Author | Thread |
02/28/2006 12:31:37 AM · #151 |
Originally posted by Rose8699: I can't respond to PM's though, for some reason. So use one of the other options if you wish. |
Just in case you're not aware of it, when you get a PM delivered to your email the last statement in it is a clickable link to respond back via the PM engine in DPC. If the link is not clickable in your email, you can copy the link and paste in the address bar and hit "enter" and you will be transferred to a PM window.
Many people don't like to pass the e-mail addresses around casually; that's why it's done this way.
If you're already aware of all this and something just isn't working, my apoligies for repeating what you already know.
02/28/2006 12:51:20 AM · #152 |
Originally posted by Rose8699: I have lived it, and experienced it. I can't force it on another and they can't force me away from it.
I am not sure if it counts as paranormal or not, here is my experience.
Around in year 1988-89 (i do not remeber which one). i woke up in the night and i heard a sound as if somelady is walking near to my window. In india ladies wear jewery that makes sound when they walk. I could here that sound and asked my mother what it. She said some to apeace me. That night passed.
I did not hear that sound again for around 2-3 years. We changed our house in between and shifted to new house. I was in 11th std of school in year, 1992, and used to prepare for entrance exam to engineering college. So i used to be studying late nights and would sleep after 1 or 2 am.
I notced that, around 2 am i could hear the same sound of lady walking near to my window. It happened umpteen times.
After that, i got entrance into that college, and i used to be in hostel. One night around 3 am, i suddenly woke up , and i could hear the same sound that hounted me for years. (this was year 1994). I decided to follow that, and i came out of room and walked towards the sound which was going further away from me. I walked around 100meters before i decided to get back and sleep.
Now i am in japan for last 1 year and i haven't heard that sound again.
I think, this is the only spooky thing i have first hand experienced. |
02/28/2006 01:08:40 AM · #153 |
Originally posted by Rose8699: Wow, having a bit of trouble sleeping so checking forums, but did this thread ever take a turn. Not one I haven't seen before. Even on paranormal forums you will find the skeptics. I welcome them. They don't bother me. They evidently only bother themselves for being in a place they find uncomfortable or confusing. I don't find it confusing or uncomfortable. I have lived it, and experienced it. I can't force it on another and they can't force me away from it.
I don't find it uncomfortable or confusing either. I DO find it ridiculous that grown and otherwise intelligent adults would believe in such ludicrous things. |
02/28/2006 01:39:05 AM · #154 |
Originally posted by JayWalk:
Whoo hooo! Now all I need to do is setup one of those 900 number numbers and get some commercial time at 3:00am and I will be rich!
\"I see great fortune ahead for me in the future!\" |
Hey I see that too!
Its Ok to wonder
You are allowed to ponder
Ask questions to learn
facts, and opionions arent even sure
please hold on to all of your beliefs
we dont want any grief....
You know you\'re a ghost hunter if...
You\'re the only one in the photo shop who gets excited over \"bad\" pictures.
You take a picture of your entire family and ask any deceased relatives to join in the picture
You get a new camera and the first thing you do is get rid of the strap.
You spend as much time looking at the negatives, as you do the prints.
You sleep with a camera next to your bed,...ya know, just in case
You have more photos of ghosts than you do of family photos.
Your coolest ghost photo is framed and hanging in the hallway with your family photos.
You refuse to make friends with people who are skeptics.
You agree and can identify with most of what is written here.
More you know you are a ghost hunter if here
Living With Ghosts
By Tonya Hacker
Here are a few tips to help you cope with having to live with unwanted spirits.
First begin by asking yourself what makes you think you may have a ghost or ghosts in your home? What kinds of things have been witnessed by yourself or by others inside your home? Has there been any traumatic events inside the home, building or property? If you feel that there is enough reason for you to suspect a ghost then you may find yourself asking what you may want to do next?
CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS ~ Fear is a natural but intense emotion, try to remain as calm as possible and no matter how hard it may be, ignore them and try to think & feel like a hard core skeptic, until you get help with classifying the spirits in your home.
If you must, shout out to them, letting them know you do not fear them, and that it is your home, you will continue to stay there and that you will leave them alone if they leave you alone.
