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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Any believers out there?
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02/26/2006 11:50:12 PM · #26
The weather is actually great here... and I didn't have any feelings. Like I said before, My sister is a professional paranormal photographer and she works with the NGHA (National Ghost Hunters Assoc) I have always been a believer, but I never get anything on my photos (thus my normallcy in the profession).

It wasn't humid, foggy, windy, dusty.... nothing. Just a nice 68 degree night around 8:45. Again, I have tons of pictures without any of the orb images... they are every few pictures. I just wanted some feedback and to know if anyone else had some pics.

02/26/2006 11:55:19 PM · #27
Seriousley, don't get upset over it. Think of it this way, if it was really orbs, then it was just a spirit passed on, saying hello.
Otherwise, it was just dust, or condensation/humidity. I hope I didn't freak you out more from my other posts. I just tend to get in the moment with these things. I've photographed alot of old homes & I've gotten alot of orbs - & sometimes none at all. I will tell you, I go back again & again to photograph & check up on the conditions of these homes, and if I had thought for a second that there was something wrong, I'd never have be caught there again.
Well, whatever it is, dust, fog, etc. ...you've got me lookin for my photos that I've on my computer to put in my "spooky" folder. All in good fun of course :).

02/26/2006 11:57:37 PM · #28
Ok, good, you posted before I got mine done. I didn't realize your sister did that. So, I don't feel too bad now.....you're probably familiar with all that talk :).
Did you show her your pics yet?
02/27/2006 01:18:05 AM · #29
Remember this picture that Konador took in his garden a couple years ago? There was a women in the photo that wasn't actually there.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 01:19:15.
02/27/2006 08:12:03 AM · #30
Any believers out there? Sort of. But I'm not sure that you've captured them. I think it's just dust or moisture captured by the flash like others have said. Do you have any of your sister's photos to post?
02/27/2006 08:15:06 AM · #31

Message edited by Manic - linebreaks are your friends :).
02/27/2006 08:25:44 AM · #32
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Here's a thread about this from a while back

Had a ghostly experience this weekend. Tried to take pix, but nothing showed up. Oh well...

Thats cuz only you can see me in your dreams silly. :D
02/27/2006 09:32:39 AM · #33
ive also had the opportunity to take pictures of orbs... but ive always known them as rain...lol..

02/27/2006 09:43:29 AM · #34
I am not a believer in ghosts but I believe that that there is existence beyond the physical we know.

That said...I have always found it funny that if a person did "Move on" they would choose to hang out in peoples back yards, dingy basements or old burned out buildings.

Why not travel the cosmos? Visit the moon at least? If the best they could come up with for their afterlife is being photographed wandering around a toolshed....well....thats the weird part :-/

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 09:43:51.
02/27/2006 10:50:47 AM · #35
I see a significant difference between the first example and the second example in the type of 'orbs' that were captured. I feel that there appears to be a bit more light in the first pic from the flash.

However, I don't think any of it looks anything at all like dust on the lens or sensor for that matter (duh, it's a fixed lens cam). It is quite obvious that it's light being reflected back from the flash. There's TONS of dust in the air that you can't normally see. The flash is quite bright, so picks up stuff you don't normally see in the air.

I used to ride my bicycle at night a lot and I ran a 15W halogen headlamp. I thought it was totally wild to breathe through the light beam and see all the stuff in the air. Especially when it was a bit cooler. It doesn't have to be condensing vapor in your breath either. A lot of it swirls around in pockets too, just as wind can be erratic in it's gusts. Little patches of stuff from a leaf or branch or maybe tiny micro-droplets from your lungs (you'd be surprised how big some of those are and as you exhale, they are all caught in the updraft. Even dead skin particles can brush off in bunches (not necessarily dandruff) and sworl around you. Check out some true IR pics of a human body at rest and you will see what I mean. Once you get under 10 microns, there are millions of bits of various sizes coming away from you every few moments.

