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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Florida GTG - April 2006
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 114, (reverse)
03/04/2006 09:58:35 PM · #76
I'm checking back in on the updates and they sound good to me. I don't think it will be too hot in early April for camping, so that's what I'll probably do.

This will bump the thread for the night crowd here.
03/04/2006 10:30:14 PM · #77
if i'm alive at the beginning of april then i will look forward to it...

if not then i hope you all enjoy meeting my fiance'
03/05/2006 07:48:27 AM · #78
If I'm remembering correctly, Peanut Island is close to JDSP--it has a beautiful campground and little playground--it's been refurbished after having a storied past (use by Kennedy, etc.)
You have to take a ferry there, but it is cheap and worth the price.
Just thought I would toss that out in case anyone is interested in staying there.
I'm going out of town on the 9th, so we'll see how long I'll be able to meet up with you on the 8th--sounds like a great time!

edited for spelling

Message edited by author 2006-03-05 07:49:11.
03/05/2006 12:15:24 PM · #79
well, i showed crystal the thread and i'm still alive and she's all for the gtg.

we'd prefer to camp too if the weather is good.

we're probably heading down to los olas today to see whats going on if anyones in ft. lauderdale.

03/05/2006 01:36:09 PM · #80
Myself and Chiqui are in the St Lucie area for the most part, but are gonna be out of the country over the 8/9th weekend :o/ We can probably make the 15/16th weekend though...
03/05/2006 06:38:28 PM · #81
Greetings krewe!

Well, not sure if I'll be able to camp/stay-overnight, but I'll definitely shoot for a nice long day trip, at the minimum. I'm not tooo far from there (Deland, Florida) ~ and I'm definitely game to make the trip to meet some DPC'ers and visit a new locale in Florida. As soon as this is crystallized I'll make the definitive plans on my part to ensure my participation for a day! (That sounded rather technical...)

~ janson.
03/05/2006 08:41:54 PM · #82
hmm ... well the 8th-9th .. we shall see ... by port st lucie ... i'll know in a week or so if we can make it .. we will probably look into getting a cabin .. i'll know better in a few days
03/06/2006 08:59:13 AM · #83
I thought it was set for the Apr. 02???

edit to add: because the following weekend was easter or something like that.

Message edited by author 2006-03-06 09:00:01.
03/06/2006 09:58:58 AM · #84
Originally posted by notonline:

I thought it was set for the Apr. 02???

edit to add: because the following weekend was easter or something like that.

The 2nd and the 8th kept popping up. I tried to pick the date that seemed to be mentioned the most; and some people mentioned the 8th exclusively. Doesn't make much difference to me (except that the campgrounds might be full for the 2nd).

Perhaps we should put it up to vote?
03/06/2006 10:08:41 AM · #85
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Originally posted by notonline:

I thought it was set for the Apr. 02???

edit to add: because the following weekend was easter or something like that.

The 2nd and the 8th kept popping up. I tried to pick the date that seemed to be mentioned the most; and some people mentioned the 8th exclusively. Doesn't make much difference to me (except that the campgrounds might be full for the 2nd).

Perhaps we should put it up to vote?

I know the 2nd would work better for us (2 people)
03/06/2006 10:18:00 AM · #86
OK, I'm keeping a poll. Please post, or PM me with the dates that work best for you.

Saturday, April 1st
Sunday, April 2nd
Both April 1st & 2nd

Saturday, April 8th
Sunday, April 9th
Both, April 8th & 9th
03/06/2006 10:31:15 AM · #87
whoa .. i'm not awake or paying attention .... the 8th and 9th DOES work better ... so sorry for the confusion

2 people - 8th and 9th

Message edited by author 2006-03-06 10:32:52.
03/06/2006 10:34:32 AM · #88
Either weekend works for me. So count 2 ppl on which ever weekend works best for everyone else.
03/06/2006 11:07:27 AM · #89
Neither weekend :o( Looks like we'll have to wait until next time...
03/06/2006 11:22:53 AM · #90
Bummer, Manic.

Was hopin' you and June could make it while you're in the area. Seems like there's a few of us around here. Maybe we could do a daytrip to the Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area on another date, as well? If you want to set something up, I'll do my best to be there. Sometimes weekdays are the best for these places.

Message edited by author 2006-03-06 11:23:54.
03/06/2006 02:15:21 PM · #91
I am open for either weekend. Although I will only be out for one day. Either Saturday or Sunday. Count me down as one person for whichever dates brings in the most votes!
03/06/2006 03:00:26 PM · #92
the 8th and the 9th work better for my fiance' and i but this honestly because her birthday is the 8th and it would be really cool to do something this fun that weekend.

if push comes to shove we can make it the prior weekend but would rather do it 8th/9th.
03/06/2006 06:23:20 PM · #93
Put down yakatme and yakatyou for both days on either weekend.

to greatandsmall: if Manic and Chiqui (or anybody else) takes you up on your offer to do this some other time, give us a shout. My son (yakatyou is a newly registered user) and I are flexible on weekends and I estimate that the drive is within two hours time.
03/06/2006 07:04:17 PM · #94
I am good for either weekend as well.
03/07/2006 06:38:45 AM · #95
Originally posted by yakatme:

Put down yakatme and yakatyou for both days on either weekend.

to greatandsmall: if Manic and Chiqui (or anybody else) takes you up on your offer to do this some other time, give us a shout. My son (yakatyou is a newly registered user) and I are flexible on weekends and I estimate that the drive is within two hours time.

crystal and i are going to go greyhound and leave the driving to somebody else. we just need a good enough notice to plan our route and such.
03/07/2006 12:26:44 PM · #96

I've put the dates for the South Florida GTG up for vote. As is stands the 8th & 9th are best for those who may attend, and have a preference.

