Author | Thread |
05/20/2006 09:29:11 PM · #1 |
Shooting stills is quite new for me. I'm not very certain what mode I should shoot on. (I'm coming from the motion picture background. In motion pictures, we always shoot everything in manual. We measure the lights, the distance, and figure out the lens to use.) Now, in the still photography, you have so many choices to shoot with...M, AP, SP, or P. I noticed that it's quite hard to shoot on M when you're not shooting in the studio or candid/children shots. (On the side note, shooting with flashes is a brand new thing for me. I have only worked with hot lights.) P mode seems quite convenient but for some reason I don't quite trust it. I guess it's because the camera does all the work for youo. AP works good when considering DOF. SP works good when shooting fast motions. So, I'm just wondering what mode you guys use.
Also, anybody use a light meter during a shoot? Personally, I'm having a hard time using the in-camera meter. (well, I guess I need to learn more about my camera.)
How about the lens? Do you shoot with manual focus or auto focus? I mainly shoot with manaul focus because sometimes I have a hard time autofocusing the subject.
Please help. Inputs will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch. |
05/20/2006 09:38:31 PM · #2 |
I tend to shoot Av or M mostly. I never use automatic. I am still getting used to the right settings and make many mistakes (as my challenge entrys show:) I would recomend using whatever you are most comfortable with while you learn the different settings.
I use auto focus whenever possible because I where glasses and don't trust my judgment, but I use manual when doing most macro.
Message edited by author 2006-05-20 21:39:11. |
05/20/2006 09:41:02 PM · #3 |
I tend to shoot Av mostly in the field, and M in the studio.
So, judging by my results, it's probably best not to do that. ;-)
05/20/2006 09:41:21 PM · #4 |
Av mode ... fast lenses (2.8 and larger) |
05/20/2006 09:43:51 PM · #5 |
Av mode most of the time, M mode for long exosures and Flash shots. |
05/20/2006 09:44:40 PM · #6 |
AV mode here 90% of the time, in the studio setup I go manual and will sometimes go fully automatic outside with the flash.
05/20/2006 09:52:03 PM · #7 |
Strictly M (manual) mode. have been since the first day I got it. of course i only use auto focus tho. |
05/20/2006 09:53:48 PM · #8 |
i'm new to digital, but when i was shooting film (pentax, nikon and leica - all stolen) it was fuly manual, with a handheld lightmeter. it became so ingrained that in most lighting situations i didn't need to check the exposure - i used kodak 400 (tmax or .... o god, the one i preferred to tmax, how hopeless, i've fortgotten!)
it's about 50/50 fully automatic and AV mode for me. prety lazy, really.
05/20/2006 10:04:44 PM · #9 |
Av mode most of the time for me... |
05/20/2006 10:09:40 PM · #10 |
Mostly Manual but have used Av and Tv when aperture/shutter speed is what I want to concentrate on. |
05/20/2006 10:12:45 PM · #11 |
05/20/2006 10:32:17 PM · #12 |
Av mode for me even in the studio as I trip my lights by dedicated flash
05/20/2006 10:34:02 PM · #13 |
Is there another mode than M? |
05/20/2006 10:38:14 PM · #14 |
juding by all the replies, Av is by far the most popular one; but why? What about shutter priority, isn't that just as crucial? |
05/20/2006 10:41:26 PM · #15 |
Manual, I'm a frickin control freak :( |
05/20/2006 10:43:48 PM · #16 |
Most of the time I use A; occasionally S (shutter = T time). I've used M when working in a studio (with hot lights) or other unusual lighting situations where I am using my meter and can work slowly. I've never used P.
About 50-50 auto vs. manual focus.
Xianart, could the film you were thinking of be Ilford HP5 or Delta 400?
05/20/2006 10:46:03 PM · #17 |
I shoot everything "M" with autofocus on. I use manual focus only when the subject is at infinity.
05/20/2006 11:27:24 PM · #18 |
A (aperture priority) 80% of the time, S (shutter priorty) 10%, fully manual 10%. Just bought a Sekonic light metre, so I assume I'll shoot manual mostly from now on. I've never shot auto except when I had an Olympus 2500L back in 2000. I switch between manual and autofocus on my lenses according to light conditions and how close I am with a macro lens, for example. |
05/20/2006 11:28:46 PM · #19 |
Depends on what I'm shooting, and what I want to be in control of. I either use M, AV, or TV.
05/20/2006 11:30:59 PM · #20 |
If I'm shooting outdoors in the sun, then Shutter priority. Hand held. I can avoid camera shake by going with faster shutter speeds. Outdoors with low light, aperture priority. Usually with a tripod. Indoors with strobe or flash, manual mode. Sometimes tripod, sometimes not.
I never use the auto/scene settings.
Message edited by author 2006-05-21 02:42:30. |
05/20/2006 11:34:09 PM · #21 |
I just got the D70 so everything is Auto for now, trying to get the hang of it. Was using S on my Nikon 8700. |
05/20/2006 11:34:20 PM · #22 |
Since I got my D50 last November I have progressed from Auto& jpg to "P" & RAW and have just moved to mostly "A" with a little manual tossed in for good measure.
So much to learn......I'm glad I have a lifetime to do it! |
05/20/2006 11:38:05 PM · #23 |
Av if I'm shooting different things and I need the shutter speed to change, since I don't want it to mess with the aperture settings for me.
M for skating/riding, when I have an effect in mind, and night.
If I leave it on M, I usually pick it up and forget it's on M, and the first shot is wrong. So I try to put it back to Av before I put it away. :p |
05/20/2006 11:45:00 PM · #24 |
I typically use Av mode unless it's low light or a moving object then I change it to manual or TV. |
05/21/2006 12:01:14 AM · #25 |
Av or M but in fast shutter of course Tv. I always shoot RAW ;) |
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