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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> 21 and under club...
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 131, (reverse)
12/27/2005 09:38:19 AM · #101
I'm at work and bored, so I'll play too...

Fav food: I'm a sucker for most Italian and Mexican. Weakness for Chicken Cordon Bleu, too.

Mac or PC: PC all the way. I love Windows XP. And Macs suck. We have them at the newspaper and after about 30 sec, I want to kill them. What's the crap with only one mouse button, anyway?

Play any instruments: I wish. I'm sorta' tone deaf, so although I love music, I can't seem to make any.

Brothers/sisters: One brother, he's 12.

Best thing to ever happen: I've had the chance to travel a lot already. It's opened me up to a lot of new/different ideas and customs across the world, so I'm not stuck in a limited New England point of view.

This is fun. It's neat to hear what y'all have to say! :D
12/27/2005 08:27:45 PM · #102
Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

What's your favorite food?

Gardettos snack mix :D
Or pizza hut. Or lasagna. Or a quiznos classic italian sub.

Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

Mac or PC?

PC for sure. I'd buy a Mac just to play with it, but I have no need. And not many people around here use them either..

Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

Play any instruments?


Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

Brothers? Sisters?

2 sisters, both moved out

Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

What was the best thing to ever happen to you?

Being born maybe

12/27/2005 08:31:31 PM · #103
I'm Brandi ..21. Stay at home mom. Just found the site so I havent participated in any challenges yet. But yeah anyway...hi
12/27/2005 08:35:29 PM · #104
I'm 21 and wortking in the movie Biz just got enough money saved up to buy a nice camera so I did Its a nice feeling spending 3 grand at once hmm whats next
12/27/2005 08:48:59 PM · #105
Originally posted by radionin:

I'm 21 and wortking in the movie Biz just got enough money saved up to buy a nice camera so I did Its a nice feeling spending 3 grand at once hmm whats next

What cam did you get?
12/28/2005 11:00:54 AM · #106
I'm 18, an independent photographer and photo manipulator. I think I am terrible others think I am a god with Photoshop. Then again most people I show my pictures to have no idea what art is so they think my work is great. I think with some more training I can be great.

12/28/2005 02:53:18 PM · #107
What's your favorite food?
A. Anything Coffee related...I'm an addict
Mac or PC?
both, but mostly pc
Play any instruments?
yes I do, 13. I was bread to be either an artist or a musican
Brothers? Sisters?
2 foster brothers, both older
What was the best thing to ever happen to you?
Discovery of Self Expression

12/31/2005 03:39:02 PM · #108
crap son....

how's everyone doing?

What'cha all doing for the new years tonight?
12/31/2005 03:40:40 PM · #109
Tonight's the night! Gathering my four closest friends from HS and trying to have some fun in this silly little town. So far, we're burning a Christmas tree, watching movies, and apparently indulging in some contraband bubbly ;D
Sounds like a party to me!
12/31/2005 03:45:51 PM · #110
haha...that sounds like what i'm doing...

I'm having like 6 of my friends over and we are just goofing off.

I live in Manhattan, KS...aka "The Little Apple" So every year they do a ball drop here in the downtown part and they show us on the big screens in New York when we do it. It's really cool.

There's usually like 10,000 people within a coupla city blocks, get's pretty crazy.

I just got a bottle of wine for tonight too. Cause....well...it's new years, ya gotta have a little something to drink right? ...or a lot something.
12/31/2005 04:25:10 PM · #111
I fled my house and I'm spending the weekend down in northern VA at my future roommate's house...her entire family left her here all week to petsit and stuff, and I'm like, dude, I'm coming over.

We're probably going to a LAN party later or something.

I have no idea what we're doing tonight, though. Either way, it'll probably be the soberest New Year's I've had in a few years.

I originally was going to hop on a plane to Houston and crash my boyfriend's party, but since I'm only going to be here for like, four days, I didn't think it was worth the hassle making people drive in and out of DC all the time just so I can run around.

