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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Lost
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10/06/2005 09:12:16 PM · #1
So.. would I be opening a can of worms to ask if anyone is watching the TV show LOST, and if so, what you think so far..?

I've a email circle at work that discusses it every Wednesday.. so I figured I'd see if any folks here have interesting ideas.
10/06/2005 09:15:24 PM · #2
I watch it... i like it... but i'm the kinda 14 year old that enjoys C.S.I, House, 3rd watch (sadly not on anymore, tear, trear), Vegas, Crossing Jordon and anything else with a story plot that rocks, and is remotly possable... yes, i am an odd 14 year old arn't i? lol

10/06/2005 09:15:52 PM · #3
and worms are for fishing... get with it, lol!
10/06/2005 09:23:35 PM · #4
He shouldn't have pressed the button...
10/06/2005 09:27:04 PM · #5
(gasp) who me??? :D
10/06/2005 09:31:45 PM · #6
I live it.

Ok, not really, but a few of my friends and I really get into it - we all meet Wednesday nights to watch it. Gotta love the suspense, the writing/camera work, the acting and of course the story!

"Don't tell me what I can't do!!" - Locke

Message edited by author 2005-10-06 21:32:21.
10/06/2005 09:37:53 PM · #7
I've seen lost a few times..but I enjoy shows like house, the new
Ghost wispers...on fridays at 8pm..very good! I like the tear jerkers too!
10/06/2005 09:39:11 PM · #8
yes, House, now we've got some real-fiction shows
10/06/2005 09:45:28 PM · #9
I should get out from under my rock occasionally... I've never even seen a smidgeon of an episode of Lost, House, or any of the shows mentioned here...then again I'm also the one who's never seen a whole episode of CSI or X-Files... and I just recently saw my first Seinfeld rerun, and I have finally seen most of the first season of Friends. I guess I'm television-challenged. ;)

10/06/2005 09:48:10 PM · #10
(GASP) x-files i can understand, but the shows i mentioned, and the news, is all i ever watch, so don't feel bad
10/06/2005 09:58:16 PM · #11
I like lost a lot. Great suspense, even though some times I wish it would answer the questions just a little faster. Excelent show. Some of the most innovative camera work on tv.

10/06/2005 10:17:56 PM · #12
Lost rules!!! The new show after it Invasion is great too, House also rocks and CSI who could live without that!!
10/06/2005 10:18:29 PM · #13
ooh..i watch it every wednesday. this season has been really great so far, but has only brought up more questions and not many answers :(
10/06/2005 10:32:26 PM · #14
Originally posted by aimee_skittles:

ooh..i watch it every wednesday. this season has been really great so far, but has only brought up more questions and not many answers :(

That's the hook though - the mystery gets deeper and deeper. I imagine I might be disappointed when I find out all the answers - having there be mystery lets the imagination run on whats going on.
10/06/2005 10:39:26 PM · #15
10/07/2005 01:38:50 AM · #16
My friends and I really get into it too.

I'm torn as to whether he should've pressed the button or not. I'm curious to see what would or would not have happened if he hadn't but.. that's a whole 'nother layer of mystery that'd be lost.

The dharma group and hanso corporation both have websites, I believe the airline has one too. ABC has really gone all out with this show, creating these subsets of things that people might check out. I hear that the airline website (which I don't have, sorry!) started out as a shell and slowly as the first season went on, ABC kept adding more and more info.

Here's the links to the dharma and hanso site if anyone is interested.

The Hanso Foundation

Dharma Industries

I highly recommend watching LOST to anyone who hasn't already. The writing is excellent, the characters are engaging and the way they are revealing the information, though excruciatingly slow, really keeps the interest level high. This is in regards to both the character development and their back stories AND the different mysteries shrouding the island and their circumstances.

For those that watched Wednesday's episode.. any ideas on what the "incident" was that the training video alluded to?

In light of the previews for next week we think that Jin's boss/father-in-law might be related to either hanso or dharma.
10/07/2005 01:49:52 AM · #17
Arr. Best show ever.
10/07/2005 02:16:12 AM · #18
We finished the first season in NZ quite a few months back . We are waiting for the next season to start, I love it!!!
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