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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Upstate NY Fall Foliage GTG
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Showing posts 301 - 325 of 448, (reverse)
10/15/2005 10:02:56 PM · #301
I just realized I have nothing for snack or dessert tomorrow!

So off I go to fill up the tank, get some snacks and then home to take my shower and try to go to sleep. The problem is I rarely go to sleep before 1 AM and get up around 7 AM so this is going to be interesting to say the least.

Got the van cleaned out and the other seat put back in, ready to roll! 8+ hours and counting!
10/15/2005 10:21:28 PM · #302
There will be bagels and cream cheese -- enough for everyone and probably enough for lunch as well if that helps.
10/15/2005 10:26:48 PM · #303
got the van gassed and the chips and such for myself. I am so ready for this, I'm at a point where I can't stand to be touched right now and I'm a very huggy type of person but I feel so crowded right now it's unreal. So if I seem a bit stand offish to start with it's only because I'm still decompressing and realizing that I'm not going to have 3 kids and 12 animals wanting my attention. By the end of the day you will all be getting hugs, guaranteed!

10/15/2005 10:38:12 PM · #304
Here's one of mine from sunset tonight. I'm off to bed now. It's going to be an early morning.

10/15/2005 11:07:54 PM · #305
Okay, going to bed myself. Just printed out the cell number given to me for my daughter in case she has an emergency. We talked about what an emergency is, if she dialed 911 first, it's an emergency, if she didn't, then it's NOT! She said, "Well what if someone breaks into the house? That's an emergency!"

"Did you call 911 first?"

"I can't get to the phone." she said.



See why I need this?


10/16/2005 01:19:39 AM · #306
We JUST got home from our wedding - I will call eqsite's cell when we're leaving - it may be some weird time. We'll be there asap!

10/16/2005 05:18:42 AM · #307
Leaving in 20 minutes...see you all there!
10/16/2005 05:47:51 AM · #308
Originally posted by KaDi:

Leaving in 20 minutes...see you all there!

I too am almost ready to leave.

Let's see,
Shoes, socks, brain...........dang I can't find my brain!

That's okay, I have my lunch and chocolate donuts, I'm set.

Is this really happening? A day without kids or animals? OMG!!!
10/16/2005 08:08:20 PM · #309
I was glad to meet everyone. It was lot of fun let's do it again real soon. Closer to NYC would be even better. PM me for group picture.


10/16/2005 08:27:02 PM · #310
Excellent! It was REALLY great to meet all of you! This was my favorite gtg yet! :D

I'll post pics shortly.
10/16/2005 08:58:33 PM · #311
It was my first gtg every with DPC'rs and it was WONDERFUL! They put up with my motor mouth and my hugs in the end and I found out something special about each one. Kadi likes having her buttons pushed, MeThos had the biggest equipment, mavrik is MUCH MUCH MUCH OLDER than he looks, LOL, n8trchik is a sweetheart, Butterflysis is late, eqsite is an absolute sweetheart, davidx76 and Nololai1024 have the sexiest accents.

That is all.

Thanks again everyone for letting me tag along, it was exactly what I needed
10/16/2005 09:09:18 PM · #312
Neuf (and n8trchik ;)) give the best hugs.

(n8trchik wins the best kisses)


And I don't look 20! Oh .. wait, yes, I do!
10/16/2005 09:25:51 PM · #313
Originally posted by mavrik:

I have 8 fps and 5 gig - I'll get everything!

AHAHAH!!!! See!!! I told you that you said 5 Gig, you didn't say different cards, you said 5 GIG! So there, Nick still beats you!

Knew I was right
10/16/2005 09:31:05 PM · #314
What an incredibly pleasant day!
(Despite the threat of bad weather...;-))

I'm going to take a moment to download my pics and find at least one good enough (for me) to put in the wide-angle challenge. (Thank you, Jen for lending me your lens! We'll see if one of those makes it in...)

