Author | Thread |
08/26/2005 08:01:09 AM · #1 |
I have a friend leaning toward the Nikon model. Can anyone shed any light on which is the better performer and why?
I know cost is a factor with her as well as performance.
Naturally I would rather see her in the Canon, but her needs come before my preferences.
Thanks! |
08/26/2005 08:11:09 AM · #2 |
I have for the past month researched these two cameras as well as the d70.
I have a friend that is a professional photographer that owns a chain of camera shops so i spent a lot of time testing and discussing the pros and cons between these 2 cameras.
The general opinion (in fact it was 100%) is that the Nikon lenses are far superior to that on the 350 and one rep even talked potential buyers out of buying the canon for that reason alone!
If you check all the reviews you will also find that the Nikon is favoured and that is why last week i purchased a d50. The D70 does come with a better qaulity lens but the standard 18m-55m d50 lens still is far superior than the canon 350 lens and i saw the photos between the two and i was surprised.
Another good thing about the nikon d50 is that it has very little noise in low light , it even takes better quality pictures than the d70 due to the fact the ccd has been upgraded.
The D50 is an awesome camera as is the D70 and i would strongly suggest avoiding the canon 350.
Dont get me wrong though because your camera is still a bloody good one its just that i found that the nikon is a bit better.
Message edited by author 2005-08-26 08:16:55. |
08/26/2005 08:16:19 AM · #3 |
I assume you are talking about the kit lense here?
Got any good pics taken with your D50 you can share? I looked at your profile and they were taken with your Fugi. |
08/26/2005 08:18:06 AM · #4 |
Well i have had it for a week and yes i have got picttures but i cant put them up unless they are entered in a challenge? |
08/26/2005 08:34:07 AM · #5 |
If you go to "My Home" ---> "My Portfolio" you can upload images for others to see without them being part of a challenge. You'll find that's an easy way to share photos in threads like this. i.e...
Them click the fifth icon after "Message" in your reply and give it the image ID number. |
08/26/2005 08:38:18 AM · #6 |
canons are better :-)
honestly the biggest difference between a 350D and D50 is that the canon has 8mega pixels while the nikon has 6, they otherwise match each other feature for feature give of take a few things. Both take good shots, just depends if someone wants to buy into canon lenses or nikon lenses.
Message edited by author 2005-08-26 08:39:03. |
08/26/2005 08:55:21 AM · #7 |
Yes Nico, I would have to agree about Canons being 'better'. LOL
(see my siggy) but Im not hearing alot of exacting reasons why one might be better than the other other than the aforementioned supposed better quality of the kit lense by Hoogie.
I think like you said, depends on where they are wanting to go with their lenses. |
08/26/2005 09:10:18 AM · #8 |
The Nikon will be more comfortable to hold (unless you have small hands), offers lower noise at ISO1600 and a better kit lens. The Canon is smaller, has a faster burst rate, more resolution, and maybe a few extra features.
There's more info HERE and HERE. |
08/26/2005 09:22:27 AM · #9 |
Thanks Scalvert, those are good links. |
08/26/2005 09:23:31 AM · #10 |
I'm sure if you told her you would let her use lenses that would push her toward the canon since they are so similar. That after all is why you buy an SLR for the lenses right?
08/26/2005 09:30:48 AM · #11 |
She lives on the west coast (Northern CA) Im in East Tennesse....she wont be borrowing lenses, but that is a very good reason to go Canon if she were near me. Good thinking. |
08/26/2005 09:49:45 AM · #12 |
I have read about 4 articles in various UK mags over the last month that have all said the 350D is a much better camera than the D50 by a large margine, although they seem to like the handling of the D50 more.
The fight between the Canon 350D and the Nikon D70s is the one thats very tight, the Canon gives bigger images and although people said it was small I found the handling and size fine so I went for the Canon.
Also the write speed when shooting RAW is slow in comparison to the 350D and I prefer CFII to SD cards.
Your asking the wrong question. There is no contest between the Canon 350D and the Nikon D50, the Canon is well ahead. You need to ask whether the Nikon D70s or the Canon 350D is better, and truth is there isn't much in it.
Without wanting to cause a fight, Hoogie's post is not accurate and the salesman he refers too is giving poor advice (although the Nkon's kit lense it better). The D50 is a good basic SLR but it lacks many many features that both the D70s and 350D offer.
Message edited by author 2005-08-26 12:03:17. |
08/26/2005 09:52:22 AM · #13 |
The real truth is:
Tell your friend to buy what suits him the best, what feels most comfortable to him.
Let him be happy with whatever he chooses! |
08/26/2005 10:15:40 AM · #14 |
Here's a side by side chart...
DP Review
08/26/2005 10:27:28 AM · #15 |
08/26/2005 09:54:03 PM · #16 |
Its ironic isnt it that people with canons will obviously say "canon" and vice versa.
Someone stated that the canon 350 is "far" better than the nikon d50 and closer to the D70 in picture quality....hmm thats odd as the d50 has better picture quality than the D70 due to a modified!
To be honest they are both great cameras i just prefered the better quality kit lens and the lower noise in low light.
