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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Which to start with Nikon or Canon!!!
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01/09/2006 05:44:11 AM · #1
I'm using my sony 717 and it's shutter lag made me crazy. I want to buy new one but I realy dont know witch one I sould start with? I knew that I can not change after I start with one brand . what I have in mind is Canon EOS 20D or Nikon D200, both are 5fps.price of 20D is tempting but I really dont know what to do!
please give me your suggestions cuz I'm not a professional one and I need help.
01/09/2006 05:48:16 AM · #2
I recommend you go and actually hold them in your hand, play with them each a bit, and go with the one you like the feel of best. The camera really needs to feel like an extension of yourself. Both are great cameras. The Canon lenses I believe are not as costly.
01/09/2006 05:52:57 AM · #3
What is your shooting style?

Ultimately it's a matter of personal choice. For me, I went Nikon. The choice probably should have been made based on lens selection, but I knew going in that I didn't know anything about lenses -- and with Nikon and Canon both being world class companies I fully expected the lens selection from both to be so far above what my P&S Olympus has to offer I would be quite happy with either. Ultimately, I went around and physically handled the XT and the D70 and liked the way the Nikon felt in my hands.

It may or may not have been the best way to make the choice of which system to commit to, but I reasoned when starting into a new area it is important to be comfortable. I have had no regrets. Of course, I bought the body and first lens seperate and while I have the body, the lens hasn't shown up yet -- so I am yet to take any pictures with it. :(


/edit: A bit more about lens selection that I've learned since. From what I've been reading Nikon has a very long history of making top quality lens, but they are also a bit more expensive than Canon's equivalent. Both companies make stellar lenses however (Sigma and Tokina (sp?) as well, from what I read), with each company having a few duds. I will leave it to others more knowledgable to give specifics on various lenses tha would best suit your style of photography, once known.

Message edited by author 2006-01-09 06:13:50.
01/09/2006 06:07:46 AM · #4
I'm 100% bais but buy canon....... and buy a 5D I wish I did I hate all the maginafaction. I also chose canon because the best camera shop in town didn't carry new Nikon gear and are totaly smothered with canon gear.

Anyways I vote
01/09/2006 06:19:45 AM · #5
WOW , that was fast, thanks
What I'm after is a kit that I can spent as minimum and I can use it as general , you see I tought about a Canon 20D with 17-85 IS USM or Nikon D200 With 28-200 VR.
I knew the second one is more expensive for me but I like to know does it worth to invest in?

I haven't had a chance to test them , but I surely will before I buy one. what is important to me now is just the quality and abilities and the brand cons and pros.
01/09/2006 04:42:49 PM · #6
To be honest once you pick a company your going to be happy with the camera and love that company. They are both good gear and your take great photos with either. If you look through all the photos here there is no clear winner in which brand has better photos, I do find that more people have canon gear but thats just this site soo just buy one you will be happy.
01/09/2006 05:23:44 PM · #7
Originally posted by radionin:

To be honest once you pick a company your going to be happy with the camera and love that company. They are both good gear and your take great photos with either. If you look through all the photos here there is no clear winner in which brand has better photos, I do find that more people have canon gear but thats just this site soo just buy one you will be happy.

Very true!!! I was hardcore Nikon film for 15 years...then..4 years ago..I got a Canon G2 and loved it enough I didn't need to buy a DSLR until this year. I thought FOR SURE my next camera was going to be a Canon DSLR but I was holding out for a 1ds series and L glass and that was going to take some money.

Then I was called on to shoot a charity event in October of this year and I needed to borrow the company's Nikon gear which included a Nikon D2x.

The very next week I went out and bought the Nikon D2x with what was going to be my Canon money...I had been saving for 3 years and over $12,000!! How is that for delayed gratification?

The Nikon just fit me...I got great photos in a very demanding situation and the camera felt like I had been using it for years when this was the first real shoot I had been on.

If you can, by all means try the camera out but you can't go wrong with either system..and it is a system you are buying.

01/09/2006 05:34:22 PM · #8
get both, give me the one you dont like
01/09/2006 05:36:13 PM · #9
What are you going to do whit your camera, if you are going to take picture and post more than 95 % of your picture on the internet, than don´t waist your money on semi professional camera just buy cheep consumer camera you cant see the difference if you know how to process them in PS

Originally posted by kiumars_kashani:

I'm using my sony 717 and it's shutter lag made me crazy. I want to buy new one but I realy dont know witch one I sould start with? I knew that I can not change after I start with one brand . what I have in mind is Canon EOS 20D or Nikon D200, both are 5fps.price of 20D is tempting but I really dont know what to do!
please give me your suggestions cuz I'm not a professional one and I need help.

01/09/2006 05:40:48 PM · #10
Originally posted by IceRock:

What are you going to do whit your camera, if you are going to take picture and post more than 95 % of your picture on the internet, than don´t waist your money on semi professional camera just buy cheep consumer camera you cant see the difference if you know how to process them in PS

Icerock has a point...determine your use. There is nothing more frustrating than spending a goodly amount of your extra income on something that you don't use to it's fullest.

