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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> When is 2 seconds NOT?
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03/27/2006 05:21:18 AM · #76
I've been away for a while, just getting back into dpc again. I remember my disapointment with the Wildlife challenge.

Challenge: Wildlife
Rules: Advanced Editing II
Details: For the purpose of this challenge, "wildlife" should be considered non-domesticated mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians living in a natural environment. Now that you know what to photograph, take your best shot!

It seemed that Zoo photogs ruled! Where I and many others made the effort to meet the challenge. BTW I note WLII was much better.

Now we have!
[quote]Details: Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds[/quote]

Excuse me, what part of exactly 2 seconds Don't you understand?

Yes Yes I know there is a loop hole! Close it! Take out the DNMTC rule! The SC need to change something, Maybe it does not meet the spirit of the challenge rule!

I'm not that good a photog to challenge any of these guys but I'd really like to play on a level playing surface. Athletics has steroid uses. We have "Well I tried and couldn't get it and this was better so I entered it" *shrugs*.
03/27/2006 05:26:26 AM · #77
Originally posted by crayon:

Originally posted by lepidus:

I'm one of the ones who tried it at 2 seconds and it just wasn't working. Had I known that I could have set it at 1/2 sec. (or any other setting) I would have entered.

I know how THAT feels - it's sour, and it sucks.
I would have shot something else if I had thought about using a longer shutter speed than the imposed 2 seconds :S sigh

My 2second shot has burnt out at the highlights, the 1 second had loads more details in it maybe I would have done better it I had entered that one.
03/27/2006 05:34:32 AM · #78
Athletes also get stripped of all their previous medals also!!
03/27/2006 05:45:18 AM · #79
Originally posted by CraigF:

Athletes also get stripped of all their previous medals also!!

i rather see sometinhg else "stripped" :-)
03/27/2006 05:55:48 AM · #80
Speaking as a newbie to this sight, and a very novice photographer here.

My photos don't do well in challenges at this point - it's part of the learning process, and I understand that. BUT to have my own photos score lower because they were beat out by a CHEATER ? It doesn't sit as well, and not only says something for that photographers intergrity, but also that of DPC for allowing it to stand.
03/27/2006 06:15:45 AM · #81
It appears that there are 3 people in the top 20 that did not adhere to the challenge rules.

How many more are there?

Sad...very sad...

edited: To add that I did not enter this challenge.

Message edited by author 2006-03-27 06:17:49.
03/27/2006 06:25:34 AM · #82
oh yes ... sorry for interuption, my entry was also NOT 2 seconds
copy paste EXIF part : Shutter speed value 1.999979 s

LOL, no no i'm not trying to stir up things, i'm satisfied as always

03/27/2006 06:28:45 AM · #83
Athletes also get stripped of all their previous medals also!!

This is what I said, it's like athletes taking illegal performance enhancing substances, winning the gold medal and then being caught in the drug test. Do the judges say: "OK, it's all right, you tried your best, and you ran really well. You kept to the 'spirit' of what we were trying to do with this 100m race. Those other guys you raced against, they didn't have your advantages, but don't worry, we only did the drug test to look important as officials"

This whole issue is very upsetting to me. How will I know in the future that this won't happen again unless the SC closes these loopholes. If the challenge says it needs to be 2 seconds, then it's an even playing field IF AND ONLY IF EVERY ENTRY IS 2 SECONDS.

I feel for all of those people that complained when the challenge was announced that they were at an unfair disadvantage for not having the cameras capable of a 2 second exposure...if they only knew that they could just have put in a shot that 'looked' like it was 2 seconds, they would have been in...

03/27/2006 06:50:43 AM · #84
People, get a life!
It doesn't take a genius to work out that it was impossible to tell until after the challenge if the shutter speed was exactly 2 seconds or not.
Even then, it's not technically grounds for disqualifying an image.
Until the rules change, it's no good ranting about the injustice of it... it's obvious that some people were going to be creative with this one. It was hardly a free study, the challenge was to create a photo that *looked* like it was taken with a 2-second shutter speed. I would point fingers at the challenge title itself rather than those who decided to be more 'creative' within the current DPC ruleset.
03/27/2006 06:58:33 AM · #85
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

People, get a life!
It doesn't take a genius to work out that it was impossible to tell until after the challenge if the shutter speed was exactly 2 seconds or not.

I think that is the main point. Nobody should have had to attempt to determine if an image was taken with a 2-second shutter speed, because ALL images submitted should have been.

It's the photographer who cheated by knowingly and purposefully submitting a picture that did not meet either the spirit of, nor the letter of, the rules of the challenge.

Loopholes be damned. We're talking integrity.
03/27/2006 07:03:45 AM · #86
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

People, get a life!

Until the rules change, it's no good ranting about the injustice of it... it's obvious that some people were going to be creative with this one. It was hardly a free study, the challenge was to create a photo that *looked* like it was taken with a 2-second shutter speed. I would point fingers at the challenge title itself rather than those who decided to be more 'creative' within the current DPC ruleset.

"Creative" Is that what it's called where you come from? Well not where I come from!
03/27/2006 07:05:17 AM · #87
A blatant attempt to get more views on my portfolio... :-)

Read the little story of my 2 second shot - you'll see that I actually had one I liked quite a bit, but I discovered that it was at 1/6 sec vice 2 seconds, so I went back and did it again.

My Water entry is tanking big time. I think it's because I included water.... ;-)

03/27/2006 07:08:45 AM · #88
Bobster my friend:

Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.

Take a photograph that LOOKS like it was taken using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
03/27/2006 07:10:49 AM · #89
Originally posted by Brent_Ward:

Shouldn't have to look like it was 2 seconds, as LONG as it WAS 2 seconds.

