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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Bokeh II
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 83, (reverse)
06/23/2006 03:31:51 PM · #51
Originally posted by specialk0783:

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

What an ignorant statement. What happened to judging every picture on its merits? Great photos, of any subject, should be applauded.

And no, my own entry is not a flower shot, nor have I entered one in a challenge yet. Only because I am not yet able to do them justice.
06/23/2006 03:33:30 PM · #52
I thought this put it bluntly into perspective...:-)

"I am thankful that the good God creates us all ignorant. I am glad that when we change His plans in this regard, we have to do it at our own risk. It is a gratification to me to know that I am ignorant of art, and ignorant also of surgery. Because people who understand art find nothing in pictures but blemishes, and surgeons and anatomists see no beautiful women in all their lives, but only a ghastly stack of bones with Latin names to them, and a network of nerves and muscles and tissues inflamed by disease. The very point in a picture that fascinates me with its beauty, is to the cultured artist a monstrous crime against the laws of coloring; and the very flush that charms me in a lovely face, is, to the critical surgeon, nothing but a sign hung out to advertise a decaying lung. Accursed be all such knowledge. I want none of it."

Mark Twain

Originally posted by rubienne:

Originally posted by specialk0783:

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

What an ignorant statement. What happened to judging every picture on its merits? Great photos, of any subject, should be applauded.

And no, my own entry is not a flower shot, nor have I entered one in a challenge yet. Only because I am not yet able to do them justice.

Message edited by author 2006-06-23 15:34:00.
06/23/2006 05:44:07 PM · #53
Originally posted by specialk0783:

There were some great flower shots...HOWEVER, when I vote, much of my vote is whether or not the challenge aspects were achieved, and HOW ORIGINAL THE PICTURE IS!

When you jump on the flower bandwagon, all you tell people is that you have pretty much ZERO creativity.

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

Master painters could remake the Mona Lisa, but if there was an art portrait contest and 50 painters entered their version of the mona lisa, how do you think that would be taken? I find it quite rediculous that in a challenge with so many possibilities, over half of the entries were flowers. That really caused me to vote low.

Well if you hang around long enough, you get to see it all.
I feel so ashamed. I now realize my failings. Thank you Specialk for your well thought out insight and perhaps in the future I could count on you to provide some mentorship to those of us who lack the creativity you so obviously possess and display.
I entered a flower shot. They've always been my forte... enter them every challenge. Oh and you're a DICK!
Now go to your room befor you get a spanking.
S.C. Edit if you want, suspend if you have to. But my comment stands.
06/23/2006 05:52:07 PM · #54
Originally posted by specialk0783:

There were some great flower shots...HOWEVER, when I vote, much of my vote is whether or not the challenge aspects were achieved, and HOW ORIGINAL THE PICTURE IS!

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

Okay, I try keep my cool in here, but this one just made me angry.

This is a site with and for all levels of photographic skill and experience and all qualities of equipment. We aren't all pros with topnotch gear! Many of the technical challenges lend themselves naturally to certain types of shots. For "Refraction" we can expect lots of curved glass and water drops. For "Bokeh", flowers. Why?

Because if have a point and shoot, no extra lenses, you need to put your background a fair distance away from your subject, as far as I know. Hence, outdoor shots. Hence, flowers! When you're trying a technique for the first time you don't need to be worrying about whether your subject will fly away before you have time to prepare, or a myriad of other creative details that come fairly naturally as you gain experience.

Maybe I'm wrong about the background distance, but that's another of my points. Many of us are just learning, and DON'T know it all! When it's a technical challenge we're working hard on the technique. Yes, we want to make it a generally appealing shot, but sometimes we just can't do it ALL.

To generalise and mark everyone using a certain subject the same low score no matter what quality the photo is totally unfair and, IMO, elitist. All I can see it achieving is to discourage and possibly drive away those who have little experience but an eagerness to learn and improve.

And yes, I AM speaking personally here. I've only been a registered user for a few months and a member even less time, but I have learned an amazing amount and I think my entries reflect that. I did NOT enter a flower shot in this challenge, so it's not just sour grapes that you gave me a 3 whether my shot was technically good AND aesthetically pleasing. I'm just disturbed by what I see as a very narrow-minded and petty scoring method.
06/23/2006 05:56:08 PM · #55

06/23/2006 06:02:27 PM · #56
Originally posted by specialk0783:

There were some great flower shots...HOWEVER, when I vote, much of my vote is whether or not the challenge aspects were achieved, and HOW ORIGINAL THE PICTURE IS!

