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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Lens Issue!
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09/07/2005 07:09:23 AM · #1

I got a Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DL Macro Super for Canon!
And the zoom "ring/adjuster" Is kind of cranky hard to turn!

When i talked to the Canon repair shop they told me that proberbly there was "crapp" in the ring, they could fix it for 120 $ , which to me seems pretty stupid when i can buy a used Canon 70-300 for 100 $

So my question is since i got nothing to loose, i want to try cleansing it myself and learn something along the way!
Does anyone have experience of how to do this? What will i have to think of? I am pretty handy and i built amplifiers speakers and so on! But still i never cleansed a lens!

So please help me out give me some ideas on how to approach this! Mayby someone knows a good link as well?

Thanx :)
09/07/2005 08:28:13 AM · #2
try calling Sigma.
09/07/2005 08:38:35 AM · #3
?? And what try to get a blueprint?

Im not sure i understand why i should call them!? :)
Sure all is worth a try ;)
09/07/2005 09:09:30 AM · #4
I found this site about repairing a lens :)


Message edited by author 2005-09-07 09:09:45.
09/07/2005 09:14:57 AM · #5
Thanx ill try that when i get home! Looks effective ^^

09/07/2005 09:17:57 AM · #6
You stated it was a Sigma lens. If you call Sigma, the company that manufactured it (rather than the company that doesn't), and ask if they have any remedies, maybe they will help.
09/07/2005 09:19:36 AM · #7
If all else fails, just get a big can of WD40 and spray the hell out of it. -kidding of course!!!
09/07/2005 09:29:34 AM · #8
Originally posted by dahkota:

You stated it was a Sigma lens. If you call Sigma, the company that manufactured it (rather than the company that doesn't), and ask if they have any remedies, maybe they will help.

Ahh i see your point now :) Thanx!

Well i did get a little surprised when i was at the repair shop!
His fast method was to bash the lens against the table LoL It did get a little better! but far from great!
09/07/2005 04:27:04 PM · #9
it's initially tough to turn but it loosens up with use. I'd recommend just using the lens and a few hundred shots later, it should be looser. I had a APO version and it was just like that.
09/07/2005 04:42:28 PM · #10
Originally posted by yido:

it's initially tough to turn but it loosens up with use. I'd recommend just using the lens and a few hundred shots later, it should be looser. I had a APO version and it was just like that.

I have the APO DG version, and yep, a bit stiff to start with. Bear with it or send it off. I tend to allow a lens to slacken off a bit.

09/07/2005 04:49:30 PM · #11
Originally posted by Telehubbie:

If all else fails, just get a big can of WD40 and spray the hell out of it. -kidding of course!!!

For a lens a teflon based lube would be better :)
But spraying a little around the ring might not be a bad idea?
09/08/2005 02:09:16 AM · #12
Thanx for all good ideas! and i didnt realise it was a bit stiff in the begining!

Anyways now to a little more interesting stuff, since i had nothing to loose on dimantling the lens.... so i grabbed my electronics kit and started dismantling the lens Yiaxx :)

Did i wreck the lens No
Does it still work Yes
Is it better than before ... YES

I basicly found that dismantling a lens isnt to hard if one works methodicly and registers what goes where!
So i dismantled the lens and cleansed the rings and blew them some looked over the engine, and it works much better. Still its a little stiff, but far from as stiff that it was before the lookover!

I went as far as under the engine, then i stoped dismantling so i wouldnt mess up anything!

So i basicly learnt a lot and got a better lens + saved 120 bucks on doing it myself!

If interest excist i could tell a bit more on how and what i did!

Once again thanx for your help!
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