KEEP YOUR LIFE CALM ~ Life goes on, as you probably already know, not many people are accepting to the fact that you may have a ghost or ghosts in your home. Try to keep your life as normal as possible. This includes excessive reading, internet surfing & movies that are referencing the paranormal. Its healthy to want to know what is lurking in your home or property, but study up at a normal pace, to much ghost fever can create unwanted anxiety and stress. Research in moderation, and ask the investigators for help, it will save you some time and energy. Try to continue with your life as you normally would, before you became aware that you may have an entity.
YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS ~ Its no ones business what your personal religious beliefs are, or if you have any at all. But please remember that certain practices can open more doors to spirits, both good & bad. If you are involved in occult type activity, you may want to put your practices on hold, until a classification can be made at your property. If you have any spiritual beliefs or faith of any kind, continue to ask for strength and guidance to help you through this tying time. Do not try to rid the ghosts yourself, or use Ouija boards, automatic writing or séances to make contact. Conducting any type of contacting sessions without a professionals assistance or advice could provoke the spirits, turning a noisy spirit into an angry spirit.
KEEP A JOURNAL ~ Take notes as much as possible, write down everything paranormal or strange that has occurred at your property. Keep a camera close at hand, just in case there is something moved or damaged, you will want documentation.
GUT FEELINGS AND DREAMS ~ If you have an intense feeling to get up and go outside, do it. Trust what your body & emotions are telling you. If you begin to have dreams about unknown people, directing you around your property or reaching out to you, they may be the spirits trying to communicate. Document each dream, if you ever have one of these dreams, you will never forget it. Try to recall as much information as possible to help researchers or investigators classify your haunting.
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ~ Its no ones business what you do on your spare time, but if you feel that a ghost is in your home you may want to limit or stop your extracurricular activities. Drugs, besides being illegal, they altar a persons mind and blur ones judgment, therefore the user can be an easy and open target for unwanted entities.
CHILDREN AND GHOSTS ~ If you have children in the house, pay close attention to who they are playing with and talking to while in the house. If your child talks about a new imaginary friend, get the details as much as you can. Children are known to see and feel what most adults cant. If your children have NOT been effected by the spirits in your home, do not tell them or speak about it in front of them. Spirit contact can be traumatizing to both adult young ones. Unless they ask, try to keep it between the adults.
GET HELP! ~ You may want to set up video cameras, tape recorders and take photographs we encourage this, but we recommend that you leave that up to the investigators. They are trained in knowing what NOT to say is paranormal vs. what IS paranormal. Proper use of equipment and data analysis is needed when you are wanting to classify your spirits.
Select your group wisely and take your time when interviewing them to come into your property. Just because one team seems to be conducting many investigations, does not make that team the one for your needs. Most teams will conduct a preliminary investigation, and may be required to return many times to collect sufficient data for your needs. Avoid the crash & burn teams that are just out to investigate for their personal reasons and not help with your needs. Professional investigators do not charge money for investigations. If a team asks for fees move on to another team for help immediately.
Ask a real ghost hunter..
Here are some things to be careful of when experimenting with ghost photographs:
1. Be careful that you have nothing protruding in front of the camera lens... like a finger.
2. Be sure that your lens is clean and covered when not in use.
3. Make sure that the weather is cooperating with your photographs. By this, I mean make sure that it is not raining or snowing. Round balls of glowing light that are photographed during a rain storm are not exactly overwhelming proof of the supernatural.
4. Make sure that conditions are not damp, promoting moisture on your camera lens.
5. Be sure to point the camera away from reflective surfaces when using a flash. Avoid mirrors and windows in a house and polished tombstones when shooting at night in a cemetery. The light from the flash bouncing off this surface can refract back onto your camera lens and create \"orbs\" that are not of paranormal origins.
6. Most important..... make sure you know where your camera strap is at all times!! Notice how many so-called \"ghost photos\" that you see look like camera straps? That\'s because most of them are! Notice how those \"anomalous\" images always come from the right side of the camera, where the strap is normally located?
Interesting stuff on spiritual orbs or ghostly photos..
Submit your photos here...
02/28/2006 02:46:46 AM · #155 |
I got some orbs when I went to Port Arthur in Tasmania (an old convict prison), here is an example:
02/28/2006 03:55:57 AM · #156 |
Ok, now I just feel that this discussion has gotten silly.
I believe there are spirits. Most of the ones that make themselves manifest are either nasty or just plain making trouble for trouble's sake.
Remember that spirits are here for a limited time. A lot of them have likely given up their cause as they know it's hopeless. What else is there to do but wander around trying to cause mischief or something.
