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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Any believers out there?
Showing posts 126 - 150 of 224, (reverse)
02/27/2006 09:48:12 PM · #126
Just a question to all those who are laughing at the beliefs of others and mocking them .... do you have a religion? Is all of your family and those who have passed simply gone 6 feet under and are now worm food?

Do you believe in anything you can't see ?

Just wondering what you stand for,
02/27/2006 09:49:51 PM · #127
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

Just a question to all those who are laughing at the beliefs of others and mocking them .... do you have a religion? Is all of your family and those who have passed simply gone 6 feet under and are now worm food?

Do you believe in anything you can't see ?

Just wondering what you stand for,

What does religion have to do with the paranormal? Only religous people can believe in paranormal?
02/27/2006 09:56:03 PM · #128
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

Just a question to all those who are laughing at the beliefs of others and mocking them .... do you have a religion? Is all of your family and those who have passed simply gone 6 feet under and are now worm food?

Do you believe in anything you can't see ?

Just wondering what you stand for,

Well, this thread had some interesting posts and a few that got a little out there for me. I was able to sort out what I felt was reasonable, and what was a stretch. Unfortunately, it looks like that's the end of it; as I'm sure that the juvenile attacks will have completely destroyed it before I finish typing this.

Thanks for starting it, Sarah; and don't take it personally that some people are intent upon forcing their views onto others.
02/27/2006 09:57:01 PM · #129
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I've found orbs and other spiritual beings are very scared of my L-glass. They only like to come out with the cheap stuff.

hahaha, couldn't have said it better myself....
02/27/2006 09:57:25 PM · #130
No, I just find that most relgious people are NOT believers in the paranormal when in fact that is amazing due to the fact that how can one believe in the holy spirit and not believe in spirits at all?

If you are religious than you can incorporate faith and belief and you can devote your mind and even your life to concepts that do not have a sensory value outside of "heresy" and "passion". Paranormal involves these things and most of us have a deep feeling that there is something else out there and just because you don't ALWAYS see something or have a ghost go, "hey, I'm right here... quick take a picture and tell your friends" does not mean there is the falsity of doubt.

If you are athiest than I can understand your "against religion" but then you face the fact that science has excepted paranormal studies as in fact a "science"... simply because it CANNOT be proven to be absolute false. If you believe in science then you believe in energy and the theories of albert einstein and his thoughts on energy transfer

It can all be explained in some way or another ... sometimes those who are "non believers" and are quick to laugh and ridicule are funny enought... "the ones with their head in the sand".
02/27/2006 09:57:46 PM · #131
Q: Do you have a religion?
A: Not one that I practice... religion is the root of all evil in this world! I believe in myself and feel that what I do or say determines my future... not some other power. But this is getting WAY off topic from Orbs, and Fairies and whatever else was in those pictures!

Q: Is all of your family and those who have passed simply gone 6 feet under and are now worm food?
A: Yup. Well... they were at one point in time.

Q: Do you believe in anything you can't see ?
A: This is completely irrelevant as this thread is based upon things that we "see" in pictures. If you want to argue over things that we don't see than sure.... I see Abraham Lincoln wearing a dress eating an ice cream cone in one of those pictures. I guess that makes me psychic too!

Whoo hooo! Now all I need to do is setup one of those 900 number numbers and get some commercial time at 3:00am and I will be rich!

"I see great fortune ahead for me in the future!"

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 22:05:31.
02/27/2006 10:08:41 PM · #132
Do you believe in anything you can't see ?
A: This is completely irrelevant as this thread is based upon things that we "see" in pictures. If you want to argue over things that we don't see than I sure.... I see Abraham Lincoln wearing a dress eating an ice cream cone in one of those pictures. I guess that makes me psychic too!

WOW, and I thought I was talking to a decently intelligent adult. :( Do you believe in Jupiter? You can't see that by the naked eye ... Do you you believe in fear? You can't see that.... Orbs are in fact something that come up on camera but it directly correlates to why. We are discussing what the orbs are aren't we? Dust, water particles, lens debris.... or some evidence of the paranormal. Oh, and seeing orbs doesn't make you psychic (I'm sorry you are soo confused).