Shutter lag can be solved pretty much by any of the nice cameras ranging from the Canon 350xt, the Nikon D50, Nikon D70s, Nikon D200 or the Canon 20d and that is about a range of $700 to $2000 for a camera kit.
01/09/2006 05:44:49 PM · #11
As someone who has just purchased a Canon 20D I would highly recommend it. I went through exactly the same process you are going through now. I couldnt decide whether to go with the Canon EOS 20D or the Nikon D200. I had a friend who had just purchased a D200 and was pushing me to do the same. While I admit that the D200 is a gorgeous camera and I was quite tempted to buy it, I decided not to. In the end I chose to buy the 20D, partly because I already had two EF lenses that my dad had bought for his old EOS Rebel (film, not digital), and also because my previous experience with Canon has been good.

My Vote: Canon EOS 20D
01/10/2006 08:22:26 AM · #12
Originally posted by hokie:

Originally posted by IceRock:

What are you going to do whit your camera, if you are going to take picture and post more than 95 % of your picture on the internet, than don´t waist your money on semi professional camera just buy cheep consumer camera you cant see the difference if you know how to process them in PS

Icerock has a point...determine your use. There is nothing more frustrating than spending a goodly amount of your extra income on something that you don't use to it's fullest.

Shutter lag can be solved pretty much by any of the nice cameras ranging from the Canon 350xt, the Nikon D50, Nikon D70s, Nikon D200 or the Canon 20d and that is about a range of $700 to $2000 for a camera kit.

dear Scott Hudson,
very good point , but you are about to buy one you go for the best body you can aford or what! I really don't know?!
I want it to be fast for sure, but 3fps vs 5fps !! and the quality I dont think would be comparable $700 to $2000!! does it?
01/10/2006 11:08:33 AM · #13
I saw my name in the thread and freaked out for a minute :-D

I come from the school of buy the best you can afford that meets your needs. Long after the sweet taste of saving a few bucks has gone you will still have the prodcut you bought. If that product does not satisfy your need in either features or just feel good value..it was not a bargain.

That is why I held off buying a DSLR until I could afford a professional body camera. Only a professional body camera offered me enough advantages over my Canon G2. All other camera bodies, while better in some respect of another than my G2, still made compromises that I felt I did not want to make when I bought my DSLR.

The important things to me when I wanted a DSLR....

1) Speed...I wanted/needed instant start up, shutter speed, and fast, fast auto-focus

2) BIG FILES! I have customers that absolutely need 30 meg files, translates to 300 dpi resolution at 10" x 14" NO UPREZZING. This area alone hindered my business growth as only the Canon 1d series offered what I needed until last year

3) Durability of camera body..I wanted to offer photographic services of outdoor events to several Ski resorts in my area, Football and so on

4) Did I mention SPEED!!! Fast write times, High frames per second ...the faster the better.

From all this..I continued to put off my purchase for 3 years until a camera was built that met this criteria and I could afford it.

BOOM!! The Nikon D2x came out and it was like they were reading my mind. Everything I needed and within my budget that I ahd saved for.

You need to do the same thing I did....determine your must haves and narrow the field.

Go to DP Review

They have all the technical info you will need.

Once again...My advice...buy the best you can afford.
01/10/2006 11:18:30 AM · #14
The differnce between modern slr's is minimal. It's more of a matter of what you like. Does the 20D feel right in your hand? Does something annoy you right away?
I prefer Nikon bodies, but Canon lenses (of course until I held Olympus E-1 with with their lenses.. :P ).
Also, check what lens you would need or can afford? Can you live with the kit lens(es)? Are 8MP enough? (I think they are unless you plan on printing larger than A3)

01/11/2006 05:58:41 PM · #15
I agree. You've got to hold them in your hand
I coulda bought a more expensive block but the D50 was such a great size I got that.
01/11/2006 06:06:14 PM · #16
Re: the thread title (Which to start with Nikon or Canon!!!), just remember that unless you're insanely advantaged $-wise, the one you start with will be the one you END with :-) In other words, the body is just the beginning, and the lenses are forever. There's basically no going back.

01/11/2006 06:16:44 PM · #17
Originally posted by ShutterPug:

I recommend you go and actually hold them in your hand, play with them each a bit, and go with the one you like the feel of best. The camera really needs to feel like an extension of yourself. Both are great cameras. The Canon lenses I believe are not as costly.

This is the Truth....i stuck with Nikon. I had a Nikon N65 35 mm i lovesd it and found out the lens were change able from my 35mm to my D70
the only thin that i have heard is the the Canon is a bit faster at the shutter speed ( i dont know never used a Canon) and the other thing i heard is that Nikon lens are worth the money. i have only had my D70 for about 2 months i love it but i knew it felt right when i picked it up.....i had the old fashion feeling....the butterfly in the stomach...a little light headed....palms got sweaty...that when i knew =) it was it =) Good Luck
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