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09/06/2002 01:28:19 PM · #1 |
Do not want to spoil the mood .. fruits or veggies seems to be straitght, I have not seen the question yet. What definition do we take for 'fruit or vegetable' ? From my searches .. I did not find a definition except that ..... 'Vegetable' is a 'grocery store term'. So .. is everything you find in the vegetable section a vegetable ? Is a mushroom a vegetable ? Lionel
09/06/2002 01:36:03 PM · #2 |
Here's a pretty handy tip... In the produce section there are many things you would consider a fruit or a veggie. A good rule of thumb is if its seeds are on the inside, it's a fruit (with the exception of strawberries). So things like cantaloupe, grapes, (yes even cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers even if they seem like veggies are technically fruit) also things like peaches, watermelon, anything with a pit at the centre is a fruit. Vegetables are things like carrots, anything that's a root (also like beets, radishes, parsnips, onions) Broccoli and cauliflower are also veggies and mushrooms are veggies too.
Hope that helped.
* This message has been edited by the author on 9/6/2002 1:35:00 PM. |
09/06/2002 01:43:02 PM · #3 |
A FRUIT is a person who doesn't have much common sense....
A VEGGIE is a person who has lost control of all bodily functions...
09/06/2002 01:43:55 PM · #4 |
that help, because usually you have a definition of what is a fruit : "a fruit is the ripened ovary of a flower" (encarta) but .. that does not tell about what is a vegetable ... I would have thought about the mushroom as a vegetable .. but now .. I am wondering .... For vegetable, encarta says "Vegetable, the edible product of a herbaceous plant—that is, a plant with a soft stem, as distinguished from the edible nuts and fruits produced by plants with woody stems such as shrubs and trees."
09/06/2002 01:44:53 PM · #5 |
now John .. you're a big helper !!! Are you going to do a self portrait ? ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-);-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) juste to be sure, 2 more lines ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
09/06/2002 01:46:13 PM · #6 |
Originally posted by lionelm: now John .. you're a big helper !!! Are you going to do a self portrait ? ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-);-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) juste to be sure, 2 more lines ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
I could do a self portrait because i fall into both categories :)
09/06/2002 01:47:36 PM · #7 |
seriously .. should I be afraid of a 'not meet the challenge' with a mushroom ? A french fruit
09/06/2002 01:48:55 PM · #8 |
Would it be okay to suggest a fruit/veg but not to actually include one? If you know what I mean...
EG, on a freit ship, a big huge pile of boxes with "BANANA'S: THIS WAY UP ^" on the side. Transporting them abroad.
09/06/2002 01:50:55 PM · #9 |
oh my god ... we just opened the "can of worms" ....
"Photograph a fruit. Photograph a vegetable. Photograph a fruit and a vegetable. Photograph as few or as many as you like"
I have NO IDEA !!!
09/06/2002 01:54:07 PM · #10 |
oh no! no the
*puts on deep and scary voice*
09/06/2002 01:57:52 PM · #11 |
yeap ... THAT.. one .... Personnal point of view, I did not thought about it but I would accept the banana box (as long as the connection is not too remote). I would not think for example that if you take a picture of a grocery store like 'Giant', it's ok becasue there is vegetable inside.
A photo of the earth do not meet the challenge for me, there is still a LOT of fruits and vegetables there .... he he he
09/06/2002 02:01:30 PM · #12 |
how about a photo of my dog he likes carrots
09/06/2002 02:05:23 PM · #13 |
LOL No that would not work. By the way .. why is your dog is eating carrots, t's suppose to be rabbits. Is your dog getting them from the rabbit by threat, persuasion, charm ?
09/06/2002 02:09:55 PM · #14 |
heh. After my introduction to the interpretation controversies surrounding the candid challenge, I don't think I'd touch mushrooms with a ten foot pole :)
Having said that, if somebody used food-product mushrooms in their entry, I'd personally be inclined to view it favorably as following the spirit of the challenge. Sort of like a vegetable annexation of the fungus kingdom as soon as they enter the kitchen. Then again, maybe that's really misguided... |
09/06/2002 02:10:05 PM · #15 |
why would it be okay for a box that carries bananas but not a store that carries fruits and veggies??? |
09/06/2002 02:11:09 PM · #16 |
Actually my dog eats rabbits but they eat carrots, so the nutriants of the carrot will be passed on.
09/06/2002 02:15:32 PM · #17 |
A mushroom is officially a fungus. Not sure how lienient the voters would be on that one...... photographing a mushroom might be a risk. Are you willing to take that risk? |
09/06/2002 02:19:46 PM · #18 |
So when I get a mushroom in a vegetable soup, or on a veggie pizza, I should send it back?
This is becoming bizarre! |
09/06/2002 02:26:56 PM · #19 |
For the skinny on whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, see this link: Tomato - fruit or vegetable?
09/06/2002 02:30:20 PM · #20 |
I did not followed the link but technically the tomato is a fruit. But for grocery stores it's a 'vegetable'.
For the 'box of banana', 'grocery store' (I was thinking about a picture of a grocery store where you do not see explicitly a fruit' question .. everybody will draw the line somewhere .. but that lead to my 'eearth' question : 'Is a nasa picture of the earth' ok ? No, even if there is vegetable and fruits 'somwhere'. By the way ... that would contain a pencil as well, something new, something old,bla bla bla ...
09/06/2002 02:48:57 PM · #21 |
I can't sleep, so I'm going to stir up some trouble :P
Broccoli and cauliflower are not vegetables or fruits, they're flowers!
Also, be careful with your nomenclature. Being Australian, I don't use the word "pepper" for anything other than the condiment of that name. The hot ones are chillies and the sweet ones are capsicums :). Also, an aubergine is an eggplant, a courgette is a zucchini, a scallion is a spring onion, a sweet potato may or may not be called a kumera, a canteloupe is a rock melon, cilantro is coriander and so are coriander seeds, cummin is pronounced the way it looks (not like "cyoomin"), and I eat pumpkin soup but not pumpkin pie.
09/06/2002 02:56:00 PM · #22 |
that's great Lisa ... look guys .... instead of questioning what is a pepper because of the different 'english' languages across the world .. let's talk french where there is only one language (Quebec people .. please do not show up in the next hour ;-) ;-) )
See those aussies .. they can not sleep .. they disturb the others !! ;-)
09/06/2002 02:59:33 PM · #23 |
And what about corn on the cob? Is that a grain? I will probably judge that any edible plant material will fit the catagory.
Now, do these need to be candid? Or can they be posed?
09/06/2002 03:03:55 PM · #24 |
What sterile discussion!
Bah! |
09/06/2002 04:13:56 PM · #25 |
I would be fine with corn on the cob ! And I liked that discussion personnaly .. talking about the challenge theme in a relaxed way .... (until monday the comments starts to hit the fan ;-) )
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