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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Things that tick me off
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 135, (reverse)
08/24/2005 05:55:36 PM · #51
Originally posted by robs:

am I annoying the person who said sprelling yet :-)


It's bureaucrat and hypocrite. And spelling. :P
08/24/2005 10:16:35 PM · #52
Knowing that the Chicago White Sox are pulling yet ANOTHER God-damn Chicago sports team choke. It gets so depressing when it happens so regularly and often. Well, at least we had Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, et. al. not too long ago.
08/24/2005 10:32:12 PM · #53
I hate Wells Fargo. I have banked there for over 20 years (it was a smaller bank before they were bought out about 12 years ago.)

I tried to deposit a check there last week and take out 100 bucks for walking around cash. So I give her all the stuff, and she says " I need your ATM card." I said I dont use one, but I have other ID cards I can show you.

She says no, I need your ATM card or your pin number or I can not complete this transaction. Well of coarse by this time I am about fed up. I am trying to give them a few thousand dollars and they dont want my money. Insanity.

So, I drive down the street and the next bank does the transtaction with my DL alone no questions asked.

I know banks are not the way they were in the past. But, not taking a deposit to me is just crazy.

08/24/2005 10:51:15 PM · #54
I hate making calls to companies that have automated answering choices and you never get to talk to a real live person!
08/24/2005 10:51:26 PM · #55
When you ask someone to do something and they pretend they don't know how because they don't want to do it.

Plastic cups

Internet people who kill perfectly good conversations with phrases like "this is in the wrong thread" and then continue to discuss it and "this is not original, it has been discussed before" yeah like three months ago

Message edited by author 2005-08-24 22:53:36.
08/24/2005 10:53:41 PM · #56
Originally posted by Riggs:

I know banks are not the way they were in the past. But, not taking a deposit to me is just crazy.

When I moved to Connecticut, I couldn't open a simple bank account with cash because I didn't have a Connecticut drivers license yet. I don't remember the exact circumstances at the time, but I couldn't get the driver's license until I had a bank account. Hello? I had to open the account at my employer's bank and get them to vouch for me in order to deposit cash.

I'm allergic to stupidity. >:-(
08/24/2005 10:55:16 PM · #57
"Your call is important to us. Please hold for the next available representative. Approximate wait time... two... days. I hate that.
08/24/2005 10:56:58 PM · #58
Oooh I hate the companies with phone systems that make you SAY things instead of pushing a button...like you're really talking to someone and not a computerized recording. I usually just scream "I WANNA TALK TO A HUMAN BEING!" and the computerized voice says "I'm sorry, I didn't get that last response...could you please repeat it?" Grrrrr those chap my hide!
08/24/2005 10:57:56 PM · #59
I hate trying to buy school clothes for a 10 yr old girl who isn't supper skinny and has no desire to walk the streets for pay. (Why do designers DO that? And why do parents buy those clothes for their kids?)

I get ticked off by inconsiderate people...old, young, driving, blasting music, foul language in public places....I don't care if you're black, white or PURPLE - my biggest bias is against inconsiderate people.

I get ticked off by people who make race an issue in everything.

and last, but certainly not least, I get ticked off that most church services are early Sunday morning...and then they wonder why we want to sleep in! (okay, so that's a minor one - but it makes sense to me as a Christian and definitely NOT a morning person.)

08/24/2005 11:04:45 PM · #60
As for phone solicitation.. what about those calls that go, "Hello, this is an automated message from "Blah Blah Survey Company", please take 10 minutes to take our survey, can you please hold?"

like.. WHAT!? You're calling ME, and then putting ME on hold!?!? I DON'T THINK SO!
08/24/2005 11:05:35 PM · #61
Originally posted by Artyste:

As for phone solicitation.. what about those calls that go, "Hello, this is an automated message from "Blah Blah Survey Company", please take 10 minutes to take our survey, can you please hold?"

like.. WHAT!? You're calling ME, and then putting ME on hold!?!? I DON'T THINK SO!

For real! And then they call me on my cellphone. HA!
08/24/2005 11:29:12 PM · #62
Originally posted by laurielblack:

In light of the mood of the forums today, I thought I'd compile a list for everyone. Feel free to add at your leisure.

