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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> "We only have one left so your order is canceled"
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10/24/2005 05:07:29 PM · #1
I am a Big Brother to a boy nearby. Have been for almost 5 years now. He is into the Yu Gi Oh game Dungeon Dice Monsters. I finally found a place that sells the booster packs for the game in English and ordered the ones they had for him. I got an email this morning telling me "We only have one left in stock of the one item so we have canceled your order." I called and spoke to the people and yes, they only have one pack left of the three items I ordered and since it was his last one yes, he cancelled my whole order. I asked why I couldn't have the last one, his response "Because I will have none left if I sell it to you." I made mention of the fact that he 'had none of the other two items so it must be ok to sell the last one.' He stammered a bit and then said 'Ok, I see your point. But I still am not selling it to you.'

I don't get it...
10/24/2005 05:09:30 PM · #2
He's a collector I bet! He's holding it for himself! Why that stingy little... ;)
10/24/2005 05:11:52 PM · #3
ha! Just saw the spelling error in my title. Guess I don't care enough about my thread...;)
10/24/2005 05:13:41 PM · #4
What spelling error? ;-)
10/24/2005 05:15:20 PM · #5
two 'll's in cancelled!

10/24/2005 05:31:38 PM · #6
Originally posted by Formerlee:

two 'll's in cancelled!

...if you're British.
10/24/2005 05:32:00 PM · #7
Originally posted by Formerlee:

two 'll's in cancelled!


From dictionary.com, entered word: canceled:
can·cel Audio pronunciation of "canceled" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knsl)
v. can·celed, also can·celled can·cel·ing, can·cel·ling can·cels, can·cels

Thanks for the correction!
10/24/2005 05:35:28 PM · #8

Main Entry: 1can·cel
Pronunciation: 'kan(t)-s&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -celed or -celled; -cel·ing or can·cel·ling

Both are acceptable....ahh good...we agree on that and that you type faster.

Message edited by author 2005-10-24 17:36:16.
10/24/2005 05:36:46 PM · #9
Have you thought of reporting him to the Better Business Bureau? Or threatening to? If an item is offered for sale and is in stock, I believe it's false advertising if they refuse to sell it so they can still advertise it as available for sale?
10/24/2005 05:41:42 PM · #10
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by Formerlee:

two 'll's in cancelled!

...if you're British.

Nope, if you speak and spell English correctly!

10/24/2005 06:23:59 PM · #11
One time someone tried messing with me on some work they did to my previous vehicle...i told him I had an uncle in the BBB and he basically told me to call him. So I did (well I didn't have an uncle in it, but I called them anyway)...and four days later, the guy called me back, got me a rental car, and fixed the problem :D

The BBB really does get stuff done.
10/24/2005 07:25:14 PM · #12
Hmm....this presents real possibilities. Maybe not in this case, but I can think of others.
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