I've spent most of the day chilling on her couch, occasionally taking pictures of her cats.
12/31/2005 04:30:07 PM · #112
I drove 4 hours north to meet up with an old friend from college. I'm in a little town called edon ohio right now. it's killing me. the closet starbucks is an hour away. I'm in hell, or at least my killer migrane tells me so.
12/31/2005 04:51:50 PM · #113
I'm a 17 year old high school senior looking to double major mathematics and computer science. I'm going to University of Michigan next year. I wanted to go to MIT, but I got deferred *tear*

Favorite movie(s)? Why?
Memento cuz it makes you think and the plot twists are fun. I also liked Lord of the Rings.

Favorite book(s)? Why?
That's a tough one. I like sci fi and fantasy a lot. I'd probably have to pick Ender's Game.

Favorite music/band(s)?
Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes, Outkast, Red Hot Chili Peppers, N.E.R.D., Jimmy Eat World

What's your passion?
I like math and programming a lot, and I'm pretty heavily involved in math and programming competitions. I also think DDR is a pretty sweet game...

Where do you want to be in 5 years?
In grad school somewhere... I really have no idea.

I just got my first camera this summer, so I'm pretty much a photography n00b. I'm pretty bad, but I think I'm getting better.

For New Years, I'm gonna learn how to play Texas Hold 'em. Hopefully I won't lose too much in the process.

Message edited by author 2005-12-31 16:55:58.
12/31/2005 05:06:02 PM · #114
Hey everyone

Damian from Ontario here.
Im 21

I didnt know we had 8 year olds with such talent on this site. Shoot on little sister, the ribbons will come.
12/31/2005 05:07:25 PM · #115
Originally posted by xuan768:

I'm a 17 year old high school senior looking to double major mathematics and computer science. I'm going to University of Michigan next year. I wanted to go to MIT, but I got deferred *tear*

lol, there's a whole MIT rejects club here :D
01/02/2006 01:03:36 AM · #116
Hi everybody :)
My name is Holland and I am 20 and in my junior year studying Biology in upstate NY. I stumbled upon this site a few weeks ago after my semester ended and found it a good place to waste time. I just got my first digital camera for christmas last week (still getting used to it, its nothing fancy) so most of the photos I have now were taken with my Minolta that I've had for years now. I'd say Im more of an artist than a photographer. This year I also bought my first house and got my Wildlife Rehabilitation license, so it's been eventful.

Some art and other crap:

Favorite movie:
The Usual suspects

Brave New World- Huxley
Genome- Matt Ridley

and bird genetics

Piano (the only one I'd feel comfortable playing in front of strangers)
and I sing

so yeah... Hi *waves*

Message edited by author 2006-01-02 01:20:27.
01/02/2006 01:07:41 AM · #117
just thought I would throw this on here. It's a self port I shot a couple of days ago. I put this in another thread looking for c and c. I just am putting it here to show off how beautiful I am.....right, Jk

Message edited by author 2006-01-02 01:08:07.
01/02/2006 01:13:17 AM · #118
haha, I keep meaning to fill this out.
but I'm a procrastinator, what can I say?

Fav food: I'm a vegetarian, love me some soy stuff, & of course vegetables, I love spinach :)

Mac or PC: I like PCs. but I'd like a Mac laptop, I'm a computer nerd though, and already know most non-Mac stuff though, so whatever.

Play any instruments: I can play pretty much any Beatles song on the organ :) haha.

Brothers/sisters: One sister, shes like... 22. or 23? haha I'm attentive.

Best thing to ever happen: Hmm... I'm not really sure?

Favorite music/band(s): I Lovveee Franz Ferdinand, Aqualung, Death Cab, Rilo Kiley, Le Tigre... lots of indie, saw some of my faves (COLDPLAY!!!!!) in concert, in fact I was front row for many concerts at Austin City Limits, i definitly recommend anyone who loves music to go, haha enough of that little rant...