Nick, if you drive route 17, consider taking route 10 north at Deposit past the reservoir and then 30 east...you'll have to go to maps.google for the rest...but the Catskills, even just that lower fringe, are worth a little side trip.

Gary! Superb job as gang leader! My hat's on backwards for you...just to get a better frame. :-)

Brent, so nice to meet you! I hope if I have to move to Colorado that all the people are 1/4 as nice as you!

David, I know where you live. =) We'll try to do something on the 29th. I came up with a few ideas on the drive home.

mavrik and n8trchik---so cool that you live in my corner of the world! One of you is just as mouthy in person as in the forums and the other is just as tolerant as I would have expected. ;-) Great to meet you both!

Deannda....yes, I saved you for last....I am so glad you came out to play today! I'm really glad that your daughters didn't stick peas up their noses and call to tell you about the emergency. (Was your cell phone even on?) ((I hope your hubby didn't hear that...)) Thank you for 'needing' us...maybe we all got exactly what we needed too.

The wind is howling outside my windows and the rain is beginning to pelt the panes. I'm off to find that special photo for tonight's challenge. Wish me luck!

Edit to say...NICK! Thanks for the group photo! It's much better than I imagined--there's even some autumn color in the background!

Message edited by author 2005-10-16 21:32:25.
10/16/2005 09:33:43 PM · #315
Originally posted by KaDi:

mavrik and n8trchik---so cool that you live in my corner of the world! One of you is just as mouthy in person as in the forums and the other is just as tolerant as I would have expected. ;-) Great to meet you both!

OMFG! I'm so telling her you called her mouthy!


Yeah I had a great time - and I'm entering "What?!" and Wide Angle right now. :)

Both shots already picked out thanks to various members. ;)

10/16/2005 09:35:19 PM · #316
Originally posted by mavrik:

I have 8 fps and 5 gig - I'll get everything!

See, I didn't say "A five gig" card. I said "I have 5 gig" and I DO!
10/16/2005 09:41:46 PM · #317
Originally posted by mavrik:

Originally posted by mavrik:

I have 8 fps and 5 gig - I'll get everything!

See, I didn't say "A five gig" card. I said "I have 5 gig" and I DO!


So nice to see all of you today. Can't wait to check out the pics I took and will post any half decent ones later in the week! But right now my bed is calling me....
10/16/2005 10:14:15 PM · #318
And I got to hold this Camera today: Canon EOS-ID Mark II and actually shot with it in burst mode. I was beyond thrilled!

Thank you Brent!

And Nick and Mav for letting me play with your cameras a little bit too, going to make it hard when it comes time to choose.

But I reallllllly want the Canon EOS-iD Mark II
10/16/2005 10:17:17 PM · #319
Originally posted by Neuferland:

And I got to hold this Camera today: Canon EOS-ID Mark II and actually shot with it in burst mode. I was beyond thrilled!

She hopped people - actually and truly HOPPED UP AND DOWN when she clicked 8 FPS. lol
10/16/2005 10:23:02 PM · #320
I had a great time as well. I can't wait to see all of everybody's shots!

Message edited by author 2005-10-16 22:24:00.
10/16/2005 10:25:44 PM · #321
I don't understand why tripod shots come out blurry. Ever!
10/16/2005 10:28:59 PM · #322
Originally posted by mavrik:

I don't understand why tripod shots come out blurry. Ever!

Did u use mirror lock-up?
10/16/2005 10:30:46 PM · #323
Originally posted by mavrik:

I don't understand why tripod shots come out blurry. Ever!

The shots are fine. Your eyes just tired. Look that them in the morning.

10/16/2005 10:35:09 PM · #324
hey mav, u can see that wedding shot in my portfolio now!
10/16/2005 10:55:26 PM · #325
Originally posted by MeThoS:

Originally posted by mavrik:

I don't understand why tripod shots come out blurry. Ever!

Did u use mirror lock-up?

Yeah for some - I didn't turn it on until about halfway thru the day - didn't seem to help them much. I saw the pic of the lamb and kid on your site too - that's FUNNY! :D

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