These sorts of things show up primarily when there is a vast difference in light, usually in a very dark area and when you have a very bright light. Flashes are perfect for this.

It also seems like you might have gotten a bit more light from your flash in the first example which brought things out a bit more.

Most flashes on cameras have quite a significant range in the amount of light the output. There's usually a fixed amount of light with the fill flash setting and every other setting usually has some manner of measuring the surroundings to correctly choose the right flash duration (which controls the amount of light from the flash).

Newer Canon cameras fire pre-flashes (sometimes barely noticeable) which the camera uses to make sure that the scene and primary area of focus have the right amount of light for the settings you have selected.

This is known as E-TTL or E-TTL II. Even cheaper cameras have some form of this technology through most brands. Not every mode uses E-TTL.

Many other cameras, specifically mid-range and lower cameras from other brands may have less sophisticated flash technology.

This may lead to the odd shot being pumped full of too much light.

The basic fact that 'orbs' are circles tells you right away that these are objects that have been picked up by your flash or some other nearby light source that is probably in front of your field of focus.

A point of light that is in front of the field of focus will look like a disc or circle. Then this becomes more an issue of Bokeh.

If you read up on Bokeh, you will learn how a point of light beyond your field of focus will appear as a simple circle if you have Neutral Bokeh, and as a slightly fuzzy circle if you have what some consider better Bokeh. Some lenses strive for Neutral Bokeh (usually expensive and higher quality), while other lenses (even some high end, expensive lenses) will try for softer bokeh. The nature of Bokeh though is that points of light behave the opposite way when they are in front of the field of focus from when they are beyond the field of focus.

In lenses with softer bokeh (often viewed as good), points of light that are closer, or in front of the field of focus will appear as having 'rings' near the edge of the circle. This is not what we are used to seeing as we don't usually see pictures where there are points of light in front of out subjects... except when the flash illuminates dust particles in the air. Dust particles that may not be visible ordinarily.

I wouldn't say that this 'reversed bokeh effect' is a phenomenon that is visible in your pictures because they seem to be pretty simple discs of light, but I wouldn't say that there is any doubt that these indeed are tiny particles of dust. Illuminate that scene with a big soft light and they will disappear.

It's got nothing at all to do with the quality of your lens. It's got everything to do with the way the flash works. You might not even see them if you used an external flash unit.

I do believe that there are supernatural beings, and Konador's pics creep the heck out of me too, but if they are spirits, they're just mucking with your brain and you should tell them to get lost and have fun with someone else. I wouldn't call them friendly spirits. They may be benign in that case, but they're still idiots. Spirits or not.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 10:57:59.
02/27/2006 11:35:02 AM · #36
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

These look like sensor noise blotches to me. This never failed to happen on my Pentax 43WR P&S digital camera whenever I was shooting in the dark (longer shutter speeds and/or higher ISO). Try a better camera, and you'll stop worrying about so-called para-normal.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 11:35:55.
02/27/2006 11:36:43 AM · #37
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

I want to know if there are any "spiritual believers" out there... Tonight I took some pictures with my new camera and picked up tons of orbs. If you don't know what these are, its best to research it yourself before you make asumptions (I don't want to bias your beliefs) but my sister is a successful Paranormal photographer and I have never quite understood the trick of "it". However tonight I got some strange footage....

Any other neat pictures turned up from professionals or any comments?

Yes, I am not only a believer, but am a bit psychic myself. I have read several photos for people, and that is what I do, other then sense. I can sense the presence of spirits and sometimes get full or at least first names of them.

I did catch an orb once. My first time out in the cemetary actually. I was told that when you have psychic ability, you are more apt to catch them more often than not. Mine was quite distinct. I would like to see your photo if you have it, and then I can discern. I am quite knowledgable on the subject. I would also like to see some photos from your sister, if possible. You can email me, or PM me, place them here, your port, whatever. But I am interested in seeing them, sure.

