DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register

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Showing posts 76 - 100 of 131, (reverse)
12/19/2005 03:31:56 PM · #76
Ooohhh, Leica glass...nice! I couldn't part with my Rebel (unless it was for a 20D) but I hope it works out for ya'.
And neat pic, think you go the abstract look you wanted. I'd be curious to see the EXIF for it - or at least speed and app.
I wish I could go take pictures...*sigh* I'm at work, and it sucks. blah.
12/19/2005 06:15:54 PM · #77
aha. FACEBOOK WHORES, YAY. There should be a a facebook group for DPC users :o Only it wouldn't work because we're all from different schools...

I've been trying really hard not to get sick all semester, which is quite the feat because I'm usually the first to get sick. I've managed to hold it off so far, but I think I'm getting some sort of ear infection or something now. One more exam tomorrow and I'm done...so I guess I'll just suck it up and recover once I get home. Hope you feel better, too, or we can just both be miserably sick together :o

Sweet picture! It's like...oooh....shiny thing....

Here's my most recent shot:

I haven't been taking too many pictures lately, as having nothing to do over exam week is currently making me feel incredibly lazy and do nothing but sleep and eat and play computer games and watch movies. So I've developed a completely nocturnal sleeping pattern...this morning my boyfriend and I went out to 'breakfast' at around 7 am, then went straight to sleep, and I just got up an hour or so ago. I haven't seen pure daylight in days, but there was this nice early winter morning blue cast over everything as we were leaving the diner (and it was damn cold, too) so I took a couple of shots.

'Nat, hold still.' '...what?' -CLICK-

My shitty P&S doesn't REALLY focus that nicely...DOF simulated through five or six layers, each one with a little more gaussian blur than the one below it, erased and blended to smooth out the effect. Curves and levels to bring out a little bit of the contrast, for once my camera didn't give a yellow haze to everything so there is no selective desat of any sort. Dodge and burn to make Nat stand out a little, and then clone brush to get rid of the toothpick he was chewing on.

Full-size here.

I should be getting a new lens for my film camera in the mail soon, hopefully by tomorrow because I'm leaving campus Wednesday morning and I don't want my new 28-200mm Sigma rotting in the university post office :(

Message edited by author 2005-12-19 18:21:44.
12/19/2005 06:38:43 PM · #78
Would you believe that no one on that silly facebook at my school is a DPCer? What a bunch of loosers! ;D
Any of you who are wasting time there like I am, feel free to friend me.
modgethanc, I wish I could go back to the nocturnal life like yours. Being on break means working, which means no time for fun, photos, or college hours. Bummer....
12/19/2005 06:44:15 PM · #79
No one at my school is a DPCer either....meh.

I tried getting my roomate into it...but he doesn't want to. My dad is also an avid photographer...I bought him a Minolta DSLR for his birthday in November and I'm getting him a website for Christmas. I tried to get him into DPC too...I think he made and account but hasn't entered any challenges yet...
12/19/2005 06:51:47 PM · #80
I have a couple of friends here who are pretty deep into photography, but one of them shoots strictly film and the other said he wasn't really into this kind of stuff.

My dad's into photography, and I think he's looking to get a dSLR soon, but I don't really think he'd be up for DPC, either. Oh, and I also don't want him ever poking around on the same site that I'm on :D
12/20/2005 01:04:43 AM · #81
I'm Cory(as you can tell by my oh-so-clever username) I'm 18, and I go to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh with a major in Photography. I enjoy it greatly. I hate talking about myself, so message me or something and we'll talk.

Also..it seems as if DPC has alot of people from Pittsburgh. I find that to be very awesome.
12/20/2005 02:14:31 AM · #82
Alright everyone, questions time:

Favorite movie(s)? Why?
Favorite book(s)? Why?
Favorite music/band(s)? Why?
What's your passion?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?