They were long ago denied the ability to take corporeal forms. They can influence stuff and move things around. Can they harm you? Yep. Can they let you see them? Sure, why not. Is it wise to try to contact them? Your choice, not mine.
Some of them are tremendously powerful and malevolent. Others just behave like bored fools.
Either way, it's not worth playing around with losers, whether in the spirit world or in the physical world (no, I'm not making any reference to anyone in this thread, veiled or otherwise - just a fact of life that we don't usually choose to spend time with people that naturally behave like idiots as these spirits generally behave).
I can look at stuff and make associations just as well as anyone. I once talked with a guy on the internet and 'deduced' with my own type or reasoning every single detail of his appearance, right down to approximate time of birth (to the month), eye color, number of people in his family and rough ages, hair color, hair style/length, and a handful of other things that creeped the hell out of him. It was nothing paranormal. Just educated guesswork. Heck. I got the part in his hair backwards from left to right ;). I see stuff when I see Rorschach patterns and I see stuff when I let my mind drift off waiting around, staring at concrete. That's the way we work.
But the OP's pics have indeed been explained. The presence of dust in the air is no mystery. The ability of a camera's flash to light it up is also not a surprise. Airborne dust generally appears as round discs that are bright when using flash or bright light sources in dark places (you can get it to show up by using off-camera lights and not using flash too if you like). Sensor dust generally appears as darker spots and patches which are often not uniformly round. This is the Photography aspect and that's what I come here for.
Then people have brought up the Bible. Yeah, I believe too. But don't forget that Genesis does not use the word 'have' for soul, it uses the word 'is' and 'become'. The same words used to describe animals. The difference between man and animal has nothing to do with spirits or souls. Man was made in God's image. Animals weren't. Simple enough.
I learned that from this athiest guy I met from Israel who obviously speaks and reads Hebrew. He showed me from Hebrew portions of the Bible from multiple sources online.
Nothing there to suggest that bodiless souls wander around for any reasons at all. That comes from the Pagan/non-biblically derived teachings commonly associated with the Roman Catholic religion in crummy B-movies. Hardly something worth changing your real-life views over. Unless you are a Pagan of course, but then, why would you care what the Bible has to say.
Moreover, the Bible also tells of one time when Saul tried to get a spirit medium to help him contact Samuel. Wasn't really Samuel of course. It was just another spirit making a nuisance of itself.
You don't have to believe the Bible to believe in spirits. You don't have to believe the Bible to believe in gravity or the roundness of the Earth either. Heck, you don't have to believe anything I say either. This isn't a religious discussion group. It's DPC.
If you think something is up with a photo, it's fine to post and ask questions. But let's keep the talk on photography. That's what I come here for.
02/28/2006 05:22:29 AM · #157 |
Originally posted by eschelar: If you think something is up with a photo, it's fine to post and ask questions. But let's keep the talk on photography. That's what I come here for. |
Is this not a thread about the usefulness of lens hoods when taking photographs near bright light sources, or the effect of the flash on reflective particulates?
Some of the cross referred sites demonstrate some keen post processing. Also, the third image on the site referred to by tolove moon ( // ) is a nice example of the misleading effects that can be achieved by a long exposure and the addition of a story that sounds vaguely plausible (though the sharpening is a bit off...). And there is amusement value in the capture of a movement blurred person behind another "in a room full of people"!
As for the religion/spirituality etc element of the discussion, some people like to talk around a subject. The better place for that discussion is in the General Discussion forum, where it may be appropriate to move this thread.
Message edited by author 2006-02-28 05:24:44.
02/28/2006 05:55:54 AM · #158 |
Originally posted by stormy: I got some orbs when I went to Port Arthur in Tasmania (an old convict prison), here is an example:
yep, i agree. obviously something paranormal going on here. couldn't possibly be the flash reflecting off the light walls and picking up dust in that 200 year old corridor. :) |
02/28/2006 05:59:02 AM · #159 |
Sorry, can't really say that this thread is about the usefulness of lens hoods when taking photographs near bright light sources. Perhaps it was briefly about the effect of flash on particles, but the last few pages have had little to do with photography. These issues were finished and cleared away by the second page. The OP may or may not have accepted this, but there is nothing left to discuss about those pics.
Most of the rest of it is back and forth on paranormal or spiritual issues, anecdoting and new photographs which quite honestly probably ought to be in their own threads.
