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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> Where can I sell my pictures?
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 65, (reverse)
12/29/2005 02:26:16 PM · #26
The Quiz is silly but worth it in the end

Originally posted by eyeronik:

I may as well have a go since I always do pointless things. I was on istock and it has a long quiz you must do, then it says what it doesnt want. flowers :( everyone hates flower photos. It says what it doesnt want, yet you look at the most popular and there the things it doesnt want, yet only a handful feature, so I feel its unfair.

One thing it does want is grundge, and I have tons of that, its edited and well its more artwork than photos so it feels a bit odd giving that over. Perhaps I shouldnt, but then again maybe it might get seen more then.

Also it says "amature" which is surely the wrong spelling. Its a bit in your face the istock quiz and what you must and shouldnt do, it kinda puts you off with its tone. Quite weird really. I mean it even says not to use 1 photoshop filter etc. I guess they must have got a lot of non art stuff.

12/29/2005 11:27:52 PM · #27
Good Information. I'm going to start uploading some. Anyway, is it okay to share same pictures on multiple sites. I mean does it really helps getting more download?

Message edited by author 2005-12-29 23:29:11.
12/29/2005 11:53:38 PM · #28
my standard reply in everyone of these "micro sites are good" forums -

First three months on micro-sites I made a total of $90 (four sites)

I pulled ALL of my photos (about 100 images) from micro-pay sites and put them on rights managed sites - here's the result (bear in mind, these are the EXACT same images)

First month - October
one image sold - $350

Second Month - November
Three images sold - $1,500
Got a freelance gig shooting last Friday. ($250 for travel, $250 per image they use - so it could be much more if they like what I shoot) (Update, they bought 8 images)
A catalog saw my website on a referral, and bought another image (outright purchase, all rights for eternity) for $750 (it was already sitting on my hard drive, I uploaded it to an FTP site, got a check 2 days later - sweet)

hmmm - seems like I was selling myself a little short.

I'm an freelance animator/compositor for my "real" job - and I work with ad agencies all the time. They know about the micro sites, and will use them when they need to (no budget) but I'm working for an ad agency client right now - the agency bought 200 images from rights managed sites for $600 per image to use in all branding for their client (these are images of people with different technology on a white background, laptops, cel phones, PDAs, etc). What if you had sold just 10 of those images, what camera could you justify then?

The agencies I work with won't even look at a micro site unless they have no money - it's kind of a joke among the Creative Directors who employ me. They feel like they are getting better photos because they pay more - I don't tell them that for a while, the photos were the same for this photographer!

If you want to shoot to suplement or replace your income, you can do it through stock - but you have to give yourself credit for what you know, and sell these images for the price they deserve.

Look at MelKing's portfolio - this is an amazing artist getting paid .50 an image??? - she should be making hundreds PER IMAGE. She's a great talent, shooting images that hold their own among the best - if mine are worth $350 each with 100 measly images in my portfolio, she should be selling rings around me.

Please reconsider what the market is offering you, somebody will be selling my agency client images for $600 each, it might as well be you.

Added with edit

Let me say this - I have raging self doubt too. I look at my photos and I see they are crap - I look at my challenge entries and see that you all can see that they aren't that hot either!

I have a friend that said "feel the fear, and do it anyway". I feel it all the time, but I really want this. What I'm saying is if I can do this - lots of people can!

Message edited by author 2005-12-30 00:00:32.
12/30/2005 12:13:46 AM · #29
digitalknight, pl suggest some good micro sites. I do use stock photo sites, but I keep my best ones for 'better times better places'.

Also would it be possible for you to show the photos you sold for such 'good' price. Just wanted to compare on where I stand :)

Message edited by author 2005-12-30 00:14:40.
12/30/2005 12:28:54 AM · #30
you can also go to focusu.com and register. it is free.

12/30/2005 12:49:11 AM · #31
Originally posted by fiverivers:

digitalknight, pl suggest some good micro sites. I do use stock photo sites, but I keep my best ones for 'better times better places'.