12/20/2005 03:00:56 AM · #83
Originally posted by NightShy:

Alright everyone, questions time:

Favorite movie(s)? Why?
Favorite book(s)? Why?
Favorite music/band(s)? Why?
What's your passion?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Fav Movies: Donni Darko; Because it makes you think, it has no set meaning and it is wide open for interpretation. I have spent many night talking with my roomates/cousin/brother/friends about it...and I still catch new things everytime I watch it. Other than that I like; Memento, Requiem for a Dream, The Matrix (first one), and more recently King Kong (highly reccomended...you should go to the theater right now and watch it, it's really quite an experience that won't be the same at home)

Fav Books: The Chronicles of Narnia; I love fantasy...although I hardly ever read it. It transports you to another place altogether....that's what I love about it. I also like; The Da Vinci Code and Rama (actually...I like all of Arthur C. Clarks books)

Fav music/bands: I will give you a list of my most played songs on iTunes (Band, Song):

Mae - Summertime
Emery - The Secret
Finch - Bitemarks and Bloodstains
The Decemberists - Shiny
Augustana - Boston
Alexisonfire - No Transitory
Thursday - Standing on the Edge of Summer
Thrice - Stare at the Sun
Brand New - The Quiet Things That No Every Knows
Spitalfield - I Loved the Way She Said L.A.
Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats
Stutterfly - Lifes Disease

What's Your Passion?: Life...it's my passion. The people that are around me all the time hear me say "Lifes too short..." all the time. I mean, you only get one shot at this whole life thing. Why would you spend it living any way other than what you want? I firmly believe that you should live yous life the way you want it, not the way your parents want it or your friends want it. Time flys by...before you know it we will be all grown up and married and then we will be retired and well...you get the idea. You should enjoy it while it lasts, try to make the best of every situation. After all...when you are on your deathbed are you going to regret the things you did do...or the ones that you didn't do?

Other than that...I have smaller passions in; music, photography, my friends; a whole lot, and my family...oh and dressing nice

Where do you want to be in 5 years? Honestly...I don't know. I am moving in July and I have two choices...either go to a school 2 hours away and major in Massage Therapy or go to a school 5 hours away and major in Photojournalism. I'm not really too sure which one I'm going to do yet. I actually don't make 5 year plans...or 10 year plans like most people. Why should I? I might not even be alive in five years...I don't want to wast time planning for the future I just want to live for the moment right now and see where life takes me. (within reason..;P)

Okay...so now you know more about Caleb.

Time to sleep now...night

12/20/2005 09:23:17 PM · #84
Originally posted by NightShy:

Alright everyone, questions time:
Favorite movie(s)? Why?
Favorite book(s)? Why?
Favorite music/band(s)? Why?
What's your passion?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?

I'll go, I guess.

Favorite movie:
I have way too many when it comes down to it. But, I've sort of narrowed it down...although, it really can't be narrowed. I love too many movies.
Anything by M. Night Shyamalan - best filmmaker of our day.
Lord of the Rings - Even if you don't like the story, you have to respect these movies.
Gardenstate - one rockin indie, I highly recommend it.
The Kid - Charlie Chaplin is one of the best filmmakers to ever live, and this is him at his best.
Bourne Supremacy - cooelst fight scenes ever.
Power of One - Powerful movie.
A Christmas Story - Freaking halarious.
Final Cut - Indielike and kind of a different cool storyline.
Singing in the Rain - Another classic, awesome movie for the time.

Favorite Books:
Life of Pi - Very cool story, can't wait for the movie.
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card's best!
Ender's Shadow - Hmmm...possibly better than Ender's Game.
Screwtape Letters - Can't go wrong with C.S. Lewis.

Favorite Music:
Wow, too much here too. I love music. But what I've been listening to today is:
Damien Rice - He has so much passion, and his voice with Lisa's is brilliant. Hands down my favorite musician of all time.
Jack Johnson - So chill. Love this guy.
The Beatles - Who doesn't like them?
Incubus - Brandon Boyd is sexeh.
Opera - Sorry, but I love this genre.
Gardenstate Soundtrack - As well as a good movie- this soundtrack is the best.

