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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Voting comments in general...
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10/25/2005 10:22:08 PM · #1
I just want to make a general statement about leaving comments during voting.
Try not to laugh.... Please, when commenting on photos during voting, keep in mind that the photographer really tried to be creative and take a picture of something different than everything else. That's hard to do. Not only that, but also know that they did the best they could do. When someone leaves a crappy comment like "what the hell is that-I'm giving it a low score!" it's possible to step on a few feelings. I realize that critiques are part of the process in becoming a better photog. - but so is confidence. Try taking a great photo when you think the best you can do receives a 3 and people are leaving snotty comments... makes me want to use my camera to steady a wobbly coffee table.
10/25/2005 10:25:29 PM · #2
I hear ya....

I always try to picture the "photographer" setting up the shot and how hard or easy it may have been.

There is one shot in the "what" category that I know must have taken 200 shots to get what he/she wanted. IMO it came out great and I scored it high.

Also...I never leave any hollow comments....just constructive critisism.


10/25/2005 10:26:11 PM · #3
10/25/2005 10:29:00 PM · #4
everytime i get a score below 6 I know why....it is not my best. It was yet another quick entry that I didn't think through. If you look at my portfolio you will see that this is most of the time. I feel that if you enter a challenge on the internet, you need to get thick skinned. It bothered me at first, and honestly sometimes it still does, BUT I would rather members of DPC tell me what they truely think than my family telling me that its great all the time when its not.
10/25/2005 10:30:39 PM · #5
on the other hand, I have never rec any really mean comments
10/25/2005 10:30:59 PM · #6
When I leave comments on shots that I feel have potential, but are somewhat lacking, I always try to say something nice followed by what I think needs work.
10/25/2005 10:32:28 PM · #7
However, to be fair, sometimes it is really hard to find anything good to say about a photo. There are maybe 5% of each challenge that really are total junk. I always try to say that in as nice a way as possible and find something good to say, but sometimes it is hard. "This photo sucks" is a valid critique, just not a very nice one.

Now on the other hand, what's with people marking every comment helpful?
10/25/2005 10:33:06 PM · #8
100% completely understandable mandyturner.. but there's got to be some sort of grown-up way to get your point across. Someone saying "this is stupid.." isn't it. Comments like, "crop this" or "too bright" gives the photog. something to work on next time.
10/25/2005 10:35:11 PM · #9
some mean comments would be nice right now. i have 232 votes on my 'what?' entry with 1... count them, 1 comment.
10/25/2005 10:36:39 PM · #10
Originally posted by Noggin:

100% completely understandable mandyturner.. but there's got to be some sort of grown-up way to get your point across. Someone saying "this is stupid.." isn't it. Comments like, "crop this" or "too bright" gives the photog. something to work on next time.

Have to agree there. Just like photography, there is a skill to providing feedback that has to be mastered.

Maybe along with reading the terms of agreement, people who sign up for this site need to also read the tutorial on providing feedback.
10/25/2005 10:38:12 PM · #11
wish they would!
10/25/2005 10:39:24 PM · #12
'mean comments' are human nature, unfortunately. just like people on cell phones driving in heavy traffic, people pushing in the subway, people swearing in front of children, people acting macho and obnoxious, all that crap. know the best way to deal with it? IGNORE IT. it's not going to stop... so you might as well just filter it out. there's really nothing you can do about it.
10/25/2005 10:42:57 PM · #13
Mean comments aren't in MY nature - fact, I feel bad leaving a comment with a suggestion in it most of the time. but like MandyTurner said, I would rather tell them what I really think in an attempt to help than not say anything at all.
10/25/2005 10:44:01 PM · #14
Originally posted by livitup:

Now on the other hand, what's with people marking every comment helpful?

I mark every comment helpful. With the amount of slamming people get in the forums with regard to their comments, I figure its the best way to let them know I read them. Granted, I often don't agree and I'll respond to comments in the photog's notes, but I want to make sure that every comment, no matter how trivial, is appreciated. Someone took the time to say something. At least my image moved them to do that.
10/25/2005 10:45:41 PM · #15
Originally posted by Noggin:

Mean comments aren't in MY nature - fact, I feel bad leaving a comment with a suggestion in it most of the time. but like MandyTurner said, I would rather tell them what I really think in an attempt to help than not say anything at all.

my point is that * alot * of people are a**holes and disregard people.. they're not going away, so just ignore them.

good for you for being considerate of peoples feelings, and trying to be constructive.
10/25/2005 10:46:41 PM · #16
tanx :-)
10/25/2005 10:47:42 PM · #17
for all the a**holes out there - you know who you are! Hope you get a 2!
10/25/2005 10:54:18 PM · #18
Originally posted by Noggin:

for all the a**holes out there - you know who you are! Hope you get a 2!

LOL you're bad!
10/25/2005 10:58:04 PM · #19
(That was my mean side)LOL
10/25/2005 11:01:52 PM · #20
Originally posted by livitup:

"This photo sucks" is a valid critique, just not a very nice one.

How is this any sort of critique?

Originally posted by livitup:

Now on the other hand, what's with people marking every comment helpful?

Why not mark every comment, it acknowledges that I read their comment, and it's hard enough trying to critique photos, without having to critique comments also. Helpful or not could be up for debate most of the time anyhow.
10/25/2005 11:09:54 PM · #21
saintaugust... left you some comments on "Captured Twice", "Path" and "Well Behaved".
and NO - I didn't say "this sucks" about ANY of them! (snicker)
10/25/2005 11:18:31 PM · #22
"helpful or not being up to debate" is definitely true - yet, getting comments out of anyone without begging and shoving pics in their faces is hard. Not only that, but commenting on 20% of 480 pics in a challenge is feat that those of us that have any sort of family/job, etc. rarely have time/patience to do. I find it exciting to get a comment - not including the ones that say "this is stupid"...(grumble grumble). I mark most of the comments I receive helpful (with a few exceptions!)
10/25/2005 11:23:10 PM · #23
I, as a newbie here, appreciate that! Mostly the comments left for me have been kind and constructive. I KNOW my shots aren't great! I am here to learn. But one member left me a very mean comment without a hint of constructive criticism.
We are all entitled to our opinions, I just don't see the point in being so mean spirited!
10/25/2005 11:26:08 PM · #24
ditto for me Rae-Ann - word for word!!
10/25/2005 11:32:19 PM · #25
What? was my first challenge, and so far, I have 7 comments. Even though none of them make any suggestions on how to improve my photo, I'm grateful that people took the time to comment, even if only to say "nice job." All of them either said that, or took a guess (usually successful) on what the object I photographed was. And so on this challenge, I did mark every one of them so far as helpful. One of my goals of this challenge was to shoot something that would have people thinking, but be able to guess if they thought about it long enough. Now, hopefully I didn't make it too easy. :) But anyway, in my case, for this one challenge, I did find the one-word guesses useful, because I think it tells me I met my goal.

Now, if in future challenges, people are taking guesses at just what the heck it is that I shot, that might be a problem... :)

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