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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Disappointed
Showing posts 1 - 24 of 24, (reverse)
11/02/2005 08:00:31 AM · #1
Well i think I know why it scored low, but I don't know why it scored as low as it did. Photos that had nothing to do with delicate scored higher then mine but oh well.

I think maybe if it was clearer it would have scored better.

And I'm still curious as to why only ONE person commented out of that many votes. Ah well. There's always next time and a new camera on the way.
11/02/2005 08:03:09 AM · #2
The subbject matter is not very appealing, the DOF is not quite right, the blown highlights on the top is distracting...Sorry.
11/02/2005 08:05:01 AM · #3

For starters the focus is off and not off enough to be DoF. The composition is nicely done but personally had I voted this photo wouldn't have recieved more then a 3 from me. Hope this clears up some of your question as blunt as my reply is.

edit: I posted the thumb and I have to disagree with doctornick as I like the blownout highlights at the top. I find it gives the photo a natural soft feeling(not to confuse that for soft focus).

Message edited by author 2005-11-02 08:06:25.
11/02/2005 08:06:40 AM · #4
okay, ty

I saw others that seemed less appealing then mine- other teacup settings, and they scored higher.

Course they have 900 dollar plus cameras with fancy lenses which I don't.

But thank you for being honest.

I've had several friends that actually want this photo blown up and framed. One is actually a photographer and he wants it for his mom for christmas. He says it needs to be cleaned up, but he really liked the setting.

So he was helpful too.

I'm limited as to what I can do right now with a point and shoot that isn't an expensive point and shoot lol.
11/02/2005 08:08:22 AM · #5
I added a soft focus in psp. Maybe I shouldn't have done that? I failed to sharpen it which I didn't realize till after voting began. It looked sharper in my easyshare program than it did on here and I'm not sure why.

Ty for the advice and the help. I do appreciate it.
11/02/2005 08:09:36 AM · #6
Might I suggest you use a tripod and re-shoot that shot. I think you'll find that your focus is off because you were probably zooming all the way in to get it framed right. Try using a table top tripod for about $5 and use a timer feature on your camera to avoid moving the camera. I think you wil find that this photo will come out very clean and crisp and will look so much better.
11/02/2005 08:42:07 AM · #7
TY so much for that bit of advice notonline! I'll be getting my new camera next week and I'll have to reset this up and see what happens. I suppose I'll try it again with my p&s also and find out how to set the timer- if it has one lol. I've never looked!
11/02/2005 08:49:48 AM · #8
Originally posted by missinseattle:

Course they have 900 dollar plus cameras with fancy lenses which I don't.

You won't be able to use that excuse for much longer.... :)

11/02/2005 08:59:33 AM · #9
The score you received does seem a bit low to me. However, I don't think that the low score is due to the fact that you don't have a "900 dollar plus camera with fancy lenses".
11/02/2005 09:10:53 AM · #10
The image is dominated by a centered, empty white cup (filling it with steaming tea might have been better). Against that big white hole, the only real visual interest lies in the foreground flowers, which are dark, cluttered and out of focus. The relatively harsh lighting and steep angle (looking straight into the cup) probably don't help either. Note that the only aspect that a different camera or lens might have affected is the focus.

Fine porcelain is a good subject for the challenge, but the composition and lighting drove your score down. Keep working at it and you will look back on this one and chuckle. ;-)
11/02/2005 09:27:29 AM · #11
I didn't vote in this challenge, but I think I wouldn't have voted higher than 5 for this one.
I do like the cup and saucer, but (as others have stated) the composition needs work. What I didn't care for was the dof, the saucer is sitting at an odd angle, and the leaf over the cup handle looks out of place - more like garbage that was left on a dinner table than a delicate flower leaf. It is a major distraction for me.
As others have said, take the opportunity to learn from it and reshoot.
11/02/2005 09:52:43 AM · #12
Maybe I'll post those and see what you think?

You all are so helpful

And I am totally new to all of this so no, it's not the cameras fault lol. But I think i will have more fun, and be able to do more with my new camera. That is the only reason I said what I did.

Maybe I'll try it with tea in it next week when the new one gets here.
11/02/2005 01:08:28 PM · #13
Originally posted by missinseattle:

...no, it's not the cameras fault lol. But I think i will have more fun, and be able to do more with my new camera.

