contrasted to the expectation that such representatives should consider the views of their electors—an expectation particularly common in states with strong constituency links, or with recall provisions (such as modern British Columbia).
Another form of indirect democracy is delegative democracy. In delegative democracy, delegates are selected and expected to act on the wishes of the constituency. In this form of democracy the constituency may recall the delegate at any time. Representatives are expected only to transmit the decisions of electors, advance their views, and if they fail to do so they are subject to immediate recall with only minimal process.
One critique of indirect democracy is that it centralizes power into the hands of a few, thereby increasing the likelihood of corruption in and abuse of power by the government. In the United States, the chief means to reduce this risk is the form of government called a constitutional democracy (or more accurately, a republic with constitutionally ordained democratic institutions), wherein a separation of powers is used to constitutionally establish a system of checks and balances. Such checks and balances are a critical element of a Jeffersonian democracy. Other democracies among advanced industrial nations rely on the strength of political participation, particularly through multi-party systems, and do not generally try to institute constitutionally structured checks and balances.
Moreover, while some contend indirect democracy eliminates demagoguery, there is little reason to believe the elected representatives are not themselves demagogues, or subject to the persuasive appeal of demagogues.
Want to learn more? Forms of Democracy
Key issue here is that all democracies are NOT the same, and the particular variety we use in the US is not particularly "democratic" on this scale. "True", unadulterated democracy would have all decisions made by direct referendum among the citizens. The very size of the US, coupled with its 51 separate political units (states, plus the District of Columbia) makes direct democracy impractical at best, and probably impossible. The important thing is that "democracy" is not, of itself, a political system; it's a means by which citizens under many different political systems can have a voice. For example, the British have a constitutional monarchy run on basically democratic principles. In the US we have a "federation" of 51 states banded together under a Federal government, and under our constitution "state's rights" are supposed to take precedence over federal control. Our civil war was fought over states' rights issues, at rock bottom.
Our founding fathers would be flabbergasted to see how the federal government has usurped the powers of the states in almost every conceivable way.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 16:30:59.
08/24/2005 03:38:33 PM · #255 |
Originally posted by Telehubbie: Taterbug, this is all your fault. ;-) But seriously, I hope you're doing a little better since this morning and managed to get some sleep. |
08/24/2005 03:57:45 PM · #256 |
Originally posted by bear_music:
Our founding fathers would be flabbergasted to see how the federal government has usurped the powers of the states in almost every conceivable way.
Robt. |
Thanks for the info. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for (but you posted it perfectly). As for the above quoted line....I agree completely. |
08/24/2005 03:59:53 PM · #257 |
Originally posted by Jaimeson:
10 pages...can i get 11? haha
Actually it is only 9 pages on my screen.
08/24/2005 04:03:10 PM · #258 |
Just thot tis would brighten everyones day....a child smiling. This is an important thing in life....NOT A FORUM!!! Lets get our priorities straight people.
p.s. "notonline" is her pacifier you will be receiving, shes outgrown it :)
edit: Im with bear_music and the SC too, not that it matters, I'm a sudras.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 16:05:37.
08/24/2005 04:05:56 PM · #259 |
Originally posted by kiropractic: Just thot tis would brighten everyones day....a child smiling. This is an important thing in life....NOT A FORUM!!! Lets get our priorities straight people.
p.s. "notonline" is her pacifier you will be receiving, shes outgrown it :)
for that I'll PM you my actual address. As for the photo, I saw it in another thread and chose NOT to destroy it. I do not find this cute at all. You must have mistaken me for someone that likes kids/flowers/babies etc. altho post them al you want in this thread cuz as far as I'm concerned its dead.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 16:07:32.
08/24/2005 04:08:54 PM · #260 |
Originally posted by notonline: Originally posted by kiropractic: Just thot tis would brighten everyones day....a child smiling. This is an important thing in life....NOT A FORUM!!! Lets get our priorities straight people.
p.s. "notonline" is her pacifier you will be receiving, shes outgrown it :)
for that I'll PM you my actual address. As for the photo, I saw it in another thread and chose NOT to destroy it. I do not find this cute at all. You must have mistaken me for someone that likes kids/flowers/babies etc. altho post them al you want in this thread cuz as far as I'm concerned its dead. |
Sorry man, the picture wasn't really intended for you, but the rest of us. Sorry I didn't explain that. Gotta go turn on the life...later guys.
08/24/2005 04:24:56 PM · #261 |
Originally posted by notonline: Originally posted by Manic: Originally posted by notonline: BUT, as they have removed my post they should have also removed he other post which I took offence too. |
Your initial post was offtopic, whereas the original as on topic. This was the primary reason for its removal, and has no relation to whether any post was deemed offensive or not. |
Sure it does. He quoted a religious quote and I asked " where is your GOD now???" I didn't bring religion into it. I merely asked a question which was removed by SC. Editing the public voice as usual IMO. |
The intent of the post you took offense to was to comfort and support the OP. Your reply was a cynical, rude snipe that had no purpose aside from being inflammatory and did nothing to show support for the OP.
If you want your "voice" to go out uncensored, I suggest you do it in the proper place. Like your own webpage, blog, podcast or whatever media you can find. I suggest you avoid TV and radio because then you would be subject to the rules of the FCC and judging from you reaction here, you might not last too long.
