Author | Thread |
02/10/2003 10:36:08 AM · #1 |
I'm really pissed about my entry in last week's Cliché challenge. The challenge was supposed to be pics of kids, and dogs and flowers, etc. I can live with the fact that I got a 5.599. Not all bad, but not great. What really got me is that I got 3 - 1's, 3 - 2's and 15 - 3's !!??!!! It's no winner, but it's not that bad. You tell me: //
I'd love to hear from those people that gave me a 1, 2 or 3. What did I do to deserve that score? None of my comments indicate it was a bad picture.
I've included my ideas that I have formed over the months of how I rate pictures. Here are my ideas on what a picture needs to get a specific score:
1. All of these factors: Very bad focus, composition, or overall quality. Picture is overprocessed. Completely off-topic. Point and shoot just about anything just to enter the challenge. Pictures taken in really bad taste.
2. Only 3 of the above factors.
3. Only 2 of the above factors.
4. Only 1 of the above factors.
5. Average shot. Focus is so-so. Composition is average. Idea is ordinary. Background is not well planned. Connection to the challenge is a stretch.
6. Good technical shot, well thought out, but possibly not really on topic.
7. Picture has most of the elements for success but just doesn̢۪t work perfectly.
8. Very good shot. Meets the challenge. Good technical elements (colour, focus, background). Well thought out compostition. Possibly some slight flaws.
9. Same as 8, but without the flaws.
10. Same as 9, but picture has that extra WOW factor.
I'm curious to know how others rate their pictures.
02/10/2003 11:18:11 AM · #2 |
I didn't receive a 1 but I did get the same amount of 2's and 3's as you. In all honesty, I believe those low scores are either from trolls or others who know nothing about the merits of good photography. Some people just don't know how to critique a photograph except by that they like it or don't like it. Fortunately, most of the people on this site really do know photography and will give their objective opinion of the work as well as subjective. If you look at the winner, it also received 2's and 3's. |
02/10/2003 11:23:56 AM · #3 |
I gave you a six, I'm pretty butt soar about my score too, but other people who deserved higher scores are in that same boat. |
02/10/2003 11:24:39 AM · #4 |
I didn't vote in that challenge this week, but I would have given it an 8. He's a total cutie and like the tunnel effect... draws the eyes to his face, which is very effective for a portrait shot. I agree with the other comments that the photo appears a little too warm. His hair is a little red as is his face.
You might want to take some other shots... like how about if it were lit from behind? And try to capture the rings in the tube, that really sells the shot.
I find it hard to give this photo anything less than a 5, by any standard. But that's just me...
02/10/2003 12:09:47 PM · #5 |
It is a nice shot, mariomel. I gave you a 6, which for me are shots that I really like and stand from the crowd. I agree with bamaster about how to improve your shot. Good luck!
I'm also on the same boat as you. My picture for the cliche challenge is one of my daughter. I agree that it's not a winning picture, but certainly deserves better than the 5.330 that I got. I also got a bunch on 2's and 3's. But, what can we do?
Message edited by author 2003-02-10 12:11:11. |
02/10/2003 12:15:58 PM · #6 |
Maybe people didn't understand that it was cliches IN PHOTOGRAPHY, rather than a saying?
I think it will always baffle us why certain pics get 1s and 2s. I certainly got plenty this week myself (39 votes between 1 and 3).
I gave you a 7 btw. :-) |
02/10/2003 12:40:33 PM · #7 |
I did,nt enter the cliche challenge,but did vote I gave your entry a 7.
My criteria for voting is on the same parameters as yours.Just keep on plugging away. |
02/10/2003 01:20:26 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by mariomel: I'm really pissed about my entry in last week's Cliché challenge. |
I'm going to open a can of worms with this maybe, but you did good in the challenge. You placed in the top 100 and a 5.599 is pretty good. It is above average. The shot is of a kid and it fits the challenge well. The focal point of his eyes is great. The hair and his skin tones a little red and his head blends in a little too much to the tunnel. You should have angled yourself a little more over to get rid of the tunnel opening in the back and to get the rest of his elbows into the frame. Other than that the image is great. Cuteness factor is definately there and it fits the challenge. I had given you a 5. |
02/10/2003 01:25:15 PM · #9 |
I can't see why anyone would give your shot a 1, 2, or 3. Very adorable and very well done. The only little thing to change would be reduce the red in the face, but that's a minor flaw. Much more than a snapshot. I gave it an 8.
Hang it on your wall.
