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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Ever wish you could take back....
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04/01/2003 01:11:34 AM · #1
Ever wish you could take back an entry from a challenge? Boy I wish I could take back my Symmetry entry....

04/01/2003 01:13:09 AM · #2
Originally posted by RLS:

Ever wish you could take back an entry from a challenge? Boy I wish I could take back my Symmetry entry....

I am sure that if you ask nicely, the site council can DQ it for you..

04/01/2003 01:20:42 AM · #3
Originally posted by SharQ:

Originally posted by RLS:

Ever wish you could take back an entry from a challenge? Boy I wish I could take back my Symmetry entry....

I am sure that if you ask nicely, the site council can DQ it for you..


Naaaahhhhhh.... I posted it so I'll live with the low score.... Anyways understanding when an image should be submitted and when an image shouldn't be submitted is all part of the learning process provided by DPC :).

04/01/2003 04:14:57 AM · #4
I wish I could make some people read the challenges properly! From comments, a number of people are looking for symmetrical images, whereas the instruction was to 'use symmetry and balance to compose your photo'. Which is a different thing altogether.

Ed (not ranting really - I should have seen it coming)
04/01/2003 04:29:41 AM · #5
Yeah, I kinda lost faith in my pic right after I clicked the submit button. It doesn't have exact mirroring like most of the entries, but the shot is composed with symmetry and balance though, very obviously.

Message edited by author 2003-04-01 04:37:40.
04/01/2003 06:24:08 AM · #6
Originally posted by e301:

I wish I could make some people read the challenges properly! From comments, a number of people are looking for symmetrical images, whereas the instruction was to 'use symmetry and balance to compose your photo'. Which is a different thing altogether.

Ed (not ranting really - I should have seen it coming)

Thats why I didnt bother submitting anything for the challenge. If I've learnt anything here at DPC, its contempt for some very narrow minded voters out there. This subject seemed guaranteed to bring them out in force.

The other thing I've learnt is respect for some great folks here who submit excellent work week after week.

Now, is black a colour? Or should I play safe and stick to blue?
04/01/2003 06:33:02 AM · #7
Originally posted by UberFish:

Now, is black a colour? Or should I play safe and stick to blue?

From what I remember of high school physics, depends on the model of light you're using. If it's the additive model (pigments) then black is a combination of all other colours, if you're using the subtractive model (light) then it's an absence of colour.

I may have those the wrong way round, but I think the upshot is, it doesn't matter :-)
04/01/2003 10:29:36 AM · #8
Originally posted by RLS:

Ever wish you could take back an entry from a challenge? Boy I wish I could take back my Symmetry entry....

Yeah I know what you mean. This was my first challenge. I spent 2 hours in a thunderstorm, waiting for the oppertunity to get the shot. Get home (looking like a drown rat I might add), edit said image and create 2 versions. One going to my blog, and the other for DPC. The one for my blog was smaller in size. So of course, guess which one I uploaded? :)

*good natured grumble* A whole week of being told bigger is better. C'est la vie! As for the question about black, I personally would consider it color, but there's voters out there who would probably mark you down.
04/01/2003 12:01:04 PM · #9
Is black a colour? All light, or absence of light, is colour really.

I've thought about submitting a pic to be caled 'shades of grey' just to be perverse.

04/01/2003 01:31:32 PM · #10
Uberfish: Black is the presents of ALL colors..White is absence of All color. Seems to me it's a wide open field of interpetation. GO FOR IT!!!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...lol
04/01/2003 03:38:12 PM · #11
I'm not to overly crazy about my entry this week either. I was visiting my parents out of town for the weekend and almost didn't even bother with the challenge. My step-dad's computer does not have the internet or email and he only has a very old computer with a 640x480 monitor (Warning, do not attemp to increase the screen resolution when it is already as high as it can go. Let's just say it wasn't easy to 'fix' it again). Anyway, I did end up taking an interesting photo and thought I would try somehow to upload it. The driver for my camera was already loaded on the computer so I was able to download my images and edit them while not being entirely sure if they were even sharp or if the colors were even accurate. I edited several images and then dug up an old floppy disk to record to because the computer doesn't have a cd burner. Then we took the disk over to my parent's friend's home to see if we could upload an image from there. Initially, I couldn't even explain to the man what a floppy was but we discovered that his zip drive could probably read it. It turns out that they have a pretty new Imac computer and it was able to read the floppy disk and with their speedy 33kbps dialup connection we successfully uploaded the image. And that's how I managed to get my image up to the site. I can't remember the last time I used a floppy disk but I'm sure glad that it was still available. I felt a little silly in that it became sort of a big thing but my parents and their friends were pretty entertained by the whole thing and enjoyed seeing some of my photos. Even though it is a fairly average photo in quality I was feeling compelled to submit this week and once I got my parents and their friend's involved I didn't really feel like backing out. I kept trying to tell myself that maybe the photo looks really, really good on my screen at home.