Maybe there, you can find a willing, likeminded audience for your incessant whining about the injustice of it all. Then again, maybe not.
08/24/2005 04:25:41 PM · #262 |
Originally posted by bear_music: ... The very size of the US, coupled with its 51 separate political units (states) makes direct democracy impractical at best, and probably impossible. |
51? So the rumor's true, we've officially annexed Canada ... ? |
08/24/2005 04:27:07 PM · #263 |
Originally posted by kpriest: starting to rethink Mavrik's website feature request from last week... |
08/24/2005 04:28:14 PM · #264 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by bear_music: ... The very size of the US, coupled with its 51 separate political units (states) makes direct democracy impractical at best, and probably impossible. |
51? So the rumor's true, we've officially annexed Canada ... ? |
whoops.... does it help if I say I meant to include the District of Columbia in this list? jejejeâ„¢
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 16:30:07.
08/24/2005 04:30:30 PM · #265 |
Originally posted by Spazmo99: Originally posted by notonline: Originally posted by Manic: Originally posted by notonline: BUT, as they have removed my post they should have also removed he other post which I took offence too. |
Your initial post was offtopic, whereas the original as on topic. This was the primary reason for its removal, and has no relation to whether any post was deemed offensive or not. |
Sure it does. He quoted a religious quote and I asked " where is your GOD now???" I didn't bring religion into it. I merely asked a question which was removed by SC. Editing the public voice as usual IMO. |
The intent of the post you took offense to was to comfort and support the OP. Your reply was a cynical, rude snipe that had no purpose aside from being inflammatory and did nothing to show support for the OP.
If you want your "voice" to go out uncensored, I suggest you do it in the proper place. Like your own webpage, blog, podcast or whatever media you can find. I suggest you avoid TV and radio because then you would be subject to the rules of the FCC and judging from you reaction here, you might not last too long.
Maybe there, you can find a willing, likeminded audience for your incessant whining about the injustice of it all. Then again, maybe not. |
Ok feel free to go about your repressed life and have others tell you or edit what you can or cannot say. If it was fair for one then it SHOULD have been fair for all. Unless of course you would prefer Hitler to rein again??? <--retorical question. Supression on any kind is unacceptable but again now pay attention this time, whats fair for one is fair for all.
08/24/2005 04:32:59 PM · #266 |
DC is closer to "occupied territory" than "autonomous political unit." |
08/24/2005 04:33:25 PM · #267 |
Originally posted by notonline: Ok feel free to go about your repressed life and have others tell you or edit what you can or cannot say. If it was fair for one then it SHOULD have been fair for all. Unless of course you would prefer Hitler to rein again??? <--retorical question. Supression on any kind is unacceptable but again now pay attention this time, whats fair for one is fair for all. |
Godwin's law - you lose notonline. ;)
08/24/2005 04:35:24 PM · #268 |
08/24/2005 04:36:52 PM · #269 |
Originally posted by mavrik:
Godwin's law - you lose notonline. ;) |
I'm sorry when did this become a contest??? SC has seen and understood what I am asking for so why couldn't you unless you haven't read the full forum???
08/24/2005 04:43:15 PM · #270 |
Ummm, of course I'm a SC member so take this for what it is worth.
In real life, what is fair for one is not fair for all.
A teacher is teaching a lesson on solving algebraic inequalities when one of her students goes into cardiac arrest. She can ignore the one and continue teaching the others, thus giving everyone the same amount of attention (being fair to all), OR she can stop what she is doing, send a student to have 911 called and begin administring the necessary "first aid" (thus giving one student attention exclusively at the "cost" of the other students = not fair).
I don't think this is, or has been a question of "fairness." I think it has been more an issue of someone (you) feeling you were not allowed to express what you want, how you want.
08/24/2005 04:44:51 PM · #271 |
Godwin's Law:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1 (i.e. certainty).
There is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made, the thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was being made.
08/24/2005 04:48:36 PM · #272 |
Originally posted by notonline: If it was fair for one then it SHOULD have been fair for all. |
It was fair for one person to post a message of sympathy in that thread, and fair for others to do the same. It was NOT fair to divert attention away from that sympathy by publicly complaining about a post that wasn't meant for you, and that ONLY you found offensive. Religious texts are commonly quoted for expressions of hope and support, and there's nothing offensive about doing so when hope and support are requested. If anyone else had posted a comment as malicious as yours, it would be equally hidden. |
08/24/2005 04:48:48 PM · #273 |
Far too many of us (and please let me know if I'm speaking out of turn) have read and listened to every word you have said/typed - even the messages you have been trying so desperately to convey. I'll only speak for myself now, but I think that the majority of people here support the SC as is. And I think that you should seriously examine your motives for pursuing this topic as long as you have - especially with numerous other "censorships" under your belt. [I use the term censorship only as a placard for your understanding, as I do not believe that any censorship has occured. Indeed, your persistent ravings - and the fact that the SC has allowed them to continue - have more than illustrated this site's capacity for "freedome of speech"].
Agree to disagree and move on. We all make choices every day. You can stay and accept the rules or leave and not have to worry about the site "infringing on your rights" any more. It's really quite simple. And yes, at this point, I will be ignoring this thread. Again, it's quite simple to do...
08/24/2005 04:49:44 PM · #274 |
08/24/2005 04:49:49 PM · #275 |
OK, this thread has served its purpose. Move along people, nothing to see here...
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