1. Panty hose...especially uncomfortable panty hose that twist and creep. Ick.

2. Underwire bras. Obviously a man invented such torturous devices.

3. Folks who drive 10+ miles UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane. What is up with that???

4. ATM fees...I'm considering switching banks so that I don't have to pay to get my own money anymore.

5. Whiners...those who can't find anything better to do (such as tackling the problem and finding a solution) than to whine and bitch and gripe and complain about the state of affairs in their love lives, their work places, their internet worlds, and the voices in their heads. To borrow my sweet and dear bud sher's signature...JUST PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND DEAL WITH IT!!!

I feel a lot better now. Anyone else? Please list what ticks you off or offends you. Have fun! :)

WOW .... I agree with all of these....

I hate when I'm a whiner because I ran out of money and had to use an ATM because I was driving 10 MPH under the speed limit and was late to the bank because my lady friend was wearing an underwired bra that I couldn't undo while I was getting twisted up in her pantyhose .... I really hate days like that!!!

No more complaining - just be happy
No more ATMs - Everything should be free
No more speed limits - rockets for everyone
Burn all bras - free love
No more pantyhose - almost the same destiny as polyester

08/24/2005 11:47:20 PM · #63
Originally posted by scalvert:

"Your call is important to us. Please hold for the next available representative. Approximate wait time... two... days. I hate that.

My husband is in the telecommunications industry (inbound, not out!)..he jokingly translates this into.."Your call is important to us, but not so important that we've staffed our call center with adequate employees to keep up with call volume, so you'll just have to wait!"
08/24/2005 11:50:16 PM · #64
It ticks me off when pessimists complaint that nobody listens to their problems
08/24/2005 11:56:03 PM · #65
1. The thoughts that go through my mind while sitting at a red light when no one is coming for the other direction.

2. Drunk drivers (Refine the road side sobriety test. Instead of making them touch there nose or walk a line. Put them in front of a sober drive with a small head start and see if they get out of the way. If not the fine is whats in there wallet, they want put up a fight.)

3. Info Commercials (if they were really worked then canon would have one)

4. SUV's (not the people that have a family and need the room. The ones where the kids are grown and It's just mom driving the thing. How much da"n groceries, clothes, or flowers are you planning to put in it anyway. Comeon.. something good on gas.) ---SDW is running for cover!

5. "Would you like fries with that". (Don't you think I would of asked if I wanted them?)

6. The fact that a 30min sitcom is only 20min. (But sometimes the 10 minutes of commercials was more interesting than the sitcom.)

Message edited by author 2005-08-24 23:56:38.
08/25/2005 12:31:16 AM · #66
People that don't even try to understand opposing viewpoints, even though it would probably make their own arguments just that much stronger.

Parents that have absolutely no clue what they're doing, but like to think they do by restricting everything their kids do, so their kids have to go behind their parents back and end up doing worse things than if their parents actually took the time to realize kids find out how to do things behind their parents' backs anyway. Not about my parents, but I have a lot of friends with this kind of parent.

People that get pissed off at you because you turn in front of them, when you have the room and time, because they want to go 75 in a 35 zone. That actually doesn't tick me off, it makes me laugh because they also tend to use wild gestures you can see in your rear-view mirror...

People that drive 10 miles under the speed limit, braking randomly, and then turning without signalling. If you're looking for a place, go at speed limit, overshoot, and turn around!

The fact that the college I want to go to costs $42,000 per year, on average.

Taking the SAT, then college board releasing the NEW SAT so I have to retake it. And write. My senior year }:-0

Emo kids that talk about how much their life sucks, while they're living in 900,000 dollar houses, their parents are paying their car insurance and gas, cooking for them, and really being awesome parents - but because they're emo they're going to find something to whine about. And those haircuts.

Kill Bill, Vol. 1
08/25/2005 12:40:42 AM · #67
Having to wait two years for the next Harry Potter installment.
Breaking a nail.
Rude people. At my job, at home, at the store, anywhere.
Being late to work/oversleeping.
Underwire bras. They always come out of the fabric and try to cut up my pair!
The fact that my brown eyes are so dark that the violet contact lenses that I put in don't make a dent in my natural eye color.
Slow and/or retarted drivers.
People that insist on talking to me even though the look on my face screams 'Noooooooooooooooooooooo....'
Having my pic taken.
Other than that, I'm good. :D
08/25/2005 01:31:10 AM · #68
Originally posted by princess:

Having to wait two years for the next Harry Potter installment.

same here. amen.
08/25/2005 02:00:41 AM · #69
Ledzep, what's an emo kid?

