Author | Thread |
08/24/2005 03:35:27 PM · #26 |
Originally posted by Alienyst:
Highbeamholes - those moronic people who drive with their high beams on day or not and make no attempt to dim them when you approach or you are in front of them. |
There are SOOOOO many of these around here! It totally amazes me that you can blink your headlights at them and they just won't turn their's down.
Several weeks ago, the police pulled my husband over and gave him a warning that he didn't dim his lights soon enough. It was really weird as he is very good about dimming his lights (can't help it when I'm there next to him!) - why on earth the police don't pull over the people who won't dim at all is a mystery! |
08/24/2005 03:35:49 PM · #27 |
1. People who think they shouldn't be accountable.
2. People who blame others for things they did.
3. People who drive 85mph with their little kids jumping around in the backseat.
4. People who know-it-all
5. Packaging that requires me to use explosives to open.
I have more, but these are the first 5 that spring to mind.
08/24/2005 03:48:13 PM · #28 |
I almost forgot, People that throw cigarette butts out their car window, especially when you live in Arizona and they start big fires!
08/24/2005 03:58:47 PM · #29 |
(DISCLAIMER: This does not apply to anyone who has responded to this thread!)
But I really can't stand self-righteous SOBs who consider themselves to be above reproach or criticism and can't see anyone else's point of view because of their own short-sightedness. These people really make the world uncomfortable for everyone.
(Sorry, I just had to say it... There seem to be a number of threads lately to which this could apply - not naming any in particular, but it probably even includes some opinions that I've stated myself! LOL)
08/24/2005 04:06:23 PM · #30 |
Some are repeats, but here are mine:
1. The ACLU. That building and all card carrying members can burn for all I care
2. Political Correctness winning out over what needs to be said and done.
3. Politicians who have not the balls to make decisions.
4. People who stand on line for 30 minutes at the check out, and only after everything is rung up does it finally DAWN on them to open their purse and start digging around for their check book. Here's a word: CASH, have it handy. Have ANYTHING handy. Why do you wait for the last friggin' minute to then hold everyone up even more!!??
5. People who buy chips, ice cream, chocolate, processed foods, frozen pizza, candy, etc and then DIET SODA.
6. People who are too stupid to raise their children.
7. People who assume you have NO problem with their dogs jumping all over you non-stop. Aren't they just cute? No actually.
8. The very existence of Tara Reid, Madonna, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
08/24/2005 04:15:03 PM · #31 |
Poor cell phone etiquette - people taking calls at any and all times, being rude to people around them, putting others at risk when they drive while on the phone (I don't mind highway driving so much, but around town I think it's extremely distracting and dangerous.)
When cashiers give me change and put the coins on top of the bills. The coins always slide off onto the counter or floor. Or I need to put down the stuff in my other hand before I can manuever the money into my purse/pocket. It drives me crazy.
Clothing that advertises itself. I don't understand why people pay stores to be their walking billboards. (Gap! Old Navy! Abercrombie!) Guess I've just never understood the need to be part of a name brand "club."
When other people tell me what they dreamed last night, especially if its goes on and on and on. Ohmygod I don't care. So boring.
People who treat pets as disposable -- adopt a dog/cat and then decide the next year they want to move and can't be bothered with having to look for a pet friendly place. College students are horrible with this. I see pet adoption as a committment for the length of that animal's life.
Men (mostly) who spit big ol' loogies right onto public sidewalks for other people to step in. I especially love it when they do it in my presence. It's revolting. What happened to gentlemen?
Adults who speak with baby talk using such words as preggers, hubby, or sammich.
Message edited by author 2005-08-24 16:19:28. |
08/24/2005 04:19:21 PM · #32 |
I mostly get ticked off on a grander scale; foibles such as being discussed here seem almost quaintly human to me; annoying, but human. What ticks me off would moce this into the rant section, so I won't even start, except to point out that it has to do with a**holes manipluating the world, and everyone in it, for their own private ends.