08/26/2005 10:37:08 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by Hoogie: ... i would strongly suggest avoiding the canon 350. |
My personal view, when presented with a choice between the 350 and the D70, was that I found the CMOS sensor seemed less prone to dust (and I use primes a lot, and thus change lenses often), and that the DIGIC II processes were noticeably far ahead of Nikon's. I have no complaints about my choice, despite having been a Nikon user previously.
However, I haven't looked into the D50/D70s. But so many of these threads ignore the CMOS/CCD argument, and the quality of the DIGIC II processor.
Message edited by author 2005-08-26 22:37:27. |
08/26/2005 10:51:15 PM · #18 |
One really nice thing about the CMOS, as opposed to the CCD, is WAY lower power usage. I'm astonished at how long my 20D runs between charges. Its battery is about the same as the one in my Nikon 5700, but on the little Nikon I have to recharge after every shoot, the 20D is goinf over a week at a time between charges.
Of course, that's not really fair 'cuz EVERYTHING on the prosumer cams is run off juice; zoom, viewfinder, focus, everything. The dSLR uses optical viewfinder and manual zoom, so that draws a lot less juice. But I'm pretty sure useable battery time is better with the CMOS and DIGICII. Can anyone confirm? Or refute, for that matter?
08/26/2005 10:53:56 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by Hoogie: Its ironic isnt it that people with canons will obviously say "canon" and vice versa. |
Not necessarily. If I were picking between Canon/Nikon today (assuming I didn't already own lenses), I'd go for the 20D, D50, 350D, D70 and 300D- in that order. |
08/26/2005 11:03:27 PM · #20 |
I will never change my R300 for Nikon D70/50.
Easier to use,faster menus,less buttons and less noise.Canon lenses are better and more of them to choose !
Canon 5D is my next one :-)
Message edited by author 2005-08-26 23:04:12. |
08/26/2005 11:15:54 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by bear_music: One really nice thing about the CMOS, as opposed to the CCD, is WAY lower power usage. I'm astonished at how long my 20D runs between charges. Its battery is about the same as the one in my Nikon 5700, but on the little Nikon I have to recharge after every shoot, the 20D is goinf over a week at a time between charges.
Of course, that's not really fair 'cuz EVERYTHING on the prosumer cams is run off juice; zoom, viewfinder, focus, everything. The dSLR uses optical viewfinder and manual zoom, so that draws a lot less juice. But I'm pretty sure useable battery time is better with the CMOS and DIGICII. Can anyone confirm? Or refute, for that matter?
Robt. |
Maybe, but I've been able to get between 800-1000 shots between battery charges. That seems pretty good to me :-) |
08/26/2005 11:19:35 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by Hoogie: The general opinion (in fact it was 100%) is that the Nikon lenses are far superior to that on the 350 and one rep even talked potential buyers out of buying the canon for that reason alone!
Buying a camera based on the kit lense it comes with is stupid... stupid... stupid.
The Canon Rebel XT is a much better camera. Is the kit lense better? Who cares. I don't care about the kit lense and would rather buy a body only anyway.
The main reason you should purchase a camera like that is for the body... not the lense that comes with it as even the "superior" lense you mention on the D50 is not a great lense when compared with the rest of the Nikkor range.
Kit lenses usually always suck. They are usually just a cheap $100 lense to get you started. Nothing more. |
08/27/2005 12:47:55 AM · #23 |
Originally posted by sage: Kit lenses usually always suck. They are usually just a cheap $100 lense to get you started. Nothing more. |
Not so sage. The Nikon kit lenses (for the D-50 and the one for the D-70) are actually not cheap $100 lenses. The original D70 kit lens, the 18-70, was about a $400 - $450 value. It now goes for something along the line of $340. Now the Canon kit lenses are definably $100, less in the after market.
Now with that said these arguments are the thing that is stupid. People need to stop trying to push off what they have on everyone else. The best advice you can give is the have the buyer go out and try these cameras out for themselves to see which one fits their hand, feels comfortable, has an intuitive menu and button system, etc. Everyone is different.
Message edited by author 2005-08-27 00:57:28. |
08/27/2005 01:41:42 AM · #24 |
your friend should try them out before the decision is made. I am pretty sure she/he will be happy with either. Bother of them are excellent cameras. Although, as a Canon user, I'd lean toward Canon systems. But as others have said, everyone is different. Just try them out in person. It is not difficult decision since both Canon and Nikon are excellent in term of camera systems and lens selections.
BTW, if your friend is a point and shot user, with a tight budget, I'd say: go get a Nikon. Its kit lens is better. But if he/she has the money, go get a 350D with a 28-300L or 35-350L Lens, she should be good for quite a few years. Also, with 8MP sensor, 350D has slightly upper hand than 50D, you can even get a 24-105/4L on it for telephotos then crop later, the image is still big enough for a regular print. :)
Just my 2 cents... |
10/22/2005 01:09:59 PM · #25 |
Big question about LCD viewer. Which one is easier to see in the sunlight. I am a newbie with an Oly e300 and cannot see my settings in the sunlight. Does the Nikon D50 have a better LCD screen? understand the Canon's 350 xt is very hard to see.
Message edited by author 2005-10-22 13:16:08. |