02/27/2006 11:41:10 AM · #38
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

Most of the other pics came out normal... a few orbs but not as many as in this pic. There was no odd weather, mist, humidity and I simply used my normal "scratch resistant" lens and a normal flash> I've never gotten anything to date ....

What do you think?

Unfortunately, these are dust orbs. Not paranormal orbs.

A paranormal orb will emit its own light, you will be able to make out a face within it, it will also have a nucleus. These, as you can tell by the dirt ground, are still dust orbs. These can last for a long time in the air from either walking near or driving near any part of the area.

I will look at the rest of this thread and see what else is shown..

02/27/2006 11:45:01 AM · #39
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

NO there wasn't dust on the lens. If I wanted a sorry excuse for an opinion I would not ask for people to insult my intelligence. :( I was asking for an opinion that would perhaps spark a spiritual discussion... I wouldn't post a picture of dust on my lens and ask a group of professionals what they thought... c'mon.

This is a picture, seconds later.... same lens and everything. NO DUST. lol

Please don't take offense to some posters. Even on paranormal forums you will find scoffing and whathaveyou from those who don't believe. Just pay attention to the posts that actually lend themselves to the purpose for you starting the thread, and that will ease the stress.

Your second photo. It is not as lit as your last. I would presume that the light source in the first was a flash? There is a distinct difference in lighting, and it isn't coming from the orbs. Was there an outside light on, etc?

02/27/2006 11:49:34 AM · #40
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

Here is yet another one... against the back wall of the house, just me in the same spot but turned around with my back to the yard. Its hard to see the orbs against the light house but they are still there..... it just creeps me out. We move in at the end of next month.

Yeah, these are still dust orbs. There is nothing to be freaked out about in these photos really. It is merely dust. These specifically are emiting no light and are perfectly round and really have no characteristics as real orbs. Seems the same in your first photos. I see nothing paranormal here, yet.

02/27/2006 11:52:20 AM · #41
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

That IS with a flash. And I was taking the pics because this is the place I am moving into next month and my fiance and I were discussing the landscaping options. We happened to be driving by and I figured I would snap some pics of the back yard so he could be brainstorming...

This post pretty much tells it all. You were driving by, you walked about, etc. This all musters up the dust from the ground. Using a flash will SO enhance that dust into orbs. It is perfectly explainable in your photos. You could be driving by from yards away and the air will carry that dust. You just have to know that real orbs are very bright, emiting their own light, and usually there aren't a LOT of them in one shot as yours shows. You may catch one, and then it is gone. They are really pretty rare to catch when they are real.

02/27/2006 11:55:21 AM · #42
Can you get a vibe from a picture with nothing unusual in it? I'd be curious if you could look at a shot I took right after a paranormal experience and give some insight?
02/27/2006 11:57:50 AM · #43
Originally posted by Faye Pekas:

Remember this picture that Konador took in his garden a couple years ago? There was a women in the photo that wasn't actually there.

Nothing against Konandor, but I have seen a LOT of photos of ghosts. I have been into the paranormal for many years and have never seen a spirit caught in 3D and in color. This is definately a double exposure of some kind, or some other type of scientific explaination is really the answer for this photo. The facial features and body are too defined, and spirits just don't have enough energy within themselves to produce that kind of image of themselves on camera. I don't know the details of the shot, but I can say with certainty that no one would believe in the paranormal sites and realms that this was a true spirit captured on film, sorry to say. I wish it was though! Looks awesome!

02/27/2006 12:05:41 PM · #44
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Can you get a vibe from a picture with nothing unusual in it? I'd be curious if you could look at a shot I took right after a paranormal experience and give some insight?

I can try. I have about a 60% accuracy rate, but that is just a general percentage from one reading I did of about 25 photos in one nights time. Some photos I am spot on and have to give off the energies they want me to read. Some photos give me nothing, which sucks. LOL...

