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Showing posts 126 - 150 of 206, (reverse)
04/20/2006 02:38:43 PM · #126
The last 12 hours / 30 some votes have been brutal.
6.25 to a 5.75 now with 116 votes.
04/20/2006 03:36:10 PM · #127
Mine was as high as 6.6xxx yesterday and has been dropping ever since and been as low as 6.0xxx. BradP thanks so much for your wonderful comment, it made my day LOL

Votes: 119
Views: 161
Avg Vote: 6.1513
Comments: 6
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/20/06 03:18 pm

04/20/2006 03:37:51 PM · #128
Originally posted by Titia:

Originally posted by ShutterPug:

Originally posted by ShutterPug:

Votes: 63
Views: 84
Avg Vote: 6.0159
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/19/06 06:26 pm

down tonight:

Votes: 87
Views: 111
Avg Vote: 5.8161
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/20/06 03:53 am

Come on, let's get drunk or something

I really need a stiff drink or three to sip on while watching my score drop:

Votes: 111
Views: 139
Avg Vote: 5.7568
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/20/06 03:36 pm
04/20/2006 03:53:29 PM · #129
Still going down fast. What's the matter with these people.

I had a nice 6.1111 once and now it dropped to
Votes: 111
Views: 137
Avg Vote: 5.7658
Comments: 5

Nothing but really good comments.

Probably the one where you can't tell if it's new or not without reading the title, will win this race.

I'm going to watch the telly and get drunk.

Message edited by author 2006-04-20 15:53:49.
04/20/2006 04:54:42 PM · #130
Originally posted by xXxscarletxXx:

My god people are soo blind ive got 3 comments saying i dont see what this has to do with new and its a brand new (Insert name here) *Rolls eyes* anyways at 4.5 may aswell disqualify myself

If you're relying on the title to tell people what's new, that may be the problem. Does the photo itself get that concept across? Let's say I got a new toothbrush, snapped a picture of it and threw it in the challenge. What about the photo conveys a sense of "new"? Absolutely nothing. I know I weighted my votes to the photos that could stand alone in conveying "new" without a title appended to tell me what's what.
04/20/2006 06:07:31 PM · #131
Votes: 123
Views: 165
Avg Vote: 6.1951
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1
not too shabby, score is jumping all over though.
04/20/2006 06:12:13 PM · #132
Originally posted by karmabreeze:

Originally posted by xXxscarletxXx:

My god people are soo blind ive got 3 comments saying i dont see what this has to do with new and its a brand new (Insert name here) *Rolls eyes* anyways at 4.5 may aswell disqualify myself

If you're relying on the title to tell people what's new, that may be the problem. Does the photo itself get that concept across? Let's say I got a new toothbrush, snapped a picture of it and threw it in the challenge. What about the photo conveys a sense of "new"? Absolutely nothing. I know I weighted my votes to the photos that could stand alone in conveying "new" without a title appended to tell me what's what.

The one thing I had to respond back to this is if you are voting by just looking at the picture alone you may be missing a lot in someone's photo. we have titles for a reason, otherwise everything would be untitled. "New" as so many dimensions besides being still in the plastic, so in MANY scenarios a title is neccessary to help make connections that someone may not have though about on their own.
04/20/2006 07:07:51 PM · #133
Originally posted by firstduchess:

My score has been dropping too since yesterday, some people must have given it really low scores, yet all the comments are very positive and indicating high scores. Strange.

That's been the same here! Several people who have voted even told me what they picked, so it's really weird to see it going down.
04/20/2006 07:56:15 PM · #134
Originally posted by Sunshine86:

Originally posted by karmabreeze:

Originally posted by xXxscarletxXx:

My god people are soo blind ive got 3 comments saying i dont see what this has to do with new and its a brand new (Insert name here) *Rolls eyes* anyways at 4.5 may aswell disqualify myself

If you're relying on the title to tell people what's new, that may be the problem. Does the photo itself get that concept across? Let's say I got a new toothbrush, snapped a picture of it and threw it in the challenge. What about the photo conveys a sense of "new"? Absolutely nothing. I know I weighted my votes to the photos that could stand alone in conveying "new" without a title appended to tell me what's what.