Whats your passion?
Films. Simple as that. I love everything about making them, it's a good stress. And nothing is better than effecting someone's life in such a way as a movie.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Lets see, I'll be 22ish...probably dating or married to some brilliant and successful young filmmaker- taking stills on this sets ;)
Whatever I'm doing, it'll be something I love.
12/20/2005 09:51:30 PM · #85
Okay, I'll play...
Fav movies is hard, lot of good ones. The top are:
On Golden Pond - It's just a wonderful story
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Audrey Hepburn is amazing
Eurotrip - Gotta have something strange and funny
Star Trek - any of the films, I'm a huge fan.
Monte Walsh - really good story, of the end of an age
There are other great ones, but I'm too lazy to list 'em all.

Fav books...this is even harder...
Travis McGee mysteries...all of them - Great plots, great writing
Islands in the Stream - Hemingway is the master, and this is his best work.
Illusions - incredibly thought provoking, and enlightening
Tourist Season - Hey, who doesn't like a story about a mad news columnist who feeds tourists to giant crocodiles?
Bridges of Madison County - It made me cry. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Fav tunes, dude!
Jimmy Buffett - His lyrics are fun, his songs the perfect escapism. I want to run off to the islands and live on a boat like him!
Savage Garden - good tunes, but I didn't know they were Aussie...
Natalie Merchant - recent discovery, she's got an amazing voice
RENT Soundtrack - movie was good, music is WAY better
Peter Mayer - he just rocks

My passion. I'm a passionate, romantic person. Pretty much whatever I really get into becomes a passion. So the list runs like this: photography, writing, flying, sailing, tropics. In no particular order.

In 5 years. Hmm, I should just be out of school with a Masters, be working as a photog, maybe getting ready to be a college English professor, and hopefully living on my own sailboat, which I take to sea in when I can. Also hopefully married to a wonderful, fun girl who I've yet to meet. ;D I mean, if I'm gonna' dream, I mind as well dream big, right?

12/20/2005 11:19:32 PM · #86
Hi, I'm Thomas
*everyone says "Hi Thomas"*

I'm 18, woot! Just finished my first week of finals last week. Great to be home and shooting the coast (that darn rock) again.

Favorite movie(s)? Why?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - if you haven't seen this, you were a deprived child.
Princess Bride - hilarious spoof
Matrix - great storyline, awesome action
Hero - Amazing cinematography story speaks so deep

Favorite book(s)? Why?
The Bible - True life
Fellowship of the Rings/The Hobbit - picture perfect descriptions, great plot
Chronicles of Narnia - story of Jesus told as fantasy.
Enders Game - captivates me all the way through

Favorite music/band(s)? Why?
TobyMac, Grits, Yellowcard, Relient K, Switchfoot - upbeat listening
Jack Johnson, George Winston - great easy listening music

What's your passion?
Photographing nature and landscapes to the glory of God. I also enjoy playing soccer, running, and playing video games.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?
In a job where I can pursue my passion.
12/21/2005 06:18:33 PM · #87
Hey, I am 19 male in oregon. Can I join, Can i? Can i?
I just got into photography maybe a couple months ago...hoping to improve. I don't have much experience in it at all so I am just wingin' it during my free time from work. Maybe someday it can become more then a hobby..
12/21/2005 06:43:40 PM · #88
[quote=NightShy] [quote=NightShy] Alright everyone, questions time:
Favorite movie(s)? I just like snowboard and surf flicks...though Ice Age is always awesome haha. I'm easily entertained by movies

Favorite book(s)? The Teachings of Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda

Favorite music/band(s) ahhh right now, zero 7, amos lee, citizen cope.

What's your passion? I would say photography, travelling, and sport ... Invidual sports..running (did a marathon when i was 19) but mostly skateboardin snowboarding and surfing when i get the chance.

Where do you want to be in 5 years? I wanna be wherever I'm supposed to be, so I have no idea. Hopefully wherever it is though, I can look out my window and see mountains or oceans.

I just realized you could find most of that stuff on my facebook haha.
12/22/2005 11:37:12 AM · #89
Favorite movie(s)? Why?
I've developed a taste for Really Bad Movies....ones so bad they make you want to cry. But then again, I also like stuff like Requiem for a Dream, Memento, Garden State, Big Fish....and once in a while I like to cram horrors/thrillers into my head. Saw was probably the best one I've ever seen. The sequel sucked.

