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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Be careful what photos you google up!
Showing posts 26 - 36 of 36, (reverse)
01/25/2006 03:23:17 PM · #26
Originally posted by behindthescenes:

The Internet is for porn....the internet is for porn... the internet is for porn...
that was great!

i guess i will be getting scrutinized anytime now since i did a search for "kill the president".. this is the start of communism..lol

has anyone done a search on google for failure? try it search it and hit im feeling lucky

I for some reason don't have the I'm Felling Lucky option today but i did Google failure and the first query result at the top of the page was Biography of President George W. Bush

It came up second from the top in Webcrawler.

01/25/2006 03:33:47 PM · #27
Originally posted by behindthescenes:

i guess i will be getting scrutinized anytime now since i did a search for "kill the president".. this is the start of communism..lol

Closer to fascism than communism, in many accounts. Still a ways off, but it's enough to make me squirm.

~ janson
01/25/2006 04:30:10 PM · #28
Google isn't the problem here. The problem is Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 If you can understand this and why government has to be in my face about it, please explain it to me or if you don't like overly intrusive government run for office and get this repealed.

That's it I am sure I am now on someone's list.

BTW notice the date, 1998 signed into law by Bill Clinton. Now don't go bashing Bush over this. Also I found the law by Googling it. I guess I am on another list now.
01/25/2006 04:41:19 PM · #29
Originally posted by MPRPRO:

Google isn't the problem here. The problem is Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998

What part of this did you find objectionable? I just read through it quickly and I already am familiar with that part of it restricting websites from gathering information from minors and see that as a good thing.

If there is vague wording in there that would surely need rewording.
01/25/2006 04:58:39 PM · #30
I turned off the RANT forum so I didn't have to put up with all this American political bullshit, why don't you take it somewhere more appropiate.
01/25/2006 05:36:05 PM · #31
Originally posted by keegbow:

I turned off the RANT forum so I didn't have to put up with all this American political bullshit, why don't you take it somewhere more appropiate.

You think this doesn't affect roos too? Someone brings up something on this website that can seriously impact how photographers share images and you seem more concerned with:

Originally posted by keegbow:

Originally posted by Brent_Ward:

mk invented fools. Realizing the magnitude of her folly, she then created Pity.

Is she related to Mr T ??

All about photography ain't it?
01/25/2006 06:51:55 PM · #32
Originally posted by MPRPRO:

... BTW notice the date, 1998 signed into law by Bill Clinton. Now don't go bashing Bush over this. ...

Why shouldn't the Bush administration shoulder the blame? Aren't they the ones trying to get the law revived after the courts ruled it unconstitutional? Bill Clinton has been out of office for over six years. Many in Washington, including pols and pundits both liberal and conservative, predicted the law would be thrown out for going too far at the time it was passed but the right wing kept pushing it and Clinton went along as part of his effort to appear the great centrist. The current case is a Bush administration move to appease their right wing base. Even they have to know there is little chance of success in the courts but they think it will help them politically.

As a side note - it's not too surprising that MSN complied willingly with the Justice Dept's request. Microsoft owes the Bush administration big time for letting them off the hook for the anti-trust case about Windows soon after taking office. Remember how they were threatened with a break-up of their monopolistic corporation? That's how things work in Washington. If that displeases you, you can start to change things by sending congressmen, senators, and presidents who have a higher level of integrity to Washington.
01/25/2006 08:11:20 PM · #33
F8(kin Na$i censors!
01/25/2006 08:13:19 PM · #34
"The Internet is for Porn!!! The Internet is for Porn!" Continued in-perpetuity.
01/25/2006 08:44:20 PM · #35
If u are afraid of x-rated google results, go to your google preferences and make sure safe search is enabled....It is very effective
01/26/2006 08:19:05 AM · #36
Here's a link to a column in today's Baltimore Sun that gives some background on the present situation:
Invading Privacy in Defense of a Bad Law
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