The discussion has clearly moved well beyond photography and the OP's thread, so it probably ought to be moved to General or possibly to Rant due to controversial topics.
I don't mind seeing this sort of thing, but I'm not too sure it belongs on the front page.
No offense meant. |
02/28/2006 06:03:04 AM · #160 |
Originally posted by eschelar: No offense meant. |
My tongue was firmly in cheek!
02/28/2006 07:13:12 AM · #161 |
forget it - seems like only a two-way conversation going on in here!
Message edited by author 2006-02-28 13:28:12. |
02/28/2006 07:59:51 AM · #162 |
Originally posted by Kivet: Ok Rose, youve peaked my interest and Id like to know what feeling you get from this place.
Kivet, after looking at your photo for a good 15 minutes, I can honestly say I am not getting anything from that photo. The scene itself tells me of the word "fraternity"..LOL..but that could just be what I am seeing in the photo which are unreadable penants and neon signs, etc. Reminds me of a fraternity. Other than that, nothing. And this does happen from time to time unfortunately, that I will get nothing from a photo.
Skipping all the other hoopla about this thread, I would like to focus in on one thing said, and that is that maybe this thread should be moved to "General Discussion" now that it is taking the turn it has. I wouldn't call it a rant thread, as it is only for some, but GD is more appropriate if it bothers others. It really doesn't matter to me. I see all threads when I click on the Community button anyway.
I will answer more posts up from Kivets now, and as I have more time this morning, for anyone actually interested.
Rose |
02/28/2006 08:05:11 AM · #163 |
Originally posted by Bear_Music: Originally posted by Rose8699: I can't respond to PM's though, for some reason. So use one of the other options if you wish. |
Just in case you're not aware of it, when you get a PM delivered to your email the last statement in it is a clickable link to respond back via the PM engine in DPC. If the link is not clickable in your email, you can copy the link and paste in the address bar and hit "enter" and you will be transferred to a PM window.
Many people don't like to pass the e-mail addresses around casually; that's why it's done this way.
If you're already aware of all this and something just isn't working, my apoligies for repeating what you already know.
R. |
I haven't tried the cut and paste, but only on very few occasions will the link take me to a PM box. It usually asks me to resign in and when I do, nothing happens. LOL....Others have voiced having the same problem, so it could just be our particular servers, I don't know. In any case, for those that don't want their emails revealed - and I have said this before - you can still PM me. I can read it and will just have to find your profile to PM you back so it may take longer. There is also my Yahoo IM, which isn't revealing anything specific, or even my MSN ID which is the same.
Thanks for the info though Bear.
Rose |
02/28/2006 08:14:39 AM · #164 |
Originally posted by zxaar: Originally posted by Rose8699: I have lived it, and experienced it. I can't force it on another and they can't force me away from it.
I am not sure if it counts as paranormal or not, here is my experience.
Around in year 1988-89 (i do not remeber which one). i woke up in the night and i heard a sound as if somelady is walking near to my window. In india ladies wear jewery that makes sound when they walk. I could here that sound and asked my mother what it. She said some to apeace me. That night passed.
I did not hear that sound again for around 2-3 years. We changed our house in between and shifted to new house. I was in 11th std of school in year, 1992, and used to prepare for entrance exam to engineering college. So i used to be studying late nights and would sleep after 1 or 2 am.
I notced that, around 2 am i could hear the same sound of lady walking near to my window. It happened umpteen times.
After that, i got entrance into that college, and i used to be in hostel. One night around 3 am, i suddenly woke up , and i could hear the same sound that hounted me for years. (this was year 1994). I decided to follow that, and i came out of room and walked towards the sound which was going further away from me. I walked around 100meters before i decided to get back and sleep.
Now i am in japan for last 1 year and i haven't heard that sound again.