I agree. That's exciting that you're getting a new camera. I'm sure you'll really enjoy it. :)
11/02/2005 01:13:13 PM · #14
If I may be so blunt, and echo the comments of scalvert, let me add this: You have taken the quintessential "delicate" subject (fine china) and photographed it with about as little delicacy as it would be possible to do. Hence your score. The subject may be delicate, but the image is anything but... One would expect the china to be glowing, to appear graceful and ephemeral, and instead it is drably lit and largely in shadow.

The concept is fine, the execution is lacking.

11/02/2005 04:02:41 PM · #15
lol thanks bear

Like I said, I'm all new to this, so any help and constructive criticism is appreciated.

I don't know much about lighting, Heck I don't know much about any of this lol. I was just surprised that my first photo that I didn't even try on scored higher lol.

Maybe I tried TOO hard hehe.

Thank you again for the advice and helpful tips.
11/02/2005 04:10:39 PM · #16
Don't be too disappointed by your score, mine was even lower!!

When you get your new camera, try reshooting the setup and compare the results. 1. You will be using a 'better' camera. 2. You have the advantage of experience.

Use the comments made here to take a fresh look at the shot and be sure to post the results of the reshoot.

Good Luck and keep smiling/shooting.

11/02/2005 05:25:07 PM · #17
I was very disappointed with my score too! I don't know how I could have really done much better and this is really delicate. Heck, while taking pictures (about 4 shots) a gust of wind came along and poof, it was gone! :o(

11/02/2005 05:31:13 PM · #18
Originally posted by scamp:

I was very disappointed with my score too! I don't know how I could have really done much better and this is really delicate. Heck, while taking pictures (about 4 shots) a gust of wind came along and poof, it was gone! :o(

Didn't vote on this challenge, but I think a picture of the floating pieces (seeds?) would be neat. I thought about that for delicate or shutter speed but couldn't find any. As for your entry, the crop is a little close on the right, IMO. A true macro even more close up might have also worked.
11/02/2005 07:27:51 PM · #19
lol Formerlee. Well I suppose that makes me feel better since you have been at this a lot longer than I? Sorry yours didn't score higher. I looked at it. I didn't vote on yours, sorry, I don't even remember seeing it lol. But I had a busy almost 5 yo running around here every time I was trying to look at photos so I was distracted to say the least!
11/02/2005 07:32:37 PM · #20
On a completely different topic, I am just curious - is it "Miss in Seattle" or is it "Missin Seattle" or is it an abbreviation for "Mississippi Sea Turtle" ? (I'm guessing not that last one) :)
11/02/2005 07:57:50 PM · #21
Ok...Looked at the shot, then again then some more. Im guessing here but have a few ideas on what went wrong on the shot. The blown light spot for starters, Your P&S camera tried to get the lighting correct for the subject in center frame for that to happen it allowed the light spot to be over exposed. The soft focus to me looks to be a 2 part problem P&S cameras have a limit to how close you can be for the shot to be in focus If you were to close to it then the camera could not focus in well, the second goes back to the lighting the image is washed out some from that intense light and could be partly to due to lense flare(basicaly like shinging a flashlight through the edge of a glass window so the whole thing glows thus adding extra light to the subject) or just good ole over exposure..if you see a shot like that try using a lense hood (or anything else you can that can block the light from off to the side without getting in the frame.) also if you can bracket your exposure it will help get one properly exposed.

Just my 2cents, Im not all that but am trying to learn.
11/02/2005 08:46:04 PM · #22
It's Missin Seattle lol

I grew up in WA state
Moved to Seattle in my early 20's where I met hubby. He's in the Coast Guard and had this huge dream to be a drill instructor so off to NJ we went. We're currently stationed in VA now. I love it here but I'm still missin seattle. I'll miss it till the day we move back!

And thank you nemisise. I will try doing that next time with a hood to see what happens. Can't wait to set it up again with my new camera and go to town. I'll post what I get lol.
11/03/2005 01:57:12 AM · #23
Originally posted by scamp:

I was very disappointed with my score too! I don't know how I could have really done much better and this is really delicate. Heck, while taking pictures (about 4 shots) a gust of wind came along and poof, it was gone! :o(

I gave 7. Good composition and I like small DOF. Nothing very special there, though.

5.527 is not that bad. At least votes where quite consistent.
11/03/2005 03:02:39 PM · #24
Hey I have to add despite my somewhat feeble attempts lol, I noticed a few actually voted over 6 lol. That just made my day.

Now if my daughter would leave the cat alone, and go clean up her room instead of unwrapping crayons my day would really be made!
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