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09/01/2005 10:52:06 AM · #226 |
Votes: 142
Views: 186
Avg Vote: 5.4577
Comments: 11
Is this week finished yet? |
09/01/2005 10:56:56 AM · #227 |
Votes: 158
Views: 241
Avg Vote: 6.xxxx
Comments: 9
Favorites: 3
Wish Lists: 0
.... and I thought going into it that this was my worst pic so far! |
09/01/2005 11:38:44 AM · #228 |
Hey, is anybody else joining me the the speed commenting race thingy? ;)
I'm at 160 (34%). *grin* I dunno how long I've been commenting for... about 3 hours I think.
Whoooohooo... I need a break. Actually, I need something better to do. :)
Good luck! I've seen some pretty good photos so far.
09/01/2005 02:43:09 PM · #229 |
Votes: 163
Views: 204
Avg Vote: 4.8528
Comments: 1
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Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/01/05 02:40 pm
OK, I don't care if you speed coment, or write a short story about the depth of inadequacy I reached with my unimpressive bilge. Just tell me something. I know it sucks. But I'm getting lonely here...
09/01/2005 02:52:42 PM · #230 |
Originally posted by thomaspeople: Votes: 163
Views: 204
Avg Vote: 4.8528
Comments: 1
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Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/01/05 02:40 pm
OK, I don't care if you speed coment, or write a short story about the depth of inadequacy I reached with my unimpressive bilge. Just tell me something. I know it sucks. But I'm getting lonely here... |
I have not had any time to comment on all of the shoes entries but looking at your portfolio, your work is very good. I love the textures shot.
Commenting has been a daunting task. My strategy (as is a lot of others) is to start by placing all photos in either a go or no-go pile. then make another pass on the go's and another pass on the no-gos. Once the scores are set, it is then time for comments.
Just my strategy, if your shoes entry is like the rest of your work your score should be much higher.
09/01/2005 03:10:00 PM · #231 |
Originally posted by barndog: [quote=thomaspeople] Votes: 163
I have not had any time to comment on all of the shoes entries but looking at your portfolio, your work is very good. I love the textures shot.
Commenting has been a daunting task. My strategy (as is a lot of others) is to start by placing all photos in either a go or no-go pile. then make another pass on the go's and another pass on the no-gos. Once the scores are set, it is then time for comments.
Just my strategy, if your shoes entry is like the rest of your work your score should be much higher. |
You are very kind. I can only hope that when this challenge is over, you don't go back and see what I turned in. I almost didn't post it. And looking back I kind of wish I hadn't. I just could get anything good to pop.
Ah well, don't mean to whine. I know I can do better.
09/01/2005 03:17:15 PM · #232 |
Originally posted by kudzu: i thought mine was unique and creative until i saw my scores...
Votes: 86
Views: 131
Avg Vote: 5.1977
Comments: 5 |
getting a bit better, but still lower than i'd hoped. several people have pointed out one rather obvious technical glitch in my set up, but not all of us have been at this long enough to buy all the nice studio type extras needed to get that perfect shot...
not a complaint, mind you... just a promise to myself to buy more toys w/ my birthday money next month ;) |
09/01/2005 04:05:38 PM · #233 |
Originally posted by dahkota: Hey! Where did that camera come from? |
Originally posted by rikki11: Hey Brad. You had an Olympus last night. Won the lottery? |
Mugged the Easter Bunny - eh - Santa came early - eh - hijacked a FedEx truck - eh...
Was either jump at a the chance, or I jump from a bridge.
Tossed a coin. I lost, Canon won - LOL.
Still have the Oly P&S though - fun for sneaky candids...
09/01/2005 07:16:14 PM · #234 |
Votes: 175
Views: 216
Avg Vote: 4.9029
Comments: 1
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Updated: 09/01/05 07:15 pm
Don't look now but I'm creeping out of the cellar! |
09/01/2005 08:00:08 PM · #235 |
As stated before this enty is my first here, am enjoying it alot even if I dont do to hot this time around, one curious point when voting is done is there a way to reply specificaly to a person about the comments, Im not angry or defensive about it at the least just want to answer some of the questions in the comments. |
09/01/2005 08:03:12 PM · #236 |
nemesise - if you can see the persons name (ie if they don't have a bag over there head) you can click on thier name which will take you to thier profile, and click the link to private message. Some people say don't do it until after the challenge is over - but frankly, i think if youre not a baghead you are welcoming coment replies during the challenge. |
09/01/2005 09:47:18 PM · #237 |
If you PM someone and answer their comment, don't you lose your anominity ( spelling?) with that person? Hopefully he/she doesn't reveal you to anyone that is still scoring. Also, remember anybody can change their vote all the way up to the last day. You might convince them to score you higher,or just the opposite,which doesn't seem exactly fair to those who don't get comments. Not saying anyone would be unfair. Just a thought.