02/10/2003 01:32:36 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by Jacko: I can't see why anyone would give your shot a 1, 2, or 3. Very adorable and very well done. The only little thing to change would be reduce the red in the face, but that's a minor flaw. Much more than a snapshot. I gave it an 8.
Hang it on your wall. |
I reduced the red is PS as much as I could while trying to keep the orange colour of the tunel. It was much more red on the original pic.
To Jubei: Yes I know a 5.559 is not that bad. It is the 1,2 and 3's I object to. I know the pic had some compositional flaws in it (background) but still not that much. I guess some people just don't like pics of kids, even in a challenge where they are one of the topics.
Thanks for the comments to all that replied. I would sure like to hear from those who gave me less than 4.
02/10/2003 01:38:37 PM · #11 |
I got eleven 1's, and a bunch more two's and three's. I didn't think my shot was that bad, but obviously I've been set right by that score. I still like my photo. |
02/10/2003 02:48:09 PM · #12 |
I was very generous in my votings last week, the lowest score I gave was a 4, I think I gave you a 5 or a 6,
It definitely did not deserve less than a 5. |
02/10/2003 08:45:39 PM · #13 |
I still would like to hear from the ones that gave the low scores..
Do you dare show your faces??
02/10/2003 09:27:50 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by mariomel: Bump...
I still would like to hear from the ones that gave the low scores..
Do you dare show your faces?? |
This is just ridiculous. Very few shots here deserve less than a 4, and your shot was certainly not one of them. It was also not a shot that offered anything particularly unique or appealing to set it apart from the thousands of cute-kid-smiling photos sitting in dpc archives and portrait studios around the world. In addition, nearly every shot submitted every week recieves a number of undeserved low scores. The fact remains that people can give whatever score they want for whatever reason they want. Wanting people to explain low scores so you can learn from your mistakes is a great way to improve your skills. Taunting them to reveal themselves as though you're ready to distribute vigalante justice is just ego-boosting lunacy.
A message to everyone who is obscessed with complaining about the scores they get:
People are not obligated to like your shot, no matter how good you may think it is. (And you are free to like your shot no matter how bad people think it is.)
People have nothing to gain by giving you a low score so it is unlikely that there is any conspiracy against your photo.
If your score/placement is what is important to you, than remember that this site is a photo popularity contest, not a contest of photographic excelence. Sometimes those two things coincide, other times they do not.
Trolls do not single you out.. therefore the troll effect cancels itself out in the scores.
Whining about your scores will not improve your scores, nor will it improve the photographic ratings on this site.
All photos face the same process and chances. If you don't like the result you get, deal with it. |
02/10/2003 09:30:53 PM · #15 |
I tried this once a few weeks ago... i.e. talk about the reasoning behind 1's and 2's to photos otherwise deserving. Marklane and I were basically jumped on for complaining. So, I will not begin this again.
Maybe just shrug, re-examine your photo, hang it up if you still like it, or reshoot it if the scores and comments urge you to.
I am with you. Do not get me wrong. It may never make sense to you or me.
But, I will only interject here to say that aggressively *inviting* people to participate in this thread, or in the forums in general, to admit to their low scoring and validating their opinions may not get you very far.
02/10/2003 09:57:22 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by KarenB: Maybe just shrug, re-examine your photo, hang it up if you still like it, or reshoot it if the scores and comments urge you to.
I would love to improve my photos based on comments, but most comments I got did not indicate 1,2,3's. Those kinds of scores tell me that there is something drastically flawed in my picture. I would just like to know what flaws those people saw in my pic.
"Taunting them to reveal themselves as though you're ready to distribute vigalante justice is just ego-boosting lunacy. "
To wingy: I'm not trying to boost any egos, just find out why they disliked my picture so much. If I give a 1 to an obviously good picture for some reason, I at least have the decency to give a comment as to why.
02/11/2003 02:26:28 AM · #17 |
mariomel: lol. good luck getting those low voters to come out of hiding. Personally I'm a low voter and I gave you a 5. I can't really see any reason for less than that, but I get them on mine too, and so does everybody. I responded to another one of the current posts to someone with a similar problem and I was the only person who admitted that I gave them a 2 and I did my best to explain why. Since I was the only one on there I don't think your going to have much luck, but you might want to check it our for inspiration. then we can all put this thread to bed. just have fun and dont let your scores stress you out. |
02/11/2003 04:48:52 AM · #18 |
If you read back through the many forum threads about this subject over the last year, you'll find that everyone votes differently, and uses their own subjective system to determine how they vote. For example, some of the 1's and 2's may be coming from people who like to use the entire range of votes, so that their favourites are 9's and 10's, and their least favourite (but not necessarily bad) photos are given 1's and 2's.