The one thing I had to respond back to this is if you are voting by just looking at the picture alone you may be missing a lot in someone's photo. we have titles for a reason, otherwise everything would be untitled. "New" as so many dimensions besides being still in the plastic, so in MANY scenarios a title is neccessary to help make connections that someone may not have though about on their own.

It's not the only thing I considered, but it definitely played a big role. However, it should never be necessary for me to tell you why this particular toothbrush should be shoehorned into the narrow scope of the theme at hand. In a themed environment like DPC, the art itself should be the method of delivery. With so much high quality photography laying around, the ability to speak through the camera itself is what sets the winners apart. Anyone who has to explain why their photo belongs in the category with a title like "My NEW Toothbrush!" is going to be disappointed with their scores.

Edit: I do want to add that this is not something I have quite achieved on my own. I've been a nature photographer more than anything else, and so I'm here to learn how to create an effective photo without relying on landscape and wildflowers that just happen to be there. Every challenge is a sort of homework assignment. Learn how to think outside the box, but keep the box within sight. Learn to use my creativity to brainstorm ideas for compositions and then apply it well. Learn to get the message across with little or no explanation. A technically perfect picture of a toothbrush in a "Something New" challenge doesn't convey a sense of new. It might suggest a daily routine, teeth, dentistry, hygiene... but not new. You wouldn't know it was new unless I told you. Applying a "new" oriented title just shoehorns it sloppily into the challenge. I guess my standards are higher than that.

Message edited by author 2006-04-20 20:08:24.
04/20/2006 07:59:36 PM · #135
Votes are really all over the board on this one. Two consecutive votes last night averaged 2.5, next two, 5.5, followed by a 9... absolutely NO consensus this time!

(sitting at 5.8571 atm, just a little up from what I was at after 50 votes, but certainly down from my first 15 votes' score)
04/20/2006 08:06:30 PM · #136
Is it just me, or are the next 5 days going to be EXCRUCIATING to wait? I'm like...freaking out here that I have to wait a whole 5 more days to see how I did.
04/20/2006 08:46:40 PM · #137
Originally posted by karmabreeze:

Originally posted by Sunshine86:

Originally posted by karmabreeze:

Originally posted by xXxscarletxXx:

My god people are soo blind ive got 3 comments saying i dont see what this has to do with new and its a brand new (Insert name here) *Rolls eyes* anyways at 4.5 may aswell disqualify myself

If you're relying on the title to tell people what's new, that may be the problem. Does the photo itself get that concept across? Let's say I got a new toothbrush, snapped a picture of it and threw it in the challenge. What about the photo conveys a sense of "new"? Absolutely nothing. I know I weighted my votes to the photos that could stand alone in conveying "new" without a title appended to tell me what's what.

The one thing I had to respond back to this is if you are voting by just looking at the picture alone you may be missing a lot in someone's photo. we have titles for a reason, otherwise everything would be untitled. "New" as so many dimensions besides being still in the plastic, so in MANY scenarios a title is neccessary to help make connections that someone may not have though about on their own.

It's not the only thing I considered, but it definitely played a big role. However, it should never be necessary for me to tell you why this particular toothbrush should be shoehorned into the narrow scope of the theme at hand. In a themed environment like DPC, the art itself should be the method of delivery. With so much high quality photography laying around, the ability to speak through the camera itself is what sets the winners apart. Anyone who has to explain why their photo belongs in the category with a title like "My NEW Toothbrush!" is going to be disappointed with their scores.

Edit: I do want to add that this is not something I have quite achieved on my own. I've been a nature photographer more than anything else, and so I'm here to learn how to create an effective photo without relying on landscape and wildflowers that just happen to be there. Every challenge is a sort of homework assignment. Learn how to think outside the box, but keep the box within sight. Learn to use my creativity to brainstorm ideas for compositions and then apply it well. Learn to get the message across with little or no explanation. A technically perfect picture of a toothbrush in a "Something New" challenge doesn't convey a sense of new. It might suggest a daily routine, teeth, dentistry, hygiene... but not new. You wouldn't know it was new unless I told you. Applying a "new" oriented title just shoehorns it sloppily into the challenge. I guess my standards are higher than that.