For me, I would like to tell the person that said my shoes should have been lined up better ( this is not a direct quote so they won't know who I mean) that the purpose of the photo was to show a certain degree of casual abandonment, so straightening was the last thing I wanted to do. But I feel if I have to explain my photo, it isn't speaking for itself, so I didn't accomplish what I sat out to do. Personally, I just choose not to return comments until it's over. I don't really care if anyone else wants to , that is their business. Just thought I would remind them that the person doesn't know who they are talking to until you respond. |
09/02/2005 11:59:51 AM · #238 |
I tend to respond immediately because after the fact seems to have less impact, but that's just me. I don't always do it, but it depends on what they're saying. Many times, people comment on a photo after the challenge as well. With this many dangling sneakers, it's a pretty daunting task to even think of enough things to say with THAT many participants since so many are similar. Maybe the next challenges will be more broad based. I mean, how creative can you get with shoes? I did give two 10's though.
09/02/2005 12:35:46 PM · #239 |
I think there have been some very creative and very well technically exectued shots in this challenge. I've scored 8 10s, 18 9s, and 34 8s so far. I'm still going back through my 7s, 6s, & (hopefully) 5s, so these numbers will likely increase. 4 is the lowest I generally give in any challenge. 3 only if it doesn't meet the challenge (in my humble opinion) and is a poorly executed/presented shot. My biggest problem with this challenge is the number of entries. There are a LOT of shots to go through (especially if you're accustomed to going through them multiple times). I haven't added comments yet, but hope to do so soon. :-) Nice work for the most part everybody!
09/02/2005 12:41:03 PM · #240 |
Disregard this: Just got a response from SC.
Message edited by author 2005-09-02 12:44:44. |
09/02/2005 12:43:50 PM · #241 |
I'm new at this whole thing, this only my second challenge but i'm doing very poorly, it makes me sad:(
Views: 232
Avg Vote: 3.7968
Comments: 6
I thought it was better than that--sorry just had to share my distress |
09/02/2005 12:44:51 PM · #242 |
ok Im at alomost 30% on my commenst and voting on shoes...whew there are alot of pics
All the comments on my pic so far are bag heads so will have to wait after the fact. I am not and never had alot of hope for this pic so am not worried about getting a 4.2 rateing. |
09/02/2005 12:46:29 PM · #243 |
Originally posted by Jutilda: I did give two 10's though. |
Still waiting for mine Judy :)
It is exhausting going through all these images... kinda like how we had the Textures III challenge. I think the Branch challenge will be the same way :( |
09/02/2005 01:56:28 PM · #244 |
Just dropped by to post my pitiful score. That's what I get for trying to add alitlle color, creativity, and atmosphere in to it. I knew I should have thrown a shoe in a bowl of milk and let a cow stomp on it!!! Think pixie, think!!! Oh well, my sister likes it and says she wants a print, so I figure I have done well.
Votes: 201
Views: 256
Avg Vote: 4.1642
Comments: 6
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Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/05 01:45 pm
09/02/2005 02:06:54 PM · #245 |
Lets to get a ribbon in the shoes challenge?
Picture of shoe, with feet in it, in color and black & white, without the word shoe in the title, worn by a naked supermodel holding a puppy, in a beautiful country setting with a colorful sunset over the ocean.
Yeah that should do it.
I did'nt do that.
Votes: 183
Views: 228
Avg Vote: 4.6120
Comments: 2
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Wish Lists: 0
09/02/2005 02:11:11 PM · #246 |
Originally posted by barndog:
Lets to get a ribbon in the shoes challenge?
I did'nt do that. |
Shoes II ? |
09/02/2005 02:25:45 PM · #247 |
This is my first subbmission to the challenge and I found the site with only one day before the deadline.I will do better next time.Awsome site.Great work guys.And thanks to you for this place to communicate,learn,grow,cry etc.etc.Best regards to all here.Rick. |
09/02/2005 02:36:05 PM · #248 |
Just also wanna say that I really hope the situation in Southern America is a short-term interuption to the"American Way of Life".You got a big deal down there.Best to you all.Rick Hamilton.MODPROD |
09/02/2005 03:37:47 PM · #249 |
Originally posted by barndog: Lets to get a ribbon in the shoes challenge?
Picture of shoe, with feet in it, in color and black & white, without the word shoe in the title, worn by a naked supermodel holding a puppy, in a beautiful country setting with a colorful sunset over the ocean.
Yeah that should do it.
I did'nt do that.
Votes: 183
ROFL - me either!!!!
Views: 228
Avg Vote: 4.6120
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0 |
09/02/2005 03:38:48 PM · #250 |
Weird, my response is in the middle of your quote. OH well... that was a great comment. I'm at 4.7 - 4.8 so no whoopty do's coming from me.
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