I think, this is the only spooky thing i have first hand experienced. |
Of course, this is highly possible. There has been spirits that have been reported doing the same thing over and over, like reliving something they did in the past. Could be soldier walking the same path he did during the war, but now that path goes through a complex and not open war grounds, so someone sees it. Could be an old card game where someone was shot and the sounds of that day and era can be heard in that room and apparitions even seen playing. Could be civil war grounds and hearing soldiers fighting and shouting. There are hundreds of such stories. So yes, it is highly possible you may hear sounds where you were at some points, and not where you are now. The residual energy stayed where it was reliving that past and it wasn't in Japan, so you don't hear it there. However, it may have followed with you for a while since it may have been you giving it the energies it needed to continue its path at the time. Some people's homes are what they call haunted, and then there are some people that no matter where they live or try to move away from them, the energy follows and haunts them. Sometimes the energies can travel by way of an object, and when people take that object with them wherever they go, the energies follow. It's rather a complicated issue, but nonetheless, it is highly possible you heard what you did for the period of times you did and found nothing upon searching. Since it isn't constantly reoccuring, it may just dissapate with time.
Mind you, these are my opinions based on my own experience and research and just time spent on this subject and in many arenas with many knowledgable on the subject, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt; however, I believe I am giving educated opinions on the subject best I can with that knowledge.
Message edited by author 2006-02-28 08:16:02. |
02/28/2006 08:34:45 AM · #165 |
Originally posted by stormy: I got some orbs when I went to Port Arthur in Tasmania (an old convict prison), here is an example:
Port Arthur is the biggest attraction in Tasmania, and you can actually tour this prison as part of ghost hunt attraction. The problem with that is you go in there with a preconceived notion to see, hear, etc. something paranormal. I am sure it is also inandated with spooky stories along the way to highten that experience. Therefore, if you hear a cricket you will think it is a paranormal experience.
In any case, I am surprised that you only caught some dust orbs, but not surprised at the same time. Considering the history of the prison, I would have expected to see something more considering the amount of spirits they claim are there. I don't know WHY people tend to put numbers of the amount of ghosts? I mean, WHO counts them? LOL....40 ghosts roam this prison, and 60 ghosts are known to roam this Pub, etc. That would be very rare and surely only a guess. There can be several spirits in one place. Some see each other, some on different plains and don't, some have enough energy to show themselves better then others, and the list goes on. But to say "hey, we have 40 ghosts at this location" is a bit ludicrous to me. Maybe there have been 40 sightings of the same spirit but I seriously doubt that a congregation is holding vigil in one spot.
Back to the prison and why I am not surprised to just see dust orbs is that perhaps 40 ghosts are NOT on the property, and to actually capture an accurate and true form - be it a vortex or a spiritual orb is actually a rare occurance and won't happen with each snap of the shutter button. Unfortunately, you didn't catch any in your photo either, but I can imagine it was quite exciting and spooky to visit there!
Message edited by author 2006-02-28 08:41:47. |
02/28/2006 08:35:28 AM · #166 |
or it could be the metaphysical equivalent of a crank call.
When I was 14, I got a crank call from someone at school. He was extremely rude and disgusting and it just so happened that at the time, there were other things going on in our family to do with a rebellious older sister of mine such that my mother was in the habit of picking up the phone to double-check identities of incoming callers.
She got quite an earful.
I didn't give a darn, but our number was on the hot-watch list with the police, (there was an anti-stalker system in place at the time that would allow you to send call-tracing information directly to the police that would even see through number blocking, but you had to register first) and we had equipment full-time at the ready for recording calls, so we could easily have made an issue of it.
We didn't because this is immature and foolish behavior.
The individual has since gone on to take a role in minor-league local politics on a Municipal level.
Same sort of thing applies to the spirits. Most of the stuff I hear about their actions makes me feel like they are just invisible versions of my schoolmate Moe.
What's the paranormal photographic equivalent of "Amanda Hugnkiss"? (to give the Bart Simpson version). |
02/28/2006 08:42:17 AM · #167 |
I call this "A Dance Beneath the Otherworld Veil" (Hallow's Eve Picture) That strange "veil" coming from the sky and swooping left across the image is no photoshop. Though it is a giant smudge on a foggy lens.
// |
02/28/2006 09:29:08 AM · #168 |
Thanks for the reply Rose, I honestly didnt know what you would have felt from it. That is our new house and in the past they have had strange occurances with things falling off the rocks, things that have been up there for years. Which is why I sent one with the fireplace, and I do ocasionally hear strange noises, which I have just attributed to the house settling and the mouse I had to get rid of.
So, nothing strange, I guess that should make me happy right? :) Thanks again Rose. |
02/28/2006 09:54:55 AM · #169 |
Ahhhh, after a nice night of rest I am back. Luckily the ghosts and gouls and goblins let me sleep through the night. Now back to the current debate. Fist off I would like to point out that nowhere have I engaged in any personal attacks of any kind towards anybody here. So I challenge all of those to replay back with where I have been "unpolite" or have overstpped my grounds. Using a bit of homour in a debate is perfectly acceptable to emphasize an opinion.
