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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Hidden During Voting
Showing posts 26 - 43 of 43, (reverse)
03/07/2006 07:47:14 PM · #26
I like how you group all bag-head commenters into a one-size-fits-all mold and presume to know their intentions and philosophy. But I don't understand how it helps to keep the discussion from deteriorating into a name-calling free-for-all.

I never once said that all "bag-head commenters" have the same purpose, philosophy, style, or morality about their comments or their reasons for being a "bag-head". I never once claimed to be speaking for all "bag-heads". I never claimed to be a "gift from the gods" or that I thought that I was better than those whose photos I comment upon. In fact, I said more than once that I am not one of the more "enlightened ones".

What I said was that in my opinion all comments are valid regardless of who makes them and that waiting to find out who left a rude or harsh comment might potentially save a recipient from making an ass of himself/herself by giving him/her time to digest said comment. I also pointed out that some questions left by commenters might very well be rhetorical questions meant to help make a point or questions whose answers can wait.

I don't understand the motivations behind people who leave rude comments, bagged or not. Nor do I pretend to. I do not claim to be perfect. I do not claim to have God-given photographic knowledge, insight, or talent. I do not feel like I have to "educate" or otherwise "enlighten" "struggling photographers who are in the dark". I am simply doing what I joined this site (in part) to do: offer my opinion on a photograph that has been posted for public voting and commenting. It is only my opinion. Take it or leave it or report it. It matters not to me.

However, I don't care for being looked down upon or mistreated or slammed (or whatever) simply because I prefer to (and have the ability to) give people time to digest what I say before they reply to me. And I don't care for having other people decide that they know my "philosophy" based on whether or not I am hidden during commenting.

03/07/2006 07:50:44 PM · #27
Originally posted by yanko:

Originally posted by saracat:

Disclaimer: The term "you" pertains to the general person, not to anyone in particular. I comment "hidden during voting" for reasons that have been covered in many other threads. With that in mind, please think about the following questions:

Why do you need to know so badly who is making the comments? Can you not take the comment for what it is?

If you want to know who is making the comment so you can "check out their work" and see if they have the knowledge/talent to make a valid comment, then I have a question: why does a great portfolio give more weight to a comment, constructive or otherwise?


That's not my main reason for looking at a person's portfolio. It's about looking at the other comments they make and getting a sense of what they like or don't like which I find can sometimes explain a vague comment or one that seems to make no sense. Also, I might add looking at one's actual portfolio also helps in determining what they like (softer images vs real sharp ones, etc). It has nothing to do with evaluating their photos but rather figuring out how open they are to other styles so as to understand where they are coming from in regards to their comments. More information is better than less, IMO.

This to me makes sense, but is it strictly necessary during voting, or can it be achieved just as well after voting is finished and you have had time to compare comments to see if the one in question is way out of line with other comments given?

I don't disagree with looking at profiles and comparing styles/ideas/etc. I simply disagree with the idea that the more "successful" a person is automatically adds weight and meaning to their comments.
03/07/2006 07:55:45 PM · #28
Originally posted by saracat:

This to me makes sense, but is it strictly necessary during voting, or can it be achieved just as well after voting is finished and you have had time to compare comments to see if the one in question is way out of line with other comments given?

Yeah but then that means I have to wait! :)

Edited to fix stupid spelling mistakes.

Message edited by author 2006-03-07 19:56:08.
03/07/2006 07:55:50 PM · #29
I just got a comment that said my photo was underexposed...which they were hidden. All the other comments stated they loved the contrast and so forth...What does that say to you bag heads.
03/07/2006 07:56:38 PM · #30
I think that the people whose identities are hidden during voting should be considered normal, or the norm. The voters who advetise their indentity, and insist on being identified with their comments at all times, and who frequently announce what score they have given, are mostly flaming egotists attempting to curry favor.
03/07/2006 07:59:24 PM · #31
Originally posted by TomFoolery:

I just got a comment that said my photo was underexposed...which they were hidden. All the other comments stated they loved the contrast and so forth...What does that say to you bag heads.

It says that different people have different opinions.
03/07/2006 08:01:32 PM · #32
beep beep beep...thread out-of-control...beep beep beep
03/07/2006 08:02:50 PM · #33
Originally posted by Marjo:

beep beep beep...thread out-of-control...beep beep beep

Um, how?

03/07/2006 08:04:10 PM · #34
I like to hide during voting. Usually with some Mt. Dew and a bag of cheetos in a basement behind a vault door.
03/07/2006 08:07:13 PM · #35

I love it when I can just reuse my existing images. In fact, I haven't created a new one in some time - an indication that the same ten or twelve debates are continually cycled and recycled ad infinitum.
03/07/2006 08:26:17 PM · #36
If you don't like the option then leave.
03/07/2006 09:14:07 PM · #37
Originally posted by saracat:

I like how you group all bag-head commenters into a one-size-fits-all mold and presume to know their intentions and philosophy. But I don't understand how it helps to keep the discussion from deteriorating into a name-calling free-for-all.

