Author | Thread |
02/16/2006 10:25:08 AM · #26 |
Could be Kidney stones. I got 'em once a year for about 5 years when I was in my early twenties. One of the most painful things a body can go through. |
02/16/2006 10:25:53 AM · #27 |
Originally posted by laurielblack: Originally posted by dassilem: consider Gall Bladder....
Sounds like the attacks that I used to have. |
Exactly...might be stones. I'd get it checked out for sure, because the attacks become more frequent and more severe over time, and can be triggered by fatty foods like cheese. If you love pizza, check with the doc. ;) |
Who should I call, my regular doctor (PCP)? I'm not too up on doctor stuff, I've only been to the doctor's like twice in the past 9 years or something...
I read some stuff on the gall bladder, and I definately have some of those symptoms -- my back's been hurting for a while, and sometimes I get bloated and stuff...I should really just go get checked out huh?
02/16/2006 10:28:26 AM · #28 |
Originally posted by deapee: Originally posted by laurielblack: Originally posted by dassilem: consider Gall Bladder....
Sounds like the attacks that I used to have. |
Exactly...might be stones. I'd get it checked out for sure, because the attacks become more frequent and more severe over time, and can be triggered by fatty foods like cheese. If you love pizza, check with the doc. ;) |
Who should I call, my regular doctor (PCP)? I'm not too up on doctor stuff, I've only been to the doctor's like twice in the past 9 years or something...
I read some stuff on the gall bladder, and I definately have some of those symptoms -- my back's been hurting for a while, and sometimes I get bloated and stuff...I should really just go get checked out huh? | your primary care physician and schedule an appointment soon. They will likely order a sonogram of your belly to see if there are any stones present...and if there are, surgery is an option. I had mine removed after my 2nd baby was born and it was a day surgery procedure...tiny little incisions, no problems whatsoever in recovery. Even went to school the next day. Be sure to get it checked though. Don't wait for another attack. :) |
02/16/2006 10:30:47 AM · #29 |
I would...I put mine off WAY too long....Attacks became more frequent and worse. If I had known that it would have been so much better without the gallbladder (no more attacks) I wouldn't have put it off.
02/16/2006 10:35:08 AM · #30 |
Dave, there must be a clinic near you that you can have em check you out at ..Call your PCP first see if he'll get you in..
Message edited by author 2006-02-16 10:35:38. |
02/16/2006 10:35:34 AM · #31 |
ok you guys talked me into it -- 2:45 I have an appointment at the doc's -- I just want to go in and get this all done with in one shot...
They should invent a place where you walk in, get some drugs that make you fall asleep, they do a physical, fix anything that's wrong, and then the dentist comes in and checks your teeth and gives you a filling or two, then you wake up and go home all happy lol.
02/16/2006 10:36:20 AM · #32 |
Originally posted by deapee: ok you guys talked me into it -- 2:45 I have an appointment at the doc's -- I just want to go in and get this all done with in one shot...
They should invent a place where you walk in, get some drugs that make you fall asleep, they do a physical, fix anything that's wrong, and then the dentist comes in and checks your teeth and gives you a filling or two, then you wake up and go home all happy lol. |
Awesome...and that's an idea I could go for as well. Let us know how it all goes. :) |
02/16/2006 10:38:54 AM · #33 |
ROFL at least they're not doing a proctology thing on you ;)
Originally posted by deapee: ok you guys talked me into it -- 2:45 I have an appointment at the doc's -- I just want to go in and get this all done with in one shot...
They should invent a place where you walk in, get some drugs that make you fall asleep, they do a physical, fix anything that's wrong, and then the dentist comes in and checks your teeth and gives you a filling or two, then you wake up and go home all happy lol. |
02/16/2006 10:40:26 AM · #34 |
Originally posted by deapee: oh my goodness, I've been laying in bed for the past hour sweating, in pain -- something inside my stomach is really wrong. I think I'm starting to shake. I may end up at the hospital here shortly. |
All I can think is "Alien", I hope it's not that :\
Hope you get ok Dave! |
02/16/2006 10:40:58 AM · #35 |
I just had my gallbladder out on the 3rd of this month. The recovery from the surgery has been much less painful than the attacks themselves were. I've got an incision in my belly button and two just under my rib cage. (I think there's a stitch in each one.)
There's also a non-surgical option that you can ask about. Like kidney stones, they can use sonic waves to break up the stones themselves.
When you go to your general practitioner, they'll basically ask about your history of the 'attacks' - where exactly did it hurt, what did it feel like (stabbing pain vs. achy pain vs. burning sensation), how long did the pain last, did you notice a correlation between eating something and the onset of pain, what other symptoms you have (gas, belching, loose stools, light colored stools (a good indicator of gallbladder problems), heartburn, etc.). Also, be sure to tell your doc about sweating with the pain and whether or not you had a fever or nausea and vomiting.
They'll probably ask you to pee in a cup to check for a bladder infection (which can cause some of the back pain) and they may take a blood sample to chack enzyme levels and look for indicators of infection (important to help rule out appendix problems). If they send you for an ultrasound, be aware - they tend to tickle! :)
Like some others have said - if it is gallbladder, the attacks will get more frequent and more painful. This is because each attack has the opportunity to create scarring in the bile ducts, which leads to a more constricted (smaller) duct, which causes more pain and it becomes a vicious cycle.
Get checked out, and good luck!
Sara |
02/16/2006 10:43:21 AM · #36 |
great deapee.....let us know how it goes.