Now on to some of the points that have been made. I will try to get to as many as I can, however time restraints may cause me to cut my response short on some of them.
1) JW... there is no convincing you and I'm not going to try.
Actually I think very much the opposite. I am drawn to debates like this and go into them with an open and mind. It is intellectual confrontation such as these that forces one to explore and examine their own beliefs and to draw upon facts as to why they think the way that they do. It is very mentally emploratory for me to engage in these debates as I am constatly analyzing my own thoughts and challenging myself to either prove or disprove the way that I think. However in this case, the proponderance of evidence here tell me that I am indeed on the correct side of this battle. And until I am proven wrong (which I welcome) I stand firm on my beliefs on this matter. In the end after all is said and done, we will walk away from this with a little more understanding of our own thought.
2) I believe that love of money is the root of all evil not religion.
I'll try to respond to this with religious examples as that is your basis: Last time I checked Christ was not crucified over the change in his pocket. Adam and Eve did not pick that apple to seel it at a pawn shop. The Sunnis are not bombing the Shites right now for for a little extra bling. The Palestiniams have not been at war with Isreal for a little extra loot to spend on some sweet rims. The Crusades were not about paying off a gambling debt. And as far as I can tell, the Nazi's did not come to power so that they could could afford a fancy lobster dinner. The worst examples of human bahavior all have some religious undertones.
3) Just because you or I have never seen them doesnt mean they dont exist, they are wild and we dont live in the wild, what are the chances that we would see some animals spirit
WOW... this was probably the most insane thing I have read in this entire thread. Over the course of history animals have been on this planet for millions and millions of years. You yourself Kivet are a native of America which only has a few hunder years of human history. To say that we are not living in a "wild" environment is crazy!!! This land that we are on now has been wild far longer than it has been inhabited by us humans. I cannot even begin to speculate as to how many more animals have died on this very ground I am on now compared to how many humans. So I ask again why are there not millions upon millions of animal and dinosour ghosts around??? Certainly not because the land is not wild!
4) Because I believe the reason for humans only is because a human is the only being with a soul.
I don't think I even know where to begin with this one. First off the argument in this thread has been that these so called "orbs" are balls of energy (which I will talk about later). Now you are saying that they are human souls. This is such a broad statement that it is hard to debate. If you would please enlighten me as to what distinguishes us form animals in having a soul I may better be able to talk to this. Because as it stands now that statement has no basis.
5) If you believe in science then you believe in energy and the theories of albert einstein and his thoughts on energy transfer
Yes, I most certainly do believe in energy transfer. However this theory applies to the Universe not just to here on Earth. Using your "worm eating my family" example I will try to explain this a little better. As a human dies, the energy that is inside of them becomes a stored energy. The worms which are "easting my family" them converts this energy into little wiggly movements through the ground. The worm poops creating a fertilizer (more stored energy) which grow plants with the help of the sun's energy. Birds then eat this worm which then further converts the worm energy into wing flapping energy. Then we eat the bird and the cycle is repeated. Obviously there are LOTS of other releases of energy along the way such as heat energy which is the basis of life. THAT is what Einstein was talking about when he created his thoery. I could get into the whole caloric explanation but it would take too long.
Also I think that you too narrowly thinking about this thoery as relating it ONLY to Earth rather than the entire universe. The sun give off radiant heat energy which is aborbed by the earth creating life as we know it. However this radiat energy is also dispersed off of the Earth into the solar system where is more than likely is fueling a sun or start bollions of light years away. If the Earth was to retain all of this energy as you would like to believe than we all would have burned up a long time ago. This is why it is impossible to say that our energy remains here on Earth in the form of orbs. In fact most of our energy is probably travelling through space and time right now where it will fuel some distant sun, which in turn will radiate heat and light onto another planet which will have the end result of giving some alien a nice tan!
I openly welcome any and all opinions and attempts to change my way of thinking. But call me crazy, if it walks like a duck and quack likes a duck... it's probably a damn duck!
Sorry I had to cut this message relatively short. There is lots more I would like to say but have to actually do some work now! :(
(steps off of pedestal)
Message edited by author 2006-02-28 10:03:12. |
02/28/2006 09:55:53 AM · #170 |
That is our new house and in the past they have had strange occurances with things falling off the rocks, things that have been up there for years.
