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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Can I just give up?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 46, (reverse)
07/05/2006 01:00:19 AM · #1
It's late, and I'm always more emotional when it's late, but.... I'm really not happy. I got in the 11th percentile for a shot that I worked so very, very hard to get. It may be unconventional but I didn't think it was horrible. But then, "I didn't think it was horrible" is what everybody always says.

I know I've got those resolutions in my profile that say I'm more concerned about learning than about placement and such, but.... it is really hard not to be discouraged right now.

I might take a break from entries and just work on my portfolio some. I'm not actually going to give up for real... I just feel like it.

07/05/2006 01:03:26 AM · #2
I actually quite like the one you entered for abstract macro. Urban myths seems to always be a difficult challenge for alot of people.
07/05/2006 01:03:55 AM · #3
I understand the feeling totally. Sometimes we put so much of ourselves into our work that it's hard to see it score poorer than we'd expected. Hang in there, one of these days a shot you don't think is all that great will skyrocket, then it's alllllll worth it :)
07/05/2006 01:04:28 AM · #4
Originally posted by klstover:

I might take a break from entries and just work on my portfolio some.

I recently got some really nice feedback about a series of pics I posted, so maybe I just do better when I can be creative on my own, rather than for a challenge. That doesn't have to mean I suck at photography, right? Heh.
07/05/2006 01:04:31 AM · #5
Even though the overall score was low, 4 voters did give it a 10.

Chin up and keep shooting. ;o)
07/05/2006 01:05:07 AM · #6
conformity is such a double-edged sword

You don't conform and you are shunned by the masses

You conform and you feel like you've sold out your vision

I go back and forth on this all the time - particularly when I enter challenges. I think there is good to be had on both sides of this. If conforming ain't doin it for you right now, I would suggest going off and working on your own style.

Maybe people on another photo web site mocked Dragan when he entered their challenges, so he perfected his look and got famous!

Don't take it too seriously - if you love the shot, if a part of you is in it, it has inherent beauty.
07/05/2006 01:07:12 AM · #7
cheer up - left a comment
07/05/2006 01:13:41 AM · #8
Thanks crayon - I left a comment to your comment.

Everyone - thank you as well...
I hate to sound like a score-obsessed jerk. I know that there is a bigger perspective that is more important but it helps so much to hear it from others as well... so thanks for the kind words. :-)
07/05/2006 01:19:05 AM · #9
Most of us go through low times at some point or another. It's so funny, in a way, because we all want to be creative, and express what we see, feel and think in our own unique ways. Yet we want the approval of others. We all need to be ourselves, yet we also need others to notice and "like" what we do.

Sometimes, taking a break is a good idea.
Sometiems it helps to just sleep on it.
And sometimes, I don't know, it helps to just look around, try new things, enjoy what you're doing. Sort of like, "Ah, the world around me is so full of beautiful and interesting things, how can I show this beauty that I see to others."

I don't know. This is probably not going to help you. But I wish I could give you a hug and say, "Your ducky picture (Golden Babies) is really, really beautiful!". Keep going :)

07/05/2006 01:25:09 AM · #10
And remember, an average score here doesn't mean you're average. It means you're average among some of the best photographers ANYWHERE!
07/05/2006 01:26:06 AM · #11
Originally posted by ursula:

This is probably not going to help you.

Oh, it certainly helps. The words help and the hug helps.

Everyone's words have helped. I am so thankful for all of them.

edit to add quote

Message edited by author 2006-07-05 01:28:04.
07/05/2006 01:30:26 AM · #12
This is a great picture!!

Keep your head up and keep shooting! Work at what you do best, not what other people want or want to see.

You have great landscape pictures and your macro picture is really good.

07/05/2006 01:32:46 AM · #13
yeah, i've just been putting most of my efforts into my portfolio... and i've noticed the low scores in challenges don't sting as badly when i've got stuff in my portfolio that i like (and that a few other people might actually like). keep entering, but do what you like for the portfolio in your spare time. i think you'll get a lot of pleasure out of that.

you do great work, though! we won't allow you to give up just yet. :)
07/05/2006 01:34:06 AM · #14
ei cheer up! the most important thing is that you liked the photo...
and you have that photo to cherish..

i actually laugh a little when i get low scores. why? because voters have no idea how much i like my photos and even though they score it low i'll always have a story to tell whenever i browse my archives

i dunno if im making any sense but you can't please everybody so start with pleasing yourself... others will follow

besides there's nowhere to go but up

Message edited by author 2006-07-05 01:36:57.
07/05/2006 01:37:40 AM · #15
Yes, I am so happy I am now a member and have portfolio space! Is a great positive thing.