08/24/2005 04:28:52 PM · #33 |
Originally posted by bear_music: I mostly get ticked off on a grander scale; foibles such as being discussed here seem almost quaintly human to me; annoying, but human. What ticks me off would moce this into the rant section, so I won't even start, except to point out that it has to do with a**holes manipluating the world, and everyone in it, for their own private ends.
Robt. |
Have to agree with ya there bear... (I didn't want to open that can of worms, but kinda glad someone did!)
08/24/2005 04:37:28 PM · #34 |
Having someone kick the back of my seat in a movie.
Unrelated women touching my husband.
People not using their turn signals or driving recklessly.
Someone chewing with their mouth open.
Dishonesty. (actually that should be at the top of my list, if I'm lied to it makes me irate)
Bad mannered children/Adults who don't at least make an attempt to teach their children how to act appropriately in public, etc.
My ex-husband.
My husbands ex-wife.
Ok, those are the ones that instantly come to mind. When I started I only had 2 to list but they just kept coming, lol.
Honest, I'm not a hostile person, lol. |
08/24/2005 04:40:10 PM · #35 |
Originally posted by mk:
2. When people think spelling doesn't matter. (YES!)
4. Drinking glasses. I only like plastic cups. (My husband thinks I'm weird because I feel the SAME WAY!)
5. Rampant world prejudice against tall people. And I finally found pants that were long enough and NOW you people decide capris are fashionable. (If I don't get extra, extra tall, I feel like I'm wearing high waters.)
5a. How I'm guaranteed to sit behind the first person to recline their seat on an airplane. (Sigh ... I'm always getting squished knees!) |
MK ... You are a woman after my own heart! At last! Another who understands me! :) My husband doesn't "understand" me ... but at least he puts up with me! LOL |
08/24/2005 04:43:49 PM · #36 |
Originally posted by SJCarter: 1. Discovering that clicking the Update button only serves to LOWER your score...
2. Thinking that you're being quite clever with your challenge entry and then realizing that 20% of the other photogs thought the same thing...
3. Killing 25% or more of all forum threads you respond to...
4. Comparing yourself to the absolutely phenomenal talent that is here on this site.
;-) |
I LOVE those! Especially the one about the obsessive compulsive drive to PUSH the update button and every time, Yep. . . there it goes. . .lower and lower :)
These are mine too! :)
08/24/2005 04:45:43 PM · #37 |
Maybe this should be moved under rant.
How about on a hot, steamy summer day sitting on mass transit next to people that have not bathed recently? |
08/24/2005 04:49:30 PM · #38 |
Motorcyclists who take up an entire parking space
People who parallel park like they're docking a barge
People with really bad breath (what can you say??)
08/24/2005 05:02:12 PM · #39 |
i've got another one
That people automatically assume that age is directly relative to life experience (or talent as the case may be).
Even my husband, 13 yrs my senior will admit that in my meager 22 years i have had more life experience than himself. He might be wiser, but ive been around the block more lol. |
08/24/2005 05:08:34 PM · #40 |
Originally posted by mesmeraj: oh and peoples inability to tell cows from bulls lol. |
I am GLAD someone else knows this!! ARRRGGGHHH! And how are baby "cows" (calves) made without one? No calves, no cows, no dairy, no milk or "dairy" products.
Alright a few...
People who do not just drive the speed limit! Everyone just do it and there would be no passing, no running into each other, etc. That too hard to figure out?
People that can't read the first word in the sign above the door... emergency room. And come in for all their aches and complaints. Mainly, this is the abusers of the MedicAid and Indigent care programs. "I've had a cough for 3 weeks. I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day. My cough is not getting any better. Now give me something to fix it, NOW!"