Message edited by author 2003-04-01 15:42:42.
04/01/2003 05:40:08 PM · #12
Originally posted by sherryk471:

Uberfish: Black is the presents of ALL colors..White is absence of All color. Seems to me it's a wide open field of interpetation. GO FOR IT!!!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...lol

Unless of course you are working in stage lighting, where I can say quite comfortably that black is the absence of colour - and can lead to the absence of the show! :-)

Blemt - No offence but the ability to preview your image after uploading it is there for a very good reason. It's all too easy to select the wrong image to upload sometimes. Just this week I had to wait five minutes whilst it tried to upload my image... "Gee it's slow" I'm thinking. Then I realised I had selected the Photoshop format image instead of the JPG.
04/01/2003 05:52:33 PM · #13
I submitted this week. Then 20 minutes later unsubmitted my photo. Weird - I felt compelled to do it, wasn't happy at all.
04/01/2003 06:04:17 PM · #14
i also had doubts when i posted my photo for symmetry because i was really curious about how open minded are the voters here... my picture got low grades so far but i'm not sure if to blame it on the voters or on me...anyway, i'm happy to see that not everybody stuck to the mathemathical sense of symmetry and i'm really curious to see the winners.

timj: hehe.. i use floppy disks everyday!
04/01/2003 06:09:05 PM · #15
Yup. There was one particular challenge that I was so embarrassed by my entry I wanted to hide. :( The scars are healing though. :0)
04/01/2003 06:12:04 PM · #16
Originally posted by UberFish:

Now, is black a colour? Or should I play safe and stick to blue?

One of my ideas for a shot was of a black animal using its color as camoflage (sp?) on a black night. But I guess that would be like taking a picture of a white castle during a snow storm.

On the other hand, I've seen what some of our skilled photographers can do with subtle shades. I can't remember who took it, but I very much enjoyed her shot of a snowy patch of ground with only subtle shading. Then again, is white a color?

04/01/2003 08:02:09 PM · #17
Originally posted by sherryk471:

Uberfish: Black is the presents of ALL colors..White is absence of All color. Seems to me it's a wide open field of interpetation. GO FOR IT!!!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...lol

If you split white light w/ a prism you get the entire spectrum,
so white light is made up of all colors. Black is the absence of light and color.
04/02/2003 09:13:07 PM · #18
Forgetting physics for a moment, when we're talking about photography, isn't there a common distinction between "color" and "black and white"? So, wouldn't a color challenge imply other than black and/or white? "Photograph anything you like, but make color the most important element of your photo." Not A color (black, white or otherwise), but color - I would interpret this as implying either in it's brilliance or abundance. Also, something where the color ties into the message or story of the picture - a stupidly simple example might be a stop sign, where the red is imporatant to the meaning of the sign. (Oops, hope nobody is using that one...) That opens up lots of room for creativity (which many here seem to be yearning for). Doing something black isn't creative, it's contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Borrrrring.

Honestly, I've been catching up on some of the posts for the last couple of weeks, and it seems kind of anal to get stuck on "being different" just for the sake of being different, or artsy, or whatever, instead of focusing on trying to take good pictures. Seems to me like what stands out is a good photo that lives within the spirit of the theme.

I dunno, maybe I'm just simple minded.... (go on, it's a lob, take your best shot... ;-) )

(And, btw, not to be harsh - I won't name names - but when looking at the photos of some of the people who have complained during recent competitions that their scores were low because people were being too literal or narrow in their interpretation of the theme, _some_ may have just had low scores because their pictures weren't all that good.)
04/03/2003 08:16:39 AM · #19

Blemt - No offence but the ability to preview your image after uploading it is there for a very good reason. It's all too easy to select the wrong image to upload sometimes. Just this week I had to wait five minutes whilst it tried to upload my image... "Gee it's slow" I'm thinking. Then I realised I had selected the Photoshop format image instead of the JPG.

Oh I know. :) I'll just chalk it up to excitement over my first challenge. ;) And actually as I look at the bigger image, I see that posting the runt wasn't such a bad idea. Apparently my focusing skills weren't as sharp as needed if you'll pardon the pun. Live and learn.
04/03/2003 08:31:23 AM · #20
Originally posted by ScottK:

"Photograph anything you like, but make color the most important element of your photo." Not A color (black, white or otherwise), but color - I would interpret this as implying either in it's brilliance or abundance.

Actually, I don't infer either brilliance or abundance from the challenge. I see the IMPORTANCE of the color as the most significant factor of the challenge. "Important" does not necessarily mean brilliance or abundance. Take, for example, some kind of lizard whose colors are muted and look like tree bark. A well done shot of this lizard ON the tree bark might be muted, but color's importance might be very well communicated.
04/03/2003 08:48:13 AM · #21
And how color is used to compose the shot - creating color balance, interesting contrasts etc.
04/03/2003 07:25:12 PM · #22
Originally posted by dsidwell:

I see the IMPORTANCE of the color as the most significant factor of the challenge.

That's what I talked about in the next sentence. "Also, something where the color ties into the message or story of the picture..." (Maybe not as well stated as you put it, but that's what I meant...) And, the more I thought about this yesterday, the more I leaned in that direction as being the more creative, if not better, interpretation.

But I still hold to the opinion that a black subject doesn't fit the challenge, which was my main point.

Beside the one between my ears. :-)
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