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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Transitions
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 30, (reverse)
04/15/2002 03:04:04 AM · #1
This is a great topic! I already have a page of ideas ... just getting to them will be the deciding factor! Good luck to all!
04/15/2002 06:28:04 AM · #2
i think i get the topic.. but i am not sure.. can someone elaborate on it?
04/15/2002 06:30:44 AM · #3
This is off the subject, but AnAUTiger what is your connection to Auburn Baseball? I'm just curious since my husband is friends with the pitching coach.
04/15/2002 06:59:29 AM · #4
English is not my first language, but I'm not quite sure what transitions should mean in photographic terms... could somebody give me an example to help me grok it?
04/15/2002 07:29:03 AM · #5
ice melting to a puddle of water or water boiling into steam.
04/15/2002 07:44:23 AM · #6
Main Entry: tran·si·tion

1 a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : CHANGE b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another
2 a : a musical modulation b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another
3 : an abrupt change in energy state or level (as of an atomic nucleus or a molecule) usually accompanied by loss or gain of a single quantum of energy
04/15/2002 07:48:41 AM · #7
Interpretation of TRANSITIONS is the 'guts' of this challenge....
04/15/2002 07:52:15 AM · #8
I'm off to shoot an atom changing energy state ... or maybe I should get a picture of sound :)

Apart from physical transitions like ice to water, caterpillar to butterfly etc, you can also have transitions of colour, light, mood ... first few off the top of my head anyway
04/15/2002 08:13:07 AM · #9
Originally posted by AnAUTiger:
I already have a page of ideas ...
Feel free to send that list this way.

04/15/2002 08:15:33 AM · #10
i hear that

04/15/2002 08:37:26 AM · #11
Other ideas I had

day to night, dark to light, one place to another, baby first steps for boy to man, girl to woman is a bit different, will probably get censored...

Atoms changing state - something catching fire, melting, freezing.

Emotional transitions: happy to sad

Life transitions: weddings, birth, death

Beer to water (seems someone already shot that for the stopped motion challenge)

I don't think throwing out some ideas is too terrible, I have no idea how to shoot most of these anyway :)
04/15/2002 09:53:24 AM · #12
In skateboarding when someone goes of a ramp onto another ramp, this is as well called a transition.
04/15/2002 10:03:02 AM · #13
I can transition from one key to another on guitar but i don't know how to relay that in a photograph... :((
04/15/2002 10:07:05 AM · #14
You guys trying to give away all your ideas? :)

Like jmsetzler says, "Interpretation of TRANSITIONS is the 'guts' of this challenge...."

Good luck!

04/15/2002 10:07:13 AM · #15
This is going to be hard to do and not get markdowns from people not understanding your interpretation. Unless I find a butterfly emerging from a cocoon or a bird hatching this is going to be scary.
04/15/2002 10:09:18 AM · #16
Originally posted by shortredneck:
Unless I find a butterfly emerging from a cocoon or a bird hatching this is going to be scary.

Hey! Thanks for the idea.
04/15/2002 10:10:39 AM · #17
I can go from zero to B%*@$ in a record time but .....

JUST teasing. I am burning my brain for week then get a few hours off before voting and starting over. ~Pushes chair back from table, stands up and mumbles, I am so addicted~

* This message has been edited by the author on 4/15/2002 10:11:59 AM.
04/15/2002 11:31:24 AM · #18
Yes, this should be a very interesting topic. Quite open to interpretation, which makes it all the more interesting. After all, it's not really *all* about winning, but rather about creating, sharing and discovering new and interesting art. Right? Uhhh, RIGHT?!?

With that Stop Motion challenge, I tried a few of the cliche things (driving, cards flying, etc) but could not get any of them to look halfway decent, so I bailed on it. This challenge will be much more tasty.

Yes, this site has quickly become time-sapper No. 1 for me at work. Curses! Very very bad. At least as the admin of our firewall, I can cover my tracks a bit, and hide the appalling amount of time I am spending here...

* This message has been edited by the author on 4/15/2002 11:32:40 AM.
04/15/2002 11:51:58 PM · #19
Originally posted by langdon:
Originally posted by AnAUTiger:
[i]I already have a page of ideas ...

Feel free to send that list this way.


Langdon ... like you NEED help ...
04/16/2002 05:11:45 AM · #20
Langdon, if you can find the hatchling or butterfly, then you are welcome to it. That's the kind of thing I have looked for my whole life but have never found. I'd love to see an entry of either of those two subjects.
04/16/2002 07:20:46 AM · #21
Originally posted by Moondoggie:
Yes, this should be a very interesting topic. Quite open to interpretation, which makes it all the more interesting. After all, it's not really *all* about winning, but rather about creating, sharing and discovering new and interesting art. Right? Uhhh, RIGHT?!?

With that Stop Motion challenge, I tried a few of the cliche things (driving, cards flying, etc) but could not get any of them to look halfway decent, so I bailed on it. This challenge will be much more tasty.

Yes, this site has quickly become time-sapper No. 1 for me at work. Curses! Very very bad. At least as the admin of our firewall, I can cover my tracks a bit, and hide the appalling amount of time I am spending here..

Wish I was the admin of our firewall, luckily I work in I.T. though and my boss is pretty cool as well as the server admin...so as long as I get my work done they cut me some slack... whew!
04/16/2002 08:12:00 AM · #22
i feel kinda young, me still being in school and all. but this is a fun way to pass the time on the boring classes, thinking about what to photograph. and also, the transitions challenge seems a little easier then the motion, would should make it better for use beginners.
04/16/2002 08:32:26 AM · #23
Originally posted by faerieaeone:
[Wish I was the admin of our firewall, luckily I work in I.T. though and my boss is pretty cool as well as the server admin...so as long as I get my work done they cut me some slack... whew!

Same here. My immediate supervisor spends a lot of his time sleeping, drinking Cokes, and taking smoke breaks. Between all of that and watching his own back, he could care less what I do. It has been real slow the past few months so all of my work gets done. I guess that's the main thing anyway.
04/16/2002 09:34:16 AM · #24
Originally posted by Chrommonky:
i feel kinda young, me still being in school and all. but this is a fun way to pass the time on the boring classes, thinking about what to photograph. and also, the transitions challenge seems a little easier then the motion, would should make it better for use beginners.

So, I hate to date myself and all, but do you have computer access full time in school? Like sitting at your desk listening to a lecture, browsing the web kind of access??
04/16/2002 09:56:46 AM · #25
It would seem to me this challenge is more one for the mind than the camera...just capturing a transition would be easy once you have decided what a transition really is! I am looking forward to seeing the submissions and how our minds work! :)
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