These are the people who have confirmed. If you would like to come and are not on this list, please voice your preference so that we can nail down the date. I'm hoping to have it confirmed by this evening.

Idnic & Guest
Sickdog & Crystal
davidcara & 2 Guests

Sidenote to buzzrock:
You started this thread trying to get people together in the Daytona area, and I stated that Daytona was not my cup of tea. Somehow, it evolved into a South Florida GTG and there still hasn't been anything organized around your visit. I feel partially responsible for this; and would like to extend my apology for my part in "hijacking" your GTG. It was never my intention to take away from your plans; it just seems that Florida is pretty big and a lot of people wanted to stick around to the Southern end.

I think the Ponce Inlet area is a great place for a GTG, and hope that there are some people who would like to attend such a gathering while you are in the state. Please advise as to how you would like to handle this. Should we split the South Florida GTG off from this thread, or start two new threads; one for each area?
03/07/2006 01:54:44 PM · #97

How far is the park we are looking at going to in comparison to Daytona? If it isn't too far, maybe buzzrock could or would still like to join us? I am not familiar with Jonathan Dickinson park so I am not sure of the distance. Also, if there is anyone on the way from Tampa who is only looking to go for the day (since I am not planning on spending the weekend), I would be more than happy to swing by and pick them up if transportation is an issue.

03/07/2006 02:12:57 PM · #98
Originally posted by ArpeggioAngel:


How far is the park we are looking at going to in comparison to Daytona? If it isn't too far, maybe buzzrock could or would still like to join us? I am not familiar with Jonathan Dickinson park so I am not sure of the distance. Also, if there is anyone on the way from Tampa who is only looking to go for the day (since I am not planning on spending the weekend), I would be more than happy to swing by and pick them up if transportation is an issue.


It's about a 2.5 to 3 hour drive from Daytona to Jupiter. I really hope buzzrock could & would join us. If not, I wish some people would join him up towards that area. St. Augustine is very close and loaded with photo-ops, including a great lighthouse. Ponce Inlet (as mentioned) is also really nice. It really bothers me to think that he started this thread and might be excluded from the fun!

Katie, that's nice of you to offer transportation.
03/08/2006 09:33:54 AM · #99
Hey everybody.
Still not sure what to do with this thread. I'm hoping to hear back from buzzrock. Here's the message I sent him:

"Hi Tim,

I've PMd you a couple of times and haven't gotten a response. I see that you've posted recently, so I'm afraid you might be ignoring me.

I feel like you deserve an explanation and apology; and I'd like to see if there is any way to rectify the FL GTG thing. Please understand that I had no intention of taking over your GTG and moving it to South FL.

In this thread: //www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=334227
a few of us Floridians had been getting acquainted, when someone brought your thread to my attention. We had discussed (via email) doing a kayak /photo outing, and resumed our conversation in your thread. My hopes were that you would like to come down here and see some of Florida's natural beauty.

The next thing I knew, a full-blown GTG had developed, I had been nominated to organize it. Had I been paying attention, I would have started a separate thread. As it stands, you have sparked a GTG that you might not even attend.

If it were me, I'd probably feel excluded and angry. I truly am sorry about this and would like to help you get some people together for your visit. I know there are people in North FLA who might like to go to Ponce Inlet or St. Augustine. I'd be happy to contact them and suggest this. I'd also be happy to start a new thread for you, or break our GTG off of your thread.

Ideally, I'd love it if you could come down here too. The place we are going is really cool, and something completely different from Daytona.

Please advise me so that I don't make things worse.


Message edited by author 2006-03-08 23:55:35.
03/08/2006 09:34:09 AM · #100
Until he responds, I'll continue here:

The votes are in and the South FL GTG remains at Jonathan Dickinson State Park the weekend of April 8th & 9th.

Originally posted by greatandsmall:

OK, here's what I've come up with, so far:

Jonathan Dickinson State Park has all of the amenities.
This is the busy season, and it may be very crowded.

St. Lucie Inlet Preserve, Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge, Blowing Rocks and the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse are all in that area. We may want to head out to one of those places for some seclusion.

The whole place is amazing, with the bluest water I've seen in Florida.

It may be pretty hot for camping; but for those interested JDSP has sites available. I'm told the "River Campground" is close to the Cabins. The person on the phone gave me different info than the reservation website. One campsite can accomodate two large, or three small tents and two cars. I did a test reservation on reserveamerica.com
and the price came out to be more than I was told over the phone (800-326-3521). I suggest choosing the campsite online and then calling to reserve it. If you want to share a campsite, PM me and I'll compile the information. Due to the heat, I will either stay in a hotel or drive back home for the night (My husband's a wuss; and needs cold to sleep).

They also have cabins for $85 to $95 per night. Reservations are not taken until on or after March 9th. That number is 561-746-1466.

I'll be going down to scope it out in a couple of weeks. It might be worth reserving a site, if you plan to stay in the park. Once I make the trip, I'll be back with some better information, including hotel options.

There's also a photo contest for Florida State Parks. Here's the link to register:
Florida's State Park Photo Contest
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