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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> votiong on the Time Challenge
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03/25/2003 02:59:51 AM · #1
Although the Time challenge has not ended yet, I have received 88 votes averaging at 4.7 . I have expected my score to be low, considering I have only had my digital camera for a few weeks- however I am very interested in photography and I would like to know what I could do to make photos better. Out of those 88 votes, only 2 people left comments - please leave comments when voting, I will only use them to make myself better. Many of you have great photographs, and I am sure that is because of much critique.
Much Thanks,

Message edited by author 2003-03-26 13:12:25.
03/25/2003 03:03:52 AM · #2
Hi Summer,
As much is it is annoying to not have many comments with a low-ish score, it is normally policy to wait until the end of the challenge before telling people which photo is yours, as the challenge should be anonymous.

Some people might find saying the the forums which photo is yours is enough reason for them to go back to your photo and lower the score!

I would suggest that you edit your post and remove the title, or, if you like, I can hide this post and you can start a new one up when the challenge is over, next Monday.

03/25/2003 03:15:44 AM · #3
A 4.7 is not that bad of a score to be honest. Many people, myself
included wait until we have voted on the photos, then go back and leave comments.
03/25/2003 03:33:49 AM · #4
How can you see the average score that you've got before voting is over?
03/25/2003 03:42:33 AM · #5
when you visit the DPChallenge Website and you are logged on, to the left you will see " my stats" under that it will tell you how many votes were submitted and your avg. score.
03/25/2003 03:47:10 AM · #6
Personally, I aim at enjoying the photography rather than being concerned about the scoring, but I think one way that you could encourage critique is to ask for the indepth comments of the critique club at the time of entering the challenge. The critique club take their task very seriously and I am sure that you will receive possitive criticism from them.

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