I never once said that all "bag-head commenters" have the same purpose, philosophy, style, or morality about their comments or their reasons for being a "bag-head". I never once claimed to be speaking for all "bag-heads". I never claimed to be a "gift from the gods" or that I thought that I was better than those whose photos I comment upon. In fact, I said more than once that I am not one of the more "enlightened ones".

What I said was that in my opinion all comments are valid regardless of who makes them and that waiting to find out who left a rude or harsh comment might potentially save a recipient from making an ass of himself/herself by giving him/her time to digest said comment. I also pointed out that some questions left by commenters might very well be rhetorical questions meant to help make a point or questions whose answers can wait.

I don't understand the motivations behind people who leave rude comments, bagged or not. Nor do I pretend to. I do not claim to be perfect. I do not claim to have God-given photographic knowledge, insight, or talent. I do not feel like I have to "educate" or otherwise "enlighten" "struggling photographers who are in the dark". I am simply doing what I joined this site (in part) to do: offer my opinion on a photograph that has been posted for public voting and commenting. It is only my opinion. Take it or leave it or report it. It matters not to me.

However, I don't care for being looked down upon or mistreated or slammed (or whatever) simply because I prefer to (and have the ability to) give people time to digest what I say before they reply to me. And I don't care for having other people decide that they know my "philosophy" based on whether or not I am hidden during commenting.



With all due respect, in no way am I looking down on anybody.I am merely demostrating what happens when a group selects, even if for the best reasons, to hide themselves as they speak. It becomes easier for some to throw rocks and even to alter, remove or change the wording at the end. This group then becomes a target of redicule because of the few that abuse it. Note: even how the site itself showed the irony by giving them bag icons.

You see, the majority of hidden voters are polite but being extremely active I hear stories about folks who take advantage of this feature. I am no longer disturbed by those who feel compelled to hide themselves, I simply believe it to be bad manners but then I am from a much older school and my sentiments do not ring with the times. If I give you a comment you are free to take it as you wish but you will not have to wait to the end to find out who left it.
03/07/2006 09:43:16 PM · #38
It does not bother me that some choose to hide their identity during the voting period. Perhaps they have had some bad experiences in the past. However, I would never do that myself. If I make a commment, it is a sincere one whether deprecating or flattering, and I am willing to discuss those comments at any time. I suppose those of us that are of more mature age have a different sense of ethics than our more youthful counterparts. Note: not necessarily better or worse ethics, just different.
03/07/2006 10:19:29 PM · #39
Bag Free here since the beginning. I am also happy to say that I would prefer to hand out nice comments to the photos I like. I do comment on photos that I feel need improvement but I try to use my words diplomatically as I know how it feels to get questioned and criticized during a challenge and feeling hurt and helpless to respond to the question asked by the baghead voter.

It would be my guess that until you have been on the other end of the sack, you may not know how it feels to be spoken to in a less than constructive manner without anyway to respond.

I think it's easier for people to be jerks when they are hidden.
Not all bagheads are rude or impolite however. I do get great comments and high scores from bagheads.

I'm happy here at dpc, despite all the glitches. LOL

Message edited by author 2006-03-07 22:21:05.
03/07/2006 10:29:21 PM · #40
Bag Free here also .. I try to keep my comments as positive and constructive as I can, therefore I have no reason to hide :)
03/07/2006 11:12:19 PM · #41
We did take a poll on this about 1-1/4 years ago ... there had been a lot of complaints about emails from photographers to commenters while the voting was occurring.

Should comments be anonymous during challenge voting?

Yes 407
No 543

950 users participated.

In view of this result we decided to give people the choice.

Again, if you get an "inappropriate" comment, report it immediately. If it gets changed later, I'm sure we (SC) will take that fact into consideration when we consider a resolution to the issue.

You don't need to do anything about it except ignore it.
03/08/2006 11:52:02 AM · #42
From reading the thread, i feel the need to say That I understand that not everyone is going to like my work, that doesn't bother me. And again it was nothing worth reporting to sc, it is just the way the comment was worded, and the fact that it was a pointless comment.

Anyway, It probably wasn't even worth starting a thread over.

03/08/2006 12:23:21 PM · #43
Originally posted by RockBruise:

From reading the thread, i feel the need to say That I understand that not everyone is going to like my work, that doesn't bother me. And again it was nothing worth reporting to sc, it is just the way the comment was worded, and the fact that it was a pointless comment.

Anyway, It probably wasn't even worth starting a thread over.

You are right, but new users come onboard all the time and these issues need to be reviewed again for their benefit.

One downside of the Internet is that it makes it easy to make off-handed, ill-conceived remarks without thinking and make them known to the rest of the world. :)

Be nice if everyone were courteous, but some either are not in the first place or are discourteous unintentionally.
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