Also would it be possible for you to show the photos you sold for such 'good' price. Just wanted to compare on where I stand :)

All of my online sales have come through alamy.

The one in October is one of the shots I entered into a challenge - can you guess which one? As I recall it scored in the mid 5's.

The others are all on my web site - they are in the architecture section - everyone of those in the architecture section I've shot on assignment and been paid well for BTW. That comes from just opening my mouth about how great photography is ALL the time! My poor family hears it so much.

The ones I shot on assignment (sold 8 of them) are here> //democard.com/photo/usu/

Trust me, these are not works of art - in fact a good solid shot sells better than the works of art that I've created! Art might be too subjective? Anyway - hope that helps

edit - fixed the score my sold image got - I remembered it too low

Message edited by author 2005-12-30 00:51:22.
12/30/2005 12:56:16 AM · #32
Originally posted by digitalknight:

All of my online sales have come through alamy.

The one in October is one of the shots I entered into a challenge - can you guess which one? As I recall it scored in the mid 5's.

I dont know which one but just checked - "Three Horses". Its beautiful picture. I'm myself struggling with getting skilled on Dodging and Burning...I'm nowhere closer.

Thanks for suggesting Alamy. I guess being on the darker side of earth (when sun shines in US), I miss out most of the latest information in forums :)

Message edited by author 2005-12-30 00:59:04.
12/30/2005 01:40:00 AM · #33
i have had the most luck with ebay.. i sell just about everything i put on there. Maybe give that a go too
12/30/2005 04:06:23 AM · #34
Originally posted by lentil:

i have had the most luck with ebay.. i sell just about everything i put on there. Maybe give that a go too

Can I see your postings on eBay? Just want to get idea on how you place them there and what 'words' needs to be used :)

Message edited by author 2005-12-30 04:07:04.
12/30/2005 05:40:18 AM · #35
Is there any point in me registering with any of these sites with a 4MP camera, or do they all require much larger sizes?
(I've just tried to register on Alamy but realised they require 6MP minimum.)

I realise my photos aren't brilliant, but they are in the same kind of DPC score bracket as some people who say they are making money from these sites. I'd love to give it a go even if I'm not going to make loads of money!
12/30/2005 06:14:11 AM · #36
Most microsites will explicitly say they don't want you upscaling your images (although if done gently and carefully I'm not sure how they'd know...); that said, many of them will accept 4mp images.
12/30/2005 06:43:58 AM · #37

Yes it is ok to share the same pictures on multiple sites...Yes it helps get more downloads....If I only sold the same images to one site and made say $10.00 a day off that site. then I would be missing the $10.00 a day I make off the other two sites I submit too...So I would be missing $20.00 a day.

The more sites the better....at least the top three!


Originally posted by tejinder:

Good Information. I'm going to start uploading some. Anyway, is it okay to share same pictures on multiple sites. I mean does it really helps getting more download?

12/30/2005 06:50:42 AM · #38
Originally posted by ganders:

Most microsites will explicitly say they don't want you upscaling your images (although if done gently and carefully I'm not sure how they'd know...); that said, many of them will accept 4mp images.

Please could you point me in the direction of those sites?

I tried istockphoto, and went through that long process of the quiz, but when I sent off my sample photos they weren't happy with the image quality or something - they thought I'd resized it :-(

Thanks for any advice!
12/30/2005 06:50:42 AM · #39
Originally posted by fiverivers:

Originally posted by lentil:

i have had the most luck with ebay.. i sell just about everything i put on there. Maybe give that a go too

Can I see your postings on eBay? Just want to get idea on how you place them there and what 'words' needs to be used :)

I havent got any on there at the moment.. took a break over christmas.
I make sure I include, the size, detail on what they are looking at,the title of it, in the search i usually put something that will grab their attention like black and white etc.. I always put to check my ratings and bid with confidence. I also include that when posting I bubblewrap, giftwrap when sending. (when someone buys something I giftwrap, and send a thank you card with a business card inside) I always always make sure it is nicely wrapped. Alot of people like getting a surprise when they open it. Instead of it just being in a box from the post office.
If they are unframed i tell them I can frame for additional charge or give them ideas what it would look nice with.
I think that is all.. I have been very lucky with my sales though.
Let me know if you have any questions
12/30/2005 07:10:17 AM · #40



Originally posted by scales:

Originally posted by ganders:

Most microsites will explicitly say they don't want you upscaling your images (although if done gently and carefully I'm not sure how they'd know...); that said, many of them will accept 4mp images.