Also, yeah, I am indeed happy with the shot - and my model loves it too, so that is awesome.

Thanks everyone for the general encouragement and the compliments and everything... I feel so much better than when I started this thread. :-)

Originally posted by philup:

Work at what you do best, not what other people want or want to see.

Hmm, if I did that I think it would basically be taking a break from challenges and never coming back, LOL!!

Okay, you've got me laughing so I *know* I feel better now :-D

... and with that, I am off to bed... thank you again everyone and have a great night/day/time and know that you made someone's night a whole ton better. :-)
07/05/2006 01:56:43 AM · #16
I am waiting for the thread that is entitled, BoomTap should just give up! Now that I could believe.
07/05/2006 02:02:40 AM · #17
Originally posted by boomtap:

I am waiting for the thread that is entitled, BoomTap should just give up! Now that I could believe.

And when you're ready for that, I'll gladly inherit your camera.

07/05/2006 02:03:52 AM · #18
Originally posted by sea2c:

Originally posted by boomtap:

I am waiting for the thread that is entitled, BoomTap should just give up! Now that I could believe.

And when you're ready for that, I'll gladly inherit your camera.

maybe a Bugs challenge would do that ;) I want his camera too
07/05/2006 02:05:05 AM · #19
I've been in a challenge-dip too, I felt like I wasn't improving anymore.
but you know what, I decided it's not about the final placement, it's about the fun you can have while brainstorming, preparing and shooting the photo.

for the glass-challenge I had to think about how to make a hole in the bulb. it took me 2 days to figure it out, asking other people how to do it. also avoiding the reflections was a pain in the ass, but it was just pure fun to handle the problems I bumped into ;-)

remember, it's all about fun!!
07/05/2006 02:11:05 AM · #20
If I wasnt on a team with WPL I think I would be taking a long hiatus from DPC. I just get more and more frustrated by the scores I keep getting. While I dont shoot just for DPC scores, it is a bit disheartening to see what you considered a good shot get scored like it's less than average.

Message edited by author 2006-08-15 23:49:31.
07/05/2006 02:14:26 AM · #21
Originally posted by ShutterPug:

While I dont shoot just for DPC scores, it is a bit disheartening to see what you considered a good shot get scored luck it's less than average.

It's understandable - I mean, I dont shoot for scores that much, but from time to time, those ultra-low scores can really demoralize!
07/05/2006 02:26:16 AM · #22
Don't despair ! I know how you feel. My own score in that challenge wasn't much better - and the one I'm in at the moment is going to be my all out lowest !(embarrassed - turning pink !)
I don't know about anyone else but I often enter things I'm not happy with - either the shot or my post editoring. Why do I keep entering ? Good question. I think I figure by doing so then I hopfully learn (eventually) how to think, shot and post edit on the hop.
I figure by only trying it will eventually come. I have been tempted to say - hold back - only enter something you are really happy with. Only problem is - this only happens long after the event or has no relevence to the theme. Therefore I would be only entering once every 6 months.
My ambitions are modest ( a 6 would be nice). I know a lot of people critise the scoring on this site but I must admit when I view the first three places I go - yeah - they are bloody good shots - how did they do that ? As it goes down the scoring I think it becomes more subjective - so I think we have to take our own scores with a grain of salt.
What even makes it more embarrassing for me is the fact that I came from SLR photograpy - so photgraphy wasn't totally new to -BUT - digital is - and I bow to the superior knowledge and skills of the people on this site. Everybody is helpful and friendly and hopefully I'm making some progress with my photographic skills.
Not everybody is a Kiwiness (don't ever trust an ex-New Zealander - I'm sure they are actually ex- Australians who didn't like John Howard) or a Joey Lawrence ( I'm sure he is actually 45 yrs old and lies about his age - rumour has it he is actually Patrick Litchfield going under a pseudonym) LOL
The bottom line - you are not alone in your feelings, have faith in yourself and keep going.
07/05/2006 02:36:40 AM · #23
I left ya a comment. PM me, if I was unclear. Your score has a lot to do with uncalibrated monitors I believe.
07/05/2006 02:50:10 AM · #24
I get upset over my low scores also. Sometimes it's doubly hard to take when I think I went too far in trying to please them yet still fail. At least you submitted something you did like and judging by the nearly 100 or so voters who voted this a 6 or higher I'd say there are plenty of others who liked it as well.

Message edited by author 2006-07-05 02:51:18.
07/05/2006 06:06:49 AM · #25
I've only been submitting for a short while, and yes I agree it can be demoralising to get a poor result. But my picture with the worst showing got more 9's and 10's than the other, so it appealed greatly to some people and that to me means I'm heading in the right direction. So keep plugging away, learning as you go. Good luck!
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