Just want to make things clear that those of you ridiculing others and making things a joke can in fact skew from the mature conversation of what these orbs are. Laughing a matter off doesn't seem to get us any closer to an answer.
02/27/2006 10:13:56 PM · #133
Jupiter has been known since ancient times and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky. Fear is not real, but rather something that is fabricated in our own minds and hinders us towards achieving a desired result. For all intents and purposes it is a learned characteristic of human nature... not something "real".

Shall we play again?

My psychic powers are predicting that you will retort with "Love" and whether that is real or not.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 22:15:37.
02/27/2006 10:17:22 PM · #134
So are you simply concluding that you don't believe in anything more than a body and physical reactions? Fear being a feeling... axons, dendrites, synaptic gaps and ENERGY flowing through our brain. Hm.... energy. Where does all that go when we die?

02/27/2006 10:17:47 PM · #135
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

If you are athiest than I can understand your "against religion" but then you face the fact that science has excepted paranormal studies as in fact a "science"... simply because it CANNOT be proven to be absolute false. If you believe in science then you believe in energy and the theories of albert einstein and his thoughts on energy transfer

Where? What scientific journals? And, no, the Weekly World News doesn't count.

Is there now a Nobel prize for tinfoil-on-the-head paranormal whackaloons?

I have yet to see any respected scientist endorse this pseudoscience babbling nonsense as anything other than preposterous.
02/27/2006 10:22:33 PM · #136
Ok Rose, youve peaked my interest and Id like to know what feeling you get from this place.

02/27/2006 10:25:03 PM · #137
JW... there is no convincing you and I'm not going to try. I was just hoping if you are so open minded to in fact do just that and ponder a bit....

I am off to make dinner for my family and relax before bed. Have a good debate all!

02/27/2006 10:29:45 PM · #138
I took an image a while back of a concrete wall in my backyard that my dad kept insiting there was a face on (not made by light or shadows) eventually i saw it and was amazed... i went to take a picture and when i inserted the memory stick into my comp... an image of a young girl with pigtails and glasses wearing a long nightgown showed up, it was really freaky! now i have to find that picture and post it up to show you!
02/27/2006 10:32:06 PM · #139
I'm curious if there are any scientific studies proving that you can bring someone around to your way of thinking through riducule and degradation?

Personal attacks and name calling don't seem to serve any purpose here; unless you are just trying to draw attention to yourself and get a cheap laugh at the expense of others, who were having a civil discussion about something they found interesting.
02/27/2006 10:34:34 PM · #140
How come we only see ghosts of humans? I would expect that based upon your theory that there should be monkey ghosts, or zebra ghosts or three-toed sloth ghosts! But yet, amazingly there as never been a single picture taken of any of these. Hell... show me ANY reference to a Tyranosaurus Rex ghost and maybe I will become a believer! Could it be that we as humans trick our minds into seeing things that we want to believe in rather than things that are actually there????

Maybe, just maybe all of those orbs are actually insect ghosts, buzzing around. Scorned by the world and searching eternally for just one last taste of sweet necter that unfortunately they will never get.

Poor little bee ghosts! :(

Unfortunately it is human nature to consider ourselves as a "greater good" than all other creatures on this world. So I ask again where are all the animal and insect and fish ghosts? Just think of all of life that has passed away on this planet over the course of time. If every life was to end up as a ghost than they would be everwhere!

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 22:37:02.
02/27/2006 10:42:10 PM · #141
Apparently, the orbs like my children...and roller skating...and most especially, air hockey. Who knew? ;)

Seriously, I hope that when I die, it's nothingness and blackness...I'd love to be able to get some damned rest for once! :)
02/27/2006 10:43:16 PM · #142
Originally posted by PhilipDyer:

I still don't understand why people think that regular cameras are able to see things that can't be seen with the human eye. They are designed to record normal light, just like our eyes. They don't have some magic portal into an unseen dimension. That would cost extra.

Several people replied to this post saying that digital cameras can see infrared light. That's why I said "regular" cameras, as opposed to infrared cameras. The shots in this thread were not taken with infrared cameras.

I'm not trying to mock anyone with my original statement. As I said, normal cameras are designed to capture light in a way that is very similar to the way our eyes do it. They don't see anything that isn't able to be seen with the naked eye (and perhaps a flash).
02/27/2006 10:45:55 PM · #143
Ghosts are usually said (from what I understand or have heard) spirits that have left something undone or some such and are tied to this world. As far as I know the only thing a squirel would have left undone is to forget to let its mate know where the nut stash was.