Please could you point me in the direction of those sites?

I tried istockphoto, and went through that long process of the quiz, but when I sent off my sample photos they weren't happy with the image quality or something - they thought I'd resized it :-(

Thanks for any advice!

12/30/2005 09:03:51 AM · #41
Melking, what would you say is your fourth best earner? Your fifth? I am already signed up at the big three, and I just signed up at 123rf, but I haven't uploaded anything there. How do you rate them?
12/30/2005 09:11:58 AM · #42
great thread
12/30/2005 09:24:19 AM · #43
Originally posted by JoshuaM:

Melking, what would you say is your fourth best earner? Your fifth? I am already signed up at the big three, and I just signed up at 123rf, but I haven't uploaded anything there. How do you rate them?

Ok here are my sites in Order of best Earner to least:


All are under $100.00 earnings but I have just started to upload all my files there:
4.123 Royalty Free will be a good one
5.Fotolia has promo on now after 50 accepted photos, all accepted files after that you will get $.20 each for photos you upload and get accepted.
8.Canstockphoto very slow in earning


Message edited by author 2005-12-30 09:25:24.
12/30/2005 10:10:20 AM · #44
Just to let you know, if you decide to join shutterstock, they make you upload 10 images, and if at least 7 of those 10 get accepted you are in. If less than 7 get accepted, you have to wait another three months before they allow you to try again.

I am wondering if 123rf does anything like this. Anyone know?
12/30/2005 10:22:47 AM · #45
After thinking about this some more overnight, let me add this...

Opening your mouth will sell more photos -

The power of networking can never be underestimated. Every print I do I tape a business card to the back of it - sold another large print (framed and matted) last night from a business card on another print.

But if you talk confidently about your photography, be excited about it, people will respond to it, and you will sell more that way than any other - at least I have.

When people ask me what I do, I tell them I a photographer - oh yeah, and I animate too. They always want to talk about it in that order - they get a business card and an invite to check my web site out.

A year ago I heard of someone selling a photo for over $300 for the first time - on this site - I couldn't believe it was possible. Now it happens several times a month. You can do it too!
12/30/2005 12:07:58 PM · #46
Doug I am very glad to hear you are doing good with your photography, you have some great photos.

12/30/2005 01:21:54 PM · #47
Originally posted by JoshuaM:

Just to let you know, if you decide to join shutterstock, they make you upload 10 images, and if at least 7 of those 10 get accepted you are in. If less than 7 get accepted, you have to wait another three months before they allow you to try again.

I am wondering if 123rf does anything like this. Anyone know?

I know you have to upload to get accepted but not sure how many or if they make you wait before you try again....Give it a try and let us know!
12/30/2005 01:37:31 PM · #48
Have you tried printing your best ones and then selling it on the flea market then reciving orders? I've seen some people do it that way.
12/30/2005 02:25:25 PM · #49
Originally posted by melking23:

I know you have to upload to get accepted but not sure how many or if they make you wait before you try again....Give it a try and let us know!

Well that is what I was trying to avoid. I think I am just going to wait and send my 10 images there at the same time I send my 10 for SS, becuase they both require you to send 10 to be approved. What I plan on doing is sending the first ten of my images that get accepted at both IS and DS, and I think that will almost gaurentee (spelling?) my aproval.
01/02/2006 07:49:50 PM · #50
Well, I have signed up with 6 of the sites... I have about 13 pictures now so I hope to start selling soon. I plan on taking stock pictures everyday.
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