Basically, if you complain about 1's and 2's, you should also complain about those 9's and 10's, since they're statistically equally as erroneous...
02/11/2003 05:31:19 AM · #19 |
Mariomel ... with all this whining about giving 1s for pictures ... you gave me a 1 on my Waldo submission because you found it in poor taste. "Beautiful picture, but I must say it is in bad taste. 1".
So much for practising what you preach. lol.
02/11/2003 07:49:02 AM · #20 |
Originally posted by Jacko: Mariomel ... with all this whining about giving 1s for pictures ... you gave me a 1 on my Waldo submission because you found it in poor taste. "Beautiful picture, but I must say it is in bad taste. 1".
So much for practising what you preach. lol. |
Well well well mariomel... the cat is out of the bag! If you give 1s and 2s as well then I would ask you to rethink what you are saying. :-)
We all get 1s and 2s. It's just part of DPC. Threads like this amount to noting except delving in self pitty. Live with it. Have fun taking pics and look at all the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10s you get.
Welcome to Yanik's "before I had my coffee" bluntness. ;-)
02/11/2003 10:35:17 AM · #21 |
Originally posted by kosmikkreeper:
Originally posted by Jacko: Mariomel ... with all this whining about giving 1s for pictures ... you gave me a 1 on my Waldo submission because you found it in poor taste. "Beautiful picture, but I must say it is in bad taste. 1".
So much for practising what you preach. lol. |
Well well well mariomel... the cat is out of the bag! If you give 1s and 2s as well then I would ask you to rethink what you are saying. :-)
We all get 1s and 2s. It's just part of DPC. Threads like this amount to noting except delving in self pitty. Live with it. Have fun taking pics and look at all the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10s you get.
Welcome to Yanik's "before I had my coffee" bluntness. ;-) |
Jacko, If you read the comment and PM I sent you, you would see that I found the picture to be good technically, just the "idea" to be in bad taste. If you read what I said in this thread, if I give a 1 to a good pic, I explain myself. I think I did that.
To kosmik: I never said I don't give out 1's and 2's, just that I usually justify my low score with a reason. I have no problem with receiving 1 & 2's , as long as people give a reason why. Maybe they don't like blond kids, maybe they don't like the colour orange, or maybe they have a fear of play tunels, but they should justify their scores.
Anyway, let's just drop this thread. I did not mean to start a HUGE thing. I was just hoping to see why, in order to improve my picture taking.
02/11/2003 10:54:31 AM · #22 |
Originally posted by mariomel: Jacko, If you read the comment and PM I sent you, you would see that I found the picture to be good technically, just the "idea" to be in bad taste. If you read what I said in this thread, if I give a 1 to a good pic, I explain myself. I think I did that.
Well, if you felt the photo has technical merit, but in poor taste, you should NOT have given it a 1 based on your scoring system.
And I quote...
"1. All of these factors: Very bad focus, composition, or overall quality. Picture is overprocessed. Completely off-topic. Point and shoot just about anything just to enter the challenge. Pictures taken in really bad taste."
Assuming the photo was in focus, has fair composition, not over processed, on topic, and not just a shot of anything just to enter the challenge... you should have given Jacko at least a 4 for only having one of the above criteria for a 1.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with your score on this one.
02/11/2003 10:59:28 AM · #23 |
Sorry, there was an error in my original post. It should have read:
1. All of these factors: Very bad focus, composition, or overall quality. Picture is overprocessed. Completely off-topic. Point and shoot just about anything just to enter the challenge. OR pictures taken in really bad taste.
02/13/2003 05:22:59 PM · #24 |
Marjomel I gave you a 6. I had 3 ones,3 two's ,6 Threes and 10 fours...I think we all get a mix of votes. The important thing is that you liked your entry and most others did too. Keep up the good work.
02/13/2003 05:52:51 PM · #25 |
I gave you a 3, due to the following factors:
1. The picture lacks a general WOW effect.
2. Croping of the elbows creates tention in the image, and the feeling of being incomplete.
3. Making the image square would have produced the WOW effect.
4. Top of the hear is too dark for a portrait, in my opinion.
5. The background is not dark enough to hide the clutter.
What saved your picture from a lower score from me is the fact that the "model" is very cute (and I don't usually go for cute), and the focus (although for me it is not really a deciding factor most of the time, as I like blury images).
I wish you best of luck on taking great pictures.
P.S. Pardon my spelling.
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