Call me crazy, but I think that gravity may have a slight role in this!
Could it be that it was actually a ghost that dropped the apple on to Issaac Newtons head???
Message edited by author 2006-02-28 10:04:50. |
02/28/2006 10:10:55 AM · #171 |
Originally posted by Kivet: Thanks for the reply Rose, I honestly didnt know what you would have felt from it. That is our new house and in the past they have had strange occurances with things falling off the rocks, things that have been up there for years. Which is why I sent one with the fireplace, and I do ocasionally hear strange noises, which I have just attributed to the house settling and the mouse I had to get rid of.
So, nothing strange, I guess that should make me happy right? :) Thanks again Rose. |
Yes, you can be quite certain that nothing is really going on there that is paranormal. When you have stone meeting wood, you are bound to have things fall and the house creek with the expansing of the wood combined with the stone work. This will cause things to fall, and so will mice. You can be happy with it, and I know I would be! LOL..I love the fireplace! It's huge and really nice looking. A great place to decorate!
Rose |
02/28/2006 10:24:33 AM · #172 |
Originally posted by JayWalk: How come we only see ghosts of humans? |
Here ya go...

02/28/2006 10:30:59 AM · #173 |
Originally posted by JayWalk: That is our new house and in the past they have had strange occurances with things falling off the rocks, things that have been up there for years.
Call me crazy, but I think that gravity may have a slight role in this!
Could it be that it was actually a ghost that dropped the apple on to Issaac Newtons head???
Hmmmmmm..... |
Yes it souned strange to me as well, I would have thought it was an ordinaly occurance for things to fall off the shelves. My husband grew up in this house. When they were younger there was a horn up on the top rocks, on the BACK of the shelf that would fall off and out quite a bit further than they thought was possible from just a freak gust of wind. So yes, they thought it strange. Im almost disapointed though :) |
02/28/2006 10:41:15 AM · #174 |
Originally posted by JayWalk:
3) Just because you or I have never seen them doesnt mean they dont exist, they are wild and we dont live in the wild, what are the chances that we would see some animals spirit
WOW... this was probably the most insane thing I have read in this entire thread. Over the course of history animals have been on this planet for millions and millions of years. You yourself Kivet are a native of America which only has a few hunder years of human history. To say that we are not living in a "wild" environment is crazy!!! This land that we are on now has been wild far longer than it has been inhabited by us humans. I cannot even begin to speculate as to how many more animals have died on this very ground I am on now compared to how many humans. So I ask again why are there not millions upon millions of animal and dinosour ghosts around??? Certainly not because the land is not wild!
Like I said, maybe animals dont leave unfinished business or they are just smart enought to move on. Maybe we arent in tune with animal spirits?
Oh and sorry about the comment last night about not adding anything to the converstation, your thoughts are elightening. Have you seen the movie Dogma? Theres a line in there I love. It says something about a belief being ground in stone and ideas being changeable. Basicly if you BELIEVE something they your world has to be shaken in order to change it, an idea is thought and can be changed/updated/ammended as needed. So I guess no, I dont believe, but I have a good idea. |
02/28/2006 11:02:05 AM · #175 |
Originally posted by Kivet:
Like I said, maybe animals dont leave unfinished business or they are just smart enought to move on. Maybe we arent in tune with animal spirits?
Oh and sorry about the comment last night about not adding anything to the converstation, your thoughts are elightening. Have you seen the movie Dogma? Theres a line in there I love. It says something about a belief being ground in stone and ideas being changeable. Basicly if you BELIEVE something they your world has to be shaken in order to change it, an idea is thought and can be changed/updated/ammended as needed. So I guess no, I dont believe, but I have a good idea. |
Well see, now you are going against what Rose just said. She stated that there have been a few dog and bee ghost sightings meaning we are in touch with animal spirits. But logic would dictate that these should be far more prevalent that human sightings based upon numbers alone. Personally I think that dog comment was foolish. I have know little kids who also thought skunks were cats. As far as I know that little girl could have seen a wolf. And to say she had a conversation with it???? I can't believe we have reached that level where now we are arguing over talking dogs!!!
See, now you are starting to see how after digging a bit deeper all of these nonsense thoughts begin to contradict each other. |
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