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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> I don't get it. Most are not high contrat.
Showing posts 26 - 37 of 37, (reverse)
09/05/2005 08:57:46 PM · #26
I agree on your B&W high contrast opinions, but I dont think the color ones you posted are high contrast (to me). I will look and see on google what I find to be high contrast color pics.

Message edited by author 2005-09-05 21:24:20.
09/05/2005 09:00:18 PM · #27
Personally speaking, my entry was last minute - I should know better by now. So I was limited time wise and fell way short of what I was aiming for. But what I have found recently, is that I'm second guessing myself all the time. As if I have a DPC gremlin on my shoulder all the time saying, DPCers won't like that, you've gone too far,...etc. So I toned down my image.
It's got to the point where I can't find me anymore in my images, I've lost the creativity I thought I had when I first began photography in April. I'm left with a watered down, gremlin driven mush. I'm hoping this is a phase.
09/05/2005 09:05:35 PM · #28

Do what appeals to you, you can't go wrong with that on any level. Trying to squelch your personal style and tastes to appeal to the masses can only get you so far. Get yourself back in the photos and take a break if you need to. Burnout is certainly not good for creativity, if you need to talk about this, you can PM me because I know how you feel here. Im gonna check out your profile now to see if I can find amber in your pics.
09/05/2005 09:10:16 PM · #29
Originally posted by amber:

Personally speaking, my entry was last minute - I should know better by now. So I was limited time wise and fell way short of what I was aiming for. But what I have found recently, is that I'm second guessing myself all the time. As if I have a DPC gremlin on my shoulder all the time saying, DPCers won't like that, you've gone too far,...etc. So I toned down my image.
It's got to the point where I can't find me anymore in my images, I've lost the creativity I thought I had when I first began photography in April. I'm left with a watered down, gremlin driven mush. I'm hoping this is a phase.

Then why do you do it. You can't blame your lean toward conformity on those that would have you conform. That element is always out there and always will be. Be true to yourself.
09/05/2005 09:13:36 PM · #30
Thanks Kelly;)

I think my shoe entry is me...the Gremlin said NO, but I ignored it that
time...it started at 3.7:))
09/05/2005 09:16:42 PM · #31
[quote]Then why do you do it. You can't blame your lean toward conformity on those that would have you conform. That element is always out there and always will be. Be true to yourself. [/quote]

I wasn't aware I was blaming anyone? The gremlin is an unconcious thing - I'm not 'doing' it. It just 'is'.

Message edited by author 2005-09-05 21:17:36.
09/05/2005 09:16:44 PM · #32
Originally posted by notonline:

I don't believe all are actually sunsets when looked close at. Before you/we start discussing someone's photo I'd suggest you wait until after the challenge is over then show the photo's in question in hopes that the photographer will comment on why or how they thought it fit the challenge.

I believe the writer was meaning that to be hypothetical and didn't use someone's photo as an example..
09/05/2005 09:20:06 PM · #33
When I first read the challenge I was thinking that the pictures had to be high contrast in terms of colours.. but as I'm looking at other submissions, I see how other people have interpreted HC and I think it's wonderful that some people are so creative! There is never just one way to shoot something and this challenge has truely displayed that! Way to go everyone!
09/05/2005 09:21:15 PM · #34
Originally posted by Pedro:

a : juxtaposition of dissimilar elements (as color, tone, or emotion) in a work of art

b : degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture

it appears to me that most of the photos should easily meet one or both of those criteria. Open your mind a little and you'll be surprised what you find. there are some fabulous images in there.

I am so glad someone pointed out the true definitions of contrast. I agree there are some fabulous images there!

There is confusion between voters and submitters on what constitutes high contrast. I have had two comments so far, the first telling me that my photo doesnt fit the high contrast challenge and the other telling me it is a great example of high contrast. Most of the pics that I have seen can be described as high contrast when looking at the definitions above. I think some people think that it has to be black and white with two distinct tones. The above definition shows that it can be colors and emotions too! Lets also remember that their are some amateurs here who are trying to use DPC as a tool to improve on their skills and slamming their pics will only discourage them. Perhaps instead, offer some advice on ways to improve their image and maybe even point out something you like about it too. This is my 4th challenge and believe me, there have been times when I have wanted to give up because of the comments and scores I received. It has been the constructive criticisms that have given me the help and encouragement I needed to "give it another go".
09/05/2005 09:28:37 PM · #35
Originally posted by amber:

The gremlin is an unconcious thing - I'm not 'doing' it. It just 'is'.

You are doing it. It is more then a subconcious thing or you would not be aware of it. It is the desire to score high that has you compromising your artistic integrity. Kill the gremlin.
09/05/2005 09:35:45 PM · #36
Originally posted by nsbca7:

Originally posted by amber:

The gremlin is an unconcious thing - I'm not 'doing' it. It just 'is'.

You are doing it. It is more then a subconcious thing or you would not be aware of it. It is the desire to score high that has you compromising your artistic integrity. Kill the gremlin.

I'm not, honestly:)) It's a nagging voice - like when you leave the house you can hear your mother saying 'make sure you have clean underwear on in case yo get runover'.

Since I got a 4th place, I have lost the need/desire for a high score, as if that was enough for me. I was one off a brown, so the bottom hold no fear for me anymore. It's not the scores. It might be the comments though? The gremlin is very elusive - I am trying to kill it off, I promise;)
09/05/2005 09:56:37 PM · #37
Originally posted by azoychka:

Originally posted by Joey Lawrence:

Originally posted by Pedro:

a : juxtaposition of dissimilar elements (as color, tone, or emotion) in a work of art

b : degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture

it appears to me that most of the photos should easily meet one or both of those criteria. Open your mind a little and you'll be surprised what you find. there are some fabulous images in there.

Pedro, you're the man.
Nuff said.

You could say every photo on this site fits this description? No much creativity to that......

Uh oh....here comes Debbie Downer....again....
(wasn't that the name on SNL or MAD? Whichever show)

Message edited by author 2005-09-05 22:35:03.
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