I agree that a picture of just a new toothbrush should not score very high. While taking a photo that meets the contest requirement, in this case, "New" is the basis for being considered, the subject matter must also exist in some context. Any entry that was just something new and nothing else recieved a lower score from me. Just as in the other contest "Something Old", while perhaps easier to find a subject, has an equally high percentage of old things with no context.

I found this assignment particularly difficult. I like these the best.

That said, this contest was called "Something New III". Since I am fairly new to DPC, I looked back at the earlier Something New contests. Something New II had the details:

Shoot something you have never entered before -- taken in a place you have never taken pictures before.

That is quite a bit different that the rules for Something New III.

In the current contest, if I felt the photo had merit on its own, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I mean how could I possibly know if a dress or shoe or a pet whatever was actually new?

Just my 2 cents worth.

04/20/2006 09:38:40 PM · #138
Gee, that could be my line. People hate it yet it is technically pretty close to perfect. I guess they think DNMC. My own personal worst, coming up. Not enough to quit over, whassup Marjo? Guess I'll go turn scores off. Go Sammigurl, best of luck to ya.
Votes: 121
Views: 143
Avg Vote: 4.7686
Comments: 0
04/20/2006 09:48:15 PM · #139
Originally posted by lynnesite:

Gee, that could be my line. People hate it yet it is technically pretty close to perfect. I guess they think DNMC. My own personal worst, coming up. Not enough to quit over, whassup Marjo? Guess I'll go turn scores off. Go Sammigurl, best of luck to ya.

Oh, don't mind me. Sometimes...I talk first and think second.
Actually, I'm a one beer girl and I had two! Pretty pathetic.
I'm not a quitter. Whiner, maybe... No, I don't do wine, either. Just ask my neighbor how obnoxiously verbal I got with a half glass of dinner wine.

"Ouch" about your score. stupid, stupid, stupid. ;)

04/20/2006 11:02:13 PM · #140
LOL, won't kill the average, don't think. I've had a nice Newcastle ale now and turned scores off. First time ever, ah, feels great. Wine away! What's wrong with stream of consciousness sometimes? ;-)
04/20/2006 11:15:03 PM · #141
Avg Vote: 4.8934
Comments: 6
Favorites: 1

my usual *blush*

there are great pictures in there, i'm haveing trouble choosing my top 3
great job guys
04/20/2006 11:18:28 PM · #142
you can always choose mine ;)
04/20/2006 11:19:18 PM · #143
Originally posted by black0star:

there are great pictures in there, i'm haveing trouble choosing my top 3
great job guys

*jumps up and down, waving* Yooohooo! Pick me! Pick me!! :D
04/20/2006 11:43:36 PM · #144
Yes - While I was asleep and the other half of the world was awake my score has been dropping a bit - 5,7 to 5,67. Still my best.
04/21/2006 12:13:09 AM · #145
Originally posted by Titia:

I just knew it was too good to be true.

Dropped down last night from 6.1111 to

Votes: 93
Views: 117
Avg Vote: 5.8710
Comments: 4


Is there a jojo contest going on? Score went down as far as 5.7 and is climbing again.

Votes: 131
Views: 162
Avg Vote: 5.9313
Comments: 6

04/21/2006 12:15:04 AM · #146
Yup - mine has climbed back up a bit too tonight!

Votes: 137
Views: 172
Avg Vote: 5.9051
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/21/06 12:10 am
04/21/2006 12:35:01 AM · #147
Originally posted by ShutterPug:

Yup - mine has climbed back up a bit too tonight!

Votes: 137
Views: 172
Avg Vote: 5.9051
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/21/06 12:10 am

Mine also - Going back up again. I think people in other timezones vote diferently. I like the ones voting now.
LOL - ShutterPug - Saw your photo on eyewatch. The Pug.
04/21/2006 12:36:55 AM · #148
wow. someone seems pretty pissed out there handing low ball scores. so sad.
04/21/2006 12:50:09 AM · #149
Just can't seem to break 5.8, but I was at 5.7 for a short time yesterday.

Votes: 145
Views: 182
Avg Vote: 5.6897
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/21/06 12:48 am
04/21/2006 01:05:10 AM · #150
Judging by my 8 comments, my score is suppose to sit at about 9 :-). Got only good comments, yet my score is not even at 6. Still, I am happy - best score yet.
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