hello, My name is Dean and i need to apologise for using Bill Jemisons photo for my benefit.
I have emailed Bill himself, apologising greatly and sincerely for my actions and expressing the way i have experienced and learnt from that experience that i would never do something that stupid and disgraceful in my life again.
I sent Bill this email:
To Bill Jemison, i have commented to another of your fellow DP photographers expressing how i am greatly sorry and how i took advantage of your photograph, i must admit that i am a new photographer - or trying to be one and a young one at that, and i was overwhlemed by the comments i recieved from your work. I got too obsessed with recieving the comments, and i regret everything i have done. I will make a public apology and i know what i have done deserves no respect.. With my complete apology i have disgraced my self and have no one to turn to. Please i hope that one day i will be welcomed back (not expecting to) and seen for a person who does not take advantage of others. I know what i have done is the worst thing a person can do and i am feeling the emotions that come with having my name disgraced.
Sorry, i truely am sorry
never will anything like this ever happen again with me.
With my greatest reget
- i sent this too him, and thankfully we have made up and starting to get back in line. I am making this apologetic post, so others will know what i have done and that i am attempting to get back on the right path.
Sorry for the convieniece i have caused everyone.
I only ever took the one image from a different person, but that has caused so many holie in the community and disrespect which had cost me everything. Please forgive me - not right away but eventually.
Thankyou for listening
Dean |