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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Are my photos being ripped off?
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01/06/2006 10:53:20 PM · #1
Do these photos look familiar?



//photos.manicnirvana.com/vfestchelm05?page=2 on third row on left?

My photos are here:

It's this page that pisses me off, if they have been stolen:


Message edited by author 2006-01-06 22:59:43.
01/06/2006 10:56:39 PM · #2
looks like it :(
01/06/2006 10:58:41 PM · #3
Thats too bad man.
01/06/2006 11:00:51 PM · #4
I'd say it's possible. You may need to contact the web master of the web sites to clarify where they came from? Great pics though mate.
01/06/2006 11:03:20 PM · #5
sorry to hear that, that first one looks just like yours

Message edited by author 2006-01-06 23:03:35.
01/06/2006 11:05:05 PM · #6
i cant believe the hide of some people.
01/06/2006 11:05:57 PM · #7
Yeah, they're mine alright. Scumbag. It's they way he's plastered text all over his website warning people not to steal his photos that gets me. I can't find an email address, but I've left a comment on his blog. I'll take it further if there's no answer.
01/06/2006 11:09:08 PM · #8
We can all leave comments on his blog if it will help....just send us a link.
01/06/2006 11:10:26 PM · #9
Thanks guys, nothing like a bit of community spirit to show that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable!

01/06/2006 11:12:52 PM · #10
Just out of curiousity, how did you spot this?
01/06/2006 11:14:55 PM · #11
I was Googling Robert Plant photos to see if any of mine were highly placed.
01/06/2006 11:15:36 PM · #12
love the please don't steal my images on his blog!
01/06/2006 11:17:54 PM · #13
It's a bit odd - he states that "All photos copyright their respective owners" and requests that anyone using the photos give appropriate credit, but i can't find anywhere that he has given credit to the individuals that own the photos. And he's got his URL splashed all over most of them.

01/06/2006 11:18:50 PM · #14
I left him a message for you Bob...nothing too mean. Just poignant...
01/06/2006 11:19:07 PM · #15
It certainly looks that way.

I'd start with a letter to the page owner, that will probably resolve the problem. In most cases they're unaware of the rights issues and a polite request to remove solves the problem.

If you do not get a satisfactory response from that, try contacting their web host, Global Net Access. You will need to send them a DMCA notification letter, the one listed under ISO DMCA on this page should work.

01/06/2006 11:20:06 PM · #16
Yeah, I think he got the photos from here:
and here
but it does clearly say that if a fan website wants to use them for free, they MUST be credited to Virtual Festivals, who were employing me.
01/06/2006 11:22:13 PM · #17
Originally posted by ClubJuggle:

It certainly looks that way.

I'd start with a letter to the page owner, that will probably resolve the problem. In most cases they're unaware of the rights issues and a polite request to remove solves the problem.

If you do not get a satisfactory response from that, try contacting their web host, Global Net Access. You will need to send them a DMCA notification letter, the one listed under ISO DMCA on this page should work.


Thanks! The first link takes me to a thread about viruses though.
01/06/2006 11:24:40 PM · #18
Sorry, bad paste! Try this!

01/06/2006 11:24:44 PM · #19
Thanks for the support guys!
01/06/2006 11:29:21 PM · #20
I'm not seeing any posts on his blog after January 1st, 2006? Nothing about images, etc... from anyone in this thread? Where did you post?

Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

Yeah, they're mine alright. Scumbag. It's they way he's plastered text all over his website warning people not to steal his photos that gets me. I can't find an email address, but I've left a comment on his blog. I'll take it further if there's no answer.

01/06/2006 11:32:29 PM · #21
They have to be approved by the blog owner before they're visible.
01/06/2006 11:34:44 PM · #22
Ok - That's what I thought, so it's slim that we'll ever see the comments show up. ;^) At least he will know people don't approve.

Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

They have to be approved by the blog owner before they're visible.

01/06/2006 11:38:05 PM · #23
That was quick, I got a reply:

Please indicate which photos are yours and I will remove them. Most
of the photos that I know the credits for, are named with the
photographers name so that they will show up in a search of that
person. Until just now, anyone who has seen their photos on my
website has been kind enough to give me the credits so that I can
rename the files so that they get the credit. Most of the photos in
the gallery I own copies that I have purchased from the photographer.

Have a Nice Day. :)

On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:27 PM, Bob Rose wrote:

> Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Bob
> Rose (Bob@EyesOpen.co.uk) on Friday, January 6, 2006 at 22:27:15
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> textareaName: You are very keen that your photos aren't stolen and
> that you are credited for them. However, you seem to have stolen
> some of mine. Quite some nerve. Who takes all your other photos?
> Don't they need crediting? I think you need to re-evaluate how you
> use your photos.
> Please remove all the photos you don't have authorisation to use.
> Bob Rose
01/06/2006 11:47:37 PM · #24
My reply:

Thanks for your speedy reply,
I had a good look around the website, and couldn't find any credits to any photographers.
I doubted you had enough money to buy ALL the photos I saw, and I'm suspicious about your valid use of them.
The fact that you are using my photos without any credit to me shows me that you got them from the Internet without crediting your source, despite your plea for similar consideration.
The particular photos I'm referring to are from Womad/Reading and V Festival/Chelmsford but I'll be checking with the photo community to see if you're using others without authorisation.
Photographers should not have to come across their photos being used and then have to ask to be credited.
It's your insistence on people crediting you for the images you're hosting that has really made me take offense to this. It's highly hypocritical.

Bob Rose
01/06/2006 11:48:06 PM · #25
Just left a couple of notes, one on the blog and another at some "talk to the wench" something or other and on that one, I sent the link, showing your photos with your name beneath. Don't know if that helps, but at least all of this positive energy in your defense can't hurt!!

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