When you jump on the flower bandwagon, all you tell people is that you have pretty much ZERO creativity.

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

Master painters could remake the Mona Lisa, but if there was an art portrait contest and 50 painters entered their version of the mona lisa, how do you think that would be taken? I find it quite rediculous that in a challenge with so many possibilities, over half of the entries were flowers. That really caused me to vote low.
In the first 25 yers of the cameras invention pretty much everything that could be photographed was... since then everything else has been photographed... a rediculous amount of times... there is no possible way to photograph something truly original since it's all been done before, The only thing you can do is try to get an original or at least seldom used interpretation. Simply put, no one can take a photo of something that has never been photographed before.. unless of course you plan on moving to a different planet.. so basically, grow up I personally find portaits boring and unoriginal, but if I see one that's well done I will vote it accordingly.
06/23/2006 06:05:11 PM · #57
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Lol, I hope I didn't scare you toooo badly, Leroy. I really don't bite! (well, unless you want me to....)
06/23/2006 06:07:19 PM · #58
Originally posted by BeeCee:

Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Lol, I hope I didn't scare you toooo badly, Leroy. I really don't bite! (well, unless you want me to....)

Nah, really I just dropped my popcorn behind the couch and was looking for it..really :-)
06/23/2006 06:08:45 PM · #59
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Originally posted by BeeCee:

Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Lol, I hope I didn't scare you toooo badly, Leroy. I really don't bite! (well, unless you want me to....)

Nah, really I just dropped my popcorn behind the couch and was looking for it..really :-)

Okay, get back on the couch, share that popcorn with me, and we'll watch the rest of the show together :)
06/23/2006 06:57:11 PM · #60
IMHO, floral photos are an acquired skill, as much as glamour and nudes. Composing a flower photo in a garden, with the best lighting and DOF, background, and as few distractions as possible, takes contemplation and experience. It is, like food photography, a specialist area. Considering it is flower season in the Northern Hemisphere, that some of the best examples of Bokeh I have seen are set in gardens, I think the many learning experiences we have seen in this challenge are justified. Indeed, learning was going on. It is a bit of hard work going through so many images to grade each justly and then, if possible or if inspired, to add a comment. But IMO the floral and natural subjects submitted did look like some effort was made on the part of the photographer.... In other words, photograph what comes to mind, don't be put off by critiques. Critiques are hyenas with pens ;-)
06/23/2006 07:15:30 PM · #61
The voice of wisdom:
Originally posted by pineapple:

IMHO, floral photos are an acquired skill, as much as glamour and nudes. Composing a flower photo in a garden, with the best lighting and DOF, background, and as few distractions as possible, takes contemplation and experience. It is, like food photography, a specialist area. Considering it is flower season in the Northern Hemisphere, that some of the best examples of Bokeh I have seen are set in gardens, I think the many learning experiences we have seen in this challenge are justified. Indeed, learning was going on. It is a bit of hard work going through so many images to grade each justly and then, if possible or if inspired, to add a comment. But IMO the floral and natural subjects submitted did look like some effort was made on the part of the photographer.... In other words, photograph what comes to mind, don't be put off by critiques. Critiques are hyenas with pens ;-)

The voice of youth:
Originally posted by specialk0783:

When you jump on the flower bandwagon, all you tell people is that you have pretty much ZERO creativity.

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.
06/23/2006 07:31:06 PM · #62
Originally posted by specialk0783:

There were some great flower shots...HOWEVER, when I vote, much of my vote is whether or not the challenge aspects were achieved, and HOW ORIGINAL THE PICTURE IS!

When you jump on the flower bandwagon, all you tell people is that you have pretty much ZERO creativity.

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

Master painters could remake the Mona Lisa, but if there was an art portrait contest and 50 painters entered their version of the mona lisa, how do you think that would be taken? I find it quite rediculous that in a challenge with so many possibilities, over half of the entries were flowers. That really caused me to vote low.

what if it was a picture of a car? a tree? a bird? or something else you feel has been photographed too much?

i agree some flower shots are mundane and unoriginal. but there's ways to make any subject original. have a bit more of an open mind.

06/23/2006 07:32:54 PM · #63
Originally posted by specialk0783:

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

Everyone has their own voting strategy.