I get ticked off by some traffic lights on routes that I take that are totally useless because there's very rarely any cross-traffic and they're on minor minor roads.
08/25/2005 02:11:50 AM · #70
People who have like 20 items in the 15 items or less checkout lane at the supermarket.

No express lanes at Costco.

Taxpayers money being wasted on specially made signs for road construction with bad spelling like "Road being overlayed - Aug 19 to Aug 26" etc.

People who chew gum with their mouths open.

Drivers who slow down quite a bit and wobble all over the road while talking on their cell phones.

Trying to find non-existent staff at Department stores, or an operating cash register/staff.

Message edited by author 2005-08-25 02:13:24.
08/25/2005 02:27:28 AM · #71
I'm not reading this whole thread so sorry if this was already posted, but "things that tick me off" would make AN EXCELLENT CHALLENGE IDEA!!!!
08/25/2005 02:43:49 AM · #72
Oh...I got a good one or two..or three...or four

1.) People at 4-way stops. Do people not remember what they learned in driver's ed? Let's all just sit and tempt each other to enter the intersection.

2.) People (my husband in particular) who uses your computer and leaves the cap locks on.

3.) THONGS! Not the shoes...the underwear. Who the Hell came up with those things...might as well not wear undies at all. Then, you got the teenagers who wear their jeans low, their thong straps high and their shirts short.

4.) People who have to give exact change when you are behind them in the cashier line and they have to count it out coin by coin. You gotta know what I mean.

08/25/2005 02:51:50 AM · #73
Cell phones in general piss me off. It wasn't so bad when they were just phones but now they have to be everything PLUS phones and they SUCK AT BEING PHONES. I'm the pizza guy so I get 95% of my orders on cell phones. It's never their fault that I can't hear them. It's my fault. And heaven forbid if their cell phone drops the connection cause then they call back all pissed because I hung up on them...

Thank you for coming into my business and being ON your cell phone. I stand at the counter and wait for you to finish your business on the phone while I could be making someone elses pizza. I ask you what you want on your pizza and you have to say, excuse me I didn't hear you. Of course you didn't hear me you were talkin' on your damn cell phone! And thanks again because you just told me that the person that isn't even hear is way more important than me standing right in front of you waiting to take your order so you can eat your food!

And why do you call the pizza place to make an order when you don't even know what you want? I love it when someone has been on hold for two minutes. I go 'Sorry about the wait can I help you now' and you go 'HEY WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT?'

If I tell ya your order will be delivered in 30-50 minutes, please don't call back in 20 and say it's been an hour. My computer keeps impeccable time and doesn't lie!

How can I deliver a pizza to you if you don't even know where you are? 'Can I have your address please?' 'I don't know, I don't live here, I'm just babysitting my friends plants...'

I'm the pizza guy. My job is to know how to get to where ever you live. I know all the streets in my area. You don't have to spell your street name every time you order. I may not have gone to 'O X F O R D' but I do know how to spell it!

And why do drunks wanna make fun of or piss of the pizza guy? Don't they realize I'm gonna make them something to eat? It isn't real smart to piss off the cook! (disclaimer: I would never do anything to anyone's food and I will fire anyone in my employ that did INSTANTLY and then hunt them down after work and kick their ass. I don't want anyone messin' with my food why would I do that to theirs!)

Oh and since I went there. I am a professional if only a pizza guy. Please don't end our phone conversation with 'Please don't spit in my food'. I find that rather insulting... I believe that the only people that would think someone would do that is someone who has actually done that...

Last but not least, Please tip your delivery guy. I'm really tired of hearing them bitch about those of ya that don't!

Did I miss anything? Holy f**k I gotta get a new job...
08/25/2005 02:54:29 AM · #74
Dude!!! Rough night at the store??? :-)
08/25/2005 03:04:10 AM · #75
Oh yeah I almost forgot, Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10 but buns come in packages of 8? I don't wanna eat 40 freakin hot dogs to make everything work out even.
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