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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Chance to win photo equipment
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11/21/2005 09:55:27 AM · #1
This is just an idea that I got from a thunderbird forum I used to be a member of, but thought people here may be interested in copying them. One guy on the forums ran a lottery where he would sell chances for $5 each. Before anyone entered he would let people know that this particular drawing would be for an exhaust system worth $400 and he would keep accepting entrants until 80 people had entered. Then when the 80 people entered, he would draw a name at random and someone would get a $400 exhaust for $5, and everyone else would lose $5, then they would start a new drawing. I thought it would be interesting if something like this was done here with photography equipment. I'm sure there's a lot of people here that would be willing to part with $5 at hopes of winning some expensive photo gear. Your odds would vary depending on the item up for grabs. if it was a $100 tripod, you'd have a 1 in 20 shot at winning, if it was a new rebel xt, then a 1 in 140 chance. I don't know if this would violate site rules, so I'm posting it as an idea to see if there's any interest.
11/21/2005 09:57:57 AM · #2
A technical question: How do you propose to declare a winner? Who does the drawing and who oversees it?
11/21/2005 10:00:47 AM · #3
I would think it would need to be someone from site counsil or someone that's been around the site enough to be considered trustworthy. The money could all be submitted via paypal. The winner would be declared by the same person that does the drawing/overseeing.
11/21/2005 10:04:45 AM · #4
The drawing could literally be done from a hat, or by having people sign up to a list in a forum, then using a random number generator to pick a number between 1 in X number of entrants, etc. I'm sure there are more creative ways to do it.
11/21/2005 05:59:58 PM · #5
Bump for the evening crowd. No one interested?
11/21/2005 06:03:49 PM · #6
I'm not sure what kind of legal problems the site could run into for running something like this. You'd definitely need to run it by the admins first.
11/21/2005 06:04:25 PM · #7
Originally posted by ibkc:

I would think it would need to be someone from site counsil or someone that's been around the site enough to be considered trustworthy. The money could all be submitted via paypal. The winner would be declared by the same person that does the drawing/overseeing.

Well, that counts out slippy!
11/21/2005 06:08:09 PM · #8
I wouldn't want to be the one to run it. I wouldn't expect anyone to send me money. Haha. I would hope to participate, and have an admin run it, if legally possible.
11/21/2005 06:10:14 PM · #9
In order to prevent this site from becoming a gambling site, it would have to be somehow tied to photographic participation, i.e. to prevent people registering for a cheap lottery.
To tie it to photography, it could be weighed by the challenge scores, i.e. the probability (number of entries) would be multiplied with the average score for any given challenge. You would have to enter the challenge and do well in it to participate in the lottery.
Then, this site would no longer be for virtual ribbons only, but for awards, and that would change it completely.
So, I disagree. I'd prefer to keep it out of here. We already have a plethora of threads on stealing points and marking down great photos, we do not need the actual rants about real money involved.

Just my opinion.

11/21/2005 06:25:20 PM · #10
If it were tied to challenges, that's exactly what would happen. I say keep it away from challenges. If people want to register just to participate in the drawings, that shouldn't matter. It won't be just random people that don't care about photography entering, because the prizes would all be photo-related. And if people did come around because they heard about the drawings, some of them would wander around the site exploring the challenges, etc. and become contributing members.
11/21/2005 06:32:38 PM · #11
I would be for it. For someone who doesn't have the money to upgrade her photographic equipment, something like that might help. If I win of course lol
11/21/2005 06:34:44 PM · #12
Sounds like a great Idea, but how do you get payment and make sure this is on the up and up.....
11/21/2005 06:35:38 PM · #13
This would be a great Idea to raise money for charity..Perhaps a non-profit photography school....
11/21/2005 07:30:02 PM · #14
Great idea nicco. The proceeds could go to charity if we were to sell $400 worth of chances on a $300-350 item. To make sure it's on the up and up, it would best be done by one of the administrators of this site. The most universal way I could think to do the payment would be through paypal.
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