For an example of one photo I read, the woman wanted the Christmas tree looked at. She thought she saw a face in it. I didn't get anything from the tree, but in the background was a pair of french doors. I told her that there was a Catherine that was associated with the doors and the room beyond. Come to find out the owner previous to her family, her name was Catherine, and the only thing she did in the house to update it was install the french doors and build the room beyond them.

Sometimes, if I get a name like John or Joe I really don't say. The names are too common and I feel others will find them to be a reason to scoff my efforts. Its unfortunate though, as sometimes I miss a reading I am getting that could have helped. In one instance I did get the name of Joe, and come to find out, that was the passed son of the woman who wanted the photo read. That sucked. But I try to be careful and come up with some type of specifics. Sometimes they can even go WAY back in time and have more to do with the rooms previous happenings then what the reader wants to be seen, i.e. I may get something from Victorian times when someone wants to know if their recently departed spouse can be heard from. So I am very careful as to what I actually write, and if I get nothing, I will say so. But I can give it a try if you like?

If you want, you can PM me or write my email, to avoid possible personal info revealed. Then if it works well for us both, you can then post what you want publicly. OR you can post a photo publicly, but I will write you privately, then you can decide what to do with the info.

02/27/2006 12:15:05 PM · #45
I'll post it here, since it really has nothing to do with anything personal. I guess if you come up with something very private you can PM me. Otherwise, just post here if you get a distinct impression.

It's a hotel room we stayed in this weekend and that person in the mirror is my husband.
02/27/2006 12:18:27 PM · #46
Nope, can't say I do. All this could be tested scientifically. Of course it won't.
02/27/2006 12:26:37 PM · #47
Calamity, if you wish, you may want to go to this site:


It belongs to my husband who has been working in this field for a good 20+ years. He trained under Ed and Lorraine Warren and he is currently on the discovery channel's The Haunting - Hell House. He is also currently doing a pilot for another discovery weekly show on this subject. I say this only so that you know he is not your weekend "ghostbuster".

He has a huge amount of information on his site that may be able to help you determine its authenticity, or you can contact him and he may be able to authenticate it himself.

02/27/2006 12:28:28 PM · #48
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

I'll post it here, since it really has nothing to do with anything personal. I guess if you come up with something very private you can PM me. Otherwise, just post here if you get a distinct impression.

It's a hotel room we stayed in this weekend and that person in the mirror is my husband.

Is it just me or I really don't get it? If that person in the mirror is your husband then whats the question?
02/27/2006 12:30:19 PM · #49
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

I'll post it here, since it really has nothing to do with anything personal. I guess if you come up with something very private you can PM me. Otherwise, just post here if you get a distinct impression.

It's a hotel room we stayed in this weekend and that person in the mirror is my husband.

Ironically enough, I see no one in the mirror. However, I can tell you that in the past the draws to that bureau, or at least one, has been known to be found open by itself. Also, strange watery sounds can be heard from the bathroom area when no bath or water is running. There is a door shown in the photo, and there is a Josephine associated with the door or the hotel. Could be the name of the maid, or one of the immediate hotel staff. On the TV show, you are watching Court TV? I am getting the name of a "Lawrance" from that particular show. I don't watch it, so I have no idea. I am going to say that whatever the examiner is examining does belong to that Lawrence, or the immediate family of the deceast has a prominant Lawrance name. You may have to go back to that particular episode to research that, but I am getting a very prominany Lawrance name and I believe it has to do with the show.

These are my first thoughts. When I look at a photo, I don't stay on it too long. This way my first thoughts come out and not something that I may only imagine from my own surroundings at the time. I keep my room quite, and then I focus on the photo itself and grab the first things that come to my mind when reading.

Not sure if any of this makes great sense to you, but these are my first initial thoughts.

02/27/2006 12:31:44 PM · #50
Did you read my earlier post?

Originally posted by Rikki:

Is it just me or I really don't get it? If that person in the mirror is your husband then whats the question?

Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Can you get a vibe from a picture with nothing unusual in it? I'd be curious if you could look at a shot I took right after a paranormal experience and give some insight?
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