02/16/2006 03:32:30 PM · #37 |
I don't know -- I got a clean bill of health...said it could be the acidity in the pizza I had yesterday.
130/90 (or was it 130/80 I can't remember) blood pressure though, but she said that could be because I was nervous.
Maybe I'm a hypochondriac I don't know.
Again, thanks for all the support. It seems like the cramping is going away more now, but definatley not all the way gone. I think I should be able to sleep.
02/16/2006 03:41:30 PM · #38 |
The body is weird and amazing. It is good to monitor those warning signs, but also good not to overreact. After seeing the doctor, I wouldn't worry at all. Stay away from that crap food, dude. Maybe God was sending you a "wake" up call, especially since you made that connection mentally anyway....Sometimes when i pray certain things or have been reading certain things, my dreams or my body will react throughout the night or over a period of time. As with everything, it's important that we choose which "lens" will we choose to view events. Glad everything is better now.
02/16/2006 03:44:54 PM · #39 |
Originally posted by deapee: ok you guys talked me into it -- 2:45 I have an appointment at the doc's -- I just want to go in and get this all done with in one shot...
They should invent a place where you walk in, get some drugs that make you fall asleep, they do a physical, fix anything that's wrong, and then the dentist comes in and checks your teeth and gives you a filling or two, then you wake up and go home all happy lol. |
They already have these places--just look in the yellow pages for veterinary clinic. ;)
Glad to hear you are ok. :)
02/16/2006 03:46:09 PM · #40 |
Glad to hear that you got a clean bill of health. Like cutter said, try not to worry overly much.
It might be beneficial, though, to note in your daybook or on a calendar when you have attacks like this and try to remember what it is that you ate 2 or even 3 meals beforehand. Try to write down things like if you have a fever, what kind of pain, where it is, what helps the pain - stuff like that. If a definate pattern shows up, or if you need to visit a doc about this again, you'll have a concrete record of what's going on and a pattern might help a diagnosis be made in the future.
Like I said, glad it turned out not to be anything serious.
Message edited by author 2006-02-16 15:46:45. |
02/16/2006 04:04:24 PM · #41 |
I just started to read your thread. This may not be related to your situation at all but...
Do you drink a lot of diet pop (Coke, Pepsi)?
Do you take a lot of Ibuprofen?
After nearly destroying my stomach I discovered that the Diet Coke I was drink a lot of was chemically reacting with the Ibuprofen that I was taking as a frequent sufferer of migraines. I gave up the aspartame products as the Ibuprofen takes care of the migraines for me. The longer it I did this the more frequent the pains and the more foods that bothered me were added to the list.
It took a while but with the help of Priolosec and other similar products that were prescribed by the doctor my stomach managed to heal itself. I let it go WAY too long, just lucky I had a stomach left to save!
Hope you get it figured out soon.
Caitlyn |
02/16/2006 04:10:02 PM · #42 |
Glad to hear you are OK Dave! Even though you checked out fine, you did the RIGHT thing going in. I know how guys can be. (after all, I are one!) Now just kick back, take it easy, and enjoy some rest and peace of mind.
:-) |
02/16/2006 04:20:31 PM · #43 |
Did they rule out diverticulitis? Glad you're OK and drink lots of water.
I'll refrain from making the wisecracks that I had lined up for when we found out you were going to live;) |
02/16/2006 04:26:02 PM · #44 |
Originally posted by greatandsmall: Did they rule out diverticulitis? Glad you're OK and drink lots of water.
I'll refrain from making the wisecracks that I had lined up for when we found out you were going to live;) |
I don't know, but I explained I've had bloating and stuff or back pain, but the back pain was right after doing squats at the gym for the first time in years, and bloating, who knows, I've had that occasionally my entire life.
I think I started reading on the internet and every little 'symptom' I had in the past couple of months I just tied together and started thinking the's not fun to be afraid that you're dying.
She recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables...I basically eat really bad...and said to not eat too much pasta or pizza lol.
02/16/2006 04:30:12 PM · #45 |
If you change your eating habits and are still having problems you ought to have your colon looked at; just for the peace of mind.
I had an episode similar to yours a while back and it was terrifying to go to sleep and wonder whether or not I'd wake up. Keep us posted, we need you to spice up the DPC gumbo...OH, and don't eat any spicy gumbo=) |
02/16/2006 04:31:05 PM · #46 |
There are probably a hundred different ailments we could internet diagnose you for but is lactose intolerance a possibility? Do you eat other dairy products frequently without problems? |
02/16/2006 04:34:20 PM · #47 |
Originally posted by mk: There are probably a hundred different ailments we could internet diagnose you for but is lactose intolerance a possibility? Do you eat other dairy products frequently without problems? |
I try to stay away from milk...I think it gives me the craps...I had quite a bit of chocolate on Tuesday night though (a few ounces of pure chocolate, at least -- lol).
02/16/2006 05:14:24 PM · #48 |
your 24.. get to doctor to make 25 silly |
02/16/2006 05:37:52 PM · #49 |
Very glad to hear that you're ok :-) But DO keep an eye on these pains. I had gallstones for over a year before the doctor would actually diagnose them (don't go to that doc anymore!) Had the gallbladder out (hurray!) but certainly could have been cheaper if they'd been caught at a small size and reduced/passed with the help of medicine.
Hopefully you just had some acid reflux or something....though now I'm dying to know what kind of peppers you put on your pizza!! |
02/16/2006 05:40:48 PM · #50 |
Dr. Nald is sticking to his first diagnosis.
Glad your okay.
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