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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I need some smart ass, yet, educated responses
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 111, (reverse)
06/22/2006 07:38:41 AM · #76
film has it's place
just those places are getting hard to find ..

06/22/2006 08:11:46 AM · #77
Film? Geeze, my grandmother talks about using that back in the day! I didn't know they still sold it!
06/22/2006 08:19:49 AM · #78
Try something like: Yeah but at least I can stay home and makup pictures with photoshop when it's cold outside.
06/22/2006 08:53:25 AM · #79
Tell the story of the film photographer who asked Picasso why he bothered to paint when photos were so much more realistic. Picasso asked to see a photo and the photographer showed him a picture of his wife that was in his wallet. Picasso asked, "your wife is only three inches tall?"

then as they are trying to figure out what your story means, kick them in the shins and run away!
06/22/2006 08:55:53 AM · #80
What do you care? People who slag off digital usually have insecurity issues about being behind the times. People who know anything about professional photography don't have a problem with it.
06/22/2006 08:59:03 AM · #81
Originally posted by superdave:

I think digital has made everyone and there mom into a photographer.The majority of people in this forum would not be taking pictures if it was film. Now all you have to do is push a few buttons in photoshop and you are done.Most people would not sit in the darkroom for hours and hours processing pictures.

I would do it if I could still do it. all my old darkroom equiptment is sitting in my shed. not becasue I dont want to use it really badly but because I dont have a room to do it in. Digital just makes it easier and also possible for me to do color and not just black and white but in all honestly nothing has ever made me as happy as spending 12 hours in my darkroom "creating" and thinking only an hour has passed. Photoshop has nothing on the darkroom. Its just so much easier.
06/22/2006 09:06:33 AM · #82
Originally posted by a1leyez0nm3:

burps.. film doesnt taste as good as chips

i shoot film.. with my 30-06 for trap shooting

Holy crap! What shooting range do you belong to?! Hope it's not within a couple miles of my house!!!
06/22/2006 09:31:38 AM · #83
No smart ass response. Just an illustration.
06/22/2006 09:38:19 AM · #84
I know a lot of film people who consider my Canon 5D a 'toy' camera.

In the end it's about the photograph and not the medium. However, I would have *loved* having 8x10 large format film quality on my prints. It's another world. But I don't have the money, patience or muscles to shoot large format yet.

I'm guessing digital will surpass film quality within 2-3 years, both the PhaseOne P45 digital back and the new 39MP H2D from Hasselblad gives large format a run for the money. Soon they will bypass it, then digital will own the quality-side of photography :-)

06/22/2006 09:40:27 AM · #85
I was in Yosemite about a month ago, and among the sea of Canon and Nikon dslr's there was the occasional 4x5 view camera and I saw at least one 8x10 large format during the trip there. What really impressed me was that 2 of those were guys in their young 20's, off to the side by themself, taking their time setting everything up and not rushing a shot, making sure everything was just right before releasing the shutter. I didn't get to talk to them, but gave them a very respectful aknowledgement as I walked by.
06/22/2006 09:51:29 AM · #86
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I point my shotgun at them and say "Don't you think it's preferrable over 12 gauge?"

...then I burn their village.

06/22/2006 09:52:57 AM · #87
Originally posted by Count:

Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I point my shotgun at them and say "Don't you think it's preferrable over 12 gauge?"

...then I burn their village.

edit to add illustration (credit: TomFoolery)...

I wonder if I'm the only person that sees this picture and thinks...

Shop smart, shop S-MART.

gimme some sugar, baby!
06/22/2006 09:55:33 AM · #88
Tsk, tsk... amateur smartasses!

"I'm a very experienced photographer, but I see you're still developing..."

Show them your LCD screen "Now here's a good shot. Let's see yours. Oh, right. Well, send me a letter someday when you find out how they look (I assume it will be handwritten)."

Oh, cooool! Do you still pluck your own chickens too?"

"Hey! I saw a camera just like that at a flea market last week, but I didn't have change for a dollar."

"I admire your courage. Most people would be too embarrassed to admit they still use film. Good for you!"

"If I still shot film, I'd keep my photos in a dark room, too."

"My uncle used to shoot film. Of course, he also used to have a rotary phone, wear plaid polyester suits, and drive a Pacer. Ah, those were the days."

"Oooh... Moldachrome. Isn't that like a Polaroid that you have to wait for?"

"Some day your prints will come."

"Your ignorance is overexposed."