Which leads to...I have been in the Emergency room waiting room for over an hour! Always want to say...If it were such an emergency you would have been back there by now, right? Or,..We have 5 other people that were triaged before you with the same complaint, and they go before you. If you and the other 5 would have taken care of this 2 weeks ago at YOUR doctors office, the wait to be seen for EMERGENCIES, would be almost non-existent. :)
(Bad night at work)
08/24/2005 05:15:12 PM · #41 |
Originally posted by queanbeez: my profile pretty much sums it up for me. |
on your profile page it reads:...."AND my bf's dog (he snots and slobbers on me)"........
This dog wouldn't be Pug would it?.....if so, I understand the snot issue...I have a Pug myself and it not easy getting blown over with huge ball of snot coming at your face...:) |
08/24/2005 05:16:21 PM · #42 |
Driving vehicles with cell phones to their ears!
them stupid really tight low rider jeans coupled with a tight tube top. Do they not see the Michelin man in the mirror with this? Seriously! Do they say...Hey, I love the way that fat is pinched up and pushed out, rolling over the top of my jeans and bouncing when I walk in my WAY TOO HIGH heels!
Someon's mother who wants to talk incessantly on the phone about crap I could care less about, like what the stupid jerk in front of her is doing while driving (with her phone on her EAR!) home from work. Do women not know that phone conversations only need to be 30 seconds max. :)
08/24/2005 05:19:12 PM · #43 |
1. I hate it when people are late, specially to work. If I can be on time so can everyone else.
2. I HATE doing laundry
3. There's this guy at work that everyone hates. He really annoys me and the rest of the world. I am not a violent person but he brings out homicidal tendencies in me.
08/24/2005 05:21:03 PM · #44 |
Originally posted by cpanaioti: Originally posted by mesmeraj: oh and peoples inability to tell cows from bulls lol. |
.... damn city folk |
I'm a country boy, and I can maybe tell the difference between a cow and a herring if I get three clues :-)
08/24/2005 05:21:03 PM · #45 |
Originally posted by chiqui74: 3. There's this guy at work that everyone hates. He really annoys me and the rest of the world. I am not a violent person but he brings out homicidal tendencies in me.
June |
apparently these emotions are ok if you work at the post office. I believe lock and load is a training course offered by USPS as well as CPC
08/24/2005 05:21:25 PM · #46 |
Originally posted by mesmeraj: Originally posted by Sammie: The thing that ticks me off the most anymore is:
Oh what really gets me is a box of choclate comes with so much packaging and protective layers and plastic wrap that you cant open, and get a lightblub, a LIGHTBLUB made of GLASS comes in a flimsy pice of folded cardboard.
What is That??? |
hmmmm, true, very true observation.... |
08/24/2005 05:24:08 PM · #47 |
Originally posted by laurielblack: 3. Folks who drive 10+ miles UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane. What is up with that???
Folks who drive 10 MPH OVER the speed limit. Move Over!!!!!! |
08/24/2005 05:31:07 PM · #48 |
what ticks me off???? threads about thing that tick me off :) |
08/24/2005 05:43:31 PM · #49 |
Those reality T.V. Shows....when is it ever going to end. ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH
I miss thse old shows, Happy Days, Levern and Shirly (sp), Mork and Mindy.....among many others....Of course, Nick At Night show them....but tv shows today lack morals and values....well, America's value systems have changed and seems to be driven from Hollwood and fed into your help us. |
08/24/2005 05:51:57 PM · #50 |
Originally posted by faidoi: I like counting aloud the items they have. If they come back with "Wow, you can count" then I would just say "I guess you can't" :P |
A variation I have found fun when I have the 3 year old with me is to have him count the items out loud :-)
My List....
- Stuff that would need to be on a political forum but basically burecrats (sp?) that think they speak for all and sundry when they would be better for the rest of us locked in the funny farm.
- Hypercrits (sp? - am I annoying the person who said sprelling yet :-) of all forms, shapes and sizes.
- The "important people" that clearly believe the rest of us are here just to get in their way.
- Having to working for companies/people that survive despite themselves and logic. I have no idea how some of the people manage to find their way to the office each day.
- Threads that have lists of things that tick them off :-)) |
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