This comment doesn't make any sense... If it doesn't look like a 2 second exposure it ain't gonna score where anyone cares. If it does look like a 2 second exposure, it meet's the challenge!
03/27/2006 07:11:09 AM · #90
Thanks to KiwiPix for starting this thread.

For the record - I didn't enter, or vote on, the 2-Second Exposure challenge. I did go out to shoot for it, twice, but didn't come up with anything I was proud enough of to enter. If I had entered my entry would definitely have been a two second shot, and if I had been beaten by a half-second shot, I would feel that I had been played for a sucker because I followed the challenge details.

I think this is a truely exceptional situation, although (remembering the 4:00-5:00 a.m. challenge) not the first such. It calls for an exceptional response from the SC/admins.

Adding a Special Rule to future challenges that are as specific in their details as 2-Second Exposure is a minimum response. I believe that making an exception to the policy of not disqualifying entries for failure to meet the challenge topic is should be considered. This is a truely glaring example that cries out for redress.

Something needs to be done.

To elsapo - you have won a blue ribbon that many here feel was not deserved. And you have put the SC/admins in a difficult position. I am asking you to voluntarily give up the ribbon to spare the community further anguish.

03/27/2006 07:16:29 AM · #91
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

People, get a life!
It doesn't take a genius to work out that it was impossible to tell until after the challenge if the shutter speed was exactly 2 seconds or not.
Even then, it's not technically grounds for disqualifying an image.
Until the rules change, it's no good ranting about the injustice of it... it's obvious that some people were going to be creative with this one. It was hardly a free study, the challenge was to create a photo that *looked* like it was taken with a 2-second shutter speed. I would point fingers at the challenge title itself rather than those who decided to be more 'creative' within the current DPC ruleset.

Bobster the desription says "Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.".

the decideing word is exactly

I know these are not additional rules but that is what the brief says so it must be adhered to.

Just my opinion.
03/27/2006 07:24:36 AM · #92
I guess what was missing was this:

Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.
*Please note that photographs not taken with a 2 second exposure will be disqualified

SC...how can we make it so that photgraphs meant to be taken between 4 and 5 am, or of wildlife (not at the zoo), or exposures at 2 seconds or 1/1000 seconds are just what they are?
03/27/2006 07:27:42 AM · #93
Originally posted by coolhar:

Adding a Special Rule to future challenges that are as specific in their details as 2-Second Exposure is a minimum response. I believe that making an exception to the policy of not disqualifying entries for failure to meet the challenge topic is should be considered. This is a truely glaring example that cries out for redress.

Hear, hear.

I didn't enter in this challenge as what I was trying to capture simply would not work with that length of exposure.

It shouldn't be a matter to interpret which of the rules will be followed and which will not.

Bring on the yellow flag for specific rules where it is not going to be blatantly obvious if the challenge is met. Yellow will be ok, water will be ok, 2 second expsoure can be faked, as can 4am to 5pm.

Here's the kicker though - if I used something that looked like water, would that incur the wrath of the community?

03/27/2006 07:29:17 AM · #94
Like MANY others, I was so concerned that it was clear that it met the challenge, I didn't get too creative (or original apparently). The thought had not occurred to me to shoot whatever speed I wanted.

Sad situation really. Technically not breaking the rules, but I could legally 'trick' someone out of something also but that doesn't mean it's not unethical.

I could understand wanting to keep the ribbon also if it were the only one I ever won, but...
03/27/2006 07:30:27 AM · #95
I would say yes Jamestar...because the challenge says:

Photograph something where water plays an important role in your composition.

03/27/2006 07:31:32 AM · #96
Originally posted by benhur:

Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

People, get a life!
It doesn't take a genius to work out that it was impossible to tell until after the challenge if the shutter speed was exactly 2 seconds or not.
Even then, it's not technically grounds for disqualifying an image.
Until the rules change, it's no good ranting about the injustice of it... it's obvious that some people were going to be creative with this one. It was hardly a free study, the challenge was to create a photo that *looked* like it was taken with a 2-second shutter speed. I would point fingers at the challenge title itself rather than those who decided to be more 'creative' within the current DPC ruleset.

Bobster the desription says "Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds.".

the decideing word is exactly

I know these are not additional rules but that is what the brief says so it must be adhered to.

Just my opinion.

This is where it is flawed. It must NOT have to be adhered to as no topic does. Move this exact sentence down to the Rules section and it clears this up. Its in the topic, you cannot prove or disprove during voting.

Put this in the rules as many have mentioned for technical challenges and the voters can be assured the photos DO adhere to the "rule" and can continue to vote. You simply cannot leave this in the hands of the submitters without enforcing it.
03/27/2006 07:31:58 AM · #97
Originally posted by Jamester:

Here's the kicker though - if I used something that looked like water, would that incur the wrath of the community?


The glue-instead-of-milk triggered a little nagging, but not much. This was a technical challenge that was very specific - it should have been yellow flagged.
03/27/2006 07:32:32 AM · #98
Sorry Jamestar, I;ll correct myself:

03/27/2006 07:38:35 AM · #99
If the rules allowed us to DQ the ribbon winners that weren't 2 seconds, I would vote to do so in a heartbeat.

To the ribbon winners who did not have two second photos: For better or worse, this challenge ran on an honor system. How you choose to handle this situation says more about your honor than I can in this post. Were I in your shoes, I know what I would do.

03/27/2006 07:39:15 AM · #100
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

It was hardly a free study, the challenge was to create a photo that *looked* like it was taken with a 2-second shutter speed.

You must have a different english to the rest of us?

"Take a photograph using a shutter speed of exactly 2 seconds."

I'm not familiar with a dictionary that gives the meaning of "exactly" as "looking like".

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