What's your passion?: photography of course, anything artsy, and music (listening, not playing ;))

Where do you want to be in 5 years? I'm not sure where, in College, an art college preferably, if I stay in TX, def moving too Austin, if leaving, would like to be in California (being a democrat in like... the biggest republican city....not too much fun, lol)

well, there you go
i look forward to getting to know everyone & improving lots

<3 Rockie
01/07/2006 11:35:52 AM · #119
hey yall I have a really good Idea.. ready we should do a challenge that you have to take a picture of a musical album and each song on it and put it in a collage and then we can all guess which album it is. So if I was to do Mansons Holywood than I would have to take a picture of something to represent the ablum title and all the songs on it like coma black and the rest of the songs and put it into a collage.. whatcha think? Just a random thought I thought I'd share.. I have alot of them. The only thing is it would have to be a long challenge so we could get it all. Any way I'm Dezzy Hi. I'm 17 gonna be 18 in.... doing the math...(27-7=20) in 20 days wow im such a losser anyway. But I'm about to graduate Highschool and I want to join cirque du soleil and eventually get a band together and try my life as a starving artist/rockstar. But yeah thats pretty much me.
01/09/2006 01:23:07 AM · #120
Hey everyone, I guess I'm a little behind the introductions here but better late than never right? I'm Sameer, 20 years old and a sophomore mechanical engineering student at the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, WI. I bet no one has ever heard of that, but if you have...don't go there, it sucks. Anyway, I'm originally from Woodbury, MN which is a suburb to the east of St. Paui. I really haven't had the time or the creativity to enter any challenges on here, but that doesn't mean I don't shoot anything. Take a look at my site, there's quite a bit on there. The link to it is in my profile...this is all just a ploy to get more people to view it:). Now to answer all these questions that people have been answering on here:

Favorite movie(s)? Why? - I like a lot of movies...except for horror movies, I highly dislike those movies
Favorite book(s)? Why? - As of right now, I'm only reading two books: Multivariable Calculus and Electrical Circuits...I usually don't read books for fun though.
Favorite music/band(s)? Why? - If it's not country, I'll most likely like it.
What's your passion? - I have a lot of passions that I'm not going to list here.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? - Well I'd like to be in a job in 2 years...and after that, who knows?
What's your favorite food? - I like mostly all foods, I eat a lot
Mac or PC? - PC, I can't stand Mac
Play any instruments? - I used to play trombone...but now I'm just sticking to the guitar
Brothers? Sisters? - One of each
What was the best thing to ever happen to you? - I don't really know, there have been quite a few things that I can't really put one over another.

I saw that a few of you were on facebook. If you are, add me. Just search for Sameer at MSOE since I don't know how to put the link on here. I'm also on myspace, so add me there too. But anyway, if any of you want to chat, hit me up on AIM, my screen name is SamDoe1. Or if you prefer MSN messenger, my email is pais@msoe.edu. And for stare_at_the_sun, you won't be disappointed in the Leica glass or the panasonic camera in general :). Wow, this was long...hope to hear from some of you soon,
- Sameer

Message edited by author 2006-01-09 01:24:28.
05/07/2006 04:16:49 PM · #121
Little late for this thread or not....Im 19 from south africa
just bought a 300D rebel...didnt realise there were so many youngsters here?!
05/07/2006 05:44:31 PM · #122
I'm a little late too, but im 15 and from DC
05/07/2006 06:03:50 PM · #123
I think I'm one of the youngest here but there is one younger in the reply before me. I'm 16 and I'm from the Photonation or like other people call it, Iceland.
07/06/2006 11:33:30 AM · #124
Close enough to 21 I guess... just turned 22...

Australian... living in South Korea at the moment...

Working for the money to buy my next lens...

Favourite movies:
Dark City
Ordinary Decent Criminal
The Usual Suspects

Favourite Music:
Cradle of Filth
In Flames
Onitsuka Chihiro
Lee Sora

Frank Herbert's: Dune
The Lord of the Rings
The Isavalta Trilogy
The Tales of the Otori

Australian Wine (Shiraz, Merlot, Cab Sav)

Close mindedness


Hope this is an insight... however late it may be.
07/06/2006 11:51:05 AM · #125
just found this "youth thread" today.
nice to see so many other young people here, that i haven`t seen yet.
oh eehm, i`m 18 and finished school this summer
(we will have our school leavers ball on saturday ;).
noticed that most of you are from the u.s.
any one else from europe, especially from germany, swizerland...?


@ Djabordjabor: where do you live in iceland?
in end of july i will fly to iceland and stay there for 3+X month (in reykholt for most of the time). maybe we could meet each other in one of the big cities of iceland ;)

Message edited by author 2006-07-06 11:56:16.
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