Originally posted by ambaker: Once again the literalists have decended upon us...
The challenge says... Take a photo _REPRESENTING_ what you do. If you are a software engineer, does it mean a photo of you at the keyboard? NO! The whole idea of art is to be creative. If you design video games, must you show a picture of a video game? Do you need to show a person playing a video game? You make fun things, which happen to be video games. You are making entertainment. Seems to me people having fun would fit. Catch the expression on their faces. Accountng software. Counts money right? Pictures of money, people counting money, surrounded by money, think people.... think! Architectural software, you are helping to create buildings. Is there a building that was designed using your software? Or buildings in general that your software could design?
Engineers, God Love 'em, are great people. They just don't get out much. No matter what you do with a computer, some where it flows out into the real world. Ponder that, and then go take its picture.
Remember, it's called a _Challenge_ for a reason. Otherwise the site would be known as //www.dpEASY.com. |
I looked up //www.dpEASY.com and they had some nice digital pictures of some ladies in seductive clothing. Isn't that weird??