Favorite book(s)? Why?
Not too many individual books, but I usually like most of the collective works of an author. I actually haven't really read much recently, but I enjoy science fiction...maybe not so much the space-travelling, alien-fighting kind but more along the lines of things that could honestly happen not so far off, like Bradbury's stuff, or the Handmaid's Tail, the Copper Elephant. And I do like the occasional Robert Heinlein. I was also rather the Hemingway fan a few years ago, though I haven't touched any in a while...

Favorite music/band(s)? Why?
My music taste is all over the place...I'll listen to indie/scene stuff once in a while (it's playing on iTunes now, which is why I mention it) but I'm picky about it...but I'm usually more for the 90's alternative sound (god, realizing that a lot of this stuff is about a decade old scares the crap out of me) --Nirvana, Incubus, the Goo Goo Dolls, etc. Just to drop more names, Dir en Grey, System of a Down, Portishead, the Unicorns, the Faint, some Sublime, Radiohead, Ours, 30 Seconds to Mars, Seabound, efesar...more ambient stuff like Sigur Ros, Matmos, the Album Leaf...and I have a soft spot for Lalo, Mozart, Saint-Saens, Bach's violin sonatas...

What's your passion?
I lost it years ago and I'm trying to get it back. It's been quite some time since I've found something that I honestly really care about and get excited over.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Wherever I want to be at the time. I've long learned not to try to predict what I want this far in advance.

Message edited by author 2005-12-22 11:37:33.
12/22/2005 12:08:58 PM · #90
Originally posted by NightShy:

Alright everyone, questions time:

Favorite movie(s)? Why?
Favorite book(s)? Why?
Favorite music/band(s)? Why?
What's your passion?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Movie---Well i love Naponapoleon Dynamite,an i like The Bourne Identity films

Books--- Well i hate to read i can sit down long enough to read and if i do its got to grab my atention

Music/Band--- I like Punk, Punk Rock, and some 80's stuff (I was born in 1983) Bands--- Thrice,The Killers, The Bravery, GnR, Thursday, Skillet, U2, Nirvana, Linkin Park, Delirious, Dashboard Confessional,
The Strokes, The Juliana Theory, think that covers them all =)LOve Music!

Passion---- Well I love Church. Im a beliver, i love helping out with the kids in the church. Im a youth leader at my chuch. there are alot of kids out there that all they need is someone to look up to.

Next 5 Years------- I would at a Mail Order Rx and make pretty good money!! But i want to go Full Time in Photography....Own my own busness
taking pictures doing what make me happy =)

O yeah Sorry..... My Name is Chris I'm 22 as of Oct. I'm married no kids
12/24/2005 02:43:49 AM · #91
Hmmmm....how about these?

What's your favorite food?

Mac or PC?

Play any instruments?

Brothers? Sisters?

What was the best thing to ever happen to you?

Haha...random ?'s I know. I can't help it, I'm bored and it's 2 a.m. :P
12/24/2005 02:50:04 AM · #92
Well good morning, it's almost 10am here ;P And you shouldn't be awake this late, go to sleep young man!
Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

Hmmmm....how about these?
What's your favorite food?
Mac or PC?
Play any instruments?
Brothers? Sisters?
What was the best thing to ever happen to you?
Haha...random ?'s I know. I can't help it, I'm bored and it's 2 a.m. :P

Food- Pasta, and lots and lots of olive oil
Mac or Pc- PC (Oh yeah this is going to tell so much about us)
Instruments-Baglama (Turkish one, the greek one sucks :P )
Brothers, sisters- No
Best thing that ever happened to me- I'm not gonna tell nananana
Random- Oh look a bird.

Hey it's christmas eve.

Message edited by author 2005-12-24 02:51:30.
12/24/2005 02:54:43 AM · #93
Haha...I can't sleep :(

Oh well....I don't have to get up early tommorow, so it's all good...

So uhhhh....I need more people to enter my contest thing, otherwise the prize lies in one persons hand, lol. I was trying to rhyme.

Ok...I'm going to go take some photos now...I'll post em on here in a lil bit when i'm done.