Pssst... you might want to keep yours to yourself. LOL!
06/23/2006 08:13:17 PM · #64
Originally posted by stdavidson:

Originally posted by specialk0783:

I gave all the flower entries a 3, whether they were good or not, because I felt that the lack of originality severely kills the greatness of their shot.

Everyone has their own voting strategy.

Pssst... you might want to keep yours to yourself. LOL!

Yeah .. the poor chap is trying to explain why he gives 3 and everyone's jumping him. It just makes everyone else not want to share their voting method/comments. Then we can go back to our regularly scheduled .."why did I get a 1/2/3 without a comment" discussion.

06/23/2006 08:43:11 PM · #65
Arrggghh...I am going through all my photos from the holidays and I just found the perfect Bokeh image...with foreground and background bokeh, incredible colour and detail....and it was during the specified time....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
06/23/2006 09:08:35 PM · #66
Originally posted by specialk0783:

Just a quick question.

Does "Bokeh" mean "Flower" in French?

No, but many a fleur has an appealing bouquet.
06/23/2006 09:34:32 PM · #67
You have to take the comments with a grain of salt.

I have 6 comments, 5 of which were very positive, yet I just got one saying composition is poor, lighting is harsh, and the bokeh area is disturbing!

Another suggested I write a book on bokeh!

Go figure...

In any event a good picture is a good picture, flower or not.

my 2 cents
06/23/2006 10:00:35 PM · #68
Originally posted by spaceman spiff:

This isn't directed at you necessarily, but I think criticism of this challenge is interesting... while I think that there are a lot of pictures with bad to no bokeh, I keep hearing, "this picture is/ is not bokeh" - I don't think a picture IS or ISN'T bokeh, I just think some have a good or bad use of bokeh.

Does that make sense?

That does make sense... I didnt want to vote on this one...but with this point of view I think Ill go ahead and give it a shot. :)
06/23/2006 10:27:24 PM · #69
It took 4 days, and in parts it was painful, but I have voted Bokeh II. Was it just me or did we have some people shoot for one of the other challanges, miss the date, and just stick them in this category?
06/23/2006 10:44:28 PM · #70
Originally posted by Judi:

Arrggghh...I am going through all my photos from the holidays and I just found the perfect Bokeh image...with foreground and background bokeh, incredible colour and detail....and it was during the specified time....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I see the battle of what is bokeh continues... Well let us see this "perfect" image! We are all curious. It could resolve the whole issue. LOL! Besides, I like good pictures for whatever reason. :)
06/23/2006 11:11:21 PM · #71
A quick look in your portfolio shows you have also jumped on the flower bandwagon. I guess you werent feeling very creative that day.

You seemed to be much more inspired shooting 4 photos of the same dog.

Originally posted by specialk0783:

When you jump on the flower bandwagon, all you tell people is that you have pretty much ZERO creativity.
06/23/2006 11:28:26 PM · #72
Originally posted by stdavidson:

Originally posted by Judi:

Arrggghh...I am going through all my photos from the holidays and I just found the perfect Bokeh image...with foreground and background bokeh, incredible colour and detail....and it was during the specified time....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I see the battle of what is bokeh continues... Well let us see this "perfect" image!

... but after the voting's over please.
06/24/2006 02:33:03 AM · #73
Wow! I just got dose of specialk! Somebody wanna tell the boy that if he votes 251 images a 3 that his votes may not count. Or would you rather I did that....oh...I guess I just did. ;)!

Message edited by author 2006-06-24 02:47:46.
06/24/2006 04:13:47 AM · #74
Originally posted by stdavidson:

Originally posted by Judi:

Arrggghh...I am going through all my photos from the holidays and I just found the perfect Bokeh image...with foreground and background bokeh, incredible colour and detail....and it was during the specified time....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I see the battle of what is bokeh continues... Well let us see this "perfect" image! We are all curious. It could resolve the whole issue. LOL! Besides, I like good pictures for whatever reason. :)

I can't. Unless they have changed the rules we cannot discuss/show specific images similiar to current challenges until the challenge is finished. If this has changed can an SC let me know and then I will upload it for you to see.
06/24/2006 04:14:20 AM · #75
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by stdavidson:

Originally posted by Judi:

Arrggghh...I am going through all my photos from the holidays and I just found the perfect Bokeh image...with foreground and background bokeh, incredible colour and detail....and it was during the specified time....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I see the battle of what is bokeh continues... Well let us see this "perfect" image!

... but after the voting's over please.

Oh...they just did...gee...that was quick...lmao!
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