Jay if you cant be polite or have nothing of signifigance to add why dont you just ignore this discussion, others do find this of interest.
02/27/2006 10:46:23 PM · #144
Originally posted by laurielblack:

Apparently, the orbs like my children...and roller skating...and most especially, air hockey. Who knew? ;)

Orbs need to have fun too! I mean seriously... who doesn't like a good game air hockey anyway???? :p

Originally posted by Kivet:

Jay if you cant be polite or have nothing of signifigance to add why dont you just ignore this discussion, others do find this of interest.

Actually I think I have added a lot of significance. Can you honestly say that there has never been a single animal that has died with something "undone"??? Or is it that you think that animals do not have feelings or thoughts??? That would be a pretty narrow minded thing to think considering your views on the super natural.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 22:50:36.
02/27/2006 10:54:57 PM · #145
Originally posted by Kivet:

Jay if you cant be polite or have nothing of signifigance to add why dont you just ignore this discussion, others do find this of interest.

Using humor to make opposing points is not rude. IMHO, he's doing a fine job representing the skeptics. In fact, his posts have added significantly to my enjoyment of (and interest in) this discussion.

02/27/2006 10:55:16 PM · #146
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

I'm curious if there are any scientific studies proving that you can bring someone around to your way of thinking through riducule and degradation?

Personal attacks and name calling don't seem to serve any purpose here; unless you are just trying to draw attention to yourself and get a cheap laugh at the expense of others, who were having a civil discussion about something they found interesting.

I'm not trying to "bring you around to my way of thinking". I know that the "paranormal community" clings to their nonsensical beliefs like barnacles to a ship and no amount of reasoning can convince them to come back from the fantasy.

If you post such outlandish things as fact, you have to expect some input from those who are rooted in reality.

02/27/2006 10:59:16 PM · #147
JayWalk I'm going to answer some of your questions but in a respectful way and I hope if you reply, you do the same. I don't want this thread to go to rant.
Originally posted by JayWalk:

How come we only see ghosts of humans? I would expect that based upon your theory that there should be monkey ghosts, or zebra ghosts or three-toed sloth ghosts! But yet, amazingly there as never been a single picture taken of any of these. Hell... show me ANY reference to a Tyranosaurus Rex ghost and maybe I will become a believer! Could it be that we as humans trick our minds into seeing things that we want to believe in rather than things that are actually there
Maybe, just maybe all of those orbs are actually insect ghosts, buzzing around. Scorned by the world and searching eternally for just one last taste of sweet necter that unfortunately they will never get.

Poor little bee ghosts! :(????

Because I believe the reason for humans only is because a human is the only being with a soul.

Originally posted by JayWalk:

Unfortunately it is human nature to consider ourselves as a "greater good" than all other creatures on this world. So I ask again where are all the animal and insect and fish ghosts? Just think of all of life that has passed away on this planet over the course of time. If every life was to end up as a ghost than they would be everwhere!

Goes back to ones beliefs. I believe the Bible therefor I believe than man has dominion over all the creatures on earth. (Gen 1:26)

and to go back to one of your earlier post
Originally posted by JayWalk:

Q: Do you have a religion?
A: Not one that I practice... religion is the root of all evil in this world! I believe in myself and feel that what I do or say determines my future... not some other power. But this is getting WAY off topic from Orbs, and Fairies and whatever else was in those pictures!

I believe that love of money is the root of all evil not religion. (1 Ti 6:10)

HOWEVER I don't feel seeing or not seeing, believing or not believing in orbs, ghost, spirits is a religious thing.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 23:01:46.
02/27/2006 11:10:24 PM · #148
I would tend to disagree with you southern, I believe all animals have a spirit or soul if you will. Just because you or I have never seen them doesnt mean they dont exist, they are wild and we dont live in the wild, what are the chances that we would see some animals spirit? Humans however live in houses, it leads me to believe the place we would most experience a ghost would be in the places they lived or inhabited, hence the house, graveyard etc. all places humans frequent therefore more often to be felt.