"Did that camera come with a bag to put over your head, or was it optional?"
06/22/2006 10:02:41 AM · #89
LOL Those are great, scalvert!
06/22/2006 10:04:14 AM · #90
i don't have to drive to the mall and wait an hour for my photos to know I've screwed up.
With digital, I can be assured I've screwed up right away.
06/22/2006 10:17:38 AM · #91
Originally posted by crayon:

Originally posted by eschelar:

I like the idea of FPChallenge... The one thing about it is that instead of having a challenge every week, you would end up with a challenge every 3 months... :)

OK, I went out and bought a roll of ISO200 fuji film. How do I get this thing to work on my camera? ROTFLMAO

Oh yeah, I found a roll of that once... Couldn't figure out why it only had one ISO speed though... (then proceed to throw the camera into ISO selection mode and roll the wheel back and forth from ISO 100 to 3200 a couple of times...

Cool huh?

Hey, is it true that you have to keep your film in the fridge? What happens if it falls in the stew pot? What does ketchup look like on the exposure? How about Thousand Island?

Of course guys shooting the new Sony Alpha will just look at them and go: You can only have one ISO in one frame? Mine adjusts it automatically... Don't even need flash half the time anymore...
06/22/2006 10:18:58 AM · #92
Originally posted by Elmakias:

I was wondering what you guys say to people who give you a hard time for shooting digital?

My other cars a Dodge. :D
06/22/2006 11:22:30 AM · #93
I still have a disc camera from 198x, and a brand new unopened disc of film in it, do you think Target could process that for me?

I like to use the analogy of "at one time we all took ink, scribbled on paper, went down to the local saloon and nailed our message to a tree, but now we have messageboards, better faster and quicker results."

Message edited by author 2006-06-22 11:26:09.
06/22/2006 11:32:40 AM · #94
Originally posted by boomtap:

I still have a disc camera from 198x, and a brand new unopened disc of film in it, do you think Target could process that for me?

I like to use the analogy of "at one time we all took ink, scribbled on paper, went down to the local saloon and nailed our message to a tree, but now we have messageboards, better faster and quicker results."

That reminds me. I just recently threw out a disc camera with film in it. it was from high school though and a friend of mine and a couple of his friends all took pictures of thier "boy parts". lol and handed the camera back to me. I never had the balls(no pun intended) to get those developed so i threw it away recently because i dont remember what other pictures were on the disc but at this point even if they did turn out at 26 I really DONT want to see teenage boy penis. lol
06/22/2006 11:49:30 AM · #95
On our last vacation, my wife, friends, and I planned to do some scuba diving, so I bought an inexpensive 35mm underwater camera and a few rolls of film. I used up two of the 24 exposure rolls taking shots of my wife’s first scuba dive. We also took hundreds of ‘above water’ shots with our digital cameras. I finished editing all of the digital shots within a few days time. It’s been several months now and the rolls of film are still sitting on the counter waiting to be developed.

06/22/2006 11:49:33 AM · #96
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Originally posted by a1leyez0nm3:

burps.. film doesnt taste as good as chips

i shoot film.. with my 30-06 for trap shooting

Holy crap! What shooting range do you belong to?! Hope it's not within a couple miles of my house!!!

!! Isn't film on the list of endangered species?
06/22/2006 11:55:26 AM · #97
Originally posted by saintaugust:

i don't have to drive to the mall and wait an hour for my photos to know I've screwed up.
With digital, I can be assured I've screwed up right away.

06/22/2006 11:55:28 AM · #98
Originally posted by Elmakias:

Everyone know's that there are still people that use tradtitional non digital cameras. And personally, i have gotten alot of crap for "cheating" and editing my pictures too much, or even jsut a little bit. I know im not alone...I was wondering what you guys say to people who give you a hard time for shooting digital?
: )

I don't tell them until they're done raving about what a fabulous photo I've taken that their film SLR with fancy lenses lost a ribbon to a 2-5mp point and shoot. They usually shut up rather quickly after that.
06/22/2006 11:55:44 AM · #99
Originally posted by Aghris:

!! Isn't film on the list of endangered species?

Dodos aren't really extinct, they just shoot film and rarely emerge from their dark rooms. ;-)
06/22/2006 12:01:20 PM · #100
Originally posted by saintaugust:

i don't have to drive to the mall and wait an hour for my photos to know I've screwed up.
With digital, I can be assured I've screwed up right away.

You can screw up with digital???
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