12/24/2005 03:12:00 AM · #94
Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

Hmmmm....how about these?

What's your favorite food?

Mac or PC?

Play any instruments?

Brothers? Sisters?

What was the best thing to ever happen to you?

Haha...random ?'s I know. I can't help it, I'm bored and it's 2 a.m. :P

I'll play- it's only just passed 1:00 here. :)

Food:Thai and fresh foods. Not much into grease. I'll try anything once though.

Mac or PC:I have a PC, never had a Mac, but I probably will in the future...I've been converted after many-a-conversation with die hard Mac user.

Instrument: I tried playing bottleneck blues guitar for a while there, but I pretty much have no musical ability of my own. But, I love music and my brother's a musicain so I've always been around it.

Brothers/Sister 1 real brother, 1 real sister, 1 sister in law, 3 step sisters, 2 step brother in laws, 1 step brother and 1 half brother....*deep breath*

What was the best thing to ever happen to you?
Picked up a camera.

12/24/2005 03:25:20 AM · #95
ok...after 20 minutes of not-so-careful shooting and editing this is what I have to show you:

I could so enter that for the username challenge and have the title "NightShy" :P

Too bad I already have a cool shot for a different name, lol.
12/24/2005 03:33:10 AM · #96
Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

I could so enter that for the username challenge and have the title "NightShy" :P

You know Caleb, just because I'm way wicked cooler and better and much more attractive than you doesn't mean you have to dress up like me, ok? ;)

12/24/2005 03:38:20 AM · #97
Originally posted by NightShy:

You know Caleb, just because I'm way wicked cooler and better and much more attractive than you doesn't mean you have to dress up like me, ok? ;)

Haha...I'll keeo that in mind :P

Crap...I just finished my fifth bowl of chocolate lucky charms i've had tonight. Whew...that is some good stuff lemme tell ya. No wonder I can't sleep, lol...got all this sugar in me. Maybe I should go for a run.

I bought a car today!!!! I'm so happy. I got in a wreck with my old car and it got totaled, luckily it wasn't my fault and no one got hurt. But I've been without a car for five weeks now...until today! I bought a 97 Toyota Camry LE....oh yeah, pimpin.

ok....I'm gunna take a coupla more pics then go to sleep.
12/24/2005 03:44:57 AM · #98
Im 17, live in Australia just finished Yr 12 and have only really taken up photography this year when i got a digital camera for xmas last year yay!! lol Upgraded it after I accidently dropped it back in August.. It could survive a dog chewing on it.. but not being dropped LOL anyways my new cameras aiight but i can't do macros and stuff :( lol
12/24/2005 04:12:48 AM · #99

That is what happens when you are still up at 3:13 am and you decide to play with PS :P

Ok...I gotta go to bed. Goodnight....and Merry Christmas Eve!
12/27/2005 01:28:29 AM · #100
Just saw this thread.. I'm 16 and I go part time to the community college here, also work at a computer store.

Originally posted by NightShy:

Favorite movie(s)? Why?

The Blues Brothers - it's a classic, I don't know what else, it's just great.
Evolution - Lot of really good parts
The Collective - Mountain biking DVD, really good cinematography and music. Great to watch if you like freeriding, or even if you don't

Originally posted by NightShy:

Favorite book(s)? Why?

The Giver - because it's the only one I can think of

Originally posted by NightShy:

Favorite music/band(s)? Why?

Black Sabbath - my favorite band, perfect style of doomy classic metal. They were great with Ozzy, and crappy with Dio. Best album would be either Sabbath Bloody Sabbath or Black Sabbath.
AC/DC - my second favorite, lot of really awesome songs. Bon Scott was my favorite of the two, but Brian Johnson had some really great songs too. Best album would be Back in Black or High Voltage.
Led Zeppelin - I don't know a lot about them, but I can't leave them out. Best album, Led Zeppelin I.

Originally posted by NightShy:

What's your passion?

Mountain biking when the weather allows it, and my bike isn't broken.
Computers, but since I work on them at work I don't want to do a lot with mine at home.
And photography of course, even though I'm not that good at it yet.

Originally posted by NightShy:

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Just about graduated from college, for a degree in CS

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