02/27/2006 11:33:41 PM · #149
Just adding in regards to animal spirits. We had a dog that passed away. Not only did several family members hear her, but a 2 yr. old child saw her & was talking to her. I would say that some animal spirits may return to visit, but not as often as human spirits. I believe that some spirits ar those who died & do not want to leave, some are those who come to visit or relive a memory, & some are just energies that the person left behind. Of course there are also those that were never human.
02/27/2006 11:43:39 PM · #150
Wow, having a bit of trouble sleeping so checking forums, but did this thread ever take a turn. Not one I haven't seen before. Even on paranormal forums you will find the skeptics. I welcome them. They don't bother me. They evidently only bother themselves for being in a place they find uncomfortable or confusing. I don't find it confusing or uncomfortable. I have lived it, and experienced it. I can't force it on another and they can't force me away from it.

Ok, so to some questions. Actually there have been readings where spirits of dogs and even bees have been seen. Recently, in some paranormal programs, I have seen both bees and dogs and cats mentioned. In some places it is mainly a cat that roams. In some, dogs are the mainstay. For some reason, bees are more rare, but I actually witnessed flying bee orbs as well. So they are there, but I don't think they have the intelligence it takes to know how to return and come back. Some may be seen because they never really left. Some come back with others, as in human spirits, so that subject, as far as I am concerned is really of no circumstance. I myself did a photo reading once where I mentioned a white cat, and indeed a white cat was a very important part of the reading. It does happen, but it isn't with as much frequency.

On another note, I am getting emails now as well as on this thread to read photos. I don't mind doing it, but please be aware that it is not something I can just do and be done with it quickly. I have to take the time to actually read the photo and do it to the best of my ability, and there was one reading I did already that I regret in a sense. I didn't go with my first instincts and ended up back in the 1800's for thinking about it too long, when the answers for the person I was reading were there and were my first instincts. I am not saying the reading was wrong, but I could have pinned down a more important era with validation for the person asking me for the read.

I won't go fast with them any further. So if you don't mind the wait, they will have to wait till at least tomorrow to be read. That is both in email and in forum. Most likely tomorrow morning when I have the most quiet time.

I won't get into arguments about beliefs verses none beliefs. It is a mute and futile discussion. I don't believe in pushing anyone or ridiculing anyone either way. Just like the rain. You either love it or hate it. Same with beliefs. You either believe or you don't. The God I believe in gave everyone their own individual will. Surely we are all old enough to choose our paths of thought, and some evidently have theirs, and I have mine. Such is life. Such is my beliefs. Such are my experiences. I won't call people names for being different. I would just hope for the same respect in return, and I think most of us on this thread also feel the same way.

To some of us, this is an interesting subject and discussion. I personally find discussions on Tamron Lenses boring as hell, but you won't find me on the thread stating so or even opening up the thread to read about it. I am not in the least interested. Therefore, I do find it scientifically intriquing that those who find this discussion distasteful or ridiculous are here. However, all we ask (those of us who are enjoying the discussion) not have this thread go to the way side due to outbursts. I ignore them in other places, and I will ignore them here.

SC in previous and MANY times stated to me to hit the report button if something is said that I or another feels is against TOS or hateful or hurtful, etc. Better to do this than to argue and have a thread closed, or worse yet, attack and be suspended. My own month off with dunce cap on head and in corner from DPC showed me that this is true. To those that find certain statements to be offensive, I offer up the same advice now as SC once gave me. However, my best advice is to ignore it completely. ANY kind of discussion along those lines is really futile, and I do mean REALLY futile. There are several paranormal forums and sites out there. On every single one you will find the scientists and the skeptics. It's an ongoing battle that has a no win situation, and will only get threads closed. It is my own opinion to ignore rather than respond. I just thought responding to the bees and other animals was necessary, as those have been detected psychically. Other than that, I will not get into battles of that sort. I know what I believe and that is enough for me. Let it be enough for you, and either participate graciously and respectfully in which you will get the same in return for your questions, or my "suggestion only" is that you simply move on to one of the hundreds of other threads that may be more interesting to you.

Speaking of moving on, I am going back to bed and taking my little head cold with me. I will be back tomorrow and hopefully this thread will not have been locked. If it is, anyone can continue the conversation with me at my Yahoo IM, if interested, in which my ID is writetorose2002, and my email is always open. I can't respond to PM's though, for some reason. So use one of the other options if you wish.

Thanks and see you all tomorrow,
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